local golf CELEBRITIES \> J. I*. STOREY would say. ANDREWS GOLF CLUB FORMALLY OPENS THURS. Mne llole ('.nurse Located In Col leu's Pasture a Mile Above T oicn BOW louu. PUT ME our of >w'c ujB if i TBU- YA. Bur I made a euVUIMG Lil~ '-37 . fltev PAV M ?VBRy WAV i set Kt aser woksbr! By gcuVj / Dour kuow V/UATSGOiUQ T BECOME OF ME / The Andrews Golf and Country J formally opened its nine h','10 r;;,Ir"' Thursdaj afternoon, jf? "f l,u' Rotary ICInli which sponsored the movement I.0 get the course, following the noon UMchron, went as a body to the jVoursc and formed twos and fours I , ?'?? little while hall all ?Bout over the pasture. I The opening of the Andrew, ?tone 1- ? s.qUeI to the establish btnt ..f ||,e Conaheeta Country t;1" con"* ?? No. 10 several [months ago, and the people of An L/'im 5, ;'ls" 1,p<*n by the gW bug, if the number of loeal en WHIHMto who have been plaving the f 1".rM' "r 'be past week is any indi P'"'' that this little nefarious in [T has sl,rea(l to other parts of ?me mountains. iThe Andrews course consists of f"w boles, and is located in what is Ppl as (ollett's pasture, about a r "?>ve It is incorporated Hid the organization is controlled El ran ?f Pernors or direct E;** f,,||"?s: J. W. S. Davis. [, J!"":,n: O- R- Hohlitzell, vice jjairman; W. D. Whitaker, secre F 1 ""I treasurer: S. E. Cover. P f 1 T'-hee and F. W. Swan. Lt ,', ""7; was laid out and built I I, ' ,llc rf'rection of Henrv West ly, sportsman and g?|f enthusiast, fcim if at one 'ime cham golfer of ^ North Carolina. It tf (111 ? 1 ^'rSt accomP''sbments faub ?iT*7 l organized Rotary Ire ,1 , ,e tneml>ers of which H. '"eml)ers of the golf club. tan",'.',. Vnilsua">' Pood scores have Pri-d 'r ?n, ,he course? and htm fnrr???J PCOp e fr?m ,he lown and CrtF COUntr>' have been L tL "owever' 'be formal open ilher"' V C'OSes ,he i,nks to L ' ? ""embers, and visitors f'io VaI^*ytown township L J"* pay a green fee and then |a, ion \ adm,"ed upon recommen r"?n of a member. L1;;, *rom representative was chal Jndrens" ! Pame !"St week on ,he Much , VrSe l,V Luke Ellis ?*? PIayed off on Tuesday. 2. 1>einS' Ellis 55. and Bailey i.i rJc RA^a'by, cashier of the f malcin"?,t'nr'iIlc- has ,he record ourse for fSt scor.e on 'be X" "'nth ho?"6- having made five of - j-Jfi ln one' which is a Dr J VVS tpee: hundred tore for ,u . Davis, whose olds thn entire course is 62, ores h! "eXt recor<1 for one hole Uo'. aV'np made 'be eighth hole 'd Bill r "av'9- of Quincy, Ha., e chamni?Ve^' a ''e score for 1 Points '"1 p of 'be course with ide th7" ,?n? 'be oth-r scores j ? bets fa'ftss. 9fft t W'"" """> <v'?w ? ??"? v.?* CWi,,,. a,,?, ? ?J A..?,?//, K,w, 7. rritorv in This S/ate VOL XXXIX. NO. 52 MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, UTGUST 3, 1928. 5c COI'\ $1.50 I'KK VK AR BAPTISTS HEAR DR. CARVER IN SERIES LECTURES fT orld Authority on Comparative j Religion and Misisons Speaks For j Four Days at Local Church i Dr. W . O. Carver. D. D.. LLD.. Ph. D.. who occupies the chair of! Comparative Religion and Missions! in tin* Southern Baptist Seminary. Louisville. Ky., delivered a series of interesting lectures at the Baptist church this week, covering the reli gious work i'i a number of the for eign fields of Southern Baptists. Sunday morning. Dr. Carver laid the foundation for his other lectures in speaking on the topic. "God's Continuous Interest in all Mankind." using the Bible to prove his state ments. Sunday night, his lecture covered South America, and dealt with the peoples and the work in that field. Monday night, he discussed Eu rope and its different religions and the progress being made by protes tant denominations, going back and tracing briefly the history of reli gious movement there from the