local golf CELEBRITIES v IP I SlUK T^S, I'LL MAVE A 39 . f US3EU.GUV? IF Vex?] ! DOtJT k t?P AWV , PETTFR TRAC* j OOUA8S TUAJil } 'YOU DO OF SOUR ^ ! GOLF STROKES, ! MX/ll D'B r~ ! n -tub f [^PCQRHOUSE ^ Dirty ^Jork at 'tTieScc^Q (W i Everyday occurence between E. L. ]{?>!(. Irfi. and E. B. Gihb<. right. OLD SPINNING WHEEL AGAIN AT BRASSTOWN Hie Folk School at Brasstown is having litis work an exhibition of handwork made in many parts of the mountain section, in other parts of the I nited Slates and in a large number of foreign countries. The Community Room is full of color ? scarves, aprons, quilts, coverlets, table-runners, bureau covers, bibs and various other articles. Two of the new type of light foot power looms are set up, one lent by Mi>- Lucy Morgan, head of the weaving at the Appalachian School, Penland. N. C., and the other by Clementine Douglas, who is well-known in Asheville from her attractive shop, The Spinning Wheel. Miv Morgan was unable to remain llii- week as she had planned but Mi-- Douglas has been showing the iv.nnv who wish to take a hand again iii w hat they used to do in their hunger days, how these new looms vurk. She has also given some in vesting talks on weaving in this and other countries. She has stud ied in Scotland, Greece and Italy and !ia> a rare collection of old looms such as we sec only in an cient nirt?rcs Pun t,f our own looms are being i by way of comparison, and jwery one who can card well is tak n l,i!,,cl at up a few rolls. ( :;'i" of the spinning wheel is a H' i ii sound in the big room. N'! ' 'he wool used was shorn I "M llit l-olk School's new pure-bred j -hire sheep, washed, dried, pun and woven in one dav. ' " i> the beginning in Brass t"u ,} rev|va| Gf t|le },an(j work ? 1 'h the mountains were fam <,|N in old days, and which is now , !"dar in other sections. The '?-k School in its w 'Titer course ' leactl weaving for the girls along >mi 1 sewing and cooking, reading, ting, history, geography and arjl '-nctir. The boys will have an ?pp"rt unity to learn craft work in r?ught iron in addition to their c??-truction^ work, surveying, mech ^rawing, gymnastics and ag cii ture. Applications are already "?g received from a number of d< ' N in this state and outside. 1'ri Scouts Sponsor ^phanage Singing Class Thf Girl Scouts of Murphv are a roncert to be given by * Concert Class from < d Fellows' Orphan Home, ?l Vr neXt Tucsday n'pht, Au ' ? at the school auditorium. "? program consists of readings, r'' I" and orchestral numbers, "" ''"ubt will be an entertnin well worth while. The Cirl are selling tickets, placing UrrA ' ' and invi,p 8,1 of thp u People to come out and give r ass a good audience. miff . ttlft mkf t i The Leading Weekly A ewspaper in Western \?r,l, Carolina . Covering a Large and Potentially Rich Ten ,ory in This State vol \L. NO. 1. Ml'RPHV, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. \LGIST in. 1 COn s 1 .50 I'l l! \K\R AGRICULTURAL PICTURES FOR THE COUNTY If weather conditions and no un forseen hinderance prevent I am planning to be .1 tthe following plac es at the specified time. I trust that you will make a special effort to he at your nearest place as I am unabfs tc reach all the places in the county. I have tried to reach the most cen tral points so that we can reach the, the most people in the limited time that I have. 1 have tried to select pictures that will he eneraining and also insrue ive. Lnaka, school house, August 13. Grand view, white school house, August 14. Grape Creek, school house, Au gust 15. Postell. school house. August 16. Sunnv Point, school house. Au gust 17. Culberson, school house. August IS. Second JT eek Marble, school house, August 20. Peachtree, school house, August 21. Martin Creek, old school house, Aususi 22. Ranger, Walker school, August 23. Suit, school house, August 24. Topton, school house, August 25. T kird Week On Monday nj^Iit, August, 27th, I will meet Mr. Arrendale on the border line of the two counties at Rrasstown and close our show there. I hope that you will try to reach one of these places as I am not go ing to be able to get around but one time this year. R. W. GRAY, County Agent. TWO MORE NEW BUILDINGS FOR | MURPHY GOING UP Willi one now