ULIie CtirV'RCf 3>roul Th'' (Uiii'inl Or^an of Vwnl'\ ami ? Cherokee Count\. \ortii Carolina. PI Itl.lSIIKD I \ KiiV ml \\ . !'? VII.} > Kdi to;-- Manager Mrs. < Bailee \ ? >ciate F -I. B \Y SUM XsoriaiHF.d. I.i -J iii the !?? -;??! I i? ?? at Murphy. North Carolina. . - -econd ? lass mail matter under V I ?>f March 3. Io70. >1 F?>( Kin ION K \ I KS in r.HKROkri: col \ty One Year *1.50 S?\ Months 75 I n?n r Months .50 OUTSIDE CHEROKEE ( 01 NTH One Year S2.00 >i> Months , 1.00 Four Month* .70 Haloween Haloween. the evening of ()ctol?er "?1. so-railed Iwi-ause it is the eve of the Christmas festival of all saints, i- the \ oung peoples time lor , nav el) and pranks, a time to pla> at be ing ghosts, witches, and tairi?*>. About thirteen centuries ago pa gan- celebrated November 1. as MI Saints l)a\. the da\ when spirits, lioth good and evil, were believed to be on earth. Building of bonfires, i racking of nut?-, bobbing for apples floating in water and telling of ghosl stories and fortunes are all di ver-ion*. of paganism whirh original- I ed ? en tu ries ago. It \ou are -uperstitious. \ou*Il be glad to k ii ? >w that wi telie-.. or an\ evil spirit-, have no power to follow farther than the n?*\t running stream: also that when \ou fall in with bogies. no matetr the danger there ma> be in going forward, there i-- much more danger in turning iiaclc. % ? ar j a. \<>. ,x?(?7:h,> lb took her about her delicate 1 it - lb- waist and lifted her 1 ight I \ up j lilt" his arms. Her e\e- rloscd and wisp of her golden hair caressed; hi l-whead. Hi- breath was fan- j rinu her waven elieek. Suddenh he j -e! her down almost harsliK. "(ice." he -aid. "It lire i- h I to work in the doll department." Statement of flit' Ownership. Man agement. Circulation. Etc.. Rt'nuireri H\ th e Act ni Congress oj lu^nst 1012. of Tin CHFJtOkKV. SCOl I published week I \ at Murphv. \. C.. for Ortoher 1. ,\*)2?i. >l \Ti: {)Y NORTH CAROLINA. CV/l Yn OF CHKROKEK. Bel ore me. a Notar\ I'ulilir in and for the Stale and eoiinty aforesaid, personalis appeared \\ . Bailey, who. having been dulv sworn ac? rording to law. deposes and says that he i> the Kditor and owner of Nh Cherokee Scout and thai the fol lowing is. In the hest of his know ledge and belief, a true statement of th** ownership, management, etc., of ill*- aforesaid puhlieation for th*' date shown in the above caption, re quired In the \? i of August. 21. I ') 1 2. embodied in section 111. Pos tal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of ihis form, to-wit: 1. That the names and addresses ol the publ sher. editor, managing editor, and business manager are: Publisher. C. \V. Bailev. Murphv. N. C. Kditor. Managing Kditor. Business Manager. C. \V. Bailev. Murphv. N. C. 2. That the owner is C. W., Bai lev. Murph\ . N. C. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hol der> owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: R. W. Sine. Murohv. N. C. H. M. Be*-?-v. Raleigh. \. C. Mersenthal er Tan^vne Co.. Brooklyn. X. Y. 1. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the own ers. stockholders, and security hol ders. if anv. contain not only the list of stockholders and securitv hol ders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the book? of the company as trustee or in any other jud'eiary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is giv en; also that the said two para- j graphs contain statements embracing j affiant's full knowledge and belief j as t the circumstances and condi it n? iiridei ' ? ?? .x.t uit'lv ;*?i ? J i;\ !' ?!?' - who do not appear *u?