time of the apostles, and the establish ment of the Roman Catholic church by Constantine about the year 313. China was the topic of discussion on Tuesday night, and Wednesday night, he discussed the rapid rise of Japan from an insignificant nation to third place as a world power, and the circumstances and treaty which threw open the doors of that nation to Christianity. Dr. Carver is a world authority in his field, and has written a number of books dealing with religion and missions, one of which is entitled "All the World in All the Word." This book he discussed every after noon at 2:30 before the Woman's Missionary Society which organiza tion was studying this particular book at the time of his visit. It is claimed that the sun never sets on the foreign mission fields of Southern Baptists, and it has been Dr. Carver's privilege to visit prac tically every one of these fields. His series of lectures here were greatly enjoyed by those who heard him, and every one was a veritable lesson in history of the work and religious movement of Southern Baptists, as well as other denomi nations, and was presented in a most interesting and entertaining manner. Dr. Carver left Thursday after noon for Blue Ridge, Ga.. where he will deliver a series of lectures be fore the Blue Ridge Assembly on the Book of Acts. TWO TAKEN IN RAID ON STILL Officers George Crawford, Cody Clayton and J. L. Rose surprised Bob Hunsucker and son and another man Wednesday morning in the Reids Chapel section of the county when they walked right upon them while they were busily engaged in making whiskey. Officers stated that when caught, the elder Hunsucker made the state ment that he had been making whis key for over twenty years and this was the first time he had been caught. They had run off about a pint and officers destroyed about a thou sand gallons of beer. The outfit of 30 gallons capacity was brought to Murphy, as were also Bob and his son. The other unidentified man made good his escape. ? <s> ton 61; John Brittain 51; G. W. Cover 64; Walt Estes 63: Z. L. Whi taker 66; H. Ford 64; J. B. Ses soms 99; and P. B. Ferebee said his score was so low he couldn't keep track of it COUNTY BUSINESS Being Minutes of Adjourned Meeting and Equalization Board. July 23 The Board of County Commis sioners having adjourned the meet ing from the first Monday in July to July 23 met on Monday, July 23, 1928. for the purpose of adopting the County Budget as prepared by the County Accountant and hereto fore submitted and laid before the Hoard was upon motion duly made, and seconded, adopted by unani mous vote, all members being pres ent and voting. ? Ordered by the Board that the ! proper! \ listed by Lee and Cus j Leach in the Town of Andrews on I Bristol Avenue be listed as a tract and not as lots, as the list heretofore I show nine lots which is a mistake of listing for the sum of $1200.00 Dollars, and the same be listed as a ; tract at the sum of $700.00. Ordered by the Board that the T. D. and D. B. and Mar\ Tipton lands in Beaverdam Township be listed for back taxes for the year's 1923 2 1-25-20 and 1927 as tin* reeords show that said lands have not been listed for taxes for the above named years. It appears to the Board of County Commissioners that the Southern Railway Company is the owner of the steel rails and fittings on the Hail Road running from Andrews in Cherokee County in the direction of Hayesville to the line between Cherokee and Clay Counties, for Imerly owned by the Carolina & Georgia Railway Company and leas ed to said company by Southern Railway Company by two leases ap pearing of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County in Book No. 6l\ page 120 and Book I\o. 80 page 551 which said rails and fittings consists of 1 114 tors laid down rails of said railroad. running for 7 miles in Valleytown and 7 miles in Mur phv Township's the value of which for taxation is found by the Board to l>e $21,452.00 and it appearing that the said property has not been | listed for taxation, it is ordered that I the said propert) he placed upon I the tax hooks as discovered proper | ty, and he charged for taxation it a tax valuation of S12.726.00 11 I Murphy Township, and $12720.00 j in Yallevtown Township for the ! years 1927, 1926. 