Che Cherobtc ?>cout The Official Organ of Murphy ami Cherokee Counts, \orth Carolina. ITBEISHEH EVERY FRIDAY C. VY. RAILEN Mr^. C. W ? BaiU-v B. W. SlI'K Editor-Manager Associate Kd. j Yssociate Ed. ( Entered in the posloifice at Murphy. Ninth Carolina. as second clas-s mail matter under \d *?! March 3. lfl.9. SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN CHEROKEE COUNTY One Yeal -SI. 50 Six Months *5 Four Months -??? ? .50 OUTSIDE CHEROKEE COUNTY One Year S2.0C Six Months ... 1.00 Four Months TO "MARTIN CREEK I Rev. Koht. Bell filled his regular appointment at the Glade Baptist church Sunday with a large crowd] in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carringer announce the birth of a son, Charles Jr. Mrs. Fred Blair v as tarried to the Candler-Tidmarsh Hospital at Sylva Saturday, where she will undergo an opperation tor appendicitis. We were glad to see Mr. \\. P.: Beal and Kev. Carl Louderniilk at The Glade for preaching services.! Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Keener and children. I Lloyd and Kathryn Hill, returned home Saturdav from a two week s \isit w ith relatixes at Clyde and I Waynesville. ' Messrs. Wayne Morris and Oscar Griffin, of Jefferson, Ga.. spent the w?fk-end with relatives etaoin eta week-end with Mr. Haven Martin M iss Kllen Farton, who has been visiting Miss May Keener returned to her home at Hazlewood, N. C., Saturday. Miss Keener and Miss Lee Martin accompanied her home. Kev. L. W . Hall attended confer ence at Reid's Chapel Thursday and I ridav. Mr. John Owen of Asheville vis ited his grandmother, Mrs. J. K. In gram Sunda>. FIREMEN MEET AT NEW BERN NEW BERN. July 26.? New Born firemen are making extensive plans for the forty-first annual state1 fire men's convention and tournament here during the week of August 6 to he the best in the history of the organization. Over 1500 firemen are expected from the 12."> member towns. Prizes aggregating $1,500 will be offered to the winners in the annual truck and reel races to be held here Thursday, Augu.-t 9. Prizes of $1,000 in rash, a sold cup and tour silver cups will l>e given iu the mo tor boat races Vugust 10 and II. ,i closing features of the convention. Outboard motor races will be held Friday and free-for-all boat races will he staged Saturday on Trent River at the Country Club. They YOUR LIVERl immU atttadoa U yoa art Bilious, Constipated, i HwdMhy, Diiijr LANE'5 PILL5 Sold by R. S. Parker 111 Health the Greatest Obstacle to Happiness Columbia, S. C. ? "For several years after 1 married 1 suffered from poor health and weakness. I wanted children but was not strong enough. My grand mother pursuaded me to take Dr. , Pierce's Favorite | Prescription and it soon built me up in health and strength ened the organs. I am now the mother of _ . three very healthy children and my health is fine. When I i feel the need of a tonic I always take the | 'Prescription.' I cannot say enough in praise of this wonderful medicine for weak and ailing women." ? Mrs. W. O. Pruitt, 2024 Main St. All dealers. Write Dr. Pierce, Presi dent Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Hill be held under the auspices of the American Power Boat Associa tion and promise to be outstanding racing events of the south for the year. Entries will come from a wide territorv between Miami and Detroit. \ state lieauty queen, "Mis* North Carolina.* will be chosen during the ronvention from competitors se lected by the different towns in the state. A coronation ball will be held Wednesday night, August 8. The annual Firemen's ball will take I place Thursday night at the Banner \\ arehouse here. Two street dances will also be gi\en during the week. \ parade will be arranged for Wed nesday afternoon, with floats enter ed by many local business firms and ; civic organizations. Lunch Wednesday at Grantham I beach, with water sports there, a I baseball game the same afternoon, and fireworks that night over Neuse | River will be additional entertain 'ment features of the convention. Addresses during the business ses sions Tuesday morning. Tuesday af ternoon and W ednesday morning at the courthouse will be made by Sherwood Brockwell, North Caro lina Fire Marshall: Dan C. Boney. Insurance Commissioner; and E. C. Shoen. of Atlanta. Supervisor of the Atlanta Fire Underwriters Me morial services for firemen who have died during the year will be held Tuesday evening by Rev. J. A. \ ache at Christ Episcopal church. Registration of delegates will be iiin at 9:30 Monday morning, Au Igyst <>. at the Gaston Hotel. Addres ses of welcome at the opening ses sion Tuesday morning will be made by former Mayor Edward Clark for the city : John H. Parker, president, jfor the Chamber of Commerce, and jl). L. Ward. Jr., for the local fire men. The response will be bv Joe |K?