New Truck Announced I By Chevrolet Company The Motor Company.. \\l: ?-e unpi ? < cdented .-air- ami pro duction i- -td of placing on the i road "1 linger ind I ??-l l*-i iin ?!r I* - 1 : t January I. established) a new mark 1?>r the -ah* of a new! model. announces this week tin* edi-j ri? n to its line ot a new utility Iruck. Hie new truck, which embo die- sevet 1 improvements, chief of them a i? i:i r speeds forward trans- j mission, i - m t wheel brakes and j channel steel bumper, went into pro-; duct i??n i;i the various Chevrolet! plants Julv 2. It will be on view this week ir dealers* showroom? ( throughout the country. The four -peed- forward trans mis-ion will insure a more efficient application of engine power. 1 he extra h?w -:>> e?l near provides inaxi- ! mum pulling power on heavy roads j aiv' steep grades while normal driv-j ing requirements are met a- usual with mm oi id. t i i i r d ami fourth speeds. \ power take-off port, to which var ious jHiwr ile\ i< ran be applied, i- a further feature of the transmis >i? n. Tlie four-wheel brakes are mm-' locking ami supply a total of HIT ? inches ot braking, aside from an ili'ci; M'juiralc and indepen-i ? 1 1 v operated set of eniergenc\ j brake- on tin rear wheel-. The fr-nt wheel brake- are of the inter na! expanding t\pe. the rear wheel >ervi?-e brak- of the ??xternal con-' Ira- ting type, insuring quick and po-ai\e -t<.p- rc'^anlle? of grade or speed. \ new low loading height. 11 in< lie- from the ground. i?. made po--ilde h\ a special "kick-up** fea ture of the long ? a ? i-. \n unusu al l> long frame ,rt. extending behind the center of the rear axle, assures proper load distribution. Rigorous and exacting tests, cov ering th> usaud- of :::?!??- over all t\,?es ol roads and under winter and summer climatic conditions, were applied to the nev t:uek at General Motors IVovinu I. I?. Hall i.f Mur-j |?l: > visited t h? daughter, Mi>. < >. (!. I*a\ne Sum!. . Mrs. J. M. \i \abh and family visited O. (]. !\iyne Sunday alter in on. Mr. and Mi- !,. F. Crain of (la> totiia. are sper-flinu a few day- near Suit with friends and relative?. Rev. Gonle> failed to till his ap pointment he:>- Saturday and Sun-j di'v. Mr . J. ! . -hi ! ? |'aniil\ werr ort i ot?.-.: Suiuh.* evening in til 'I ! " "\\ \\ l.'i'p ?!. Mr. I .r Mr\a ?? o< ? ?:!>'*: hill p? . isitrd hi- lather. \\ . !.. McNahh. Saturday and > : rul . Mr. S. \\ . a: ! Carl Evans of Ran ger w v in ihi- section last week sera !?in?c the .,:ads. Mr. Il? ; \nder-. n i> attrndini: si:nrii r h >> 1 1 (ellowh^e. Mrs. Hunt ? are i- on the -i k li t : ! i- .w : Mi-- \ e-la ! ??ndernulk : Mur plr ;s \'si.: . ri i? :?f3 - hei for few day -. Mr. t" I i f t? ' ? i i ???- has been all smilt> since la-. >alurdav. POSTELL Mr. 1 M1-. I ah in ;iild little daughter. Ji>\. f ri .m Duek town. Trim., spent Saturdu\ night with Mr. Swan-nn"- sister. Mrs. II. (?. Jones. Mr. Quince Allen made a business trip to M. M. Ledford's Thursday. Mr. W. J. Jones visited his broth er. Mr. P. R. Jones, Sunday after noon. Mr. Kimery Dills from Vests, N. C., visited his eousin, Mr. lister Holdbrooks, at Postell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and daughter, Maude, from Ducktown, Tcnn., visited Mrs. Brown's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Lum De hart Sunday. Miss Bertha Brown visited Miss Vernie and Tempa Jones Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Suit visited Mrs. N. Br.