- - - - . PLENTY OF MONEY TO LEND f ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN "j Murphy and Andrews QUICK SERVICE AND LIBERAL TERMS % I S XI j N0 aC-E limit. AMOUNTS FROM $300. UP * For Full Particulars Call on or Write ?. HARRY P. COOPER Murphy, N. C. ^1i)CAr AND PERSONAL Edited By Miss Sarah Cook Til! ( HEROKEE S( OUT TfXETXlONE no. SO Th :>? *-nt only to I ? h;;v?? paid In ;>dvan ee At] x - -i ? n f t he t ine paid for tb? ; !r ... - ? ' ? d .?n<l unless promptly re-1 ,n?) ,h.. j .i-t ? discontinued. Suly.rtb- 1 f *?&.? ' wish t?> miss a single issue w?v. t" iv. t. m th?'ir lnt*l and send ! - p-ve . ;il? . u*t a few day* before ir. f ? ? ? j:. This will l?e t<> the a.lvan p, ,.f !? th s-;l ft Tiber and publisher. Send ] mtv-i'* " t*b?-'-fc ??r Money Order anil r?M ? ommunications to The Cherokee ?net. Murphy- N. C Miss I.eila Posey loft Friday for rinston-Sdlnn where she will spend urek uilli relatives. She will visit i Raleigh and Hickory before she pturns t?> Murphy. Mr. V illiatn Thompson and Mr. ohn Davidson are spending this fffk in < opperhill as the guets ??f Irs. Boh Barclay. Mrs. Boh Barclav returned to her o:v?* in ("opperhill after having avihg snent several days with her rents. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomp i'ii. Miss Beiil all Spain of Biltniore is le guest of Mrs. Holder in East lurphv. Mrs. Gartrell was hostess to the jmtday afternoon bridge clnl>. bote playing were: Mrs. R. S. Par r. Mrs. E. P. Fleniming, Mrs. J. f. Davidson, Mrs. Don Wither K?on. Mrs. Dot Cooper. Mrs. W. Hyde. Mrs. Harry P. Cooper, b. f. W. Thompson, Mrs. Gartrell. ho tea quests were: Mrs. Paul Hy t. Mrs. Darnell and Mrs. Daviess, [rs. Dot Cooper won high score. A plicious salad course was served. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Axley and nldren of Statesville were guests in week of Mr. Axlev's sister. Mrs. fll and Miss Kate Axley on Valley iver Avenue. I Mi? Miry Bell is attending sum mer si-):.., if Chautauqua College, P&ntauqua, \. Y. I Mr. :md Mrs. Neil Davidson and S ? ;xii Cook visited the Santeet j'1 D. *n above Rohhinsville Sun \mu?ii? other visitors to the ; : Mrs. Walter Mauney. '? P. Fleming and Mr. and ^ B. Gartrell. ^?r. ;md Mrs. Harry Kidd of At ^ere the week-end guests 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mattox. " . ,7 Kidd, who has been tending sometime with her broth * Ir. R. C. Mattox. returned to * home at Danielsville, C a., Sun IV. ^r-. E. J. Darnell and little son, ??ir, are spending sometime with * Parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. rd. and her sister, Mrs. P. C. *aH and fam ily . Miss Eva Nell Maunev was hostess | to tlu* Thursday evening bridge club ' I'lbrwo playing were- Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Dale I Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barclay. Mrs. Laura Christopher, Mrs. J. W. j Thompson. Misses Elizabeth Brit-j tain. Nan Dixon. Katherine Thomp- ; son. Mr. Ed Studstill and Prof. Ju lius Bcrzunga. Mrs. Thompson won i ,high score for ladies and Mr. Stud- 1 still for men. A most delicious sal- i ad and ice cream course was served.' Mrs. C. K. Hoover left Friday for Marion where she will visit her par lents. Mavor H. P. Cooper will leave Sr'urdav for Chattanooga. Tenn.. ' w'?ere lie will spend fifteen davs at' tlv* Fort Oglethorpe Training Camp, j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harshaw are ? in Asheville visiting Mr. Ed Har shaw who is in the hospital there. j Mr. Frank Dickey reeeived a rath er painful injury Monday when a bottle of nehi burst and cut him on ithe neck. 1 Miss Mildred Aiken delightfully entertained the Girl Scouts at the, residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Aiken, on Valley River Avenue Tuesday night. Among those present were: Misses Margaret [Witherspoon, Bonnie Kirby. Kath arine Holder. Ruth Mallonee. Grace Barnett, Frances Pendley, Virginia Benton, Birdie l.ee Crow, Fannie Deweese, Woodfin Posev, Tonunie i Carpenter, Marjorie Johnson. lima Dyer. Marcel 1 Hampton, Edna Pat ton, Mary Weaver. Messrs. Clarence j jSneed. Joe Dyer, Mercer Fain, Jr.. Nelson and Edwin Hensiey. Charlie Johnson. Guy Brittain. Bill Miller, IJ ule Adams. Richard Parker. Rob ert W eaver. Dennis Cole and Edward j F reas. Delicious cakes and puwh i were served. Mrs. H. P. Coper. Mrs. J. W. Dav idson, Pruden and Jerry Jr.. will motor to Dalton. Ga.. Mondav, where they will be the guests for a lew days of Mrs. Davidson's aunt. Mrs. I). C. Bryant. On their return jhorne Mrs. Bryant will accompany them. Mr. and Mrs. Cravotte and Miss Lona Edwards of Cornelia, Ga.. were the guests this week of Mrs. S. E. