I WITH THE CHURCHES PRE55YTERIAN CHURCH l?IU ? .t. I*. Anderson III \l (As Dillard. *-i:}??Tintend*MiJ. ]a< k Hall ar.d < \\ . (!andl?*r. t?*a? Juts ? ?f I?iblt> C!a~. }?rt.a, t i >\ thi Pastor at 11 \. M *^ni ? I ? ' ! : "I nd'-i standing The W -id." I'M: \< : I*!*'- j at 7: 1 I*. \I. Subject fc even if_ hour. "\ \ i-ion of ? (> I r \i : J no. 21 :1. The < li:i?tian Endeavor will meet in hf ' . I?. \\ . Si {>?*. If.l'Ir-. . \ rof-diai invitation i- extended th ? puhlie t?? all the >ervire>. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH iukii roK\ 1* . . T L. 8m ?* t.j \ct?\* A. 1. M ." ? < *. h ?j&pe I M-s T W\ D ' - - ??? - V- * V. S. Rvars - VI ?- \ I...vir - .! V - ?* I' .M I ? 4 ???.:? ? \ v \\ f! . ir r ? A. 1 .. W. S. I?. k SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:4." a. m. Movr i " lt w rship 11- ? > a. m. !?. Y. P. t\ M? i tir :r ? >: ? > p. m. COUNTY BUSINESS liiirii: M inul'-y of 7 urned 1 feel in l an-! f.tjualiz' ? Board . Jul ? - ? ' ? 1 * i< : of tin- \ ? mhly. an-' under it- ? h.irtt 1 -lei i-ions .,1 lh Supreme ..i \ rlh Caroli na. it ha- aeqir"- ' the ' t and pri vilege l? ? dev?-' ' i! Riv er in ( ".herokee (ount\ lor water power purp^-es. whit h rijrhl i- e\ i l:i-ive. ami no other person, firm or < ? ?! |. . : i.:rj i:a> anv right what soever to interfere with the -aid cor p? ration, or n.ake an\ development ?.l the water power of the said river. 1 hat the said ? ??iporation has !?een evreising such power sinre the vear l'.'09. hut ha- never made any de velopment of -urh water powers. 2. That 1)\ purchase and eondem nation, it has i nuired all available dr. m site- aloi - the Hiawa-see K i\ ! int. e ' * | i1 >-11 ;i"'l f :? -ion 1 purchased from >he fown of Mur I \ < v orship at 7: ?" 1*. M. SERVICES OF THE WEEK Prayer Mr. tin;; Wednesci; y 7:00 p. m. i"hoir Practice Friday 7:00 p. ni. \V :i.f > Missionary Society 2nd ar i 4th Tuts. lays 2:30 p. m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SOUTH 1HKKCTOKY P -? - H"w;r ] P. Powell ltO XKI) OF STKWAKHS R IV. Gra " ? .-?? a.:- I .... K. v. Weaver S ? -v Harry I" !-i ; - - r . . ... p. Hy itt - . rv Mr*. H. 15. !"!'? ir.< r. \X*. A R. A. Akr; .1. AV. l?tv ;.} - - N : ?. - H E !?i. k-y. K M I" . ? ? K -T H. McC.??!. Mr?. E. R. N \ R :. r ls..n. Mr*. T. J. S\v r-i. ; n?\v w>!is. jK . Mrs H' t ry Ax'-V f - i-:an:st Mrs. 1mI.> L* ? ~.s- ... Mrs. Harry P. C. ?; r > ?? >? i K V. \XV xv V - Mrs E !"? N ? >??? ? I.- i si:* . Mire Car?-Jyn D ?? Tur . - v'r I.'Meue Mt? A-:. Marsha" ' >ehool at nine forty t i\ ? \i irrj worship at eleven \. M. "?'! ^ inrerne Question." will bej ! f ? - t ? ! the scrnum by the par tor. I 1 -worth Leagues will meet at t::ir*v. fifteen minutes earlie: than I ? 1 1 ? re. I " \ ? ' ! ? worship at seven f i ft- t r i . !'.?? ^ i : t . ? ; \ School will a or tm at ! 1 1! ' exeiiinir hour to xvhic!: \ in\ ited. Please not ire : < i . :: time ! m seven thirty I" !i!teeil. ? M. V. ? ?lne.icla\ niirhl of next week \ul - ' '. we are to haxe our C.hureh ( !o;-i. lonre. Each member will he c\]. to answer to their name.. Include this moot ins in ymr plan-. ph\ for a consideration of two hum ???! thousand dollar*. 1 >. Tw hundred ai res of land \> -ins a dam -ite ahove Mur ' i '? at the Island Lord commonly i < * w ?- the McCombs dam site. . I T 7 . 