- local golf CELEBRITIES As all golfers eventually acquire. CHEROKEE CO G. 0. P. PICKS TICKET SAT. Hon kins \ominated For Represen tative and Abernathy for Sheriff Ernest I*. Hawkins, prominent i shuttle Mock manufeturer and busi ne>- man of Murphy was nominated as a eandidate for representative, by the Republican county convention which met at Murphy Monday after noon. and Y W. Abernathy, promi nent merchant of Marble, received the nomination for Sheriff. The meeting of the Republicans was largely attended, and followed the meeting of the county precincts last Saturday afternoon. I. \\. Axley, acting chairman of the county executive committee, opened the meeting and Clyde H. U, postmaster at Andrewv. ?vas ma?le chairman of the meeting and Sid IVndley, of Murphy, was named secretary. The following nominations were then made by the convention: For state assembly: E. P. Haw kins of Murphy. J G. Burrell, of Murphy was defeated by 16 votes. For sheriff: N. W. Abernathy, of Marble, defeated A. M. Simoiids, of Murphy, 57 votes to 50. The vote was later made unanimous by accla mation. on motion of Mr. Simonds. Register of Deeds: W. A. Boyd, of Murphy, by acclamation without opposition. Coroner: Dr S. C: Heighwav, of Murphy, received more votes than ap\ of his three opponents and was elects! by acclamation. The other candidates were: Dr. F. L. Herbert, Andrews, J. R. Davis, of Grand view, ami Dr. Edw. E. Adams, of Murphy. Coifnty Commissioners: J. W. S. Davis, \ndrews, G. B. Hickey, Shoal Creek, and \V. J. Martin, of Martins Creek, were the high men out of about 17 candidates and wer then elected by acclamation. County surveyor: W. A. Adams, Murphy, without oppisition. County board of education: Roger A. Dewar, Andrews, no opposition. After the nominations a perma nent county Republican organization for the ensuing year was effected with B B. Morrow, of Murphy, as chairman. The other nominations for this office were William Lovin Murphv. W. P. Odom, Mur phy, and Col. Don Witherspoon. Murphy. One executive committeeman was chosen from each township, as fol low*: Valleytown Township, J. B. Hoblitzell. Andrews; Murphy, Fred Stiles: Shoal Creek, R. L. Keener; F'averdam, Uly Farmer: Hothouse, Polev Bell: and Notla, B. L. Fox. Alter the business of the meeting *as over the Republicans were ad" dressed by George W Pritchard, of Asheville. candidate for congress fr?ni the 10th district. w. M. S. MEETING The regular monthly social meet of the Baptist Missionary Socie" was held at the home of Mrs. ^aul Hyatt Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 11th. CHEROKEE LEADS j SISTER COUNTIES j HUNTING LICENSE Cherokee County led the five ex- I treme western counties last year in j the sale of hunting licenses, accord- I ing to a table of hunting license re- j ceipts published this week in the | University News Letter. The receipts taken in from the I sales of the hunting license for the | season 1927-28 for the five western counties are as follows: Cherokee SI. 352.00 j Graham 686.00 ( Macon 619.00 j Swain 619.00 1 Clay 250.001 Forsytli County led all the 100 , counties of the state with a total of ! SS, 459.00, from the sale of hunting licenses, while Dare County's total was the lowest with only ?84.00. For the season, according to the figures compiled by the department of Rural Social Economics of the I niversity of North Carolina, a to tal of 126.035 resident county, 11, 686 resident state, and 878 non-res ident hunting licenses were issued. The grand total income from hunt- 1 ing licenses was S204.000.00, which j sum is used in the development of the game resources of the state under the direction and supervision of the Department of Conservation and Development Welfare Worker From State Board Visits Here Delighted With IT ork of Mrs. JT ar ren: Congratulates Hoards and Public on Splendid Support ' Mrs. Mary Camp Sprinkle of the Stale Board of Charities and Public ! Welfare. Raleigh. N. C., was a visi- ; tor in Murphy and Cherokee Coun- i ty from Tuesday until Thursday of last week. Mrs. Sprinkle has charge of the Division of County Organi zation of the State Board, and she ' came into the county to get a first" hand view of the welfare work now being carried on under the leader ship of Mrs. Cathleen W. Warren. She accompanied Mrs. Warren on several trips into the county and conferred with her on her present program of work and discussed plans of future importance. While here Mrs. Sprinkle interviewed a number of the County Boards and other public spirited citizens of the county* Mrs. Sprinkle was highly pleased with the work of Mrs. Warren and the splendid support given to it by everyone. In a letter received last Saturday by Mrs. Warren. Mrs. Sprinkle summarized her impres sions of the work now being done as follows: '"Let me say again how much I enjoyed my stay in Cherokee and ?he opportunity afforded me to learn to know you and your work. The work in Cherokee County is go ing wonderfully well." "Please tell the Cherokee Scout about m\ visit and quote me as say ing: "I am delighted with the work now being carried on by Mrs. War ren and I congratulate the Boards and the public for the splendid sup port they are giving the welfare pro gram. It is a mark of progress to see the county continuing the work which was demonstrated by the Rockefeller Foundation." i After the business meeting a de lightful social hour was enjoyed. | A delicious salad course was serv- ' ed. The following members were present: Mrs*. L. E. Bay less, Mrs. G. M. Fleming. Miss Sarah Cook. Mrs. ! C. M. Wofford, Mrs. Pearcc Flem ing. Mrs. Paul Hyatt. Mrs. Tom Evans. Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mrs. Neil Davidson, Mrs. W. H. Murray, Mrs. F. C. Hall, Mrs. Geo. Cope, Mrs. Bessie Deweese, Mrs. Ralph Moodr. Mrs. W. H. Keener, Mrs. Jerry Davidson, and Mrs Ben Gar trell. MAUNEY WRITES RELATIVE TO THE CO. HOSPITAL Has Found Sentiment Unanimously Favorable . and Corrects Rumor That Haywood's Is a Bur den On Taxpayers Murphv, N. C. Sept. 12th, 1928. Editor Cherokee Scout, Murphv. N. C. Dear Sir: ? Believing as I do that a County Hospital would he a great asset to our county as well as being greatly needed. I am personally interested in securing this hospital. I have found the people unani mously in favor of securing this public hospital where I have been, but unfortunately the rumor is being circulated that Haywood County Hospital is a burden instead of an asset and 1 took the liberty to write the hospital authorities. The letters both mine and their reply are at tached and I will be very glad if you will publish these letters, they will clear up any misunderstanding that might have been caused from these reports. I wish to emphasize the fart that XVaynesville, the location of their hospital is around 40 miles from Asheville, where the roads are con creted and less than an hour will ?et them into Asheville where many hospitals are located, while Chero kee is 80 miles from any hospital and our county joins Graham, Clay and the Georgia counties are just as inaccessible to a hospital as ours and would naturally be served by our county hospital. P. A. MAUNEY. Murphv, N. C., August 29, 1928. Supt. Haywood County Hospital, Waynesville, N. C. Dear Sir: ? There is a growing sentiment in this county for a bond issue for the erection of a County Hospital along the line of the one you have in your county. We are, as you know some what isolated from the rest of the state and cannot always reaeh a hos~ pital in time with our patients. We are anxious to put this propo sition over, and for the sake of ar gument, we would like to know something first-hand as to whether the proposition will be a liability or an asset. W e feel that if wc can assure our people that the maintain ance will not be too burdensome, j we are in a position to get it over. ? Therefore, may I ask that you give j me some of \our observations along j this line, and what we might expect as the institution grows and gains in service. Thanking you in advance for any information, I beg to remain. Sincerely yours, P. A. MAl'NEY. j Waynesville ,N. C. September 8th, 1928. | Mr. P. A. Mauney. Kinsey. V C. My Dear Mr. Mauney: ? Your letter of August 29 acknow ledged. and we are very glad, in deed, to give you any information concerning our hospital. We have been open eight months, j Our operating expenses have been j about equal to our cash receipts. Of I course the first three or four months i there was a great deficiency but the ' past four months have nearly made up this deficiency of our first three months of operation. We, of course, use graduate nurs t s for bedside nursing which elimi nates the expense of training nurses. Mv opinion is that the first year of operating a hospital is much more expensive than after a hospital has been organized for a long period of time. Should you be interested in com ing over to see us, we would be glad DEMOCRATS TO MEET SATI IRDAY The Democratic Convention of Cherokee County will meet next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock in the court house here for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various county office?. The pre cinct meetings were held last Satur day in the different voting precincts of the county and delegates elected and instructed for the county meet- , ing. I COOPER TIES FIRST 'KNOT' OF J. P.-SHIP Mayor Harry P. Cooper, who is ! also a Justice of the Peace, last | Tuesday, September 6th, performed the first wedding ceremony since he j received his commission as a justice j of the peace some time ago. 1 The happy young couple married by Mayor Cooper were Mr. Jerry Presley, 28 years old, of Marion, ! and Miss Fannie Panther, 19 years old, of Murphy route 3, and the ceremony was performed in the of fice of Mr. Cooper in the Briltain Axley building at high noon. The witnesses present were George Leath erwood, of Murphy: Mrs. C. S. Wood and Mrs. J. A. Austin, of Tamp.i, Fla. Mrs. Preslv is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Panther, prominent citizens of this county, and the gimim is a son of William Presley, of Marion. Other weddings of recent date, ac cording to record in the Register of Deed's office, are as follows: HUGHES- -ROGERS Mr. Carl Hughes. 