*sler of Salisbury. The invocation will be asked by T. A. Green, of j this city, first president of the State Firemen's Association and for eleven years its treasurer. Present officers of the organiza tion are as follows: \. L. Puckett of Asheville, president: R. C. Whit ley. of New B"m. vice-president: John L. Miller of Concord, secre tary: Charles S. Snihhen. of Wil mington. Treasurer: and Charles C. Harris of Rocky Mount. Statistician. \t an eta -ton h.-ld in ihe Town of Mur phy "ii the l?th day of July. 1S2S. nt which ? V-et.-..n throe ordinary : of the Town of Murphy, towit. an or?hn:.n<i> authorizing the issuance of t&nno.oo of bonds of the town f- r sewer purposes. an ordinance nuihorixlnc the issuance of J 10. AAA Art of bonds of the t"\vn for the strwr improvement purpose*, a ml an ordinance authorizing the Issuance of $1A.AAA.0A of bonds ? f the town for wafer extension purp??si's. were submitted to the ? lualified voters of the town. th?- numlter of votes tast for ami against each ordinance '.elnc as follows: For ordinance authorizing $5000. OA of : <m!s for sewer purposes. and a tax therefor. -AT. * For ordinance authorizing bonds r'ur street improvement purposes. and a tax ? herefor. 199. For ordinance *Mith-r r'.inc $10,000.00 b:.nda ? water extension purposes. and a lax therefor. \_-ainst ??rdinnn>- ?uthorl*inu JaOAO.AA for ..vils for sewer ?. urp ses. upil a rax there for. 17:t. \tfain?t ordinan< ?? authorizing SI >hoi. an i-on's i -r sir-.: improvement purposes. and .1 tax therefor, ITS ; Against or?ltiv:n? ?> authcrizins ?1 I 1 Olios i r wat-f eU.-rpdon purpose*. and a 1t.i\ therefor. 177. S i .1 ordinance* :;p>: each of them, provid ( :T' ????>? the l<onds are to he issued for nec essary ext*ens,-y . and the affirmative vote of the majority of the voters votinK .it said election lieinc for "-.oh of sai! urdln;tn>vs: I? is therefore. ?: la red that ea? h ?>f said ordinances is operative. \V. M. V.ILEAN. c. n. ii!i.i? J. A RICH ARDSON. J. M. VAl'GHX. K. ?\ MOOIiE. R. It. FERGl"30N. Members of Hoard. Mr. J. M. Vaughn Introduced the following ordinance, which was read at lenyth: "AN UtDIXANCE AUTllROIZING THF.i ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEBDINO PONDS OF THE TOWN OF MURFHY. NORTH CAROLINA. FOR SEWER PUR-| P< ?SES. " IIE .T ORDAINRO by the Mayor and Hoard of Commissioners of the Town of Mur phy. North Carolina, as follows: Section 1. I*ursuant to The Municipal Fi nance Act. as amended Ponds of The Town of Murphy. North Carolina, are hereby au thorized to be issued in an aggreeate amount not exceeding S5.0A0.A0 for the purposes hereinafter described. Sf-'-lion The proceeds of said bonds shall be applied solely to the extensions of the present sewerage disposal system of the Town of Murphy, including all necessary connections ?nd to defray the expenses of such extensiors. Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A Statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with the Clerk, and is | op?-n for inspection. S?ctJon 5. This ordinance shall take ef fect thirty days after its first publication, unless In the meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under the Municipal Finance Act. as amended, in which event it shall take effect when annroved by the voters of the Town at an election. as provided in said Act." The foregoing ordinances were passed on the Hth day of June. 19:."*. and were first piillished on the 3rd day of August. lJSS. Any action or proceedings questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenc ed within thirty days af:or the'.r fl**s.t publi cation. SID PENPLEY. Clerk Town cf Murphy. ?AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF N4 'T EXCEEDING >1# BONDS OF THE TOWN OF MURPHY NOKTH CAROLINA FOll V vTER PUR POSES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Commivoioner.* the Town of Murphy. North Carolina ?? f.d<-\\> Section No. 1. Pursuant t the Municipal Finance Act. as* amen*!"! ' *" ?* ' tl>?