business building | nearing completion and the founda tions laid for two others this week, the building activity for Murphy I continues unahated. The Dickey building on the old Hyatt stand got well under wax this, week when the concrete foundations were poured and brickwork started. This building v1 being erected by i Dennis Bainctt. local contractor. for| Messrs. Fred and Hadley Dickey.! prominent Murphy business men and j dealers for the Chevrolet automo biles. It will be one story, 36x80 feel, and will house when completed the Western Union, Cornwell's Cafe, and Jim Hembree's barber shop. It will be of brick construction with concrete foundations, and be com pleted in about 60 days. Townson Builds The building of E. L. Townson on the site of his old stand, was also put well under way this week when the foundations were poured. This building will be two stories, 28x80 feet, of brick and concrete construc tion, and will be completed in about 90 days. Dennis Barnett also has the contract for the erection of this building. Thie first story will be 16 feet high, with an eight foot bal cony on one side and thirty feet across the back. The second floor will contain an apartment of nine rooms; which will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Townson, while the ground floor store room will be us ed to house his general merchandise business. Until his store can be completed, Mr. Townson is occupying the store room in the Regal Hotel formerly used by Candler's Department Store. JUDGE MOORE'S j CHARGE TO THE GRAND JURY Following is the charge of Judge W alter E. Moore, of Sylva, to the grand jury at the August term of Cherokee Superior Court which is now in session. This is Judge Moore's first time to hold court at Murphy since his '-lection two years i ag??. His charge to the grand jury is interesting and is carried for the perusal of our readers in accordance with the policy of this paper to car ry the charge of the grand jury of all judges holding court here. Head it and think upon its message: Mr. Foreman, and gentlemen of | the Grand Jury. I want to congratu late you and your County on the' building of this most magnificient court house; it is a credit to your County and a credit to the State, and. another thing that impresses me is, that this couit house has been built! of native material, native to your County, and it shows what natural resources the County of Cherokee has; to erect this magnificient build ing out of your own material shows 'that you have resources here that are capable of making you a rich [county if they an* only cultivated | and used and manufactured, and it is a great pleasure to me to be here 'with you in this beautiful building, and 1 want to give warning now ? l! Isee a notice has been posted by the Commissioners that any one. spitting on the floor will be fined $5.(10 ? that I will enforce this fully; there is no use of any one spitting on the floor of this magnificient building or marking the walls, and it would be a great crime t?> mar the beauty of this building in any way, by spit ting on the floor or marking the walls, or dropping fruit or peeling peaches, apples or anything of that kind being dropped on the floor that would stain the floor, or in any way mar the beauty of this building and if any one does these things, if you will report it to me, he will pay for it. pay for the time it takes to clean it and rep.iu it, he will -uffci for it by cleaning it up himself or pavins seme one cl^e ?o do so. Now, gentlemen the grand jury. [ it is not necessary for me to, and I do n<-t intend to no over the entire criminal law with you, because it ?et been qstaged at Andrews. The box ing was staged in the old Lail ga rage, which has been fitted up and seats installed for this purpose. Other boxing exhibitions will be held there from time to time. Mr. Lail I stated. NEW SILO NOW COMPLETED AT FOLK SCHOOL The new silo at the Folk School is just completed. The corn is laid by and promises an excellent croop, both for ensilage and feed. The small grain, rye, oats and barley, was thrashed last week. Owing to a gift of 2() pure-bred Shropshire sheep, tin* School i< able jto furnishe -<>ine ver\ fine ewes from (its grade flock, bred to .1 registered Hampshire ram and flock belonging I;trup. director of the farm. 1 has also for sale out of the School's j blooded Berkshire stock. 