BRASSTOWN V moving picture -how will be gi\en at the Communit) House Mon dav nisht. July 23. The new -si I. * on ihp Jobi. C. ('au.pbell Folk Farm is now under plans for completion. Vlso a wood en workshop ir ?oon to he built. Definite plans for the erection ot the new schoolhouse to be joined to the Communit) House are being laid. Every both* is anxious to see thi- good work in progress. The State Highway Commission has just completed the Tarheel Macadam road from Hayesville. N. C.. t<? Brasstown. We realize that th ir* is a wonderful improvement to this part of the state. Mr. Fred 0. Scroggs. merchant ?I Brasstown. and buyer of Indian relics has added a fine Indian pot to hi- vast collection of Indian flint*, clay pipes, tomahawks, etc. 'tir. . I - I WBBBBI ^ uvuvc uidi nuvuni uunis aici coming into fashion again in this part. Mr. Scroggs has in his store three >ize?. large. medium and small. Prices $1.25. SI. 00 and .75.' Miss Eva Teem? and Mrs. Amn? Led ford, of Ogden. V C.. were the guests of the Post master, Frida\ night. July 13. The Postmaster's mother. Mrs. Susan Beach, is Gaining strength prett\ well since the fall she had in the spring. Aunt Susan is Mind, hut "he looks with faith into the un tried future, expecting greater ac complishments to come. She is fond of the Bible and good sermons. The writer was ;it her home some few days ago. and read from their hook. 4 A Quest for Souls."' one of Dr. Truett's sermons. Let us all in our respective communities visit ihe aire and comfort them. ^e can show them our love and apprecia tion for what they have done for the uplift of our country. Mr. F. I. Watkins and famil>. of Pcaehtree were vivsitors on Brass town Saturday veiling. Mr. Wat kins irlls in an interesting way how he huilt flues of roek and cement in his brooder house last spring, and the success he obtained from them. Mr. Watkins is a very successful farmer ami poultry raiser of Pea h tree. Those interested in poultr raising would profit from his new experiences gained. In a short talk with I nele Fulton Cunningham we learn that he has taken the Atlanta Constitution for twenty-five \ears, but has dir?<-ontm ued it for lie Knowilb* Journal which he s;i\s he like-. beter. He never fails to read \\ illiam Rule's column. "As ! >ee It." || also a subscriber ? ? f ne out. and would Ji"t do v\i;!iout it. \unt Jane Standridgr tells us 'hat they ha\e m?\er ilom- u itli? ?:,t a pa per of sr ,Im in thpir home. \<a many ol us can say that. Bert Hogan relates his first exper ience in hi\ing be.- in tin- public road. He says that he had plenty of fun watching people push their ears on slippery ground par-- the bees while he was hiving them. Mr. Howard Hall and family went Irom Sunday School Sun?iav. and took dinner with Mr. Oscar Pen land. The finest green beans I have ever eaten, said Mr. and Mrs. Hall, "were served at Mr. Pen land's." Mrs. Penland is a splendid cook: and no one could go to a place where he is more welcome to eat than to Mr. and Mrs. Penland's. Mr. Penland talks a great deal, and can tell some of the funniest things which happened years ago in his recollection. He tells of an oc casion he had to fork hay with Pro fessor L. E. Mauney on Martin's Creek somewhere near the property Mr. Mauney now owns. Back in those times people wore scissor-tail coats, and stiff collars. Anyway Mr. Penland and Mr. John Ingram were forking hay together, when in a stammering way Mr. In gram said to Mr. Penland. "I tell you the best hand in the hay field you ever