1925. 1924 and 1923 and that taxes on said prope-, rty be assessed against the Southern Railway Compain for said years, with penalty of twemy-five per cent in addition, and it is ordered that said taxes he placed on the tax dup licate for the current >ear and deliv ered to the Sheriff and tax collector for collection. Murphy, N. C.. July 26th, 1928. The Board of Commissioners for Cherokee County, as a Board of Equalization met in adjourned ses sion on this date, for the purpose of giving the Carolina-Tennessee Pow er Company an opportunity to be heard upon the order of this hoard entered on the 9th day of July in i respect to the equalization of value of the property of the said Com pany. Present were T. W. Axley, Chairman of the Board, and W. T. Holland and W. J. Martin, members, and the Carolina-Tennessee Power Company appeared by its attorney, Hon. Julius C. Martin, of Washing ton, D. C., and its local representa tive and agent, T. N. Bates, Esq. The Carolina-Tennessee Power Company moved to dismiss the ac tion of the Board as being without legal authority, which motion was denied, and thereupon, the matter was heard, and from the evidence, records and admissions, the Board finds the following facts: 1. That the Carolina-Tennessee Power Company is a p blic utility corporation, chartered by special (Continued on page 6) ORGANIZATION CHART BAPTIST CENTENNIAL Following is the organization chart of the Wes^rn r**??rl!? Carolina' Baptist Centennial Campaign to raise! j $1,500,000.00 for Baptist schools ? [and colleges: Headquarters. First Baptist Church Andrews, \. C. | Chairman Edwin B. Whitaker. Andrews. N. C. Associate Chairman , Mis. Virginia Fleming. Murphy. Y C. Division Chairman 1. Rev. \\. H. Ford. Andrews. IN. C. Mrs. Fred McGuire. Andrews. \. C. 2. Rev. T. L. Sasser. Murphy. N. C. I*. F. \\ illiamson. Murphy. N. C. 3. Rev. \Y. F. Sinclair. Haycsville. Miss Mar> Ray. Hayesville. \. C. Division \o. 1 Andrews. \\ . II. Ford, pastor: j. A. Morgan, chairman: Mrs. H. C. Rayhurn. assistant chairman: Quota S 1.000. Marble Springs. J. S. Stansbury pastor: \Y. J. Barton, chairman: Mrs. J. B. Hall, associate chairman: Quota. S400. Mt. Zion. J. G. Hogan. pastor: Alex Pace, chairman: Mrs. John Queen, associate chairman; Quoto, $50. Red Marble. Algia West, pastor: J. H. Postelle. chairman: Miss Maude Postelle. associate chairman; Quota. S250. Valley River, J. S. Stansbury, pastor: Wm. Pullium, chairman; Mrs. Price Adams, associate chair man; Quota, $200. Division I\'o. 2 Boiling Springs. Riley Lunsford, pastor: D. S. Davis, chairman; Mrs. ^atc Mundy, associate chairman; Quota. SI 50. Glades, Boh Belle, pastor: George Kicks, chairman: Mrs. \. J. Phillips associate chairman; Quota. $50. Hangingdeg. : W. A. Adams, chairman; Miss Myrtle Mul key, associate chairman; Quota. .250. Little Brasstowii, C. F. Conlev, pastor: Henry Carringer. chairman; Mrs. Carrie Clayton, associate chair man; Quoto. $200. Martin s Creek. C. F. Martin, pas tor; W. J. Martin, chairman: Miss Julia Martin, associate chairman; Quota. SI 50. Notla, C. F. Conley. pastor: Boh King, chairman: Mrs. E. G. White, associate chairman; Quota; SI 50. Peachtree. Cloyd Pipes, pastor; H. B. Elliott, chairman. Miss Min