-ndle Sunday afternoon. Mr-. I ?v:. '? 1'iowder \ isited Mt>.i I , il\ (':? v. r Sunda\ morniir.:. Mr. night with Mr. P. It. Jones and family. Mrs. Frankie MeDougle visited; Mrs. ( \nthia Jones Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swanson and, little -?>n. F.dward. from Ducktown.| Tenn.. \ i.-ited Mr. Swanson"- sister. I Mrs. .h-ssie Jones Sunda\. Me-si>. Dewey and Herschel i Si i !#?- \i-ited Mr. R. E. M ason Sun-; da\ afternoon. (ilimer Sumlax. Mr. and Mrs. Ii\ I - Ituni and, children and the I. it! - sister. Mi? * Henson. of (iastoni \. * are \ i? - , iling the former's i nt-. Mr. and M?s. Sanford L^dfi'i'1 Rev. Newt Man Turth'town. : Tenn.. filled his r?\ :lar appoint ment at Shearer s? !j. .! house Sat urday night and N; . .\i\. Several Patriek '?>ik- attended the all-da\ singing a' t iiion ehureh Sunday . Messrs. Arvel an' .iHv William son and Alonzo kiipatriik left last week for Pittsbur^ii. !' .... to seek employment. Mr. John Pirkle-ir i made a l?n>-i iness trip to Mr. \\. I . Coleman's Monday. Misses Ola. Aiiiim u hffie Rose - ' Hiawassee. V ( .. wrn> the gue>t> ??| Miss Oralee Pi? kl- -iner on** d.u last week. DR. E. L. HOLT DENTIST X-RAY serf I XI I l-T RRITTAIN \\ 11 N Itril.niNT. Office I'lionc 1.1 1 ltr?. l'lmnp l(M! MURPHY. N. C. LEGAL MATTERS on .1 It. to the I " National ItiiDk. Durham. ?' Tru?t.-c 'ii. try 1st. v ? ! !-?? . ? . - ? 4 ??-. Cl:? mktv I County RcdMnr the First National Bank] Durham. ,\ ?* T?u>t- ?? will ?>n A'juu.-i it 12 'clock U tin Court House I :n Cherokee tVunrx. .?ell for cash to it.- highest 1-nMer. .t puMic HUctloll. the ft?|. U>wm? tle?iriln'.l pr?>i*erty ; All that certain ; ? parcel or lot of : .ml. idtuate. Ivint; . ? t-i ? ! in the Town I Murphy. County Cherokee. State N-.rth Carolina. ami r- r.* iiilKUlar'y de- | !H"r|l>e?H-tion ?>f .H.ii.l Western margin of Val ley River Avenue with the South margin ??f I >uk? Street. ...n?l run* theme with the line of ill* J. V Harnett lot. Sou'li S5 decree* 13 minutes West IS'1 ?e*i^^>r a {take in the East margin of . f.H?t alley; then.-.- with na id Bast inarcin ?f wij>l U'? foot alley South .1 E:ixt f.? t t River Avenue; i hen?? with the sa id western margin of Val ley River Avenue. North ilegrees Went 10s te.?t to the point of Beginning. Ami l?eing all of those tertain l.its ronvf e?i to J It. Martin 1?> deeil from \Vofford-| Terrell Company. In. dated 4><-tol?er 1 ISi'T. ami retarded in lt.n?k Sv imue *he records f?-r tfierok*** County. N. C This nale i* mailu >n a.-. -ount ??f default I in th?? payment of indebtedness secured by I the Kiiil ,.f t rtisi This 5th day of July. 1923. IIRST NATli'NAI. RANK OF 1TRIIAM. NORTH CAROLIN A Till STKK. W. >. I.UCKIIART. Attorney. ? 4'*-4t-h|x . ) Durham. N C. NOIICI n| - \ I . I . 1'mler ami virtu- tli- i?*w.r ? sale v??sted in t? i:n>lersier?Hl Truste. in a ? ? r ? un ?lee<| .if t r ? ex. ?? ul. . I l?y M. I*. Freenmn ? nl wife. ft? l:, ii t- the -aid Tru ' ?? >n the ? 1 .lay Anril. 1 ?. - w ! i. h - ? ) deed i.r ? is r? - ?t?;tt| In th- . f t i- j ?i; ' ? - I- ???.? ' I.- ? ?..