seed." "Who?" inquired Mr. Penland. "Why Professor Mau ney, that's who," says Mr. Ingram. "No, he can't beat me. replied Mr. { Pen land. "By -gosh, you'll see when he comes this evening." continued Mr. Ifigram. Mr. Penland tells that along in 'the evening sure en??ush Profe??or Mauney came. He laid hark his scissor-tail coat, and pulled hi-* col lar off. and laved them ??if a rock: near where they were at work. He got his fork, and went to it. "Law me! I have never seen such hav j forking in my life." says Mr. Pen-' land. I have never anymore said that I could fork hay. Mr. Penland also knows the old est man is this count v. perhaps. Mr. Henry Brendle is the man. We would like to have a long story in The Scout about Mr. Brendle. Mrs. Penland has a bed which she reckons to be over one hundred years old. It was her grandmother Green's. She also has a chick which was purchased about 1832 by her pdiiuittilwr, Kaii is Siandridge. The clock could be put in running con dition by a little work on the pendu lum. LEGAL MATTERS QUILTS FOR SALE In order to satisfy and pav off a ? lairn of seventy-one dollars due bv contract for work and labor done onj same and for which the law gives aj lien. I shall on Monday. July 30th' 1928. at the courthouse do?,r in Murphy. C. at 1" o clock \. M.J sell at pul?f met ion to the highest! bidder for ? \ish. seventy-one quilts.! which were silted by me tor ('land' M. Butt, for vfiich he promised and agreed to p.- -aid sum ? ?t >71.00. j ^ame are sold to satisf \ said demand! with costs ot -.lie. These quilt- were finished April) 10th. 1928. arnl are still in my pos-! session at m\ ?me. where they mav : be seen by prospective buyers. This Jui> 1 Ith. 1928. (50-2t-mjf. ? Mary J. Fleming, j a.WI JO A IVS .io 'JJIKK I'ndcr *j??i t-v -? of the authority con-: f e-red ?.y dee-1 t>y J F- M?r:in <j?in- ! ?]??>. to the F \atlonal Bank. Durham. I N. C T r .??-! February l?t. and recorded ir $4 44*. ? hemkee j County Reirii?*ry tf Flr*t National Rank ' of Purhi*n- v ?"* ~~ t<i?xc+ will t n Accsrt ' ith.. at 1:. ?>lwk M. at th?? C^urt Hi-u?# J do.?r tn Cherokee unty. ?ell for cawh to* r h?* huehe*- b-.?!ler r public auction. the fol lowing de*i ril#d pr'i*rty: All rhat oeri on i ? r?ar?~el or lot of lard, situate, lyirs *n.J 1-eins in the Town of Murph> County of Cherokee. S-ate r. f North Can -lln^ anl nor* particularly F'-n '?win* at a n:.ike In the WV?t?m mar eln of Valley Riv.-r Avenue, nld *tak?- *tand lr.? South E-.*t 34 '*et from the point of j Information of mi.! tt"e.?tern marfin of Val ley River \v?-mie with *he South m-ritin of Puke Strre-. ir?d run* thenoe with the line of The J. V li.irn.-tt t. South >5 deirrees 15 minute* WV-?t 1 ?? f*-et to a ntak?- In the lva*t r.-rcin of a ? -t alley; ther-e with naid E.i*! marar'n id 2" foot allev South 1*1 Ka*! l.'.y fe- * ? -??ke in p-?i! margin., then'o North K.i? IS" feet t?*? a stake in th- w. ^tern niuri;:: . f Valley River Avenue; then? e with the ? iv.imi margin of Val ley River Avenue \'<>rth d ?ure?-?? W"e*t jog feet to th?? r t of RecinnlnK And l-e-n* all of rertaln Iota n>nvey ?d t.. .t. Ft >J :i rt in ?.v dee.! from Wofford , Terrell ? :\r>y Inc. dated October 15. -f^r-ted tn Rook p??f of I ? h- r>- ' - r Cherokee County. N C. This. - - <>n account of default I in the r ' nt ? f indebtedness se? ured by , Ih* <:;!?! ' ' Thin 5:h day of July. 1923. FIRST \ \ i ? ? N . * l* OF DFRHAM. I X. 'KTH R* 1 ! . 1 N A TKI'jTEE. W S. LOTKHART. Attorney. r?urh.?r . N. C. NirnfK or sw.f.. t n.J. r virlu*' of The r?ww of sale 1 \> *T- ondersim?