HONOR ROLL OF MURPHY SCHOOL The following i- tlif honor roll foi flu* Mm i?li\ graded srhool. it inrlude*. the natui^ of pupils who were neither absent ii"i tard> duri; _ the iv.?>nth :?nd who Hade a mark ninelN pereent or better on ea*h >>.i!'i?? t. The roll follow tor hoth September and Oetoher: September Fir-t C.iad. Mr?. >ipe? Jerr\ Mill*. Mallonee. \\ illiain Townson. Marv katherine \\le\. Barbara Meronev. Louise Maune\. I ii-l Grade 'Mi*. Grant Lake Hampton. Porter I horaas. W Utiam Corn well. si rt mu! Grad*- 'Mi-s I'il.i Hivr Billie Jaek-on. Mildred Hill. Frank Gilheit. \nna J? an Grant. I ; k !?ar nett. Jiu?-\ P. ? ' !? I < it ^ i Mi ? M< < "'i1!'* 1 Mrii-.i K ??. Marx Willani ? ? ?< ?|??*i . >et:t W :! Mr! II. 1 1 < ? \\ .1 1 ? ! Well?-. Hubert Well-. Jo,- Mill, r Flkins. I hi*,! ( .r.njr ? M i-> ( i l.i >ml>- ? m ? r. Mm., v. Third Grade Mrs. IV! I i Leon \\lex . G.iinr- Hkins. !>. i. Fish. I? it-hard Ib-well. Ui'hanl Mauney. Franee- ( "hi i-topher. \ irjinia Die k. x. !{??!.. < ( ., Hall. Mildred Holder. Tlielma f'i< Hon Bruee. Jaek Chris topher. HujIi Henslex . John Jordan. FlU-it Mallonee. Ldnar Weaver. Fourth Grade ? Mi-s Flla Mc Comhsi I. O. I lenslex . Fifth Grade iMiss Hayes I G. P*. Led ford. 1 1 uhert Wilson. Cloe M oore. I oiii A \ iej . Sixth (.rode ? Mi? Tripl*-tt I Har ry Fain. Ben Gartrell. Seventh Grade iCraee W ills Bell. Para lee Dalrymple, Frames Pend lex . Marv W itherspoon. Lleventh Grade: Merle Davis. October lirst Grade i Mrs. Sipel Billy narneu. iiaiiie Alae Hinsliaw. Marv Ratherine \\ley. \erniee Cearley. Derxl Crawford. l irst Grade i Mrs. Grant ) Lakes Hampton. Porter Thomas. Kubx Townsou. Fdna Hall. Seeond Grade i Mi-s Maxes) Jaek Barnett. Kat?- Crisp. lippie Gates. Mildred Mill. Billie Jaekson. >eeoml Grade < Miss Clara Me C?mbs? Melba Brmr. Mary \\ ilia id l.i -per. Sara Svvurd. Sara \\ ither spoon. lohii Briltain. Jr.. Joe Miller Klkin.-. Porter Kamsax. Hubert \\ ells. Harold Wells. Third * ?rade 'Mrs. IVll ) Thelnia Ixiee. Kichard Ht well. Frances Christopher. 1?. I. lish. Jack Chris phei. Caines Klkius. Leon Axley. Virginia Hiikex. Christine Howell. Cilbert \mo<. Ixichard Mauiiev. K.. nrlli Crade ' Mis- MtCombsl J. < ?. Hrn-1e\ . l.i'o.iie Mae Hembree. I" ? th . - Hukcx . Marian Hull. I .>mth C.rade i Miss Sword I 1 lite Williamson. Katherine !'..|.'inan. Kdith Carroll. I it til Crade < Miss Mood I Kdna I lampton. I itth Crade i\lh Crade ? Miss Triplet!) Har I ainl Ben Cartrell. Tom r osex . ' ? ?: IVirker. \i ietta Katn-^x. - ? fith Cr.ulc: Cra- . W ills Hell. IVi-alr.- I) i!: x rnple. M iry \\ ilher TELEPHONE BILLS TO BE RENDERED ON 21st OF MONTH V nev plan foi telephone -< j x i< <* will ! ?*? introduced, bx the Southern I ?? *1 1 lelephone* ( 'oitipaux throughout tin- Carolina-, -tailing with charge- for December ? exchange serx ire. Instead of tin* hills for all sub srribri- being mailed on the first ol t lie month a- at prrsent. the bill ing i 1 1 be dixided into six equal groups. ra< h group of bills being mailed shortly aftrr iheir dale. It i- slated that the nexx billing plan permits the work of preparing bill- to be spread throughout the month, thus enabling the telephone t ompanx to give to their patrons a more eHirienf hilling service. The long distance service charges on each bill will include items up to the date of the bill, instead of such items appearing on bill- onlx up to the 20th of the preceding month, as has been the practice. I nder the new plan telephone sub-rribers here will reeeixe bills dated the 121-1 ol each month. It will be nece-sarx while the change is in progress to include charges for local service, long dis tance service and telegrams for oth er than normal periods. However, after this adjustment has been com pleted hills will cover the regular periods: namelx. tin- month preced ing the date ??! the lull lor long dis tance service items, and one month following dale pe ??l parental dis cipline administered in the home is manifest frosi the leient case ? flesh aiJ tj i-' l a just iaus'. |, i,a *? kaje of Clara Lewis and V * L t," a ' ?"Irr j It is !><-lii-\,-(| that \|rs lh?* firsl unman to I... ,tl| vUlperiJ '1.1(1 prr J Oats Sail SI. 25 Per0 We will |ia\ f()r ^ *1.50 per hushi'l f?r C|ay Wo still have \( ()W| Bran(J ^ DICKEY FEED CI 111 Health the Greate?t ? Obstacle to Happing Columbia, S. C. ? "For several \n after I married I suffered irom w health and ueaSoMj I wanted childiji but was not sua enough. My gru mother pursuadfl me to take Dj Pierce's Fa vol Prescription and i. soon built me upta health and strengtH ened the organs.! am now the motto throe very heakii children and my health is fine. \Vta| foci the need of a tonic 1 alwjyi tlkea ?I'Tcscription.' I cannot say cmuji ) praise of this wonderful medicine fa weak and ailing women."? Mr*. W. Q I?ruitt, 2024 Main St. All dealers. Write Pr. Pierce, l m dent Invalids' I lot el, Bufialo, N. free medical advice. For the Biggest Line of Christmas Goods that has Ever Been Shown in Murphy. No need of going anywhere else to buy your holiday goods. We will be able to supply your wants To display and properly handle the big variety which we are going to offer you we must reduce our stock FOR ONE WEEK BEGINNING NOVEMBER 19th AND LASTING FOR ONE WEEK. YOU JUST COME INTO OUR STORE AND BUY ANYTHING YOU WANT LESS 10 PER CENT. WATCH OUT FOR OUR ADD COVERING HOLIDAY GOODS AND DON'T BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS UNTIL YOU HAVE VISITED OUR STORE! STORES CO. MURPHY, N. C.