? - t M ^ The Leading Weakly NeW? paper in Western Nor.h Carolina, Serving a large and Potentially Rich Territory in thi. state \ \ \ I \ Vf i J VOL X VM V \G. 4i. Ml !\ I *H ^ . NORTH CAI!OI.I\ \.n;n>\V \m 2.-.. i ?">< < '?i>\ KMi ATO nil ATT |C MA'," A watt Am r iW i v n r i Yii-.ri.iJi^ FOR MURPHY ,->- C/'irn Herewith ?;, ' ; -!???: -?? M:p j'!l V Ml as , i , , 10:20 in tin* 1110111 . \ i . \ew 1 ork hi lime b( deliver! |j... i; i-'rs. i? now a possihil in i * ! i 1 1 - !?> a li-tler of si-hrd i.. ixi-il ll'i- wi-rk from the su|>?*rinli""'l,"til "f fourth division Ka!l?ai Mail Servicr. with offices in Atlanta. 1 The Irttrr follows: Atlanta. C. a.. May 21. 1928. Tim* Poslnitsaer, Mnrphv. Y C. | \|\ Dr.ii >ir : Vmir attention is respect full) in vjtcd t<* schedule of Contract Air | Mail Routes 19 and 23, New York, Y V. t?? Mtanta. Ga.. and \tlanta. i Ga.. t<? New Orleans. La., published j iti Jlli Division General Order No. I 27(? ??: \pril 10. 102ft. ^ our atten- I lion i- respectfully invited to llie i I n?niiccti?ni from train 1 ( >3 leaving ! I Murphv 10:20 a. in.. Kllijay 12:52! p. in., la Iking Koek 1:26, Jasper; 1:15. Talc I :5f>. Nelson 2:03. arriv- | injr Atlanta 1 :30 p. in., connecting with the northbound plane on Con trail \ir Mail Route 19 leaving j Atlanta ?'?:00 p. m. W estern Time, arriv hip \ew ^ ork, in time for de- j liven l'\ first carriers the next j morning. Nour mails for New Orleans will also i on ncrl with the southbound plane 'Hi Contract Air Mail Route' 2.'t leaving Atlanta 8:30 a. m. the tla\ after dispatch from your office, arming at New Orleans 11:00 a. in. i out office can also receive mails from points on Contract Air Mail (O'Ulcs 23 from New Orleans t? Atlanta, and 19 New York to At lanta. as follows. Mails dispatched from New Orleans and New York in the afternoon by mail, will be de livered l?> train 101 leaving Atlanta ?'l'; a. in.. Nelson 10:02 a. m.. fate 10:00. Jasper 10:21, Talking Koek 10:37, Kllijay 11:13, Murphy l-''1 p. m.. the day after dispatch from I. ..ill \ew Orleans and New ? ork. It is suggested that you call the attention of your patrons to this service, iu order that advantage nia\ lie taken of this dispatch when ever desired, in order to advance mails and save time in receiving re plies. Should you desire any fur ther information relative to this service, same will be gladly furn ished oil request. Respectfully yours, C. G. GOODLOVK, Supt. foresters were here last week ' H. Flory, who is to succeed W. C. McCormick as assistant State forester, Mr. McCormick, J. S. Holmes. State Forester of Raleigh. \\ . K. Beiehler, district forester, of Asheville, were in Murphy last week on a tour of the mountain district ot acquaint Mr. Flory with the work in this section. Mr. Mc Cormick goes to Florida. MORE STUDENTS OF J. 0. H I C K S| Following b another list of the students of Prof. John O. Hicks, who will hold a reunion at Hay ?sville sometime this summer: Florence Haipler Curtis. John Mc Combs. Clara McCombs Lovingood. Ella McComhs Mauney. Alice Sud derlh Parker. Mildred Sudderth. John Hyatt. Dora Hvatt, Delia Cur tis Matheson, Bragg Rav. John Har der. Stanhope Harper. Marsh Hais ler, Verge Haigler, James Truitt, George Truitt, Harvey Truitt, Luth er Truitt. MURPHY OFFICE WINS SINGER LOVING CUP ! !??? S tiger >ewin2 M-n l^ne ( i?an\ o'lered i prize to t : ? ai- i % :si {???? Kast ? iin l)i\i-inn vuk ! ?!>,. |...o r-houiir: l< ! rr ;r il!i ? ' \ ; ? '?. mil the sh ?p at Mnra >*i\ - ? I which Mr. ( y k. kivl?\ i-^ ni.r?a I 'for. c.irri?