The Leading Weekly Newspaper in Western r o xxxix. KUMBO! I - ? ro 'na, ervmg a ar ;ejmd Potentially Rich Territory in this state MURPHY. NORTH MDnnv, i.' 1 1 1 , i % " ? ? MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA FKIltAY. SKiTKMISK!: 5c COI'Y ? $1.50 HoK YEAH BIG DAY PLANNED SEPT. 5 LOCAL POST AMERICAN LEGION Double Header Ball Game Between Colored Teams, Tur n'-War Etc., on Program \ double header ball frame be ? v.eeii colored teams, speaking ,tug-o* v. . gioasy pole climbing, etc.. arc , a of the Labor Day Pi'oirram , tli? American Legion f :>i* .Monday. : teinber "?th, according to an .ku ment this week by members of ? In- i! l'< >t in charge of arrange pS The program is scheduled to begin ? 1 i.Vlock with a public address by ilt-n. I>- Withetspeon. spokesman and hv:K>r.;r.\ member of th? Legion, af which will follow a tug-o'-vvar, urtJ^y ,u>le climbing, and other fea ?,<. The greasy pole will have a Sill of good size on top of it ana the ,ne climbing up far enough to re it from the pole will be winner ? if (he contest and the money will be his. The tug-o'-war will be staged y Jill veterans of the great war who care t? participate. The double header ball games will In- between the colored team-= of An drews and Blue Kidge, and Murphy will play the winner of the first match. These games are expected to be lively, and some good playing will he exhibited. This progiam was worked out at the regular meeting of the .Joe Mil <r Klkins Post ?.f the American Le vion Tuesday night. This was the irst meeting of the post in new quarters, over Brittain & Axlev's Hardwaie store on Valley River Avenue. Among the important matters com to the attention of the post was the condition of Comrade Graves in the western sectii.n of the county and a committee was appointed to visit him and ascertain his condition. "Next Tuesday night will be an occasion tor the election of officers," -tated Vice Commander Cooper, who presided in the absence of Command er Adams, "and we want every mem jcr of the p?.st present on that occas ion." It is the desire of the post to en list in its membership every veteran | ot the world war, and especially does She local post desire a list of the vet erans from this section. Those vet erans who have not yet affiliated with the post are requested to send their names, the outfit they served with and the length of their service to Comrade Ralph Moody, who is histor ian of the post and who is compiling " history of the veterans from this section. Anyway, send him your name and address and he will see you and get the desired information. FALLS CRUSHED TO DEATH UNDER PILE OF LUMBER Lumber Inspector For G. H, Cope Was Well Known In TlirS Section Mr. T. W. Falls, lumber inspector for G. H. Cope lumberman of this place, met sudden death Friday af- 1 tcrnoon, August 19th, when a stack ! ut lumber near which he was work- ! mg, suddenly and without warning, toppled over, ci ushing his body be- \ neath its heavy weight. The debris was removed as quick- 1 h- as possible by Mr. Cope and others ? "who were present when the accident ; happened. A doctor was summoned *>iit the body was found lifeless, death j having been instant. The incident occured on the old j lumber yard near the Southern depot j *?*- Murphy. Mr. Falls was well known through this section and had many friends, j was born in ! *72 in Fannin j v<?"nty, Georgia, near Blue Ridge. came to Murphy in 11)10 as lum ' inspector for the Murphy Furni SCHOOL OPENS 1927-28 SESSION NEXT MONDAY Teachers Meeting Scheduled For Saturday to Make Preparations for Opening The Murphy S? hool* will open Morda> of next week at N:i2"> ac cording to announcement made l?y chool officials. Kvery child in the community should begin the first day and he as regular in attendam-c dur ing the year as is physically possible, 1 s'^tcd Superintendent B. W. Sipe. ! Th?? eli'ldren will assemble in fiont J 1. 1' the respective buildings at S:2"> 1 when the hell taps and will inarch j to their rooms .after which they will i ; a.-' * in the auditoiiuin for the opening exercises. Then will tol i low an hour or so when classes will he j c.rjrnnized and preparations made for the beginning <?f worlv in earnest, stsited Mr. Sipe. 