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Hay den Ferguson | announce the birth of a fine baby I boy on July 28. Register of Deeds W. A. Boyd, on ; July 26th, Mr. T. N. Bates perform- j ing the ceremony. The young con- j pie have the best wishes ot their many friends for a long and happy! life. BRIMFUL OF GOODNESS Visit our soda fountain and ask one of the hoys to mix a class of your favorite bever age. You will find it delicious ight down to the last drop. If you have no particular con coction in mind ask him to fix any one of our leading drinks; and it is sure to please. There is nourishing refreshment in i jny drink you call for. PARKER'S DRUG STORE ""r 39 77i? Rexall Store Murphy, N. C. EDDIE, THE AD MAN OU.IE uOOPS FAMlLy CAT DISAPPEARED TtmjBR DAY? OLUE ADVFKnseD -WAT we w/auteo rr back. TODAY IT KfcnjKweD.LEAOllXj t=OUR LITTUE owes ^ OUR. , Ut' WA'kIT ads get resous ' CLASSIFIED ADS Five Cents Per Line Per Insertion. Minimum Charge 25c Cash Paid for W hite and Chest nut Oak Ties, Pine Poplar and Chestnut wood. Carry full line of groceries and feed. Located in Weaver Store Building near Murphy Mills. ? J. 0. Mulkey. (51-4t-jbm. ) FOR SALE Liberia Pea? See me at Alto, Ga. C. L. C. WADE. Merchant, four miles South of Cornelia. Ga., (51-3t-pd.) PEACHES FOR SALE I will have plenty of Georgia Hell and Liberia Peaches for Sale at 50c per bushel and up commencing August 4th. J. A. GRAM Alto, Ga. FOR SALE. ? 'Complete set ?>l the Encyclopaedia Brittannica, beau ( tifully bound in morroco. in per fect condition, at a bargain. For ? further information apply to The Scout, Murphy. V C. (l-3tacl. ) Hemstitching and Picot Edging (tone nf SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. If ait Outers Given PROMPT tTTEXTlOX Mr. and Mrs. Olson Hall an nounce the birth of a fine baby girl jon July 28. Mr. William \\ . Hulvey. of Gas itonia. and Miss (Cornelia Coffee ? ?t* Marble, were united in the bonds nf | holy matrimom at the office of Mr. Ed. Davidson !r? who has Iieen in charge of th?* Standard Ser vice Station for the p.i-t several months, left Saturday morning lor \thinla, to take o\er the states ??t Georgia and Florida as salesman for A. S. Boy lc- Company. ?if Cin cinnati. manufacturers <?l Old Eng lish Floor Wax. Mr. Davidson wa* formerly with this company in Cali fornia. and his many friends here wish him success in his new terri j lory. Mr. John II. Stewart, of Novasott. Texas, who is spending sometime | with relatives at Andrews, was a visitor here Thursdav. I Mr. S. A. Carroll, of Maysville. Ga., returned to his home this week after having spent several weeks with relatives in the county. Mr. F. II. James and family of Louisville, Ky., arrived this week to spend sometime with his sister, Mrs. Florence Moore, and other relatives. Mr. R. A. McTaggart, of Birch, and Mis Nina Ramsey of Murphy, were happily married on July 21st. at the office of the Carolina-Tennes see Power Company by 'Squire T. N. Bates. Mr. McTaggart is the son of Mr. and Mrs. j. W. McTag gart. and Mrs. McTaggart is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Ramsey, prominent families and well known citizens of the county. They have the best wishes of their many friends for a long and happy married life. Andrews Lecafe Mrs. L. 1>. Nichols and little son, j L. fx. Jr.. are \isiting Mrs. Nichols mother and father at Villa Rica, Ca. J I he\ arc expected l?a? k home on Thuisdav ? ?f this week. Mrs. Carl, nee Miss Hester Wal lace. who was a teacher in *he An drews School is in Andrews visiting' Mrs. J. 11. Christy ami other friend^.; Mrs. G. Wayne Walker has visit ing her, her sister, who was Miss \ irginia Link, of Forest City. C. D. H. Tillitt made a trip to Top- J ton on Tuesday of this week to at tend to professional business. Mr. and Mrs. J. I\. Hearne and daughter. Jane, left Andrews Mon day morning for Paris, Tenn., after having been the guest "f Mr. ihearne's niece, Mrs. D. 11. Tillitt. for a week. 1 Mr. F. B. Dennis of Black Moun tain. N. C.. was in Andrews during this week attending to business in connection with the Carolina Lum-' iber and Supply Company of which he is Secretary -Treasurer. Mr. J. C. Ledford has returned to Andrews after having spent some time in the hospital in Franklin where he was operated on for gall stones. Mr. Ledford is very weak hut states that otherwise he feels very well. Miss Smith of Cincinnati. Ohio, is spending the summer with