*d ??ll the laurcN md [ brought the lo\ing cup t?? Murphv. Mi. Kirhy is proud of this accom plishment. and well he might hi*, when il is considered that Murphy is the 44 hah y shop" of the ten com prising the East Tennessee Division, ami in competition with the shops at Asheville. \. C.. Morriston. knox ville. with two stores: John City. Chattanooga, with two stores: Cleve- ; land and Harriman. Tenn. Tli< personnel of the Murphy i shop are elated over this outstand- \ ing victorv. and Mr. Kirhy slated | that he deeply appreciated the ef- j fort that the men of his organiza- | tion put forth io help him win such! a signal honor. NEW COUNCIL I COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED Organization Meeting Held Last Thursday Xight ami Xete City Fathers Plunge into Business The first meeting of the new cits ! >la\ or and Council was held in the offiee ol ihf Mayor in the Lilnarv building last Thursday night and the appointment of committees, elee tion ol department heads, and pas-, sing of two new ordinances marked t lit plunge ol the new governing l?ody into the management of the affairs of the town. Committees Following are the committees ap pointed In Mayor Cooper: Chairman Street Committee. K. | L>. Ferguson. Chairman Water Committee. J. W. McMillan. Chairman Sanitary Committee, C. | B. Hill. Chairman police and lights com- 1 m it tee, J. A. Richardson. Chairman finance, traffic and ad vertising. E. C. Moore. Chairman cemetery and parks, J. M. Vaughn. Mayor pro tem. C. B. Hill. Department Heads Following arc the department heads elected In the council* City clerk and water superinten dent, Sid Pendley. Chief fire department, Sid Penr1 ley. Assistant fire chief, Fred Johnson. Building inspector. Sid Pendley. City Electrician Harve Elkins. Secretary and treasurer of the board, Sid Pendley. Other Business As a beginning of the crusade to give the town an economical admin istration. the board decreed that all requisitions for supplies and mater ials must be approved by the board before being purchased,* and that all billr presented and okeved by it be fore being paid. Among other measures taken up by the board was the placing of the city clerk and treasurer under bond in the sum of $2500.00: retaining Willard Cooper and Neil Sneed as police officers raising Sneed's sal ary: retaining Charlie Fish and West Sneed on the street force: vot ing to move the drinking fountains awav from the park in the center of the square and placing one on the sidewalk on each corner of the square. Ordinances The two ordinances passed deal with jay walking and discharging firearms by minors in the city lim its. The jay walking ordinance re (Continued on pa?:e 8) i MEN, LIQUOR STILLS TAKEN BY OFFICERS !>" \s I: , mist /'r, ' ioltnors FruiHut I N,M" '""re than ,-i? I, l,r ...i,-;';,. " ??e fifty-gallon siili ,,, ! "f a,,"l" khi ?a||?M> of |>ror iuZctrr\ ,,r rai,u "? ???<? > officers during the |);M f(.M "''"'i """'ufa. turers. dealers. ,Ilns. Si,,'1,'! '"'"sumers ?f |; iraae in tho county. ' ^'ttird.iv afternoon, Jim Ho, .,?.r fci-;: tirzz zrt s ? >,!" ? over lo'sm ' nl'" ,VH*' i - "<<> ?ere taken I ^ on "ighwax \,. ?>;; ' >?'- of Brass,,,;,,. Saturday night . -hH 'f is r"r v i?Ii"u,?s. "? {Wo atll| a Woma|| trailed 1^ ?rf,,.rs t,,^ Mu^h" and overtaken \?. |,( p I fn ""''T S,a,,<' 'list I' i" ?""'???, s before I hex I taken an eight gall,,,, container ' ind'V I** a'"l broken i . r""" ?n'aini.v lhal ti, i i hi * " n"M ,ri il iiid r" " l,ri li,?innr, I I ami ,n(.r Superior ;'"!r i""., is I 'hiel, the* made. Offieerl "I need a,?| |),.pilU (.raw ford made the arrest I Ired'r'i ""r,,inr ?'??'?> lain and ? ( "'vard. colored, found tliem ;'r . P'^sesMon of II V - ?' -1 ex idenre |a a,"St then,. They were ,ak. ? i? ? .,s " fcrred to as Hap,,. Hoi ;;u- "?? <"'?