- ' the 1? ? ??! the companx as ; *ri >' ? *s. hoi.' "t '<k and securities in j ? oi *????? tb >u th ?t of .s hona j fide owner: ami this affiant i as no t\> :i l? !- I :"\i that an\ oil ? per- j ->sM-iat ?u. ? ?r corporal) -n has jm nleres! dirert or indirect in the j said stock. bond?. or other securities ' a- s? dialed 1>\ him. < W. B All !.V. Kditor and Owner. Sworn t? and subscribed ln-fore > ?hi> ? Jh da\ of October. 1928. ? S-a! C. II. Hll.L. \. \\ V- commission expires Nov. 25. 1 929. LEGAL MATTERS NORTH CAROl.INA t'HEKOKEE )l'\TY. IN THK S1PERIOR COURT KATR I Sit Y Si ?N l'l.A I NTI FF ?K waltkr j hryson. defendant. NOTICE Th>* -l^fpn 1 -nt a.ove namo<l will take n??ti? ?? th ?: an action entitled as shore has l*?en i .immei)' -vl in the Superior Court ..C j Cher. k.-.? C.?unr> N ?rth Carolina and th* pv;r -f th" action if to obtain an abso lute .tin the lw>nds of matrimony ? statutory grounds. That h?? is required to personally i|>i-ar l**fore the Clerk of th? Superior Court of Cherokee County. N. C. . at hix offli? in Murphy. Cherokee County. ! n. ?? . ..- .. ttel the 1 -? day of November i 1S1">, *nd ? in answer or demur to tb- ' ' - ? ? '-n t jn said Clerks office j (a Copy ..f whi' h is in my nffi?-e for you> or w..i ?;.ani the relief demanded In *? ?' ? :it. This t.'ih .la> of O-toi-r. l'.?:x. P C. HYATT. :uperior Court of Cherokee ' -4?".jhm. NOTICE OF SAI.I. I M)KK I?FKI> OF TKl'ST Wl . *';?? 12th .Jay of March. ISC'!, t \ Man^ol-l itvl Alpine |,t]--as execute-! a '???-I ' * . ?: -he on-! rsitctiofl Trustee for he ? s-eunnc the i aynient of two o-.-s ? r ..tie thousand dollars each, due in ?no md tv. years from date if said >1 i >f 'rt *v'm - t 1 ?' of tr-mt conveys the '? ? f?e- |..s;. I ;l.e.> a lit I which :s r? i.rdei i n I office of The Register <f |?-.. I ' i t - ?'.>unt> North Oirolint. t- l>ook ?; "J" ?? ' I. et J.ei|, . tlie H.I ill notes a'.\. ? 1 lie.fn: for the purchas4> price of ?!? fault has le?.-n ina-1. in ' he ?..??ill notes so secure! if sale In ?-?? W .u>-.i ..t tm^i X > ? I !3? 1 1 ? ? ? ?'ti t." sell t' ? 1 I s said ile-'.l ..f trust f?>* , the p;r: -? Matisfyitic <i(id in.h-l.tc<li?'>s :ii n|h":i! ; v-? and I he i.n- l-r 1-.: a.'.l ^ las 1 ... -n feq'i.--. . I l.x the parties .-nti'le i <? Now h- r. f..re, l.v virtue of the power of lie -.??!" : i t ?i in s . id d. e.1 .if trust, and fo. the I >11 1 I . ? <>( sat i? i'yinis the said ?,.;. l.te.l iif.? the undersigned \x itl offer for miI>- at ? ul.lii ;i: ti..r, : r ia.-h. -t the court house I " i > ? s. ile *'!-.x- tinty. North Car lica .??? W. it l.x N,,v.n.'.-r 1?. at' ..'i ?' . l.'.k A the '"ollowins: lanils It I-. Ilt-.m -j: : I. Ti.i t No. 1*\\ . out-nn-. ..I. ,n , I,,. \v;il..rs ISia u a ? s.-e Kiv. r ..in'nc Ian. Is .f John ?-.?rtoll W. T ,1.1 ..ther, V:--.M:initi?r '-ti a II ?? "corx O N". W. ? i' iv r i -t ? t; ;> .t; No D! or T o? m.h| i. ? Me.! litis, -i.i runs with the line .if said Pro ? ttjon No !'