THl CHKROkKF >t X T Til l l'UOM Ml PLEASANT HILL Well folks. here xve are azain and In I'll vi-ii the truth ur have been iu-t "piii.ini: it "tt else we would have r*?me sooner. We w i? ti t to register a kick the fir?t thinir ue do. well not exactly a ki- k hut a query and protest. Vve b< _an t look t'- r the Sci.ut Thur> dav. then Friday. Saturday, no mail on Sindav. tlien Moiulay and when the last man arrixed exerxhodx. 1 mean e\frvb??dx in our iamilx. tried t?> yet 1-1 "I the paper first, then in all ? -ix pa-'es. disappointment. I?u! \?'U all don't know what I am ta'k' aijotil. w.-ll it"- like llii ! , - wee a- we wrrr eating dinner we were honored by a visit f i . ? M . Iki i lex . our l'ditor. we iu \ - : ! dine with us. hut he had ?iyer ! - ! and family i treat v> ? out >11 t!?e ?.pet; W ell after di ' ? : mx wife and I went d< to tl .ir and there me! Mrs. 1> 1 1 .s n 1 1 .-iyter. who was up fj . r \tl. ? <?a.. on a visit. W e to. k the t k- up to the I >. < ?o\ - . run -f ' i ** 1 and \yency. it be in/ the > .hath, however. exery hodx was _ ? "( itr riditis. we x i-. ited several old site- of the late Couneil yround. ineludinu the place where the t hief \. I. Smith's home Stood. \\e next x ilsted the Baptist Mission and was - n .-rtained for a xvhile by tile Hex. I. \. Lee and xxife xv ho are d??in<i a yreat xvork anions the ( herokee Indian-. And now c< iine> the hone "I ? intention, xve were very anxious to k" ?w just what our country peop! ?. looked like and f lie iinpres?ii u h obtained. Not a xvord. xve don't k'ioxv if he was s,, stunned I a ?!:f! 'rent pic ture from hi- :,r.a inati n or xvhat. hut we do know that a more plea sant afternoon has not heen passed our way lately, and xve are yoinjr t<> claim all the enjoyment until xve hear from ye editor. The Rev. Sihaldd Smith and fam ily entertained Misses Penderjrrass and O'Learx of \exv York City last IYesday. These voting: ladips are employees of S. II. Kress of the Kress 1 -25c Stores. 1 hex are the ?U"sts of Capt. \. H. Weaver of Dillshoro. An "'d time revival is starting at the (.lierokce Indian Reservation et the Cherok'-e Mi.?-ion with Dr. Stephens ot Atlanta. <>a.. in charge K^Lr HEAF:TED tAz\'27 Well "I don't see why women will drag around, in a half-hearted way, never fe ling well, barely able to drag, when Ccrdui might help put them on their feet, as it did me," says Mra. Geo. S. Hunter, I of Columbus, Ga. I *"I suffered with dreadful pains j in my sides. I had to go to bed I and stay sometimes two weeks, j ""I could not work, and just | dragged around the house. "I got very thin. I went from I a hundred and twenty-six pounds down to less than a hundred. WI sent to the store for Cardui, and before I had taken the first bottle I began to improve. My side hurt less, and I began to mend in health. "Cardui acted as a fine tonic. I do not feel like the same person. I am well now, and still gaining." For sale by druggists, every where. Give it a trial. C-1M I i i the v. s. The first >ervice will > ?! J 11 o'clock. M-. II. >b P. ""'anion, tin* r?eu I . Sup!. \ ? l at ( herokee. is pushim; - luilding program at tht - ? v ! :< ii includes t \\ ? ? lar;j:e new 1- m - and two enlarged l?? il> wide tic previous capacity, now ';Hr -hir accomodations fur 350 pupils n? \t term. \\ > 'I. ! n >< 1 better close before : ? w! ? 1- ! '!<?? goe> on a strike. TOPTON \. M. < Hussell. owner and edi tor of the Palmetto News, motored iip from Palmetto. I la., for the week ? tkI with In- familx. who are spend i nuinu tlu? summer at their home !i?*re. 1' was accompanied hy his sister. Mir' Pearl Kussell. who will spend Mtiin' time here before leturn imr to her l. -me in Brooksville. Ha. Mr-. M \. l av lor. of Mur t >}i \ -pr? ,i lew <!ax- here with her daii-jli!- M John I . Nelson, last week. H *\ l; resided here for se\. rial x- - -!'? ha- nianx friends here who arc- ilw n- . lad to -er her. Mi?- fVlnia La-seter. who spent a Iw . wt'-k- \ ition here with her i mother, i - >. \. Wilson. returned t-> her S i > in ( airo. (.a.. Saturday. ^|?i* v . - ;?anied a- lar a- M:n | . Ii\ with I ? ; mother and |iep-tather. Mr. am' Mr-. >. \. \\ il>on. and her -ister. \l i ? Mvrtle Max l.a>seter. Slie x\.i- ' : ihti'd with her \ i>it l<> the mountains and will boost for them while she is awa\. ' The friends of "I nele lom Wright are glad to see him up again ;ti m an illness ?