- .1 secio,, 'r liearin;: ami I'nurt under bonds ?f SSOO.Ot, eaeh "hieh they made. Officer \,-j| |Snee< and Deputies ClaWon and1 Crawford made the arrests. | Sunday night. Carl Greenwood. ; . . "> nesville. ran afoul of t|?. uhen'l" pa"?ns. of faach brLdx Fast V T ,';,k<>n in'? cu?'* i" I r-ast Murphy l? Officers Cooper .intl Sueed and l)cpu(v Crawfo'r(| ' *as p'ven a preliminary heariu and his bond f.x. d at S500.0(t. IV , kC """I ,<>f ?"inS 10 he had not been al.le to make bond, and re posed m the county jail. l T"e?lai morning, as the sun began elimbing above the east rn range of mountains. offieeiJ were'1! ? S"" 0l,era,"r--i ?'?s thev ! ?ere beginning to start the day's | 1 work, captured one man. a fiftv of l?n 0l" ' :l,r,r">?' 100 gallons |"f l-eer. seized fifty gallons of s?. par and chased another man throuL-l, 'he mountains without avail. The Has located three or four miles to the left ,,f Andrews on what is known as Brittain's Creek, and when the o, ficers arrived the fire was just beginning to bun, good; Oak en i . " ,Mar 'f10 man laken into j u tody and his brother is believed l? Ih- the man who eluded the offi 81^omartns ho,nd ,vas fi-d a' ? . lOOftOO at a prelim, narv hearing. . f,e.^au,t "f "hich he was lodged m tail to await the next session of Superior court. Those taking part in he raid were Sheriff I). M. Birch 'e -1'"1 I>eputies Crawford. Cla\ [ton. and Phillips. "Have vou figured out your al lowance?" "No. What's the use in bother ing about nothing." REPUBLICANS MET HERE ON TUESDAY 14 ! he an- <;? the Thirtv thi??! - jjaio District met in con- ; \ fill Ml al i: )il\ fo lli: - pU! <?1 ''i m m..; . ri>>t-.:inat!on i <ena!or. Promptl) al i!:: ?? o*< lock the nt'Tl in*r was < :i ' to . rder i- Dean ?i I lklin. \vh-' wa- elected ! temporar) ? hairman with \\ . I'. Odom as temporal \ secretary. This temporar\ organization was al once j made permanent, and the eonven- ; lion ?t down to business. Chairmen of tin* eount\ executixc! eommittees were then elected as fol- | lows: Maeon. \. 11. Stockton; Gra ham. A. J. Orr: Swain. S. A. IV hart: Clay. Bob Tiger; Cherokee. K. \. V oyles. The chief business of the eonven- j tion was I hen taken up and nomina tions for Senator were in\ ited. Tin* firsl nomination went to Don W illi erspoon. of Murpli). but in a few well chosen words explained that f?ir business reasons he would be urtahie to accept ibis honor. Hon. Joiui Bnr'ietie. of Swain Counlv. was then offered and he! was unanimously selected as the j standard bearer. ilis speech of ae- ! ceplanee was a well rounded expres- j sion of (it-termination to bring hon or to the party and work it) the in terests of his constituents. Andrews Record. DEMONSTRATIO N AGENT TO BE, IN THE COUNTY Following is the schedule of the j Home Demonstration rluh meetings Cherokee County, week of May 28. 1?\ Sarah Porter KUis. District Home Agent, of Asheville: Monday. Mav 28. 2:00 ? Marble] V omens'' and Girls* Home Demon- 1 si ration Cluh. school house. Sub- 1 ject: "I se of Milk in Cookery. Tuesday. May 29. 10:0ft? -Slow ("reek Girls* Sewing Club: 2:(K) ? Slow Creek Womens" Clul?. suhject:| "Planning of Meals" and cooking demonstration. Kach of these meet ings is to he held at the home of i Mrs. Phil Ferguson. Wednesday. May 30. -0:00 ? ' Brasstown Girls* Sewing Cluh, Com munity House: 2:30 ? Brasstown \\ omens* Community Cluh. home of Mrs. Deschamp. Subject: "'Planning' of Meals and cooking demonstra tion. Thursday. May 31. 10:00 ? Kim sey Womens' and Girls* Home Dem- 1 onstration Cluh. home of Mrs. I Pearley Mauney, subject: "Use of Milk in Cookery." 2:00 ? Suit Womens' and Girls* Home Demonstration Club, subject: "I se of Milk in Cookery." Friday. June 1. 10:00 ? Martin's Creek Girls" Sewing Cluh. school house. 