-It ry in ' tool '? s of I la of Trust. at pag? 57t. v i ? ? h said i ? ?)'. trust was oxvut**! for th?? purpose - ut > :. the sum ??!' > ??.? with irii-res* >.:id -itn fr..m Apnl .4 ] an. I ills n.| p.(\ :??!?? ?%n the "4th day June. 1 : _ ? ? i?f iult h.'\ inir lH>>n ma1 any i a i'i of either. ;m.i t> |Wr( * ha vine 1 tii" i :? t i \ . t _ M1? | un>l> rMsnwl trustee v., . "fc? J ,,t IV . V 1- V ? x 1 " 4, ' I ?-otirt house d.?>r In Mut ? ;tl '* a' % ; j sell to the hiehest bidd.-r t - eaA ' C< -? i I allot ion. for the purpose tisfvi* ' | indebtedness. Iht* toll. .win. :? >. r"i^ 1 !.>inc MK.I l-lnu in I'h. i . r. ; ?*.i r ??!??..?. in shoal C"rt-k V .111.1 oil I h?- wains ? >? V. nine or. a stake on D. \v. ,\iw ir i running with Alien s lin- ? 1 South t?? the top of th- mountain- t? ' ^ th" Wosi to -4t a * _ ' KXKCl'TOK'S NOTICE ' Th" undersiem-d has qu> ? -i as |j_. of Margaret S. Coxad late of Ch^Mkol rlT ty. all. I all persons having claims t !??? pan! estate are notified ? . pr?*-m ,k* to the undernamed, at Murphy. N, c'oa before July "??ih. lSl'H. All j-erson* to said "state are notified to make tttent with the undersigned. " This July 20th. lf?:'S D. WITH RRSPOOJS, (50-fit-\v.) Executor of M it -caret S. C jy m.MI'IN(i TRASH ON HITCHCOCK laKOI*KKT\ All persons are hereby n,>tlrfc,1 that % i dumping of trash and junn > n th? ?; ;*:?? nf the undersigned "ommonly call^i ^ Ilitrhcnek Property is fortlidsi. 7n? i..r such purpose* is making the uns ghtly and will nee..?sit m? th* ..f considerable money for r-movlnj n 7^ pnnnai> will he prosecuted Julv 11th. 1982. TAKIlKKl. INVESTMENT COMTAXt By *1V WITIIKR^POON". (49-4t-w.) Agent and Alton*, ADMIMSTKVTUH S NOTICE. lla vine MU..llflod as ? ? " rat-r -s I Estate of Henry A khM fl Cherokee County. N. C (who <5*4 1 1 1 , This i- l" ti"' ' - r? -- ^ I 1 1,111118 aea i"ist lit" est - ? t ? sal ! -i-?n ? exhibit them to th- n- ! r.-irne-l .-,1 jj lt"sidem-e at Murphy. N <" t. *r W? tlo "*tli d.?> of June I!1 ? ?r this - ra will '-o pleaded In bar of th. ' recovery JU persons indebted t-> said . will ;>ui in, 1 K" l*nme It A VOTI.E& Administrator ..f tt.-- I'.--' H.-r.ry 1 l I ' * v son . I Over 750,000 Bigger and Better Chevrolet s delivered since Jan. 1 st! Acclaimed by [hundreds of thousands everywhere as the world's roost luxurious low-priced car, the Bigger and Better Chevrolet has enjoyed such tremendous preference on the part of buyers that today it stands first choice of the nation for 1928! Over 750,000 new Chevrolets delivered to owners since January 1st! The largest number of automobiles sold this year by any single manufacturer! Never has any Chevrolet enjoyed such overwhelming public en dorsement ? for never has any low-priced car com bined such impressive performance, such delightful comfort, and such distinctive style. Come in and inspect the car that has won such spectac ular nationwide approval. You'll find quality you never thought possible in a low-priced automobile! TwT~Ho,?495 The coach 2^??rf^.?715 - *595 $rnr J32=JSf?$520 *675 ^03 i?l?SE5*375 The Coapa cSmou. .,*.695 All prim f. o. (m Him. Mich. ladnk law ndllnga DICKEY MOTOR COMPANY CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE MURPHY, N. C. QUALITY A~.T_ ' L' 0_w 1 COST