Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Cooper of Tampa, Fla., have returned to their ' home after a visit with Mrs. Grace P. j Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry David- ! son. * ? ? Mr. Wallace Colvard and D. Broad water of Marion, were guests part of las* week of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pal mer. * * * M?>. Alfred Taylor will leave Sat urday tw- a short visit in Savannah. C,; .. after which she will go to Ak ron. Ohio, where she has accepted a position. * * * n> v. and Mrs. Harbison arc enjoy inp ? visit from Rev. Harbison's mother. ... Mi-. K. B. Meroney and Mrs. Henry Akin returned home Tuesday from a vi.-it in Knoxville with Mr. and Mrs. rorter Meroney. ? * * Mrs. Roy Estes and young son Al bert. ? : Newport, Tenn., are visiting relatives in this section. ? * * Mr. Press Gentry is in Struthers, Ohio, where he has a position. * ? * Mrs-. Martin Kinzell and little niece, Ha'/el Knloe. of Atlanta are guests of Mrs. Man E. Deweese. * ? ? Mr. Porter Crisp and family of Smofcemonnt, have moved to town and air occupying a cottage on Church ireet. H * * Mrs. K. W. Gray entertained the Ladie.- Auxiliary of the Presbyterian | church Tuesday afternoon. * * * Mrs. Martin of Boiling Green, Ky., is thi guest of her nieces, Mrs. J. X. Hiil and Mrs. Pearce Fleming. * ? * Dr. Allard Meminger of Charles ton, S. C., has been ?*i guest at the Dickey Hotel. j Mrs. B. Y Dixon went to Macon, I Ga., Tuesday for a visit with Mr. j Dixon. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. O. McCurdy, Mrs. , Edwin Faust and little daughter, Mar tha are visiting relatives in Boston. ? ? ? i Mr. and Mr? Glenn Farner an nounce the birth of a son. Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Farner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hayes at Tomotla. * * * Mr. John Axley is at White Store. Ga., where he has a position. * * m Mrs. Esther C. Freas has returned to Murphy after having spent several weeks visiting in Franklin and Macon county. ? * * I Mr. and Mrs. Fen Gartrell have gone ,to Rochester, Minn., where Mrs. Gar i trell will receive treatment at the ! Mayo Brothers Hospital. * * ? Mr. Pat Cearley has gone to Mem phis, where he has a contract on the construction of the building Sear.? Roebucg and Company are building in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Adams of Cop per Hill have been at the bedside ? f .Air. .John Ingram who is seriously iii | at his home on Martin's Creek. Mrs. G. W. Ellis and Miss Mable ! Ellis spent the week-end in Asheville. Mrs. Oliver Ammt ns Robbins ville was in town with relatives the I first of the week. * * * Mrs. Garrison Mareval of Asheville is visiting relatives in town. * * * Mr. C. II. Bowles and family of Robbinsville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hume Bowles. Mr. Bowles drove his family back to Rob binsville in a new Chevrolet coach, fully equipped. Readers desiriug a personal reply con address Miss Flo , in care of this newspaper. HAIR BLEACHING A DANGEROUS PRACTICE uDcar Miss Flo: "t'lease tell me what to do to keep m\ hair from getting darker, it is boi i't d . natural/) curly, and some tvhe: itily. I hare been using lemon a\ shampoo, but it don not keep tir " *? hare niv hair bleached . as I a naturally fair com/dcxion. tell me of somct'iin^ harm i' ? / can use intlefinifcly with L. * r. "M. ?." a rl he Flu " .i;: up a cf'.J . v ? i" i;;ht t short ,an attack ' ? i ? ore throat or tonsillitis phy . -nu druggists ?. ve n "a' recoiVi i Calotabs, the r.u ii'-d and : calomel compound table" you the effects of calomel and ? > combined, without the tmp.ea.s effects of either. One or two Calotabs at* bed-time "with a swallow of water, ? that's ?ii. No salts, no nausea nor the slighter interference with your eating, work or pleasure. Next, morning your co!d has vanished, your system is_ thor oughly purified and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break fast. Eat what you please, ? r.o dan ger. Ge* a family package, containing full directions, only 35 cents. At any drug store. (adv ) makes every line deeper, and every blemish more prominent. I know of no bleach that will not dry and kill the hair if used con stantly. Of course, preserving the natural color of the hair is quite dif ferent from bleaching it. Sometimes an egg shampoo is very gooil for keeping light hair light. F*?ur eggs beaten up are used in place et soap tor cleansing and lathering. The lemon rinse, while n;-n amend ed usually as a preser\;:iivt n business, i ?