? or '.'x |?oles to a Ch-*s'nut. i t n:ik N K. corner of I're-emit'i *n No. * t ? then S. "" West ItS pole;; t.i a ? ? ; ? .n S W" 11S poles to a Hi.kory corner ?? No 1. H ein e North 1 Oil soles to a Rlack theme North 77 E. - ^ Poles to a stake then South to th,? beuinninu. This n. tol?T 11. 1!>2S. I.. E. lt.\ YI.ESS Trustee \OTH K OF SAI.E ??F I-ANH j?lV virtue ?"* tli" pruvision of a in I trust ft. .??i lVarli. Thomas and husband. Ann i -n,.,,,,-, j ?' .t-.i Se"t 1 '? 1 ?? and re.-ovded in the ? ? f ?he Racist - D~ d ' ' Cherokee ?"ounty ..n Sept. -*-'.1919. m Deed ^ R.? ?k N?>. : i ? par- ''*>?* d-fault h iv nit i made jr. the p.i\ment of the debt sei ur I ...I therehv due t.. th.- Bank --f Murpliy of l-*i .ur Hundred Forty dollarn. due hy note of I that da te. with Interest from date, the un ? !-isiKti?-l Trunte- will offer for sal- to the highest bidder. for < ?:.nh. at the court h?iuse in Murphv, Cherokee County. N, C . ? it one o'clock P. M.. on JJonrtny. November 1 the follow ins; land" situate in Hot house Township. I'hprrtkc- County, more par. ti.ulurK drscrihed an follows. ! !KST TRACT: ? >n the v iters ?.f Hot hoti?? Creek. a.li..in:n~ the I inds John !>y.nt i.\ I Bud Ar:;. J::r T**a!k er. .1 I: Fain and others. containing <r. acres and kn. wn as the William 1'ri'i.o land. m..re j.ar? i- 'Marly d. -? r '-d by deed re.-ord.-d n Book N.I pa I!.- - Ill the offi >f the Rejt ister <-f I ...fils i-t" Cherokee County. SKCi VP TRACT: ? ?n the waters of Hot i .v.-l; .!? - ril>ed ay follows: BEGIN. XING ?n a hickory, near Print's fenre. and ? i un> N 1 poles i ? a small chestnut: then i \V. Km. in>le* i . ? ;i post and pointers on the top a rbl-'e: then S polos a stake; Then E. 1 ??? poles to th?? beifinnlnp. containing S4 I a> -re*. more or Ii?s: ilml to which is record .??1 : n !'.?ok No. 14-41. prise ".'"l and 'IV.-Z. Office Register of Deeds of Cherokee Coun ty. THIRP TRACT: On the waters of Hot ? house Creek. HE'llNNINfi on a stake on ' the top .?f a small rhlcre at or near Cooper | Prince's fence, and runs N. 75 W. 110 poles . to .? chestnut onk on Jone>' line; then I with sai-l line ]?:. 8$ to a chestnut oak 1 on said line; th*.-n S. 101 poles to a larse I Spanish oak on the line of ? former sur. ? ve\ ; then with said line \V. 54 poles to the lx-trinnins;. containing 50 upwb, more or less. Sat.i three tracts containing in all 219 acres. Said sale will 1*? made to satisfy the bal ance due on said notes in the sum of $206.50. This October 10th. 1928. (9-4t-lel?) L. E. BAYLESS. Trustee. Why He Succeeded Honored politically and profession ally, during his lifetime, Dr. R. V. Pierce, whose picture appears here, made a success few have equalled. His pure herbal remedies which have stood the test for many years are still among the "best sellers." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- j ery is a stomach alterative which makes the blood richer. It clears the skin, beautifies it, pimples and eruptions vanish quickly. This Dii- ? rcvery of Dr. Pierce's puts you in fine condition. All dealers have it in liquid or tablets. Send 10 cents for trial pjeg. of taE lets to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, J?, y, and ??rite for. free advice. n- ::;u ? auolina .herokee count r. I.N THE SUPERIOR OU HT. NOT.CE OF SUMMONS WITHERS!** ?\ iol ? V8. ? r: 1. UuiiKcr. CalKc I'att- rson Penr - n. K Pallet ?