<! ahout two weeks. Mrs. | 1',. King and -on. John \iken King, attended services at the Methodist ehurch in Andrews Sun da> . Mrs. (tarlaml Haney ami children ire visiting her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Cothern. Mrs. flanex resides in (?astonia. Mi? Oleta Wright had as her guest last week. Mi-- Quay Uowland a charming young lady from \n drew s. Mr. and Mrs. S. \. Wilson. Miss j Beryl Kussell and Miss Myrtle May "Lasseter attended the all day singing at Red Marhle church Sunday. Tliev enjoyed the singing very much. Inlere>l in tin- Sunday school at ihe Methodist church here seems to I ?e growing under the superintend dencx of K. B. king, ably assisted b> Mrs. King. Hie splendid -pirit | ot ro-operation <?f all denominations jis very gratifying. Manx tourists ai passing through: e now. and express delight over! >ii. w?.::dcrful climate. ice-cold j .-p rings and scenic grandeur. MARTIN CREEK j e are having some nice weather' | at the present. Mr. Troy Birchfield and family j wfiv the guest ?>| M . and Mrs. \r xcl Crisp Sunday. Quite a large crowd from Martin! I Creek motored I ? ? the Mills Gap Sun dax . Miss Ira Madge and Mr. Blake' Stalcup and Miss Grace Crisp and! Mr. Burrell and Beigh Chastain ? njoxed a swimming party Saturday ! afternoon. j Miss I Ml ian Blair and Miss T .ilia j Birch were the guest of Mr. J. L. | Chastain one nipht last week. Miss Annaruth Stalcup had the misfortune of getting her hand hurt. Mrs. Warren and daughters are spending their summer vacation at their home on Martin Creek. Mrs. G. D. Ricks vivsited her daughter. Mrs. Victor Ellis last xveek. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Carringer and son, Floyd, were the guests of RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A Battle Creek phy ~ 1 pays. "Constipation is respons ' for more miser:* than any other But immediate relief - been found. A tablet callt K derlies has been discov ed. This tablet attracts water fro!: ? system into the lazy. dry. t-var ? :n?wel called the colon. The w; " o-er.s he dry food waste and - a pen tie. thorough, natura ! lavement without forming1 a hab>. ever in creasing the dose. Stop suffering from : nation. : Chew a Rexa'l Orderl night. Next day bright. Ge: 21 ' '"25c to ' day at the nearest Rexall Drug: Mr. and Mrs. B. M. ?' Sunday. Messrs. Carl and I ! Hendrix and I >?'! i Palmer were \ sit??rs at, Marlins ("reek last Sin: 1. ? Mrs. Frank Leather^" "f Hur liam. \. C.. and daui:!.' Mary Fa\e. are spending a few weeks with Mi-.'s parents. Mr. and Mr- "v H. Stal? lip. Prayer service at The (ilade. e\ t ry Sunday night. F.vcr ? <K come am! l-elp us in; ke a mi ? ??! it. INFORMATION ON TAX SALES CERTIFICATES ? B? N i\> Ticcnfy /'#"?? f ? / I ?' n!f\ Im fmsnt Is Beit i u. 1 lis I lie following statement to C??un w \? * ? 'tintants by Charle- M. ]ohn* son. executive secretary ? the ('.mill t\ <>n\ eminent Advis??i\ Cominis -inn, Italeigh. has been received fur pul licatinn : "It has been brought t?? nur alien* linn thai in some eotmlies. a flat penalty ? ?l 20 per ? enl of the total .amount of the lax sales certificaes i- being imposed upon taxpayers at the time they redeem their property which has been sold for taxes. Hence, we are sending out this cir < ular letter to correct sueh misap* l prehension of the law. "Section i?037, Chapter 221. Pub lic Law- of 1927. requires that t ho certificates of sale shall bear inter est at the rate of twenty per centum per annum on the entire amount of MANY VISITORS AT FOLK SCHOOL The r??lk S hoo! Ii> had so many visitors lhi> past month lhal it has been impossilde to keep a record. \mong others who have come are: Mi-- Kucv Margon of Penland. < .. Mrs. Ksther F rea- of Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Blackmore of Isabel la. Tenn.. .Mrs. H. G. Sinhts of Pad ucah. K\ .. Mr- W . K. West. Miss Theresa West and Mrs. \nson Mor gan of Mto. Ca.. Miss Doris Sutton of Larchmont. X. V.