29 years old. and Miss May Rogers. 24. were hap pily married by Rev W E Ledford at Kinsey, September 8th. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, of this county. WH1TNER-SMITH Mr. Garfield Whitner, -1 years oW. of Murphy, and Miss Elizabeth Smith. 18, of Andrews, were mar ried recently by Rev. H. M. Baker. Mr. Whitner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb \\ hitner. and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dolph son Smith. COLfr ELL-ENGLA\D Mr. Albert Colwell. 37 years old, of Blairsville. Ca.. and Miss Gra pelle. England, 21- years old, of Blairsville. Ga.. were married Au gust 11th. by Rev. T. L. Sasser. Says Dog Ordinance Does Net ExDire Until October 15th ? i ! Attention is called to the fact ! tliat the ordinance prohibiting dogs from running at large does not ex pire until October 15th. stated May or Harr\ P. Cooper this week, as a result of what seems a laxity on the : part of some to disregard the ordi- i nanr*p. Mayor Cooper also stated that j there was a state law against ehil- | dren under 16 years of age driving ; motor vehieles. and that it would he enforced. e do not wish to cause hard feelings on the part of any one." Mr. Cooper stated, "hut these laws must he enforced and the enforce ment officers of our city and county are charged with the responsibility of seeing that the\ are." to have you do so. and go over our records more thoroughly in order , that you could explain the situation ! to your community. I am planning to leave town for THREE LIONS CLUBS MEET BRYSON heed. hurt and Fellowship arc Fea tures of Friday .Xight's Pro gram Lionesses anil members of the roaring cluks of Murphv and Ashe ville bore down upon the Lions Club at Bryson Cily last Friday night, Murphy twenty in number and Ashe" ville sixteen in number, locked arms and together marched against the delicious feed in the dining room of Kryemont Inn like the beasts of prey their emblems repre sent devouring everything but the dishes and tables. I his was the first get-together meeting held bv the three clubs since Murphy and Bryson City clubs were "rganized l>\ the activities of the Asheville club some two years ago, and was marked Itv a good feed, plenty of fun and the spirit of good fellowship that permeates all get together meetings at which chicken, ice cream, and cake, coffee, cigars, etc.. are served before the speaking begins. 'I he meeting was presided over by Rev. R. L. Creel, former presi dent of the Bryson City club, and was opened by singing "America," after which B. W. Sipe of Murphy offered thanks. Just as all started to flop in their chairs and charge into the food before them. Lion Creel roared halt, and an informal intr?Mi"ti. n of all members present was made. The first number on the program was a piano solo, beautifully ren dered by Miss Daisy Freeman, of Bryson City. The welcome address was made by Lion Creel, and was responded to by Lion I) Witherspoon, of Mur phy, ami Lion Hiram Tidwell and Lion J. A. Patla, of Asheville. Several stunts were indulged in. Choosing the ugliest man afforded lots of fun and the prize, a bandana handkerchief, fell to J H. Brown, nresident of the Asheville I. ions. "Biggest Liar," was voted to J. M. Cooper of Cooper Clothing Co., of Asheville For the largest foot pre sent Dr. I\. L. Creel, was given a pair of baby shoes. A monkey was presented to Mayor Harry P Coop er. of Murphv. as the best example of the Darwinian Theory. A "cu pid*' was given to Mrs. Lillian Lvda, ??f Asheville, who was winner in the beauty contest. Twenty motored from Murphy for the meeting and sixteen from Ashe j \ illc. It was lady's night and this added a note of gayety to the occa sion The three presidents of the clubs \ . ere there, j. L. Brown of Asheville. \\ . M. Fain of Murphy , and Dr Berlin Thomassou of Bry son Cit\. I he theme of the most of the talks was the accessibility <?f the different towns in Western North Carolina since the building of good roads. It was a get-together meeting of rep" resentative men and women of the western section. A four course lunch was served and the evening was greatly enjoyed. Those attending from Murphy were: Mr and Mrs. W. M. Fain, Mr. and Mrs. Harry I'. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs Harve F.Ik ins. Mr. and Mrs. G. If- Cope. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Haw kins. Mr. and Mrs. D. Witherspoon, Mr. and Mrs. B W. Sipe. Miss Lu ceba Triplett. Mr. and Mrs. \\ . W. Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. G. \\ . Ellis, and C. Vi*. Bailey two weeks, but any time after that I would be glad to have you visit us. Very sincerely yours, Haywood County Hospital, By ELLEN PANOTT, Supt.

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