1 ' acres of land just ahove Murphv. V C.. known as the Axlex i:am sile. I hat lli'- said corporation has not 'e niiu'd an> land- within the ron ? of the ahove named dam site except the lands upon which the proposed dams are to he located. d. 1'xvo dam sites heloxv the Town of Murphx. commonly referred to the I pper and Lower Reservoirs, xv hi eh said proposed developments will flood almo-i all the rixer hed of the Hiaxxasset- Kiver from a point three miles heloxv Murphy to the Tennessee State Line, a distance of approximately twenty-four miles, and that the said corporation oxvns all except an inconsiderable portion of the lands embraced within the two proposed developments, the acrease owned hv the saiu .corpora tion x\ ithin the contour lines of the 1 oper lleservoir hems approxi it ! \ aens. and the acreage mvi? ?.! by it In the loxver Heserxoir tl?" contour lines being ap proximately 1656 acres. SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES Tickets cn sale at all ticket offices between Asheviiie and Murphy to be sold on Sundays to a:.y pcinlG between Asheviiie and Murphy at a rate of one fare plus $.25. The minimum adult excursion fare not to be less than 75c. These tickets are limtied for use on Sundays only. J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent. That tli ? ? ? -lin i - 1%-nt" ? e-e P??wrr |> ' I ?' - ' * her , J,,... Co,:il!> '? r '',va" lion |,?r t } vear at a -uni 1 of >2o5.570. V \.i!: .. j t >11 s3(Mw 'i' i?'t' - ' ~ *' \ I v. t i i ?n of i!i?* M'.i' p H vdro*Ki'*?"ii ?' plant. lea viiiir >l2 ' ? 1 t--?' >ahte i?! ihe lands out- an ?' li'*M lo it !'?r water power :p.? ??-. tV'- > 235.5 7( K Of ihe al?o\e .. ?> 1207 acre? constituted certain lands acquired ? from Wood bun Maunev lumber Company known - Pcet .N Gilbert; Grants, which wei bought t??r a nominal sum, t<> ? ?e clouds uponi title, which are ret : : <1 lor taxation at a nominal stun. si/. S250.00. and j for tin* purpose. putins acreage J are not taken in ' -i deration, so that after deduct i this acreage, the actual acreage. net is 15.269 acres returned at >- -"'>5.570. and such ?? reage and valuati< are distribut ? ! a sfollows; Total acreage 15.2; Total \aluati 255.570.0(1 Less Town lot- ; V : ph\ 500.00 >255.071 MX) \\b". 1 Vom -i111 b.- ? - i t ? . 200 acre- \.ibi .it Loun.nn \et acreage I ? ' \ allied lo? laxatioii ? "\i mately Si \22l.??,90.0o ( )l the above . ,;-c. '???.'?. 5 acre was acquired b\ i Carolina-Ten-1 u? '.?see Power ('??? >.in\ b\ a con demnation pi ????? in the Super ior Court of Ciierok? Count) in the \car 192-1. f i ? n tli. Hiawassee Kiv ? Power Company .1! a price which the Court lixed a- the fair market \alue of the said lain! amounting to "3< ?.5.">0.( )( I. or >100. (to per acre. I his particular ?'?:>. 5 a? res of land i- returned for taxation at >0.260.00. or approximated one filth of the value determined 1\ the C< urt as its fair, ac tual market val ue. 1 hi' judgment referred to ap pear- ol record in the office of the (Jerk of the Superior Court in Judgment Docket No. III. pane 70. Of the above acreage in the I p per and Lower Reservoirs amount ii:i: to 1 l.r/ -2 ;i?m (>i4.89 acres' a- acquire*? I; em lliawa^sec River !\>nvr ami < I lit- ??.- I>\ yar ?us ? ? tidemnation proceedings in ? he Smj wr'u.t Court ??f Cherokee > appearing ?hc office of the Clerk ?