Birchfield Corrects False Statement i>> M\ Krit-inU ami Krllnu * iti/en*: I haxe been reliably informed lhat >? >me one in \ndr? w> has started a "x\ hispering campaign against me. Mv informant t*m|I* tin* that th * per son i- ? irrulating tin* report that 1 iia:i?!? -ii t" I a woman to the bars of her rage, in the t.ounlx Jail, and forced her to stand in that position for two or three days at a time. I suppose tliis indiv idual has ref ('?rnir to the ease of a woman by the name of Cimn'ngham. who so disturbed the Court and defied it. that Judge Stack ordered the jailor t? stop her. which I understand he did. How e\ er. what Judge Mark ordered the jailor to do ha> been grossl\ misstated. \s a fact, she wa? handcuffed for onlx a few min ute-. and since then this same wo man has been sent up from Brxson t itx Superior Court. as ! under stand. for .1 t?*rni of three \ears for xiolat'ng !he State K.u>. \~ a malter | Cherokee knox\ xxhcie I stand, and if there should be tho-e w!i > doubt. th;;t even tliese know me well enough to beliexe I will tell the truth. x\ hen asked about it. I had absolute!) nothing to do with at rx 1 1 1! out JikL'o Marks order in the case ??l the l lunninghaiu wo- , ?ou:s. and haxe iken no artixe part in tli. Presidential campaign, what ever. I). M. MIU II! ti l l). DECEASED W illiam Marion V\ right died ;?l I V liuiiie 11 I owns Count). t?a.. Oc tober 22n?l. from an attack ?sl pneu monia. Mr. Wright a- he was allec tionutel) called. was born in Bun Count\ . \. nearly HENRY H. HICKMAN. DR. E. L. HOLT DENTIST x-ray sr*OAi.n?T orrw'^LA7MAX,Jn B??? MURPHY, N. C. H IN PATRICK Mr-. Noah Craig anil baby visited her daughtei. Mr-. lex Crowder. of Postell. over the wwk-end. _ ... Mr. Berl \dam- his moved to i Mr. Tom llamln's plaee at Pal r irk. i Mr. Vrvel \\ iiliamson. postmaster . ? ?' Patriek. has i :???! Mr. I Brown* j j?la? ?? and moved. Mrs. \\ lliamson i !- tending the po-teffiec while Mr. , [Williamson i- in the Duek- i town mines. Mr. Will Bcaxrr happened to an a? ? iden! last k . w li i 1?> he na- at, work at tin* saw mil a pl.nk ilexv, bark and hit him on the mouth k noi 'k in ti out some teeth and rutting; j ''p-ffl Mr. and Mrs. Pat W illiams and ? hildivu. of Tellie?? Plains. Tenn.. jand Mr. arid M Alia- and rliil dren of lenr?e--ee. are xi-ting Mrs. Mr-. Williams" and Mi-, Coleman* ; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Piekle -? iiner. Mr. ami Mrs. Clxde Kller brought i the remain* of their little son. llovt. 1 1 r?un New ^ ork last week and it wa- buried in Libert) eemeter\. We ?r 11 sxmpathx with the bereaxed parents. Little I hot was just .1 ro-i budded on earth to bloom in heaven. Mr. Ernest Payne, of Patrick, has movci' to Mr. S. G. Blaine's place at Hiawassee. \ large ? row <1 of people attended the speaking at Shearer school house Fridax and heard some good speaking 1?\ the Republican candi dates of t!??* county. FEED PRICES The following are cash pr'ces. Vie add I Or t?? exery bap: of feed deliver ed or charged, we wholesale in ten and barrel lots. Good new 7'# C. S. Meal 82.40 ban New C. S. Hulls 90c per bag 1 Shorts and Mill Feed SI. 75 per bag i Corn Meal SI. 15 per bu. i Oats 83.50 per bag I Salt SI. 10 per bag | Y.-C.-16'; \cid Sl/*H No. I Timotm H a \ SI . It) per cwt. Sugar Sft.OO per cwt. Brigade Flour >1.75 per l?! I ! ?. bag Morris 1!?. Lard SI. 15 per bucket Y\ e are agents for Lanion \\ agons. Full-()-IVp and Pinnacle Ponltrx and I)air\ f eeds. Order filled same da> received. DICKEY FEED CO. Murphv. \. C. SUBSCRIBE NOW A pure, wholesome refreshing drink 8 millions a day IT HAD TO fl F. noon Pure because of 22 sriJ tific tests for purity t^l safeguard every stepinj preparation. WholesoJ because it's a pure driiJ of natural flavors nothing artificial or svJ thetic in it. 1 COCA-COLA 1 Bcttlirig Compaj C. K. IKMIVV.R, Mrtation systems in the world has been made possible by the growth of the South ? and has in turn laid the foundation for greater and more rapid progress of this great eertioa in the future. With a firm belief in the South's future, the Southern is constantly building ahead of present needs. Tomorrow, as today and yesterday, the Southern will be prepared to serve the South. THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH OUT RAILWAY ~ RN SYSTEM From the Northern Gateways at Washington, Cincinnati and L-ouisville . . . from the Western Gateways at St. Louis and Mem phis ... to the Ocean Ports of Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, Brunswick and Jacksonville . . . and the Gulf Ports of Mobile and New Orleans . . . the Southern Serves the South.