2:00 ? -Martin's Creek Wo mens' Cluh. school house, subject: - Use of Milk n Cooke \ . An invitation is extended to all women and girls of the county to at tend the nearest meeting. R. W. GRAY. Singing Convention At Marble June 10 The Cherokee County Sinking Convention will meet in its annual session with the Marble Springs Baptist Church, at Marhle. on the second Sunda\ in June, which is June 10. according to announcement this week by E. L. Rallard. secretary and treasurer. All classes arc requested to be present. Some good quartets are cxpected from the different classes. Everybody come and bring dinner. The best music wins the banner, the announcement concludes. PROPOSE N. C TENN. GOOD WILL TOUR \totor cm! ?? Until' I'w 7hrougk\ Viirp.'l) Orr> Until H ll" I t; I cull' C?i' ?> hi ail interview with Mr. >? llu?->ell. ?>t \ndrcw - Wednesda\ "f tiii> week : Mr. Ru?11. informed us dial he had proposed a motorcade illid *?< ??>< 1 will lour Irom the terri tory. l\ inir we<t ot Ashevilh', lo Copperhill. Clc\ eland and Chatta lumsa. Tcnn.. ;i> soon as the road was opened. This proposal has met with ii'?' co-operation <?i leading ? il izens from Asheville and other Wes tern North Carolina towns, and the conditions of the roads are being watched with much interest, and if thev are found to be in a satisfac tor\ eondilion. it is proposed to sponsor the will tour some time in the month of September. Mr. Russell has received a great :tian\ flattering letters from promi nent ? iti/.ens hoth in North Carolina ami 'letuicssce: one of which is from Mr. 1,. T. Rogers. of Cleveland. If nil., who claiul- lo be of Cherokee Count*, -lock, and i- much interest ed in iliis section. Kxtraets from Mr. Rogers* letter i> reproduced. !>elie\ing that it will !w? ??! interest t* ? our re aders. Cleveland, Tcnn.. May 22. 1<>28. Mr. I?. S. Russell. \ndr?-ws. V C.. Dear Mr. Russell It is a \crv great pleasure to have \ ou introduce yourself to me in your letter of Max Vst. Thought I would reph every day, hut x on outclass me in letter writ ing ? badly, thai I just put it off and hardh realized it had been so long. \\e arc very much interested in ?r?ltin?z good road connections from here to vour section. We are going In send that good letter of yours to Gov. Morton and ask that he have Maj. Berry. State Highway Commis sioner get in touch with you, as we feel a man like you at that end oi the line will be a great big help. My father was born near Murphy and we havt "intended" all our lives In go up in that section and find if we have many kinsmen left up there, but 1 am 6T years old and was never in North Carolina. When vou get ready to start your motorcade lei us know anil we will have our Chamber of Commerce lake it up with >011 and arrange for details for this end of the line. I assure you 1 appreciate your letter verv much and think it about the best written letter we ever received. W ith the wish that we may meet soon and know each other l?'lter, 1 am Verv trulv vours. T. 1- ROGERS. ABERNATHY ANNOUNCES FOR SHERIFF Announcement is made this week I by Noah W. Abernalhy. prominent I merchant and citizen of Marble, for i Sheriff of Cherokee County subject j to the coming Republican primary. Mr. Abernathy states in his an nouncement that this is the first time he has ever asked the party to con fer an honor upon him, and prom ises. if elected, to give the county a "genteel, clean, sober administra tion" of the affairs of the office. His announcement appears else where in this issue. Ill ? ?? null I ?rr nun n in you as wc used to Mrs. Farlcigh." She: "No. my husband objects to low-cut dinner gowns."

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