COUNTY BUSINESS lie in z the Minute* .?/ the Hoard of ('.<>un!\ ( '.em ?nissivners. Meeting Mav 7th. 1928 The l?<>ar?1 of Count} Commis sioners ii '1! in regular session 011 Max 7th, 102'!. all member-- being present. I. W. \\lex. Chairman: \\ . J. M irt iti and W. I. Holland, members. and transacted the follow - ing businc>s. t Ordered hx the Board of Countx C< ?rnnii> that the Sheriff of said (bounty. i> herebx ordered to adxertise and -ell all land for taxes xv here tin ! ixc- haw not l?een paid. '<? !?? 'Hili J e ? II ll>. fii-t Moiid.ix ? ?l June, .e provided in Chapter 2I'> >e? ! i ?ti I. the public laxxs ? 1927. ( M?l": ! ' the !'.? ird th; if Mrs. I.. V. Pax tie i?e released of the lol low in - taxes. >5.0 ? ?. Ordered l'\ the Board that Stan* dart! Oil < . be lelea^ed of the fol low in*.- taxes >1.115. Ordered hx the Hoard that liiu \\ ood- be released of the following taxe-. >25.50. Ordered hx the Hoard that 1. L. John son he released of the follow ing la\e-. >>.'5.55. Ordered !>\ the Hoard that G. f\ Ko-e |w* released tin* follow inn taxi-*. v I 7.00. Ord, i?<l I the Board that J. \V. and J. I". M< ( .o\ be released of the following taxe>. >9.$.7o. Ordered hx the Board that I. \\ . M' Cox I ??? n'lra-ed o| the following taxes. >72.73. Orci-red i\ the Hoard thai I. M. Chamber* be released of the follow ing taxe*. "2.00. Ordered hx the Board that Rolin Tax |?ii |?e released ot the following taxes, si. 10. Ordered hx the Board that 1. V Chambers he released of the follow ing taxes. $5.00. Ordered hx the Board that Nora C. White he released of the follow - ing taxes. ^*>.17. Ordered hx the Board that \leen Craig he released of the following taxes. >1.51. Ordered hx the Board that Mrs. M.irx .lane \dams he released of the toIlnx\ing taxes. SQ.Jttl. Ordered l?x the Board that J. Y\ . Walker l?e released o| the following taxes. S16.-U?. Ordered hx tile Hoard that An drews ruining l xtiact Co.. |.e re l? -e?l . I the following taxes. S70.o0 Ordered In the l! Mr*. Ruth \\ llilakfl If" r#*lr;l*r(| of (lip I?'l\ ilfj t.lXt'-. - I.Oo. ()r?ii-rc<l |.v tli# lioaril that Mr*. Si?ie relea*>-(l of l!>,- fol lowing tav-. *.7't. ' ? ? ?!?'? ,1 I'v I !i<- I!, i.ud iImi J. S. I : >'? it i. l<-.i -?-<! i tin- fol|,.?inL' lav-. i Inlyi .1 In i! ? Hoard I. C. "? ? i- i' ..I ||w ??llou. ir j lav -I.'.'r ' >?<( I I, I of lllH l.rllow tlie ('?".ii.l that 1 ' 1 | , . , ! ,-ed ..f the following | . ? *jj 0 ,!,., j 1,\ the Board 1! - !? released of the f?Ilo? in.: , !*? ? .. .. On!,-,, I h> the Board that ( harl,. C.iiri ' ,-t i?- released "t the I"1 ,w I in" |:i\t's. "* l.0r>. 7?r, ? I I'V the Boar.! that >a>" Crai.. |? ,,1. . ?f the follow,.,?! tav... Or', I In the Boar, I that 1. ( |o!-.? ??? released of the follow- , i,i,iz:;ri;:"ihe B.,,r.i ,!,.? !?? reiea-ed of the follow,,,?' 0 ,i 1.X i ii,* Board that I - 1 ? Main * I"' released of the follow in . ! 4 . . < >, l?v lli'* Board I luil \ ma |?;l|, Heirs 1?- relea-ed ol the lol |,'x til. B?ar.l that Shell <1, , 1- ,elea-ed of ie i-\. (v.l,. t .1 l?v llu* Boani that ? - To?:.