* Town f Murphy. North Car- : hereby au thorize tcv be issues] in n igsresate princi pal amount not ? v ee.i- ?t-- 1 ? for th? purposes hereinafter de> 1 Section .. rhe pro... f said hond. .-hall l> ? applied solely :? <."??? ?tru*: n or . nstr u ting of Water I- * *. Tanks. Filter : St titans. Pumps. Lands for Watershed n- - r> ?: ?? hint, lay ing of pipe*, etc. and ma1- 1 d ? -me.! nece-? ".?ry for the completion extension of modern water supply systrii! f- r the T' wn of Murphy. North Car*?lir . ? nd to provige equipment for same. Section A tax s. ? nt to pay the ??r'ncipal and Interest ? - id bonds shall he annually levied and colI??t?'. S..-tion 4. A statem- the debt of the T- vvr has been tiled w the Town Clerk, j r " - open for publi< rw; ? ? ? n. Section i. This or shall take ci fe. t thirty day* after t ? first publication. ? unless in the meantinv petition for its admission to the voters * filed under the NTunicipal Finance Act. as am-mled, in which | event it shall take e!f--: when approved l y 1 1 he voters of the Town .a ri election, as pro vided in said Act." The foregoing ordinances were passed on the !4th day of June. l^.v and were first :-:l'l!shed on the 3rd day of August. 11*-S. Any action or proceedings ?iueatloning the i\altd4ty of said ordlnan-- r:vt*t be Mmment I'd within thirty days alter their first publi cation. SIP PENDLET. Clerk. T?>wn of Murphy. I Mr J. W McMillan, intr -iu ?| the follow i ::;c ordinance, which was .?t length: AN ORDINANCE. AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EX CEEDINO H" "0 RoNDM OF THE ToWN < ?F MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA. F? dt STREET IM PROVEMENT I'URPi ?SE> RE IT ORDAINED l> the Mayor and Board >f Commissioners of '( ? Totvn of Mur phy. North Carolina, as !? '! ?s; tion 1. Pursuant t. ? hr Munioipal Fl nance Act. as amended P- nds of the Town ? f Murphy. North Carol na. are herei.y au thorized to be issued in an aggregate prlncl t I amount not exceeding J1".000.00 for the purposes hereinafter des?ril-ed Section 2. The prm-eedi- said bonds shall lie applied solely to the constructing or reconstructing within the Incorporate limits of the Town of Murphy, of und and gravel r. .ids. streets or highways, whether includ ing or not including ? ontemporaneous con structing of sidewalks. curbs, nutters or drains, and whether including or not includ ing grading for such surta< es. Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall lie annually levied and collected Section 4. A statement i f the debt of the Town has teen filed with the Town Clerk and is open for public inst--ctlon. Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first publication. unVss in the meantime u petition for its submission t.? the voters is file.i un<!? r the Municipal Fi nance Act. as amended, in which event it .shall take effect w'.en approved by the voters f |.f The Town at an election, as provided in said Act." ; The foregoing ordinances were panned on Jth.- nth day of June, and were first : puMished <?n the 3rd. day ..! August. 192S. I Any action or pr<- ceding* questioning the' ! validity of said ordinate- muat he com !m.n?ed within thirty day* after their first ? pij: dicaton. SIP 1'KNni.EV. Clerk. Town ?>f Murphy. I NOTICE oh' SALE tJS.oio.f? TOWN OF Ml'KI'H V . N. i" SFWKII. W A TKIt AND STREET IMPRt ? VE.UKNT BONPS. I Sealed Miln will I? receive*! hy the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Murphy N. j?* :int il 1 . ...I.., k n? ? n. Augun 192$. .at the Major's off ire in the Uhrarv It-n |?J j !-i~ . Murphy. X. C.. for $-_'5.ftArt.nrt 1 -nds of j sai?! Town for Street Improvement purposes. ; Sower purposes and Water Extensl. n pur ; pones. \ Th ? *a.M bonds will l?e coupon ltonds of the | denomination of $1. ???"'.<"> eaeh: will lie dated August 1. 