'Ihe Superintendent desiies to rail I attention if the public through the columns of this paper to the fact that no ciass nf beginner* will be started after Christmas a* has been the cast ii> the pa.-t. All chihlren who will be six ycais old any time before Christ mas should start in the f'i-t day in the fall. Those who will be six early in the new year n ay enter in the fall by special permission which permis " ?n will be granted unless the child - especially small <?i the crowded < u ''ition ??f the grade will net per-1 As many parents as possible ;ye urged t ? ? attend the opening on Mon day morning, and as often during the yeai as is possible. Mr. Sipe stated , that for the school to be a success it must have the full cooperation of all t the people, and especially of the par- , ents. A general teachers meeting will be" held Saturday afternoon at three ] o'clock to make preparations for the i opening. The teachers are as fol lows : First grade, Mrs. I*. \V. Sipe and . Mrs. D. S. Grant. Second Grade: Mrs. H. X. Wells j and Miss Ella Mc Combs. Third Grade: Mrs. Margaret Bell and Miss Leila Hayes. Fourth Grade: Miss Luceba Trip-; !c-tt and Miss Emily Sword. Fifth Grade: Miss Pauline Hood. Sixth Grade: Mis. C. K. Hoover. Seventh Grade and High School: Mr. C. D. Caler, Mrs. K. J. Harbison, Miss Jen ess Cox, Miss Annie B. Bail- j ey. Mr. B. H. Cairoll, and Mr. .1. D. Warrick. ture Company, at the instance of G. j H. Cope, who was connected with this , company at that time. The Murphy ! Furniture Co., was. succeed by The Vi.lley River Furniture Company and Mr. Falls retained his relation as lumber inspector until this Company j discontinued business more than a year ajjo. .Since that time, Mr. Falls and two of his sons, Yick and Henry have been constantly employed by Mr. Cope, lumberman, Mr. Falls be in jr chief inspector and foreman of the yard. Funeral services were held from the I?aptist Church by the pastor. Rev. T. L. Sasser, assisted by Rev. E. J. Ilai bison, pastor of the Methodist j Church, on Saturday Aujrust 20th. ? and interment was in Sunset Ccrr.c teiy. He is survived by his wife and three sons and two daughters. The Music Club will meet in the *!ul> room.- in the library buildinjr Friday nwrht, September 2nd. ac coidin? i ? ? announcement by officers : . f the club thi.- week. A special pro- ; m h;is been prepared and all mem liers of the club are requested and ursi .1 to 1 e j. resent. ? COMMUNITY ROOM TO BE DEDICATED Prominent Visitors To Take Part On Program At Celebration Saturday Plans have been compute'! >\- the {Indication of the Comnuini' Itooni ?>: tin John C. Campbell V ? School i Jiuisstown next Satutd?-; ? ptem ???r a. according to ai r: <?. .-mcnt ly officials of the school ; week. 1 continent visitors of tv. nations j will l?c present at tin de<! .. .<?n ex excises, which bejfin at 1!>: 1 clock, unci take part on this pre aei. The .services will be < , - ? ? ? ? 1 with ?a welcome address by II- ? ? '??an H. Pillard, prominent Murphy .ittorney] and a member f ? f tin board 1' direc ? tor-. Other speakeis on the program includ< Messrs. Jacob and Hazier Renmche. of Denmark; Dr. Wilii;. m .i. Hntcl'ins, jte detu of I'ciea College, liercu, Ky. : dr. Chris Christei.son, head of the i ? ; artmcnt ol t o-operative Market under the I'nited States Department of Ajrrrciilture. Washington. P. Dr. lJrooks and Dean Schaub. of the , North Carolina State College, Kal- 1 eigli; Mr. John \V. Goodman. District I 'emonst ration Agent for Western North Carolina, of Ashevillc. At the noon hour a basket dinner will be served on the grounds. Tiie Community room i> by <>o feet. and will be used as a gathering pia.f e of tiie IStasstnwn e<>inmunily and other gatherings. It will also . ( "\e as the main lecture hall of the ? John C. Campbell Folk Si-hool, which I begins its first session in I >. -ember. I The room was made le by I <!t. nations by the people ?.f lirassiown and adjacent communities of lumber, 1 labor, etc. Seats for the room were , furnished by citizens and business j firms of