---i lie relea-ed ol the follow ing ' ' \e? - ... ? (i t In lli, Board that - lohn-,,11 W released of the follow - if l ' !^- . Ordered l>\ the Boanl that \\ >i,'i |).,iki'ri he released of the follow ing tax,-. " ">? Or. 1 In the Board that 11 . il | |?. released ,,r the following I..V-. -?"?.!>. , . Hi,- following t.urrent Claims were ordered issued. \ , , i.- Monku- waiting Charlie \d.ue- during month ol \|,ril. si ('..(Ml. O. C. Shield-. Sheriff fees, Rl.OO. Kiiin.-v Chemical Prodi, ,-t C.,m pani Floor ("leaner. SVill. I'.ank of Murphx . Cherokee Conn-1 t\ f, Milling lioml. ?*X).00. Mr-, \anev Grave-, outside aid. lli, Candler Tidniarsl, Hospital. In,-, hospital treatment lor \ernie W right. -IHMlli. 1 \. Mint/., witness fee. S2.-H. Itohrrt Vustin. witness fee. S2.<>". Henri Ho vie. w it,,,-- fee. > .uthern Bell Telephone Co. Phone rent Countx Home and Coun t, eourt h, iii-i*. >11,.. Ui. In. I, Mann. Mothers aid for month ..I Mai . I'"-':!. $20.(M>. Oma Mill, .nil. Mothers aid for month Max. 1 1 'JH. -I i.HH. ( l,*;;-ie Cannon. Out side aid. s.I.lM.. |1 . I. Hill. Countj plnsieian, r. J. Phillip", witness fee. S3.35. Town ,,l Mu, pin. water for month <?t \|i, il. > I 1.20. Iiiirroii'jh- \ddini; Mathine Co.. Pal it oil ,,Ki< liine. -II. .."iO. It. S. Parker, inedieine. ('. I!. Mill. ? ;,-k.-t for Bishop. \rmotir A Cotnpanv. eleanser for Court House. - i 10. M. M. ( i-l.iin. w I 1 . , I | i, : 1 ? ' - .'.11 hit,'. S2.IIII i. \. l;.it,-. \- . Carole, a-Tenii. 1 ! ? 1 ! ? ?! month of \p rii. 192:;. -12.72. Hiittain \ A\!e\. Hardware -up :.|i. - for jail. <24.90. ( V\ . Ha i lev. Printing. <.3.35. W. \. I lliot!. quarinlitie officer. | <3l?.00. >a\ag? IVos. feeding jur\. <6.50. | Brittain v\ Axlev. material for hri?l<ie. S&.INI. \\ . \. Ro\d. service l?? Hoard C?'?. i Commissioners. .<9.1 H Mrs. Warren, supplies to James family. S3.1H). H. M. Teajrue. witness fees. K j Cody ClaUon. sheriff fees. <11.25? Lawrence Brendle. witness fees <5.10. Buster Mauprv. witness fees. .<.>.10 J .lames Hoi?ert.-??ii. wilne ? tee? <>.10. Roseoe Ril r".**>s. wilne-- tee? -5.10. I?. \V. Cray. i?* ant i ! \ in : court Im?ii-* grounds. \Ilen Ramsev. -alarx i- janitor: !"t month ??! \pril. 1 92<??. .<75.00. R. \\ . Gray. -alar\ as C<?iinl\ \iienl for month "I April. 192<>. | <1<H >.00. C. D. Ledfonl. repair ??n plumb ing at count \ home. s 1 5.00. Ilenr\ Gihhv. wilne>- fees. <5. 10. | R. R. Real, expense- lor cows for ? unit} home. S 75.00. \. I.. Johnson supplies to ?mmt\ Ionic. .<45.13. D. M. Rirehfield. jury tickets in \pril term of ? ourt 1923, <975.10. | Dickey Feed Co.. supplies to < ???unt} home. .<10.12. J. W . Davidson, clothing lor in- 1 mates to Morganton. <1.00. Murphy Steam l aundry, laundn for \sa James. s 1 .95. P. C. I halt. Juvenile Judge. <11.15. J. H. Birchfield. wilne** fr?> <6.20. Waller Adams. witness fee* <5.40. Josie Lcmmoii-. witness fees. .<1.60 Ollie Mav (?il?l?\. witness fee si. f?0. Krnest Rogers, witness fees. .<1.10. II. II. Hickman. witness fee* <.9.91 ). John Panther, witness fees. .<2.70. Ralph Barton, witness fees. S3. 