MURPHY MONDAY APRIL 4 DOUBLE ITS FORMER SIZE. EVERY THING NEW BUT THE NAME, THE 83RAOT !F!REE street !RAjR&!DiE - OWE P.M.DAtLV ?> k biodew AND BETTER tman ever// Dorit forget the Date 6 TENTS LOCATED MOORE'S FIELD VALLEY RIVER BRIDGE Andrews Locals The Presbyterian Church of An drews on last Sunday made a call to Rev. Hollinsworth to become pastor of the church, and Rev. Hollinsworth is not only to preach to the local con gregation but will do preaching at various other places in this section. They are making plans to construct a Manse to be located just to the North of the church. We wish them well in their endeavors and hope for them the greatest success. ? # # Mr. J. H. Christy and Arch Walker went to Asheville last week combin ing both a pleasure and business trip. * * * The Andrews Building and Loan Association closed its seventh series on last Saturday night. During the sale there was sold in installment stock the amount of $18,100.00 and $5,800.00 in paid up stock. They ' EVEN AN AUTOMOBILE CAN BE ASHAMED Your car has given you good service during this long bard winter, but no doubt is badly in need of j^amt. Bright spring sunshine is already here so now is the time to give your car a new lease on lifc with a new coat of paint. WE USE ONLY GENUINE DIFFERENT COLORS RATES REASONABLE HYATTS DUC0 SHOP MURPHY, N. C. now have in stock in force over $150,000.00 and loans aggregating $60,000.00. | * * # Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Andrews are making their plans to construct a home on the subdivision of W. T. Moore. The home to be near the John Swan home place. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. S. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Tillitt on Tues day of this week motored to Murphy and on their return stopped only a few minutes and then motored to Robbinsville. ? * ? D. H. Tillitt was in Murphy on Wednesday of this week attending to professional business. * ? ? W. M. Bradley took over the Dreamland Theatre the first of this week and will now run the moving picture show. * * ? C. R. Tarkington and G. B. Hob litzel! v/srg visiters in Robbinsville on Tuesday of this week. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walker were visitors in Murphy on Tuesday of this week. ... Miss Thelma Gregory left Andrews Sunday of this week to go to Aquone where she will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. A. Yonce for several weeks. ... Supt. and Mrs. J. G Allen left last Saturday for a trip to Sanford, N. C. where Mrs. Allen will visit her peo ple and from there on to South Caro lina where Mr. Allen will visit his people. While away Mr. Allen is planning to attend the State Teach er's Association which is to be held at Raleigh. ... The many friends of little Mary Boone will be glad to learn that she has recovered from an attack of flu and is now able to attend school. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown spent last Sunday afternoon in Murphy visiting Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hyatt. Mr. J. H. Everett, of Knoxville, Tenn., spent last week-end in An drews visiting friends. Mike ? That boxer is in the pink of condition. Tyke ? Yes, he makes me see red. "I'm in favor of light whines and sneers," insinuated the ritzy society gal. "Not me," said her partner. "The wages of gin are death." MURPHY STEAM LAUNDRY PURCHASES FOUR LOTS Murphy Steam Laundry, which firm recently was incorporated, last week purchased fowr lots from J. W. Davidson, fronting 200 feet on Hia wassee Street. The present plant is located on one of these lots. This company has recently purchased a large modern washing: machine, which will be installed in the near future. The business has grown so in the past month or so that the machinery with which it started business has become , insufficient to take care of the in- i crease. WEHUTTY We are having growing spring showers now. ? * # People through this section must be doubtful of the weather as none have planted gardens yet. ? * ? ... A. J. Cotter who has been visiting in Ducktown for some weeks has re turned home. * * * J. R. Wilbun is painting A. F. Hill's residence. ... Mrs. Julius Cotter, of Athens, Tcnn visited Mrs Martha Robinson Sun day. ? A -* Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Robinson, form erly of this place, but now residing in Etowah, Ten., announce the ar rival of a baby girl who ha-s been giv en the name Doris Shirley. Work on the five room dwelling being erected by J. Ii. Wilbun has been delayed for several weeks owing to bad roads making it an impossi bility to get material. *8 ? Frank Hall and family, of Duck town, visited A. N\ Postell and wife Saturday. POSTELL Mr. Ranse Harris is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Stiles, at Postell. ... Mrs. Nina -Jones from Upper Shoal Creek spent Thursday night and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Al len. ... Mr. John Stiles from Postell visit ed his daughter, Mrs. Mary Walker at Suit last week. ? ? ? Mrs. Henry Dockery and daughter Miss Bessie, from Wehutty spent the Duco is positively a delight to use/ No messing up the house, when you paint with Duco ! ? for Duco is so easily brushed on, and dries so fast, that you can put everything back in place? right after painting it! Let us give you a free color card, showing the beautiful new pastel shades. Duco also comes in full tones of color, and four stained effects: wal nut, mahogany, light oak and dark oak. i EL fn)r5U\r DUCO CAROLINA LUMBER & BRITTA1N & AXLEY SUPPLY CO. Murphy, N. C. Andrews, N. C. week-end with the formers son, Jim Dockery and family at Postell. * * * Mr. John Mason made a business trip to Murphy Saturday. ? * ? M ?s. S. A. Stiles is some better at this writing. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Craig and dau ghter from Ducktown visited the formers brother, Mr. Noah Craig,] and family Sunday. * * * Mis: Ethel Swanson visited her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, Sunday. * * ? Mr. md Mrs. Willie Crowder and children spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Birt Mason. Rev. S. A. Stiles and son made a business trip to Murphy Saturday. Mrs. Tilda Dockery and little son, Henry, and Miss Besie Dockery, visit ed Mrs. R. P. Allen, Saturday even ing. Mrs. Hensley visited her brother, Mr. Castell Hawkins at Postell Sun I day. Mr. and Mrs. Marshell Hamby were visitors at Suit Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Marie Hawkins and little daughter, Alleen, visited her sister, Mrs. Mae Hawkins last week. "only the most advanced engineering could create it - only super-precision >ds could produce it: i SEDAN If you arc one of chose sound automobile buyers who buy on comparative values, and If you com pare the Greater Oakland Six against the best its field affords? you will discover that only the most advanced engineering could create it ? ? ? and only super-precision methods could produce it. In no other car of the $1000 class will you find such a matchless combination of engineering ad vancements as in the Greater Oakland Six. For no other car, regardless of price, provides Oakland's Rubber-Silenced Chassis and Harmonic Balancer, Oakland's full pressure oiling, bronze-backed in terchangeable main bearings, foot controlled tilt ing-beam headlights and four-wheel brakes. Nor in any other car of comparable price will you find so many examples of that super-precision in manufacture directly responsible for long car life and lasting owner satisfaction* All Oakland piston pin bushings arc diamond bored ... All Oakland connecting rodsara exactly matched for center of gravity and weight. All Oak land rotating parts from transmission to rear axle are completely balanced. These are practices which typify the most modern and exacting principles of scientific manufacture and Oakland uses them alll * Oakland Six. $1025 Co $1295. Tht Nnu and Finer Pontiae Six? at Neu) Low PricM? *775 to 3975. Bodies by FUfur. AU prices at factory. Eaty to pay on du General Motor* Tim* Payment r BARNETT BROS. MOTOR CO. Dlie Greater - AKLAND SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS WINNING AND HOLDING GOOD WIU.