* and Miss Ruth Hunter of Brooklyn. V ^ . Mi-- Ruth Alden Coolidge of Med Iford. Mass.. and Miss Helen Green I <?f Montelair. V J., left last week [after a months visit. They were .very much delighted with t ho roun- i 1 1 \ and pleased with the work of the -ehool, Miss Marian Hunter of l Brooklyn. \. Y.. is spending the -umnier and Mi- Hannali Morris of j Philadelphia has just arrived for the remainder of the summer. Mr. Raymond Ritehie of \ iper. Kv.. drove thrcush with a friend lasl I week to visit Mr-. De^ehamps of the I "Ik Sehnoi and Mrs. I)es champs parent-. ? of \ iper. K\.. ?and Mr. !Yum;m Ritchie are now here. !av - and '".e-i - i ?-| f ? ?j- a period of twelve month- from I h?* date of -ale. and t!?erea!S? r shall hear inter e-t at the late <i ten per eentum per annum until paid or until final judgment ol < onfirmation i- render ed. hut e\ery holder of a certificate other than count), municipal corpo | ration, or other political subdivi sion, shall, in ease said action is not j instituted within eighteen months | from the date of the tir.-l certificate j of -ale. only receive after the expi ration ol eighte.en months, on all i amounts expended on or in connec tion with said purchase, interest at the rate of six pe cent per annum. '"The law is plain therefore, that it i- not intended that 2(1 per cent of the amount of the certificate he collected from the taxpayer if he pavs the taxes and cost three months from the date of the certificate. (>n 1' one-fourth of twenty per cent of that certificate can he collected: three months being one-fourth part ? ?I twelve months."' 'Shavings Salvaged In Oakland Factory There used to be a saving that the parking industry utilized every j,arl of an animal but the squeal. \v\ ,.u.n that dosen t give tin- packer the ^lightest advantage over the modern automobile manulacturer. \ isitors going through tlie plants of the Oakland Motor Car company at Pontiae. Mich., have noticed small piles of machine turnings. or shavings, accumulating evt-r* few minutes under various machines u?u ed in the building of Oakland and Pontiae Sixes. Several men go from place to place carefully shov eling these turnings into -t**?>l con tainers. Not one visitor in fifty thinks to ask what becomes of them, pre-supposing that eventually thev rcach the scrap neap. The fact is those shavings repre sent potential automobile-. Far from being scrapped. the\ are care fully salvaged and put through a re claiming process. After sorting they are run through a crusher and then placed in wire mesh baskets in ;t ? entrifugal motion which extracts practically UN* percent of the grind ing oil. This i> filtered and used again. The crushed turnings are led into a convex or which carries them to a gondola railroad car ready lor ship inent back t?> tin* steel mills. Low ered freight charges result from the crushing. I ncrushed. about twelve tons will go into a car: crushed, more than fort> tons. Fifteen carloads are salvaged a month, or twenty tons a da>. This reclaiming process has been in effect at the Oakland plant f?>r several years. It is another instance of the effecient mass production methods which make possible so much auto mobile for so little money. ; Watch Color of Your Tongue Coated tonmie. sour stomach, head ache. constipation, rail for liver mcdidM. i Take Lane s Pills ami get relief at once. esnnE Sold bv 11. S. Parker LANE' SUBSCRIBE NOW! IDlLYlRAV ?Rfl AHfflvU ILTiRAX RiIe&V ~ ant! available only to buyers cf PONTIAC sax PRODUCT OP GENERAL MOTORS In answer to the widespread demand for a lrrw-priced six of ultra-smart ness, all Pontiac Six body types have been made available with special sport equipment. Six wire wheels in attractive colors ? two spares with chrome-plated clamps cradled in fender wells ? a folding trunk rack ... all are in cluded at a slight increase in price. Camp*. $71* Sport Readm** t74S: Pkuttm. S77S, GAAkt, $791 Of?* *-n ?_?? ? ' 1 0?Uo~l All-Amrrv<am Si,. SUHf u> S126S. A" tV?? IdiwuJ pncrs <k*y md auU lou?t Kmdlmjf charm ra. Oc*?ral ICoMr* TW !? i in Pl? ? n-w- ? ? On no other six of comparable cost is this ultra-smart and ultra-new equipment obtainable ... just as no other low-priced six provides the in herent style advantages of Bodies by Fisher and the performance superi orities of a 186 co. in. engine with the G-M-R cylinder head. The price is only $95 extra. Investigate this exceptional "boy** today. D. & D. MOTOR COMPANY

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