192S and will mature as follows: i $1. , n the first d?,y of August in each year 19~o to 1934. Inclusive; Principal and Interest will l?e payable at the Hanover Xatlonal Rank of New York City sn gold coin of the 1'nited States of the kIiiihIhM weight and fineness Bonds are Issued under authority of the Municipal Finance Art ?'f North Carolina as amended. , Bonds will bear interest at the rate not to exceed 6 per cent per annum and will b# awarded to the highest and l?e*t bidder, at nut less than par and accrued interest, and the amount of premium and the rate of interest will determine the award. Bidders are invited to name ?he rate of in terest which the bonds are tn l*?ar T*e successful bidder : ? ??'o bonds printed l>ear the expense of prlntnc and fur nish the legal opinion, a copy of which bonds | I'NITEI) STATES OF AMERHA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA TOWN' OF MURPHY N" ? . - B-nd i The of in . . : County. North Car.'llna, hereby acknowledges 1 Itself Indebted. and for value received hereby I promise to pay bearer, or if this bond be , registered to the registered owner hereof. DOLLARS, on ?be . . day of - - 192. . . with interest thereon at the rate of .... per centum ikt annum, payable semiannually on the .. day of and.. of each jear upon presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they fall due Both principal and interest of this Itond are payable jin gold coin of the I'nlted States of the pres lent standard of weight and fineness at the I in the I City of New York. For the prompt payment hereof. l?oth principal and interest as the same shall fall due, the full faith. credit and resources of said .. .... cf are hereby irrevocably pledged. This l?on>l Is issued to the Municipal Fi nance Act of North Carolina and by resolu tion of the . . of said ...... and it is hereby certified that every require ment of the constitution or laws of North Carolina relating to the Issue hereof has l?een duly complied with, and that this bond is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the said constitution or laws or by the IN WITNESS WHERRop ha" r?u*e,i this k signed by it* Mayor and Clerk ,7* '? b porate seal to be hereto afrixed ,u <* terest coupon hereto alta. h^j *./* *** k. w:th th* fascimlle alKnature ?r .w ?'?*? Clerk, dated U* *7 19: OX REVERSE OF BONDS NOTICE: No writing shall b? ma?l? save by the Treasurer or^! other bond renistrar as may be atn>..intbj! Z the Kovernnjs body of the - of.. This bond may be registered as to pri^L in the Bond Register of the of. notation of such registry to t.? m.llJe by the ???? Treasurer, or by2 other bond Register a.* may h?>reaft*r U ^7 pointed for thnt I-urpo? by ,h?. body, and as may l?e provided hy \iv /J may thereafter 1* transferred c.n wh' J* inter by the rcBistered owner in person or w attorney upon presentation t.> the * Istrar accompanied by delivery of a *nft. transfer, in a form approved by the jw Regstrar and executed by the registered ^ er. Such transfer may be to ?>?ar*r. which this bond shall anain be *ubj?et successive registration and transfers u above provided Notwithstanding the r?^ t ration of this bond, the coupon will rttva payable to the bearer. Date of Registry Registered Owner (( Form of Coupon) N'o t on the .... day of . . .. 1S ths of North Cj rot ai| will pay to bearer at the . in the City of New York tHillai in gold coins of the I'nited States, of pre-eent standard of weight ami fine:*** t? ini: six months interest then due m Hi . . Fond dated .... . 19"$. and nonueti Ctot Town of Murphy. Bids must be on forms which will fc>. nlsh<-d by the Town of Murphy and ma* t? enclosed In an envelope marked "l'rop?ii for Bonds. ** addressed to the underact and must contain a cert I fed check upon u incorporate'! bank or trust company fur IVH payable to the order of the undersigns!, u secure said Town against any loss rrahiot 'from the failure of the bidder to eornrfr with the terms of his bid. No bids c:?te par and Interest will be received. The njit to reject any and all bids is reserved. SID PENDLET. Treasurer Town of Murrfiy /Vow f The news is out! The whole thrilling story of the Silver Anniversary Buick awaits you at our Ituiek showroom! And it is news that is completely revising the motor car ideals of America ! New Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher more brilliant and beautiful than any heretofore known ? a tremendous in crease in power in what was already the most powerful automobile engine of its size ? new elements of speed, pick-up and acceleration far beyond any previous stand ard . . . these are high-light features of a car so new, so advanced and so epochal that it is winning universal rec ognition as the great car of the world. Visit our Buick showroom. See the Silver Anniversary Buick ? today I SILVER ANNIVERSARY BMCK FHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ABE BUILT ... BUICK WILL BUILD TBS* SESSOMS MOTOR COMPANY

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