-d TruMee in a cer ? .i - -\. -uted by X!. F. Kwnwn and wife. I. iya Fwman to the nail Trus t..- ..n -i - day of April. l^.v whi< h sa>! :-e.' -rust r^Kister^d in the offke , of Res:--- ? I?eeds -?f Cherokee C.-inty. in H??-k IM Peed* <?f Trust. at peitre 579. w hi. h > . . '!?--<! of trust; wax exe< ?: t?wl for the i i:r: ? ?-?? of urinjc the sum of < 2^5. or> wit% -nter-st on said >um from April 24 I92>. and due and payaMe on the 21th day of Jane. If-.* iin-l default havinu l>een made In The payment of principal and interest or any part , < f either, and the pow?-r of m1?, having hfcom" operative: now, therefore, the und?-*ijcned :-u?t?e will on the l."th day of Aurust. ]!>.'?. at ln o'clock A. M . at the court house door In Murphy, in Mid county. r h?? hiih<>? bidder for <**?h, a? public auction. for the rurj-o?e of satisfying ?aid tn?l^ r> >1n?i?? lh- f?llo*1nB described r*-aj estate L>:r? and 1-einc In '"herok^e C>untv North Carolina, in Shoal <"reek township. Dist. No. S. ;m< on 'he waters of Shoal Creek. Re*tn ninc ? n a utako on D ti. W Allan's lin# runnirc with Allen's line to his corner; then South to the ?' r? of the mountain: th?-nce to the Wwt to the hijrh top of the mountain; thenre with the dividing rfdpe to the begin ning. . ontainine a. res more or less. This July 13. !?>2* WILLARD M. AXLEV. <49-4t-a > Trustee F.XKCl TOR'S NOTlfK The undersigned has qualified as Kx?-*ufor of Marr-ret S. Cozad late of Cherokee C.>un ty. and all persons having claims .-lfc-ainst ti-e sa. estate are notified to present them to the ? rdersicTH'd. at Murphy. N. C on or b.-fore July 2?>th. 1329 All persons indebted to said -state are notified to make settle ment ? rh the undersigned. This July 2?th. ir>JS D. WIT!! ERSPOON. <5 n-fit-w ' Kxecutor of Marsaret S. Cozad. IM Ml IN<; TR\s|f o\ HITCHCOCK I'KOPF.RTY All t-r?ifis are he-ehv n.?tirj"l that the dumpinc >-f trash and junk on the property .?f the undersigned 'ommonly ca?I.*d the Hitchcock for su? h unser.tly an<i win of considerable n,m* pawr*. will July 11th. 19H2 ^n** Tarheel " By r> <49-4t-w.) ADMINNfRviftK Ha vim: , Eccate of Henr> of Cherokee Coontv France). This , < Ia'm.% acahst ih?- 1 ed t<? exhibit them " Hwid?>nrp at J!;j the 2*th day of will l?e pleaded .n ba.r P??wi* Indebted to mak.- immediate This th- iTth day of NORTH CAROL I x \ CHEROKEB COVXTT IN THE SUPERIOR ' T. J. Bristol. A-Irvri^ ?< Mr.. J.?. Coll*? '"***" ? T? Sid Conley. Fannl* c,u. Pink O?hom. Jennie p?, ' Heater Con Icy Jar* Edith Cooky. Amhrni* Hester. heirs af law The and rotlco that ft mjramon* In the action was iwuH aaainst day of June. 192*. by the ci?rk lor Court, of Cherokee rhat the petition whlrh petition prays for a ul* lands owned hy Mrs. Jane Colteq which you Inherited an interest, from which to t>e used by raid Admr. with which to pay dtMi Mr* Jane Collett. And th#? said defendant*. .?n r^J Osborne and Fred Hester, a-e to be and appear before tbe <414 J the Superior Court of Chmkee Ccrij :?t M.t office in Murphy. X. ?i ff] fifty daya from htis dat* ar.l inn. j mur to the said petition or ;*? nJ manded In ?aid petition will be rrtr^, Thia the 27th day of Jane. 1J;| P. C. HYATT CWk Superior Court <.f Cbfrafe j lit. C. ** A dm in I st r:?; Dry son. m ? b _ B ? m M3 ~ Look to the Leader for Leadership Saturday July28 'i S I LVER wondeti M SESSOMS MOTOR COMPANY DEALERS ANDREWS, N. C. ,**^^^^ETTE^^lJTOMOBlLES__AlMS_jlPlLT . . . BPICK WILL BUILD THEM

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