10. W. J. Marl in. service as Commis sioner. $22.40. I. W. Axlev. ser\ iee as Commis* sinner. <25.00. W. I. Holland, service as Com missioner. <36. 10. J. W. W alker. I reas.. Andrews Railroad B?.nd for Andrews R. |{. Bond fund. >3.000.00. I*. liner M witness fees. .<5.10. \eal Sliced. sheriff fees. .<25.50. W. I . Co. i .-r. sheriff lee*. <UJ.7.">. < V. Puliinm. sheriff fees. <17. |0 I'lioeha hockerv. Counl\ aid. I ! si 0.00. I- < H;!!. elect ion expense* ^ I' -on. Bridge Ixenair <lo. lo. J- v - ( sheriff fees. <3.5.90. i *0u witness fees. <l.(?o. ^ ^ Hampton, wilne - I Ices. si . To. I?. M. ^ ? . 12. I>rid >lo u). 'V. \. Ha f S 1 0.01 1. \l. i.. Man y. Sv.-Treas. If,..., I ? ??i; !.. i ? 1 ?rnki'i* Cminiv ? 1 <1. SlIMMXMIO. Mrs. (.. Wa, n. fa|an for mi)nl|, " ? arc worker. s|r,ll.(l() ' *" . witness fee. s|.*Jtl. , I coupon* on \lur !"ii> l"W!l>l;i I'll 11(1 ill " >!(.(!,( I( ). repair, witness fees Cher??k? ?? <. tv? Postage. S'5.50. V. Sim* ?. salan for the ? i ? - .. \p. 1923. S12S.?> ). v . !,. !iam~ repair -is hri'l^e. si2."0. V.. i. ; casket f< i Guv \ 1- . ; len. ssaoa i .i. 'i Br.:: . ii. v. iLies.- i ? 1 U. i . Mm; . i?i i? {?_'?? repair. Geo. Oaun.. '. sheriff fees. G? < . Crawi 1. sheriff fees. s|5.(H >. Ciawfi . keeping jail for month of \prU. 1928. S264.30. Million Cart* witness fees S2.55. J. \. L.'?:' *. riff fees. sH>. IS. \ i? loiia Ci: u. witness fees, 32.60. ( ? - . (i:av ?; ?!. sheriff fees. >11.-5.52. M. (tireiifie (!. sheriff fees. s25.(K I'. M. Birch i'i?- id. sheriff fees. >1 UK(u\. L. I). ^ aid roup, bridge repair. <!(?..">( I. Ben Loudermilk. road damage, -10.?*0. G. \\ . Harper. bridge repair, s58. 90. M. Raper. l?i; 1_? repair. $10.00. I). M. 1 >i r?lt t ield. capturing still. S 10.00. C. \. Piillium. sheriff fee*. $5.20. C. \. Pulliuni. sheriff fees. ??23.I0. Codv Clavton. Sheriff fees. $15.00 I). M. Birchfield. for sheriff fees. SI 12.20. \. I>. Tavlor. building bridge. $20. OO. A. L. Johnson. Supt. eountv home for nionlh of April. 1928, $125.00. \\ . I.. Mc\ahh. repair ?>n bridge. $ 1 5. 1 5. Bass Walker, one half e\|j*nse trimming hedge ;it fair ground. $7.00. J. ( i. (ireen. supplies !o iail. *3.30 I). S. I'nett. refund on 1926 taxes. -1.1 10. Mrs. Ma-ih." Mellan. refund on 1926 laves. SUM I. J. P. Mallonee. See.-Treas. Mur phy Speeial School Fund for 1927. ?S2.000.00. J. W. Rolen. witness fee in W al droup ea**e. $2.10. Town of Murphy, one half ex pense's repair on fair ground fenee and election. $13.13. Clyde H. Jarrett. See.-Treas. \n drews Speeial Sehool Kund for 1927. s3.000.00. Sam \ o\ les. witness fee in Buek Fry ease. $5.i0. Jim \\ est. witness fee in Buck Fr\ ease. $5.10. Margaret Coffcv. witness fee in Bu<*k Fry ease t ? ? Sam Yovles, $1.10. | Hanover. National Bank. Funding Bond s 300.00 I load and Bridge Bond 810.00 Road and Bridge 1.375.00 Andrews Road 607.50 Cherokee County Court House , 4.750.00 Total Bank Charges 19.88 $7,972.30 Alger Hamhy. witness fee in Wal droup ease paid to R. M. Ramsey 1?