nie Ferguson, associate chairman: Quota. S200. U. Peachtree, J. G. Hogan. pastor: David Burrell. chairman; ? Quota. S100. Division I\'o. 3 Fires Creek, C. F. Martin, pastor; Quota, S50. Hayesville, W. F. Sinclair, pas tor; W. J. Winchester, chairman; Mrs. J. B. Gray, associate chairman; Quota, $200. Mission Hill, II. H. Hyde, pastor; Quota, $50. Mt. Pisgah, Cecil Green, pastor: George Ford; chairman; Quota, SI 00. Mt. Pleasant, W. F. Sinclair, pas tor; E. D. Penland. chairman: Miss Ruby McCracken, associate chairman; Quota, S100. Philadelphia, 0. G. Rogers, pas tor; W. E. Lowe, chairman; Miss Helen Eller, associate chairman; Quota, $125. Shady Grove, F. B. Garrett, pas tor; John Moody, chairman; Mrs. Leonard Ford, associate chairman; Quota, $50. Shiloh, C. F. Martin, pastor; MURPHY BOY NOW ON DUTY IN HAWAII NEW YORK. Y V., July 23.? Private Clyde R. Hawkins. 5011 of Mr. Ernest Hawkins of 441 Valley River Ave.. Murphy. N. C.. who re cently enlisted for service with the Field Artillery branch of the Regu lar Arm\ has been assigned to duty with troops in Hawaii, and left New ^ ork City this week aboard the I nitcd States Army Transport "Cambrai" for Honolulu. Upon his arrival at Honolulu, Private Hawkins and the young men who sailed with him will be assign ed to units in the Hawaiian Islands, located at posts which generally lie (adjacent to international I \ famous .resorts and tourist shrines. Soldiers j on Hawaiian duty enjoy unusual : recreational privileges, Uiere being provided for them summer rest camps where all may go for a two week. period during vacation time, j Always within reach is the far-fam ed beach of Waikiki, and the surf | bathing resort at Haleiwa. Athletics play an important part I in the life of the soldiers in Hawaii, and every organization prides itself on a galy of teams in the prospec tive championship class in every I sport. The climate is idenl. for it is a land that knows no w inter, and outdoor sports thrive the year round. | Private Hawkins will remain in the Hawaiian Department for ap proximately two years, when he will be returned to the United States for j discharge, having in the meantime | enjoyed a ten thousand dollar out ; ing. including a visit to Panama and ;San Francisco, at the expense of (Uncle Sam. TAYLOR FRACTURES SKULL IN JUMP FROM EMBANKMENT I Cliff Taylor, in trying to elude officers Tuesday night about 6 o'clock, jumped from an embank ment between the wholesale district and the Southern Depot and landed on the concrete upon his head, frac turing his skull at the base. lie was given medical attention and rushed to the hospital at Svlva, j where he is reported to be improv ' ing with a fince chance of recovery. | Officers George Crawford and Willard Cooper, on a call, went to ? the home of his brother. Tom Tay lor, to make an arrest, as it was re ported to them that Cliff had been j drinking and was making a disturb ance. Cliff refused to go with the officers unless they had a warrant. | and Chief Cooper returned to secure one and while he was gone Cliff is said to have jumped out of a win |dow and started running toward the embankment. Deputy Crawford and Tom Tay lor gave chase, and it is said Tom called to him several times not to go over the embankment, but he paid no attention. Tom i* said to have i exonerated officers from all blame in the affair. Vance Martin, chairman: Mrs. Vance Martin, associate chairman: Quota, 850. Shooting Creek. 0. C. Rogers, pa?tor; A. C. Parker, chairman: Quota, SI 00. Sweet Water, C. F. Martin, pas tor; Harrison Caldwell, chairman; Quota, S50. Tusquittee, H. H. Hyde, pastor; Richard Rowland, chairman; Mra Mae Moore, associate chairman j Ouoto, $50.

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