The Leading Weekly Newspaper in Western North Carolina, Serving a large and Potentiall y Rich Territory in this state ?OLUME XXXIX. NUMBER 28. AIL'RPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1U28. 5c COPY ? $1."0 PER YEAR )EAL 'EM OVER' fO BE PRESENTED RIDAY NIGHT Comedy in Three Acts Prom- j ptes to be Laugh-Provoking Features Between Acts fhf Murphy Lions Club will pre- ] ht "Deal 'Km Over," a farce com in three acts, at the igh school |ditorium Friday night, February at 7:30. with special f ture at kctions between acts by * tal (The play is full of excitin and igh-provoking scenes, and . said the publishers. Walter H oaker ? Co., to be the# funniest play on the Vrket. ?The theme of the p'ay is woven pund the finding of an Aztec mum the Princess Soco-Popayan, and ^aluablo collection of emeralds, by nuel Fowler, who has a hobby for khering things of antiquity. When find- the mummy he has it ship to his home in New York State. |buneh of crooks attempt to steal mummy and emeralds, and the kited States Secret Service is tip \ off that the find is very valuable the duty amounts to a prohibit* sum. whereupon agents are sent | investigate the matter. The po of New York are also interest J? and so is the police at Fairfield, IY |/pon his arrival. Fowler discovers the mummy case has been tarn fd with, the U. S. Secret Service s having substituted a fake ny for the real one ir, ar a* t-? find the emeralds, which :ng and no one seems to ?^e i ! them* Hie entire house* *" tive i, ? . e crooks etc.. cv: vy'i. ! - - the "Snoop'n" r, e : c^ly tlv butler, v. ho > the emeraMs and hides them .1 in t e Horr 1 "n The situation turn . explanations and idenit |-er-m?' x ? ii;ht . ? < . linir that pratf Illy ev< ry pei m connected with ? plot i^ parading under an assumed Ve, the crooks are caught, and 1 "niftiest chief of the U- S. Secret jvice" has a new assistant. From the title of the play, one ?Id believe that cards were played j?er profusely, but not a single is used, the general idea being ; there has been a "mis-deal" in I entire p'ot, denoting the title, al 'Em Over." I*he play is so ful! of funny and th provoking scenes and incident the players, chough they have tn going through the acts every ht for the past two weeks, find lifficult to play it without burst forth in laughter. A number Itimes the whole cast has roared such laughter, that the act or e had to be halted and a new be ting made or, in the words of the 1 "Deal 'Em Over/* >ULTRY CAR RUNS ? DNESDAY, FEB. 22 he Poultry Car running on the phy Branch, leading poultry in Cherokee, Graham, Swaim, Ma I and Jackson Counties runs next loads al day in Murphy, Tues February 21, Wednesday, 22, k up at Topton and loads in Bry ?City Wednesday fatemoon, all ^lursday in Sylva. The stop at |>n has not been made this year e, but since there are a lot of fy in Graham County that Id reach this car, also poultry in ?okee County that is a long ways Murphy, and poultry in Macon (ty that can be delivered to Top better than Franklin. prices are as follows: aens 20c hens 18c ns 18c 10c 20c 17c THE THREE MUSKETEERS NEXT LYCEUM When Alexander Dumas wrote his delightful novel of seventeenth cen tury France, "Thee Three Muske teers." he gave the world a never-to he-forgotten picture of the doughty, tray, gallant spirit of the cavalier. The three popi'ar singers who compose the musical company which joint ? here Friday evening, Febru ary 24 on the Lyceum course, are called The Musketeers because of a certain joyous, care-free air reminis cent of the characters Dumas so kill fully drew They give to their : erforfftance a swaggerish touch that makes their entertainment highly in dividual and unique. In addition to the cycle of songs related to the "Musketeer" days, a group of Scotch songs is presented "n costume, also a group of modern English and American songs. Inimitable humorous readings and imrersonations are a very popular feature. LOCAL AND PERSONAL M ?. mil Mr- '?*' Williamson ? = f Ashcville, wer: vic tors to Murphy th wv'.'k. Air. \V;!!:.inisr n is with the Wac iov!a Hank & Trust Com pany of A.-hcviU?. Rev. II. I'. Powell will po to an At lar.t ho* tal next week for trcat nu'P.i, h< announced at the mid . wee*; pra v service. .V * ?:?? ? . Henry Axley an- ; n< ? the ' irth of a daughter on ! re! ? >* 1 I, who has been the Anne. 1 little infant of Mr. and A II. I.vnthcrwr.-d died T t y | ? . . ; \Vf?'nf lay. Ii wr. - Jith oid. Mr. i-.nd AY P. B^al have re-' rer.tly ? 1 ' their home ? ? >n i!t?al town to Mr. Hadley Dic'iey. It is understood that they will not vacate the house until sometime next fall. Sometime apo .Air. Beal purchased a farm in the Bellview section just across the state line in Georgia, but undecided whether they wil' move there next fall. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Holder mov ed last week into the residence next to the Burns store of Payne & Wof ford on Hiawassee street. The Woman's Club met in a regu I lar business session Wednesday af ternoon in the club room of the Li brary building Th* meeting was presided over l?y the president, Mrs. E. B. Norvell, following which Mrs. I'!, (i White gave a reading. The rssemb'y hall of the library, where the Cherokee C ounty Superior Court was held during the tiiTi.j that the new court house was under course of construction, has been re calcimined and repainted by the county commissioners and the Club decided to hold their meetings in that room in the future. New shades have- been placcd on the windows, and it is the plan of the Club to put curtains up as soon as possible. Mr. R. C- Tarkington, of Andrews, representative of the Standard Oil Company, was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mrs. Price Charters, of Gaines ville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Cooper this week Misg Elizabeth Smith, County Wtf fare Superintendent, returned Thurs day from Cincinnati, Ohio, where she addressed the Church Mission of Help, Institute on Social Work and the Rural Field, which met there February 14, 15 and 16. Miss Smith addressed the gathering on the 15th, her theme being "Developing Rural Resources." P. T. A. MET FIRST FRIDAY The? F'arent-Teacher association meeting heia on the first Friday af ternoon of this month was the best attended and in many way.? was one of the best meetings held Besides the entertainment program by some of the school children, Mrs. E. C. Mallonee recited and Miss Elizabeth r.m'.th read a paper on inheritance and its relation to the home. When the mothers of the children in the various grades were counted it was found that Miss McConihs* ection of the Fourth grade had the greatest percent of mothers present, about 26 percent, and this grade was accordingly awarded the prize. Each month a prize will be awarded to the grade having the greatest per cent of the mothers of the children present The grade mothers arc ex pected to secure lists of the parents (?f c hildren in their respective rooms and make a special effort to have as many of them present at the meet ings as possible. The next meeting will be he'd on Friday night, March 2nd, at 7:30 o'clock and it is to be known as " TWddy's night.'* A special effort will be had to have the fathers of the children present at this meeting. The program will be largely enter taining in nature. POSTELL Mr. ernest Allen who h:is boon at Ducktown, Tonn . for the past week 1 hn-- relumed to Postell. Mr. John Swanson spent Wednes f>:.v niirht with Mr. F. II. .Jom* and j family. i h. v. hool at fiavk School do Tuesday after a sua .. m 'inr taught by Mr- Karl (">. v> ford of Hayesvilie. X. C., and Mis ? ! Li Hie a i ? and Mr. ? ' i ? S t nt Monday afternoon at rt:\< McDoi:.: ! is very si,l: '.v ;h measles. 1 'i . ' r.nie Stilts and ehvdren | visited Mrs. Ella Teague Saturday :? fternoon Miss Emma Jones and Miss Lexie i Allen visited Miss Hazel Allen Fri- j day afternoon. Mr. W. M. Crowder and family of F'lue Ridge. Ga., visited Mr. Crow der's father, Mr T. W. Crowder, Sunday night. Mr. Clate Brown returned from Gastonia Friday to Postell. Misses Vernie and Tempa Jones spent Saturday night with Miss Ber tha Jones. Messrs. Dewey and Noah Stives made a business trip to Ducktown Monday. Mr Will Allen from Oak Park., N. C., visited his son, Mr. Lon Allen last week. Messrs. Fred and Marion Jones who have been working at Blue Ridge, Ga., spent Saturday night and Sunday night with home folks on upper Shoal Creek Mr. Laldes Quinn made a business trip on upper Shoal Creek Tuesday. Mr. Willis Allen spent Saturday night with his sister, Mrs- Ella Tea gue. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hughes spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. G. E Hughes. Mrs. Ollie Harris and children vis aed Mrs. Harris* sister-in-law, Mrs. S. A. Stiles, Monday afternoon. Mr- Wi'lis Allen spent Thursday night with Mr. E. Montgomery Mr. Jack Teague has been on the sick list. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Bailey and paity of Hendersonville, were here one day this week enroute to Hen dersonville from Atlanta, where they had bee*, visiting. Mr. Bailey was formerly with the Murphy branch of the L. & N. Railroad. Mrs. G. C- Conley, of Marion, is the guest this week of her daughter, Mrs. C. K. Hoover. HOW LEGION MEN MAKE THEIR DAILY BREAD Who are members of the Ameri can Legion? What arc they doing in civilian life.? Do thy retain the wanderlust engendered l?y their years of service at home and abroad, ?>r have they settled down in homes! of their own? These questions are answered by statistics tabulated by the American Legion Magazine The figures show that the Legion naire has settled into the life of the nation in a manner fortunate for the country's welfare. Farmers, Ranchers and Cowboys 102,7:57 Clerks 82,100 S.f esmen and Agents 49,470 Laborers 47,152 i Mechanics 44,390 ] Doctors and Surgeons 27,035 Public Officials Managers Lawyers Contractors and Builders Dentists Teachers Nurses Railroad Men Restaurant Men Clergymen Actors and Musicians . Printers Newspaper Men Artists Photographers Barbers Chauffeurs Designers Inspectors Lumbermen ? lanufacturers Oil orkers stmicnta Tr..; r? 22,877 22,470 1 6,932 10,855 7.377 13,085 f.,112 13.100 5.215 2.692 2,640 5.840 4.430 407 1.315 .267 11.153 140 | 2.042 j 3,015 | ::.r. 12 : 7.1 r. 5 2.71*7 1,9 ;?"