\ order. ?3.10. I*. C. Hyatt. Juvenile Judge for February and Mareh with other ex : penses. $55.80. Miss Ilattie \ \ 1?'\ . court steno grapher for April term of court, j 192.*;. $129.00. M. I? Mauney . See.-Treas. Spec- j ial Road Fund on 1927 Road Main ! tenaiiee fund. *5.000.00. Mis. C. C. Burgess, witness fee in j\\kild<oiip case, 1?\ Rimer Burgess. Elmer Burgess. witness Waheoup i ;i>r. >1 I - Will Burgess, wiln ss fee. .1 Rabux :? Murphy, witi J Waldroup case. $5.20. 4 Frederick Disinfectant ( ()> j ? soap furnished t?? (??url House ,-1 1 2-3-27, .S i 5.50. Bank of Murphy . Note payable* the Bank of Mnrph\. JO.OO. Burrough Adding Machine pavment on Machine to C<?mm J fice. $117.50. T. N. Bates, \gt. Carolim-Tj I'ower Co. lijilit for month of Marr;l Con ii tv Home. Count \ Court Hotw 1 and $25.91. f Southern Bel! Telephone Co Plione rent for month ?.f MatrJ I92B. at County Home and Coot House. SI 0.51. C. B. Hill. Burial expenses Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. I '"I Walkrt.l s I5.5C. \ erna Monkus. nurse t<. Adans,) $10.00. ' L. B. Waldroup. building hrid% $cW.65. Mrs. B. II. Milieus, for outsit aid I?y boarding lady, S3.50. L Jurors drawn for June Term of | Superior Couit. 19255. First II eel C. K. Stedman, Id Cieasmon,! Sam Gravkcs. Homer Hicks. \\ . B. I Con lev. L. C. West. Charlie Carrin ger. W. G. MeKelldrv. B. It. M?r. row. \\ . II. Nelson. G. G. Stile?. E. \l. Hembree. I). R. Lovingood. S. M. \ crner. W. L. l,edford. J. \Y. Mc- 1 Millan. I.awson l.unsford. I. P. Hall. B. II. Clout/.. J. Ii. Mason, W. i B. Klrod. Grover Collett. /.. B. ' ( Kiel I. M. C. Holland. Second II eel: E. S. Garrett. W . J. Townson, \Y. I>. Hogscd. R. C. Pipes. P. II. Chas- ' tain. J. J. McGuire. Bert Gregory, J. 1). W alker. A. L. Tippett. K. A. Sherrin. I,. M. Shields. J. \\ . Lovin good. S. S. C. Mount. G. \\ . Lovir good. J. J. Barnard. W . K. Jones, E. T. Nichols. H. (J. Gregory. There being no further husinoi to come before the Board it adjourn ed to meet again in regular session on the first Monday 1928. W. A. BOY 11. Kx-Offieio Clerk to Board Chairman Board County Com missioners. DR. E. L. HOLT DENTIST X-RAY 8PF.CIAI.TIST KRITTA1X AM.KY 111'II.IUNCi Offirr 1'lnnif l.*?l Rn. Plume I0? MURPHY, N. C. J ' VairHreaimeut of hi CAEI ij' D .youi "3TSTS i if I ?1, dealer s foucy. The used C ir that serves you moit satisfactorily ? that gives you the raoot tr.irssportatiori for ycur money ? naturally oOrs the greatest used car vai'Je. Go to the Cuick dealer, i To offers a vide selection of makes and models in his used car stock. H:-; prices arc fair ? based on the actual resale worth oi the car in question. And he will tell you the true condition of any car he offers for sale. He is always careful to guard his high reputation in ihc community. When you buy a used car from your Buick dealer you know that it will perform as promised ? you know that you are getting your money's worth. BUICK MOTOR. COMPANY 5T.INT, MICHIGAN? DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION SESSOM 3 MOTOR CO . Andrews, N. C.

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