>! :h - Superior Court. Judgment Docket 17. pages 236 to J |(? inclusive. at a price which the Court fixed as the fair market value of the sail! lain!- amounting to *11. 'o3.00. or approximately S08.00 per acre. Accepting the average valuation as fixed h\ the Court for the fair market \alue. which would l?e $8 l.OO per acre, the total \alua-j lion of the 1058 acres of the land in j the Lower and I pper Reservoirs.] owned l?x the Carolina-Tennessee | Power Cotnpanv. would amount to approximately s'VlO.872.00 as the fair actual \alne \ the Board t?? l?? *10.00 pc acre, amounting to S1O8.031 as the fair, actual market \ allies of the lands o| tile Car- 1' >-Tc:ui' -*-e Power Com pany l\'n_ outside of the lines of the I pp and Lower Keserx oirs. making ? Jal afual value of the 1 l.!:?>2 ;? - iMvount to slP.706. whereas th<- value i L . and made uo effort to net such nans and data, and that in making the assessment the Board of Asses sors ami thi* County Supervisors I were without information as to tht? airount of I he land- lliai I io\en'i oposed da I an,! that the fir-t information^ such nature brought t.. tin- ait,.,,* of the assessing authorities via.^l oil the present hear;-'-. The Hal finds further a- a I , t that u, ^ inn the said valuation the were valued almo-t <-iitirel\ s j held for farming purposes, v.itb,, taking into consideration the Va|t o! ihe said lands for water ?? purposes, and that it was to fix such value at that regular sessment on account of lack of ? formation. The Board of Equalization fori er finds that the present tauti? values of said lands are not tetj^ ed at their true and actual val^ and not in proportion to the las turns of other propcrtv in the 0j? t\. and to equalize the valuation 4 the same and 011 account of then, ttaordinary circumstances eff?ij^ their value, order that the vain# ed I >\ adding thereto fifty per of their present value- as no* ic turned. The Carolina-Tennessee Pi,?, Couipam except to llie order r>( |'>..ard and appeals the Stale Ra-J ol Tax assessor-, atrl uives noting such appeal which i- entered og^ record, and further notice i- ?jiv I'd. There hcing no other lnhinesk Ironic liefore the Hoard tliey adum ed to meet ,1'jain the I irst \lon4j in \ti2U>t. 192!8. T. VV. WLEY. ( . I, airmail of the W. \. BOYD. KvOffirio Clerk to the Iliad Ktxnr voi r si bscrip tio.v .voir from Kidntj and Bladdir Trouble. Dat PjL W ^>3 let t'nevc orpa $ r* ka I makf a rr,2t?T I ? ? You* Heed thefint M warning that "thinp* ^ not richt." Drink freely ci i* ~nd take Gold Medal Haarlem Oil C% rules. A world famous remedy fcr & rxy. liver, bladder and uric add troufahi sine.: 1G96. HAARLEM OIL~ At all tire agists. In three Jirrs. Look faAt| name on the blue and gold fcot ** that is winning new thousands every week Pontiac Six has long served as an outstand ing example of quality ? of materials, of de sign and of workmanship. No other six so low in price offers bodies by Fisher ? with the high-grade coach work and materials which the Fisher emblem repre sents. None other offers a 1 86 cu. in. engine Coupe, $745i S port Roadster, $745; Phaeton, $775; Cabriolet, 5795. Au^Tica* Six. Sl045tm$l265. All price* 75. ** prim ? ihry bck " j D. & D. MOTOR COMPANY MURPHY, N. C.