> 7,710 | ?s -r-.u 2 -?? c rs and Surveyor 1 1.06f?5 T. ! .. ne Operators 2,.^ !" | I)on;?'stic Servant 425 Army 5,037 Almost three-fourths of the Le gion members are married, the per cent being 73.4. Of this number a goodly portion own thein own homes and 393.633 of these veterans own automobiles. What kind of picture does the mighty army of this list giv^? you? Surely not one of class organiza tion. It spells success by veterans since they left the service. It means a self-contained family which could take care of itse'f in all the essen tials of civilized life. PLEASANT HILL Rev. Sibbald Smith and his young 'bride returned Saturday afternoon from Cherokee, N. C., where they spent the week visiting friends of Rev. Smith. Mr. M* C. Deaver of Ducktown, Tenn., spent Monday with his fath er and mother. Mr. and Mrs. J R. Deaver. Mr Deaver has been very ill but is improving. Our Sunday School keeps growing and we hope to be able to make ours one of the A1 schod's of N. C. Our pastor gave the congregation a short but impressive message using for his text the 11th chapter of Mat thew, 3rd verse. Theme "The Dan- | ger of forgetting Christ after com ing into personal contact with Him. Our pastor and wife with our pas tor's two little girls joined Mr. Wiley Hamby and wifle in a pleasant visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Shearer. Everybod is invited to visit us and especially on Sundays, if you will come and help us build a better Sun day school. The wedding bells are ringing of ten about Pleasant H?l. Mr. Greely Murphy and Miss Vesta Williamson were married by Rev. Dan Moses last Saturday afternoon. MEN OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH GET TOGETHER Rev. T. L- Sass?*r Host at Banquet Last Thursday Night ? Seventy Four Present The men of the Baptist Church were feted at a suftiptous banquet last Thursday night by the pastor. Rev. T. L. Sasser, at which seventy four were present, including Rev Howard P Powell, pastor of the Methodist Church, and Rev. J. P. Anderson, pastor of the Presby terian Church, and several visitors The banquet was prepared and I served by the Womans Missionary 1 Society in the ladies parlor of the I church. The meeting was a sort of get-to gether affair, at which discussions of the financial status of the church were entered, the reports and speech making being interspersed with sing ing of the old gospel hymns. Mr. Sasser acted as toast master, and short talks were made by Rev. An derson, Rev. Powe'l, and others One feature of the meeting was the report of the building committee on ihe status of finances of the church and many questions and much discussion was had relative to th<* report. The building has cost to the present stage of construction $35,000, according to the report. More than 318,000 has been raised from free will offerings, approxi i mately two thousand of which hr.s been ??iven by V. ? W .man's Miss' -n ary Society, while about $15,000 has been raised from bonds sold and i*: sued by the church. The pastor, in h!j address, .-tres sed the point that the church needed ihe building i' ni-' !. and that nlans for continuing ;!? ? were being ref lated. It was also , u-<! I hat the church approximately :;wv> on and do]-* ' .!?>, of which :i large mi is cover ed by notes heli: l?y t'r. ? e mmittee from a number of individuals a'i of which are now due. Some discussion was had on or ganizing a service club for the men of the church which met with favor able comment, and it is expected I that this organization will take place at a future meeting. The occasion was an enjoyable af fair, the spirit of goodfellowship and co-operation prevailed through out and it is expected that much good will come of the meeting, and that more such gatherings wjll be held in the future. WOLF CREEK It seems that ? as reported from I here vast week, that Mr. J. R. Hyatt had pone to Atlanta, for an opera tion ? a mistake was made, as he has returned home without doing so. We regret this error. Mir. Bill Stuart, son of Dave Stu art, brought the remains of his wife from Madisonville, Tenn, and laid her to rest in the cemetery at Mace donia church Monday. She leaves a husband and one child about one year old and a host of friends to mourn. She had measles with a com plication of pneumonia. It is reported that Mr. Tom Han cock, who was operated on last week for appendicitis, is making a nive re covery. I am sure his many friends rejoice with his family in this. Mr W. L. Garren and son, Her bert, left here Friday morning of last week to attend a church confer ence at Ooltewah, Tenn. They re turned home Monday and report a pleasant trip with some splendid meetings. The general health of our people seems to hove improved in the last wee\. Mr. A. J. Simonds is erecting a nice new barn

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