011c \oung boar, and eight young sow }>ig-. all open to regisl ration entr\ and all guaranteed to make good brood sows, and four gilts read) for breed ing. Inquiries may be made at I the School, Br ass town. MURPHY SCHOOL WILL OPEN MON., SEPTEMBER 3RD. The Murphy Public Schools will open for the 1928-1929 session on the first Monday in September as has been the custom for some years in the past. This year, the first Monday falls on September 3rd. Preparations are now going for ward for the opening. Parents are urged to keep this date in mind and send their children to school the first day. The Woman's Club will hold its regular meeting Wednesday, August 16th, at 3:30. AH members are urg ed to be present. A number of things of unu?ual interest will be discussed. ADAMS BLDG. BE COMPLETED BY AUGUST 15 Cherokee Drug Company and Drs. Adams Complete Moving This It eek Tin- Adams Building on the Hen nesa corner. which lias hern under instruction for the past several months, will he eompleU d and oc cupied by the 15th of August, ac cording to announcement this week. I he carpenters and plumbers are putting on the finishing touches and | the Cherolf?e Drug Company and Drs. Edw. E. and \. R. Adams have i already moved into the building. I>. E. McLeroy and son. Ernest, of Greenville. S. C.. fixture men for the western district of the two Caro jlinas. are here this week, building I cabinets, shelves, and display eabi !nets and putting the new A. & P. Store room in readiness, and The Murphy Bakers has alreadv instal led a new and larger oven in the >t??re room the\ will occupy. The building will be occupied by the following firms: The Cherokee Drus Company, on the corner: A. & I*. Store in the center store room, with the Murphy Bakery in the oth |er outside store room. The rear store room has been secured by J. i\V. Davidson and E. C. Mallonee for i a tailoring, cleaning and pressing >hop. Drs. V B. Adams, and Edw. E. Adams, practicing physicians, and Dr. E. L. Holt, dentist, will oc rupy joining suites of the offices on the second floor. Dr. and Mrs. N. B. Adams will occupy the eight room apartment also on the second floor. Complete and Modern The new structure is of brick, with concrete foundations, of modern architectural design, two stories land basement, fronting 76 feet on \ alle\ River \\enue. running back a depth of W feet. The building: contains four store rooms on the ground floor. 7 suites of offices and one single, and an eight room apart ment on the second floor. It is one of the most complete in every appointment yet erected in Mnrpli\. The suite of offices of Drs. Adams and Holt is equipped with a private switchboard for tele phone connection to the general waiting room, and each office is equipped with electric call bells or buzzers. \ board of se\c:i meters and switches for each ??l list* seven suites of offices and store rooms, with switch connections in the base boards ol the rooms, torni a part of tin* electrical equipment. The- drug store fixtures are beau tiful and modern in c\er\ detail, of guinwood finished in light French walnut, with Moslen tracings, and marble bases in light Tennessee pink. They were manufactured and installed b\ the Morrison Manufac turing Company. Stalesvil! V ('. The fountain is a Green Frigi daire. Franklin model, with black and gold marble base, light Tennes see pink body, with a black Sani Onyx counter. It keeps all drinks, plain and carbonated water, etc., ice cold at all times without the use of ice. and was installed h\ Robert M. Green & Sons, of Philadelphia, Pa. The floor of the drug store has been covered with congolcum. Dennis Barnett was the general contractor in charge of the erection of the building, with the following as sub contractors: Electric fixtures and wiring. Harry Fain. Murphy, N. C. Heating and Plumbing, Hol der Brothers, Murphy, N. C. Plas tering. Massey Brothers, Asheville. N. C. Formal opening of the building will be held at a later date. Hecny, it is rumored, hopes to marry an American girl. His fight with Tunney has evidently whet his appetite for punishement.