Cherokee and Clay Counties, j in the form of chairs. The Communi- i ty Room is the pride ??t" the people of , Rrasstown, and indications ate hun- i dteds of people float this sc.' t ion will attend its dedication. REV. C. F. MARIN HEADS BAPTISTS ANI'RKWS, N. <\. Aug. lil?. ? Hie WesU-rn Xorth Carolina Baptist asso ciation has just closed its forty-third annual meeting at the First Baptist church here. The association was in session three days. Office** elected for the coming* year are Roy. F. .Martin, modera tor, Rev. Algia West, vice-modera tor; George W. Ivimsey, clerk; Rev. T. L. Sasser. of Murphy, historian; and II. M. Whitaker. treasurer. All of these were re-elected except II. M. Whitaker. This was one ??t* the most largely attended associations that has heen held for years and practically all j c hurt* lies w ore repicsented hv v ?od delegations. Among the visitors present were . \\ . R. Beach, of The Bibical Record er; Rev. E. X. Gardner, pastor of 1 the Orphanage church at Thomasville; Rev. A. (*. Haniby, repres mutative missionary interests; Rev. M. I,. Lew is of the Carolina Association; and A. ( L. Corpeuing of Mars Hill College. All of these men made stiring speech es with the single exception of Mr. Beach, who had t<? leave before he could get a ch'itw o to speak for The j Reeoi der. Owing to limited time, only two verm* ns were gi\en during the meet ing. Rev. Mr. Martin, the modera tor preatlied introductory ser noii, and Rev. Mr. Sasser preached Friday night. Both Sermons were ex ?epti? nai'y ?roo<i. The elite, rlaii meiit of the delegates including* h'.nchi > at he noon hour were ample and many who desired t?? ' furnish homes <!ifI noi get to do .*o because many ot the delegates we:it home at j . i;. hr sin<e th?v came ill car> i INTERNATIONAL MOTORCADE TO ARRIVE IN CIT Y AT NOON SEPT. 5 EX-SECRETARY OF THE NAVY VISITS MURPHY Hon. Jor.ophiis and Mrs. Daniels Pleasantly Surprised With Trip To This Section H ? :i . Jn>ophiis I Janiels. See retail or tin Navy under the Wi'son Ad ministration and publisher of trie ltaleigh Xi ws and Ol. i-rvrr. and Mr-. Dan els. of llnlci h, wen visitors to Murphy I * ? r about two hours Monday. .Mr. Danie!> had ? ome to t hi- ecti'.n to deliver an addre at Cullowhi ? State .\? rn :ii < ?dlege, following which lu-y came on to Murphy. While heie Mr. Daniels called on his life long fiiend. Hon. John II. Dillard. and together with .M : - . Dan iels they inspected Cherokee County's .lew court house now ncarinK com pletion. "It is a magnificent structure, and a distinct credit t?? the State of Noiih Caiolin;4." cumim-n!' ?( Mr. Daniels after lieinji shown through the huild injr. According to Mr. Dillard. he also expressed the opinion (hat it seemed utter folly for North Carolina to t?o t?i other -tatc- for building stone when right here w ithin her own '?orders could lu* found the most beautiful and substantial building stone in the country. Mi. Daniels, a newspaper man of enviable record, always interested in new. |\\ rs. and . rinting off* ? s. v = also a pieasant caller at The Scout nil ice. The editor remembereu shak ing his hand on another occasion dur ing the world war. when Mr. Daniels, together with the,, Colonel hut now I rigadiei General Smedley D. ISut lei , of the Marine Corns, came through the troop train enroute to Hoboki'ii. X. J., and thence to France, between Washington City and Ualti nioie, shaking hands with the boys of the 1 :5th Regiment of Marines and bidding them Godspeed. .urs. Dan:c!s was fondly known as the "Mother of the l.'Uh," and it was she who presented the colors to this tiginient at (juantico, Va? just prior to its leaving for France, and it was | a distinct pleasure to "one of the boys to make her acquaintance in civil lit e. Their son. Josephus Jr., was a Lieutenant in this regiment, and we believe later became a tap ? ain. While heie. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were introduced to a number of our citizens. This was their first \isit to Muiph> and the extreme western section of the state, and they ex pressed themselves as being pleasant ly surprised with the trip, especially < ur beautiful little city and the won derful scenery. Harshaw Family Have Annual Home Coming Mi . ;mcl Mis. A. McD. Harshaw j having with them sit their old home! on the ".Juir Farm* all their children, ! if! and children and great grand ehil dren. excepting Mrs. K. II. May. of Knoxville and Mrs. S. S. Williams : who is on a tour through Canada. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. ? I. A. Richatdson and Miss A!| Richatdson. Mrs. John Britton and three children. Mrs. Callie Hall. Miss j Ada Hawshaw. Mr. S. S. Williams, of ? Asheville; Mr. Edgar Ha f haw. f Newport News. Va.: Miss Helen Har ' shaw, of Asheville and Mr. an?l Mrs.' Henry M. Harshaw. of St. Petersburg , Fia.. I ? v ?r ;mo.! fro u every v- >iv.--r I the as-o< iation. \ special motion was offered by ' R' Mr. Sasser extending the hearty "thanks"* to Andrews for us hospi a!ity an?l the motion was unani:v.<<u? adopted.? heville Citizen Murphy Will Be First Luncheon Stop F.n Route From Atlanta to Quebec Originatin-j in New Ot:?*an- and mo, > to great strength in At lanta. the Appalachian Scenic High wax International Motorcade. sp?>n sored by thi- Atlanta Journal, w 'I arrive in Murphy about noon Monday Soptenilnv 5th, and be. es? ok'led to Cherokee I'ark and Fair Grounds for , lum 1h''?ji by citizen-: of Murphy. i In* motorcade, which will add new car to its rank in e.v h c v ib?n t ?? ate t" lea\e Mur phy at l o'clock and will pro ? ed ov? > tin Appalachian Sin it Highway tl. ; . th ? i'< -iV.t ifal Val'?-y Kiver V.-r?-:. . Nantahala ( ".01 go and ??n to A ? ville. whicB avitt l?e the : rst ni^ht st < ? _' i?ovcr after leaving Atlanta. I ru* Murphy Lions Club, of which , V. . M. Fain is president, will be in charge of the luncheon, which will be served in the main building of the 1 fair grounds at the edge of the city, v In re many similar events have been he'd. '1 Here will le a brief welcome addw by Lion Withcrspoon and a briet ? ponse which will conclude ' the i ll-making. Some of the notable in the tour will probably be ; M?t?n<!uc d. An official car will meet , the tour at the Georgia-. North Caro l fi:'. state line and escort it to the fair groan :s. where ample arrange ments have been m ule for pal kiijafil the ? <irs. .Amonu. thu.-e traveling with the motorcade will be included represen tatives of state highway commis ions. : . j > ? i*ntati\e:- oi'.-tate govei nmetits. hichway enthusiasts, officials of the Appalachian Scenic Highway, repre sentat'vev of chambers of commerce am! representative* o| the press. The committees in charge of the etnertainment and reception, of which W. M. Fain is general chairman, are as follows t K. P. Hawkins, parking; K. .1. Har bison and C. \V. Bailey, advertising; K. K. Adams and H. G. Rlkins, food; G. \V. Ellis, C. K. Hoover and H. D. Bainctt, finance; I). Witherspoon, Welcome; R. W. Gray, grounds; B. \V. Sipe and W. \V. Hyde, program. The Dickey Hotel has been selected 1 by the manager of the tour as heari j quarters at Murphy. I POULTRY WEEK Mr. ('. F. Parrish will ho with us i on the following dates and we will j hold culling demonstrations with j feeding and care of poultry. I hope i that each person where we have meet | ings will try to have up several old j hens so that we will have some to CUll. ! Tuesday, Sept. ?? t h 10 o'clock, Mrs. ? -I. 11. Fllis. Martin's (.'reck. ^ Tuesda>, Sept., (?th, 2 o'clock. C. i C. Kvans, Ranger Road. Thuvsday, Sept.. 8th, It) o'clock. Mrs. W. I?. Johnson. Thursday, Sept.. s th, o'clock. Mr. Hud Sales, Tomotla. Friday, Sept.. i*th, 10 o'clock, Mrs. F. .1. Watkins. Peachtree. Friday, Sept., 9th, '?> o'clock. .!. C. Campbell Folk School. Saturday, Sept., 10th. lo o'clock* Mrs. II. B. McXabh. Suit. 1 trust that we wil have a good at tendance at each place as Mr. Par rish will have something to teli you that will be of some service to you in your poultry work. R. W. GRAY, County Agent. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends ami neighbors for th?_:.r kir.dnetv? to us in the 1< of our loved one. .May God's ri; ?? he with you all. ;;p.S. T. W . I'M nr.'l family

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