~-n tiudwr its! husl-and. i": viU'lf". Lizzie l*atters-r Hetty. ?*harlte \\ l'.i H-rjoi, BI.it- t> I'ltH^rson. Horatio r.-tf - n. Emma Pi?t?er?>r in** PattvrMn A' J TjJw Pntt?r?'!i, famille Patterson :? ir'l!, W N * Y -?ar?rt Jehns-in . J..t n.?.?n N?-l?'?n " -he -n anil Sa-lte 1 ???. K??rr. Kuonp \\ Gordoa n-"?. -n < iertruile .Jt" ?-'n IIutchii?on. ?"f AT ?iudi;?r. Mr* Lmla llu'lcr i;.?be-t* ifi'l ?HH'lurl i* RnbfTts. Mr< 1 ? ? Gudzer [>ol>9"r. ind husRmd. J. T i ?..n, ? r? I Tr<?y C. Cu?U- Kuth Garrison hu?' md. H. C. 'Mirrl- >n. nnd Tom !?. jr..-! Minwtiines ? ? 12?>>] Tom Patter?on. . ?i : ? I ! ..ther n-ir* at ]?" ? J T. Patterson. - " I. - I H. I-. P:slter> ?n. dveea e?i . de fendants ' ?ve named ?"-??> I s Robert T. "'allie Patter- n I'" i rnon. I.izzlo Pa?, t-- - n Betty. Blanche l'.> terton. Horatio J*. ? ? rs.n. Owitf Patterson At wood. J. Tyler j* , -r?"n i 'amille Patter-.. r Huzhardt. W. N. Johnson. Sadie Johnson Kerr. Eugene \V. i- -.r< :i Gordon Patters-ei. Cert rule Pat I ?. - .?! Hutchison. Charles A! Guduer. Kuth ' '..'- ? .n and husban-1 It. C. Garrison, and ' T ? ?:!; Hampton wmctini^ ? ailed Turn Patter. > ? and all other h.-irs t law of T. J. I i' *ers.ai. il^'raned. ind II L Patterson. I. are hereby notified that an action ? :? ! .iM a tare ha? been instituted in the Superior Court of Cherokee County by the >'.-e named plaintiff and against the said : t-noants. the purpose of which action Is : ? hive the plaintiff declared to he the owner ? f the following described lot of land in Murphy. Cherokee County. North Carolina In simple, and to remove any claim or claims "f the several defendants in and to ^ t?? ?.me an a cloud upon the title of the < plaintiff, and to exclude wholly the said , : t-.-nd*nfj? from any title ..r interest therein, j !?'" said lot being particularly described as follows: In the Town of Murphy, .\orth Carolina. J it Valley River Avenue, being the corner lot 7-i fe^t N K of the I* Mayfield Brick Store I House and bounded and more particularly ; <h><n-rihed as follow Parr of I.ot No. 9 ' beginning on a stake r>n Main Street ? Valley 1; ???? Avenue. 75 feet from the corner of the ?:-n>..niin Mayfield Prick Store House Lot. j ? n*l runs N. So E. with i ?' street -5 f-et i ? i? Valley River Avenu- : thenw with the said I Avenue S t" K. !???' f.-. ? to a twenty foot I <!Je> ? hence s. \V . it ?? Ha id alley ?.*, feet' t 1 ? ? stake, corner of the .? T. Patterson lot:' thence w5th l'n** lh" - ?>"' J. T. Patter.; - litt ?.? the lieitinnin^: And the said nam .! ndants. and each! th-m are hereby ?i..tit:-2 that they are ?*hetokee County, at Court House In i M irphv North Car-.ttf, . ?> the 1 |th day ..f V. .?i-il?r. 1 or v *'iirt> days ther-*. . :t.-r. and answer or t.. the complaint | on file in the - , ! -j.-ri or the plain it will apply to the .otjrt f..r the relief " n.-r.-in pra\ed. Th - in tols-r 11th. !:?>. P ' ' HYATT. ' -rk ?>!" the Su*"-: ii.T Court. rht>riik<? ??nnty. North Carolina (T-4t.w.) s\ii; tir pku*???n m ? :ktv ? ? ?lt.t II AN ICS ANO MXltuiAI. II KMMI KRS * .1 1" n l!v virtue of n t; , ? . :tn-l material furnishers ilen as pr- ?. in Article 1. i"'iapte" f? Section it " th- i-onsol Mated s?at ;he un?lersiuti. I w II ..n the ? ?. d?y of November ? 