Mrs. J. M. Boone. Miss Smith has spent leach summer in Andrews for a pcr jiod of seven years. Library Committee Plans Silver Shower Plans for a silver shower for I he benefit of the Carnegie Library are being made by the Library Commit tee of the Woman's Club. The date will be announced in nex! week's issue of The Scout. The money will be used to buy new books for the Library, and all friends of the Library are invited lo come and enjoy an evening of en tertainment. Watch for the date in The Scout. The Scout regrets that a nunil?er of articles had to be omitted this week due to the fact that we had planned for only six pages and had 'printed a part of the paper with ; that number of pages as the goal, i when several legal advertisements jrame in which necessitated the Icav j ing out ??l ilie news articles. (0( course. %*pa> stuff* as we call it. al ways has the right-of-way.) UPSET With Stomach Spells "I have taken Black-Draught ever since I was a child, and can recommend it as a splendid medicine for family use," says Mrs. Cora Maberry, of Sageeyah, Gkia. rrMy mother used it, in bringing up her family, and after I had a home of my own, I con tinued to use it, as I thought it was good to give the children. "My children did not mind tak ing Black-Draught, and so when they got upset with stomach spells, or were constipated, I gave them Black-Draught tea. They are all grown now and have homes of their own, but I stili keep Black-Draught in the house and use it myself when I wake up in the morning feeling dull and 'headachey', and have a bad taste in my mouth." In use over 87 years. Price 25c. ^/br'Cor?*tipation, Indigestion. Biliousness Mr-. Rftta Morgan made a trip to \shcville 011 Monday of thi< week. On Saturday night ? ?f the past u?vk ili- \ndrews Tanning ExlracL ('??nipam had the misfortune to have one ??t its vaecum tanks eo I lapse. This will necessitate a close down for about two weeks. Sheriff I). M. Rirrhfield was in Andrews on Saturda\ ??i the past week on business in connection with his office. I lie work on the golf course of llit- Andrews (iolf and Country Club is progressing nicely and will .mini Ik: completed. Mrs. Dr. j. C. Davis, of Florida, is in Andrews as tl"* gu^?t of her husband's brothers iainii -s. Messrs. J. W . S. Davis and H. E. Davis. On last Sunday night the four churches in Andrews held a union service. The Baptist church was host. Rp\. Mr. Deerinjz a visiting Lutheran minister, was the preacher of tin- occasion. Mr. Deering is vis iting Rev. W . 11. Lef stead, pastor here of the Lutheran church. ? ? T Mrs. W . P. Currier has returned to Andrews after an extended trip to knowille and other points in Eastern Tennessee. Mr*. \. C. Rellamy has returned after an extended visit in \ irginia and Eastern Tennessee. Messrs. W. T. Moore and J. W. Walker made a business trip to Hay esville on Monday of this week. RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A liattle Creek physician says, "Constipation is responsible for more misery than any other cause." But immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Hexa'l Or derlies has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the system into the lazy, dry, evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosens the dry food waste and causes a gen tle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever in creasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexa'l Orderlie at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c to day at the nearest Rexall Drug Store. YOU NEED GOOD LIME AND PLASTER Contractors and builders who have I iron < 1 ? ? i 1 1 Lt I lit- hi >! "<i <_rraile of work tell :i- thai the\ are pleased with the miiformitx ami quality <>1 the materials that wo supply. Our lime and plaster, as well as the other building materials we carry, are all of the best grades. Come in and talk over your plans with us. We shall be glad to tie of help and give you valuable litera ture. A full stock of building materials ami supplies carried. W. M. FAIN GRO. CO. 101 Depot St. Telephone 101 MURPHY. \. C. "Everybody has a Hobby ? Ours is Service ." WE OFFER $100.00 To any one who will use Padgett's Indian Herb Juice and fail to get re sults we claim for it. Indian Herb Juice has given satisfaction to all who have used it for twenty-five years. We recommend Padgett's In dian Herb Juice for constipation, indigestion, rheumatism, liver and kidney trouble, and has proved su preme for high blood pressure. For sale at all drug stores.

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