> Mrs. Nettie Dickey i lisplaying | some beautiful fruit baskets made from the Armadilla, a small animal 'covered with a hard bony shell divid ed into bands. The baskets are made by taking this shell covering, turning the tail back over the inverted shell and fastening in its mouth. The inside is profusely lined with differ ent color material, and the combina tion makes a very attractive basket. The baskets are made by a man nam ed Apelt out in Texas. X Our buyers have just returned from New :?: Y ork and other northern markets with the very newest things in Spring Coats, Dresses and | Millinery. v Our lines of Silks. Cotton Goods, Hosiery and ?j. Shoes are complete and ready for your inspec $ tion. | AGENTS FOR KAYSER HOSIERY ? Brown Domestic 3'J in. wide. Cretonne, 36-;n. wide, all new good heavy grade Q spring patterns, O r Per yard OC per yar(] LtOC. Dress and Apron Ginghams. ,, Fair grade. ? Bed Spreads. 90 x 105, $2.50 Per yard OC colors. Gold. Pink, Orchid. Blue 32-in. Giigham ? All new pat terns. 1 O _ 1 lot Silk and Wool Per yard .. . 1.50 11 1 lot Silk and Wool r% nn IlC Dresses. L 98 Bed Ticking. Feather or 20c Curtain Scrim, -I n Proof, per yard LjC all colors, per yd. lUC It will pay you to trade with CANDLER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Murphy, N. C. i Hpii ?? n_ q returned the lat Iter part of last week from Raleigh, where he had been the past two 1 1 Months in connection with his duties | as Representative in the Legislature.; SOUTH GASTONIA j Mrs. Ellon Pullium of Loray is on the sick list. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Green, Mr. and Mrs Hardy Baxter were the Sun- j da yevening guest of Mrs. Tom Case. * * ? Mr. Boyd Lunsford was the truest of Miss Willie Bell Smith Sunday af ternoon. * * # Miss Rachel Lofton spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. George Mosteller. | * ? * Miss Rowan Lunsford was the Sun- i day evening guest of Miss Rachel Lofton. Mr. Wade Wilson of Loray was a Molvi/r iii Soiith SuiiUity . * * # .Mr. Thad I >i II s spent Sunday night with Mr. Alvin Green. * * * Mr. George Warn of the Seminols Mill and M ss Mandy Vickers of Kings mountain were happily married Fri day night. * * * Miss Florence Green spent Satur day night with Miss Addie Lunsford. ? # * Mr. Alvin Green, Miss Florence and I Desmer Green, Miss Addie Lunsford (and Miss Sallie Thomasson motored to Kings Mountain Sunday evening they all reported a nice time. * * * Mrs. Florence Smith is spending the week with her daughter Mrs. Dora I Lunsford. ? * * Mr. Arthur Lunsford spent Sunday with Mr. Martin Truett at Loray. FLORENCE GREEN. GENERAL MOTORS' LATEST ACHIEVEMENT rv 7he New and Finer \^r a . r5^ ****% ' ?-> j k ? v nerai Motors startled the world la>t year by developing the 1'cntiac Six to meet the den and for a six of truly high quality and trul < low price. Now, after the greatest tirst year ever enjoyed bva new make of car, comes the New and Finer Pontiac Six ? representing General Motors' most recent achievement! ? ??New Fisher Bodies, longer, lower and arresting in their 1 - jtv! All new Duco color comhinar'.-ns! N- w it.v-whanical improve ments ar.J. refinements including new c -/?-?vn fenders and tiiting-beam headlights with foot control! Ana in spite of all these added fea tures ? even lower prices!. . . Come in! Learn the trulv amaring value offered in this history making car ? AT NEW LOW PRICES Sedan $775 Coupe 775 Sport Roadster $775 Landau Sedan 895 Sport Cabriolet(4-pass.) $835 DeLuxe Landau Sedan 975 Oakland Six, $1025 to $1295. Hodies by Fisher. All prices at factory. Easy to pay on the General Motors Time Payment PUuu BARNETT BRO S. MOTOR CO MURPHY, N. C.