1" . lock \ . m Marble. N ?" ? - i t of N. W. vu-rnaihy's uaranc. I- blithest bid ? 1-r f?.r cash ??ne For-i i-inis aut-?mobllc. > nuine No. I251i;-IM !??? the prots*rt> -t <? A* Trilll. raid ;:ile ? ?!? t.. sal ,y . debt tor the sum ol < as fob A- i for the lost of inn atnl -? Him; said ?hii.i! from the date hereof until date of sal Tli- the l?th day of ? u-tob. ? 1 ill ti - ? ? Kl? IH'KN KTT. I.lenor. mi I 1C1 SAI.fi "? x 4 I I IRI.I Kl II. ESTATE I'ni.-r and by virtue of a certain .!?? of trust made and execute*! by A. J. H.^- rs and wire. MaKl-' on the l*?h day of 1 ?' 1 ? " im ?? virtu* of an orlcr .>f r?-. . !ve-r rt. whs. h -teed ?f trust was* made i .... . i * Maun**> . Trustee. and recorded f' ' '' <? ?r rii I ??-?-. | -i of ? "h*>r? County. X. C-. In thMik No. pac <le:ai:lt Kivim: i ? en nia<l- in the pay ,,r the inlflit^ln^H^ thereby <tii-iir>'il and -1-mir>.? f m;i|- ha vim; ' *?-*n made t?. sat:s ????', n' I <;e->rc?* ?' V:? unov. 1 - V ilj ,,f, ,lay ,,f 1S-N. at ten o'clock \ M < Murphy tfme> at the rmirthonse do?r in Mur-bv. N r . ? r. ' r ?;?!?? to th.' ! i ~ t hidd?r for rash. lb - ? " V n - |oS -riU'd tr.o-f ..f la ml : Adioinink* the lands --i John llradshaw. j. T t'riv-s ? ' ? ?" ? '> ? * '""oiii:>anv and ? :ip<1 lx>nnd?l :? s follows: ? ... ii ... s V||| : .-r?<kee County. N'-rtt; Carolina Mur'hv Townshi'v :n I>is tr;- ? No. Tra> l N- 7. ("Iran* No. 1? >"4 innins on -i 1 . -i-r. th" V W. Corner N ? 27. and rune v ? >i ?l-e line of N ? *27 Kris* 1 :> ??des to n sr ill hickory. the N. E. ? "rner of No. ^7: then- ?? North with the Iin?* ' '1 i"d ?- : ? Hi :? chestnut oak. the S. K. corner of No. tl<2: thence with the of No 41 <2 tt'cfl !*; |x?leji to a black ; fuck. > E corner of said numlier: then'-e . x ort1* p l-.-? to a hi \o*-y S E. corner of No. thence with that line S. ?".? desw UVut 11?? |M.les to :i iIiikI corner ?? f said n-trn1 'hen.e with the line of said rum. J lier J*? \\" ion poles t.? ;< chestnut < orner of s -?.l and ??n t'-e |ln.? of No 209:' th?*nc? with that line South srt pole* to the \" W. i orner of No 7 1 IV then with that Une East IH trnUn to a red oak. tho \ K "?"nor of N->.. 71^; then<-.. with said line S. *> decrees \V 9n poles ti? a pine on the line "f V.. ifcen N. * jviJps to the h-?}j:nr.lr.s. [ conta mine 1?7 arm. mor? or 1-ss. Bx'Tt atmut 1<5 acres that C T. Roberts I il"?rtl?l to J. \V. Rowland and described In I said d? ?! And l?ein?? the lurid cinvyfil to A. J. j tVu-rs and wif?. >? ????rie Rogers l?y C. T j Rol?erts and wif-. l.illi** Roberts. by deed I d ' t**d Anril 2nd. 19l^? and recorded in the I offii* of the Register of I of Cherokee! i otintv. North Carolina, in b<-?k No. TS pa|R ! :i!' to which r??feren<-e is her?*bv made. lVite<| :?n?l |mste?l this the lath day of ?><? tolwr. 1 0 . (iEOROK C. MAI'NKY. j (11.4t-Krm) Trustee.! NORTH CAROI.INA. CHEROKER i'OCNTY. ' IN TIIE SlI'ERlOIt COCRT. IT T. Hackney Conn?any. a rorp?iration. H o-kney. K earns & Iuirkey (Nmitianr. a <"or- I porati?>n. who sue for themselves and all { other th?? creditors* of National Tie & l.uttt ?"..n>nany. who wi'l ? ?<no? in. m?ke them-; s-dves parties and contrlbut ? to costs of suit ? Nati'-n.il Tie A I.uml^r fo^nnny **t a I. N< ?TICE Pursuant to an order by Hon. Walter ? E. Mi.or?*. Judse hoMltiu t'ourts of the L'"th '?t'. ; >1 l?istrri-t. ii t i "h:?tnl?e*-s in Sv" a ' Jackson County, on 0<t. 15. 102^. in the a'-ov ? enti'le.1 action, all - r-dit.---. ? >f the ; National Ti*^ and l.utnWr Company are here -- > ? t .. f?io their - 'altos against said , Con?j?jiny with T. J. M?l)on.ild. Re<-eiver. ?i i ii thirty days front this date, or >? l?ar? t ?*d of recovery: si 1 1 creditors of said company I are required by th?* said order to prosecute | their I lints in this action, which is a uenernl cr*slitors bill: and ?aid R?fiver's in?st office adllress * Fa mer. Tenness- e. where mail! is i.i x ' sent t? him This ( k toiler !?=?. 13-> ii;-4t-bl T J. M. lKiNAl.lt. Receiver. \< ill i ?F SALE ? 1 1 i wii B\ TKI K I KK. Cnder and by virtue of the power of sale ? int. i in- I in that certain d.-?-d -?f trust, exe cuted by Lewis ?"*allawn> and wife. Jennie Calloway, and Florence Jackson, to the un dercii*ncd Trust?>es. t . ? s'-i-iir?- certain Indeh^ t?-dn.->n therein mention..!, which deed >-f trust is dated (ictolier i.Hh. 1!?'.'7 and record. ???1 in the office of the Iteuister of Meeds of Chet-.kce I'oiintv N- 'th i '.I i olina in Cook S-i. at pape 235 of the dee?l ri*cor?ls of said t"ot:nty; and default having l?een made in the i payment of said Indebtedness, anil all notices reimlreil by law h-ivlmc been iciven and the default not havinu le-en made uoOil. and tlie holders of the notes mentioned In said l>e?i! of Trust having demanded that the land therein mentioned |tc sold to satisfy the in. j debt edness wun-l thereby, taxes and costs j We will ? n Monday, the 19th day of No-' vember. 1 . at 12 o'clock M. sndl to the i highest bidder for cash, at the court hous?* . door in the Town of Murphy. Cherokee Coun- t ty. North Carolina, ail Ihe followitiK describ- , ed pn>t*rty. to-wit: All that certain piece. par?-*i ,f). , ? situate. lyin? and Iwinu in -i;.. T??n, 1 i?hy. County of Chwnkt- ? r* * Carolina. and more purticu! ,riy follow*. ItEG INNING on a stake at it* int^wlion of the North niarcln of ii -? .%*?nu* (Now "'n-rry s-.^.0 ^ east marieln <>f \ al?ntin.- Street, thence with the north mart iqVf. \ venue or <Vrn Str-t i :5 stake. nirwr or I.ot No ? -h- r r n.,rTa ' * the line of I.ot No. ?i. 1 SS :-.-t t.. a ,tawf j thence West f*- t t.. ? k- tn lt> ? maruin of Valentine Street thence wn-, _j. East marisin of Valentine s -t Us ^ | i ? point BeprtnninK. An '-ins all tw lot of land described in . .'..-.-I frvm ^ 1 a in and wife t>. Jennie - ,jr ;,nii en.e Jackson. dated Tt!i ?> of I -J - J. a..d ? ?-????? d?-?t in !*>? - ii; ^ , the K^-ord* *?f ! ?e? ds foi ? ?.-r-kw Contj North Carolina. Ti?e sate *???! lan.l ? < malt to 3,^ fy Maid inde*?t jdness. inter. tam - Thin the 17th LEWIS 1'. If A. MI. IX. I)*|. Ur?vi'.fj, Trmtf*. JN'U. CllJSt-foc) ?ucimond. Va.. Trtw?. ?{? ?' CHEROKEE COUNTY. Thri M i'EIllOl: ,Vr?. A. It. Davidson ) VS. , 0. \v. I.ittrell. Alias. (i. \\*. I.o\vr*n?e. ? NOTICE UK SCM.MoXS iin-t notice to ,:i other t>?n? 1 claimini; in any mtrmt in m ject matter of ?he ;><tlon u ?> pear and def.-:. 1 ih-ir claim. Th" alnive numf(l defp n-?;- ?,! 1;. %? trell. Alias. O. \V. Lowi*n<f ? hwfcy nmt fied that an action entitled abov* has h*. ?.s it tiled in the Superior > ? urt .if Chmfae County. North Carolina. by ^iliu;r naiMi plaintiff and attains! th- - ! <W emUiu . tht I purpoM "f which action i* t ? ? havr th? J lowing described land in t'her-i&p? Count). ] North Carolina. decreed t.- ; ? ?..M uMer th* direction of th*- CourT f..r th? aatisfartiu. of h tax sate certificate purchaiwd atvl t>M I 1.y the altove named plaintiff and f?.r it- <*?. I ty fact ion of certain sums rnon?*r j l?v ^aid plaintiff for ,n:^| f the said real estate. the ??-entitle! 1 heinie in the nature of an ,..n tu forn-iaac .* niort lease on real entatf t .1 w,| lienif alM?v?* mentions! the ?:ti<l r*jil Mtatf lH?in?: desc*"il?ed aw folio A certain piece. par situate. lyinK and N'inc Sri??d Crt^K and ] Not Ik Townships. (*her>ike?* County, Norti I Caiolina and lmundei! in?l 'n.>rv parii- ulartr J dosi rll?? i| :ii follows : ItEtllXXlXG th- .44 j original line on a rwk. r illtlontl i iwr. and runs east to r. |si.??i , u. ami th?n I th- oriiflnn 1 lino north to l k jark; th?v? ] \\?-st a conditional lin?? l<> 1 white oak on ;|* smith ri?t?> 7T " the l?ran' h. themr s- >uth a *. ditional lin?. to the It?-Kinnir?;. . ontainm* M ] acres, nion- or loss. I???u f.irt l/it Nn, i '.??1 And twine the sain- !.m<l >i nrf>eJ i? I Geo. W. Uttrell, Alias Gw W. J by Jason Lowrcnct by dw iteitd Aunn I 2Cth. 1913. and ifRistmd In o((W It.eUl^r ..f of r..L.^ <V^tr <*ar>diiia. in lt?Mik ? at . _??? I . rpfrmRj to \vhl< Ii is And tin- said defendant. ' \V. l.!1i-?IL I Alias. <5. W. Iaiwiti IMI' Is 1;. *- l?y nutifM I that ii-- Is required to appear at (hro((?rerfl the underniffMd. Clerk ? the Siiptriw ftJ of Chen ilcet* County. N'-rth Cinilina. a> lt? | ? '011 it House tn Murpli> . Noith CaruUn. 1 ho ;tnth day of Nov?-ml??r, 1 9'>. or *it: thirty tlays thereafter. - ikI .inswvr "r il-n To the complaint now on :? ? ih?- sai 1 J tlon. or the idalntiff will ; < t m ? ly to th^ i'?tf for the r?*lief demand> 'l -r the >omplalrL And all other i?*isons il.-tminr .'in> mterr* 1 in the stihjei t matt.-r .t : he alntr.ntitU| a.-tion. tii-w it. tho I.i 1 1 . ? t- .ii <!??.?. ritvl. I hereby pot i fied t ?? ap|s*ar itnl <lef??l '.k ? la mis is alNiVe ;=t-t mil .ill n?h*r ?tri I persons are hereby raiulrsl to op tkrtr^ claims in this action upon pain of Ww ever Imrred ami fowlosi^l ?>f (lie laraf. This the L*6 day of October, 1SJ1. I*. C. HYATT. Clerk ?>f the Sup**rior Court. Htfr County. North Candina. (t::-4t-foc. ) N EW MIEA\Stll!RIE ?IF mM sr the Worlds Finest Low-Priced Six^H^ fEver since it first came before the public Pon tiac has been recog r? , ni?^ world's ,,, | h|1; ^ finest low-pnced six* And now a new measure of value distinguishes the Pon tiac- For today's Pontiac Six provides even finer perform ance and more advanced style ?finer performance resulting from a new, more highly per fected carburetor and new manifolding ? more advanced style from the use of smaller, sturdier wheels and larger tires. Today's Pontiac Six offers you even more for your money than its own famous predeces sors. Come in to see it and drive it and you will marvel at all that $745 will buy. tr*Si Ph ?M, 977St CabrMa. rrv- 4-Do?r ?Pontoac ml tndmdm km** m?~ilmbU mx mrtnimm** rmt*. PUm a D. & D. MOTOR COMPANY MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA PCWBAC SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS i

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