LIVE AT HOMF. CAMPAIGN IN COUNTY SHORT MORF. THAN HALF A MILLION DEFICIENCY IN EIGHT OF MAIN CROPS In Only Four Crop* Doe* County Produce More Th-in Needed At Home By F. H. Jeter. Agricultural Edit or. N C. State College Extention Service. In orri- - f?o > ??<-. \ ?? fi< iency of Sd . mi u > . are concerned. In only four crops docs the county produce more t an :> needed for i's own farmer.-. The < "id is one which can *awily ii:'fK?ve : ?> ^row their own food and fe and "he: the "money" crops, so tailed. If cat-li county does its ?>hare wif-inj? out the various deficiencie: (Jovernor (Jardner hopes to gee $40, < mill kept at home, within th count which has been |*ointf out the purchase of food supplies ? $?10."".i,iav?H than in 1 !*:J0 when $ 1 1M>00,000 was saved ov r th? H?2!> figures. ? herok?-e ? ->unty i deficient in whe.v . ? ;,t ?. !1 ;Ik, poultry, e*r.?s, pork | and ii !. hay are! hoiiie gardens. 1' ::'i!M - hould t ?? kepi at home. Each individual could use and use nicely, gladly, th $6* each. Of cm .r e. there is another side to t :.?? pieturt -the bright side, but it U not a glorious one. for the coun ty ?>?i!y j ' ' i 'd 'ice> more than its needs in four < : corn, be f and veal, -weet and Irish potatoes. The total value of these four surpluses is $?{55,152 i|uin a sum, but far from a sun: which would begin to cut out the deficienci s in the other eight cropr. The net deficiency for the county i- I 2.0X5. In other words, after >urplus produce is sold and this money used to buy other produce, in u ieb th county is d ficient. then 1 2.0^.? h:i to be hauled forth from the pocket of the farmers to buy stuff whieh could be raised at home. The crops, in which this county is deficient, according to the latest fig ures, ar : Wheat -42.622 bushel* retju jred : 1.5S0 bushels produced; 38,1)82 bush els shortage: $52,934 value of short DR. ELMER L. HOLT DENTIST X-RAY SERVICE Dental and. General BRITTAINAXLEY BLDG. MURPHY, N. C. MURPHY SUPPI ,Y COMPANY Packages, bags, boxes and bundles of goods continue to leave our store daily. Business is picking up and as it grows better on a firmer basis than tile bu.sines& world has ever known, w? expect our business to grow in proportion by selling good;, of quality at low prices demonstrated by the following items ? PINTO BEANS LB. 5c COFFEE, FRESH GROUND LB. 15c FLOUR """"SK-Sr 75c ARMOUR'S LARD 95c PF ArUFQ (SPECIAL SALE) tr 2Sc cans, each IDC POST TOASTIES 15c CHILDREN'S SHOES ?? $1.00 LADIES' BLOOMERS 50c OVERALLS hULL c:C? 95c CTTIDTC WASHINGTON DEE CEE *7A brllK 1 . J BRAND, EACH C ^SPREADS ?? -JS* 95c PETER PAN PRINTS 25c MURPHY SUPPLY COMPANY Noah W. Lovingood, Manager Murpby, N. C. Ancient Writing Cuneiform or "picture writing.'" which gt'ts Its name from tlie (shaped marks that form Its alphabet, was invented by the Sumeriaris and used hy the Babylonian*. Assyrians ?md Pe^hm* ??iw vom. Limit on Special Delivery Special delivery letters ?re deliver able within ? ne mile of the office. They are also deliverable on rural loutes. but the carrier d?**s id have to ma^"* de? livery more th..*- ? nehai' mile fron? the traveled !???????? Home of W ndsor Cha.r The Windsor ??! . i wns ?irst manu factured 5n the t??wn ??f Ill^li Wy combe. Knyrland TIm? town Is Mill prim ipally ! in the matiufec ?ure i>f chair Gates of T'Tmcrht The ?'f ' ? "t how slow and Into t' \ i!* over thcinsc! \ os : Yet w! th y Sppea". we so" (hat they were :: ys there, always oj ?*:i. l!abdi W: ' !?? I!:i?erseii. Petted Furniture " < v ?< the four a^e? ii l*t rs-1 are the age of w: 'mil. the aire of t' . f Tin wood Sacrificed Citizenship It was ronsiii?Mid degrading in l?en mark in the SI vti ????! Ti century for ". t'r? iiNtroiiomor. belli;; of ar torrtiitc hirtli. left his native country Blind Read Shakespeare si-.i',. ? ? ?, i it ? ?? Hi volumes of nh I . ..x i ? .? | l?r:i ?? in ii a- for thr j ? . ,j i;. | u*>! T.lhriin ,1.. - ' The customer stretched his logs and surveyed the remains of his glor ious repast. "Ask the manager to come along" j he said to the waiter. That worthy, suave and smiling,! appeared. "You the manager?" "1 have the pleasure, sir." "Well" said the customer, "five years ago 1 dined here, was unable to pay the hill and you kicked me out." "I'm very sorry indeed, sir," said ' the manager, "but I'm sure you will understand that business is ? er ? " "Oh, don't mention it. Might I trouble you again?" CARD OF THANKS ? o ? \\Y wish to thank our many 1 1 ri nds for their kindness and sym pathy shown us during the sickness I i nd death of our wife, mother, (laughter and sister, Mrs. E. E. Davis 1 No for the many beautiful floral (offerings. E. E. Davis and family. Mrs. Dixie Palmer and daughter, Miss Hattie Messrs. Leonard, Bob and Jake Palm r. ge. Oats ? 1 1G,4 40 bushel- required; ?). "?S0 bushels produced; 150,860; lush l.s shortage; $116,702 value of -h< rlage. j Milk ? 1,319,625 gallon* required; 959,052 gallons iproduced; 300,573 uallons shortage; $04,90:1 value of shortage. Poultry ? 101,008 birds required; 10,020 birds produced; 00,1)82 birds shortage; $54,884 value of shortage. Eggs ? 303,025 dozen required; 200,853 dozen produced; 30,172 doz en shortage; $10,852 value of short en-. I Pork and I.ard ? 3,910 head requir ed; 3,003 hed produced; 247 head; shortage; $4,940 value of shortage. Hay ? 15,053 tons required; 4,524' tons produced; 11,129 tons shortage; $200,322 value of shortage. Home Gardens ? 977 acres requir ed; 592 acres planted; 285 acres shortage; $101,700 value of shortage In four crops the county obtains surpluses, as follows: Corn ? 207,396 bush Is required; 433,800 bushels produced, 166,404 bushels surplus; $163,075 value of surplus. Sweet Potatoes ? 14/271 bushels required; 40,359 bushels produced; 32,088 bushels surplus; $33,379 val ue of surplus. Irish Potatoes ? 11,730 bushels r: 'itiired; 78,390 bushels produced; 66, 060 bushels surplus; $83,332 value of surplus. Beef and veal ? 611 head required; 2,201 head raised; 1.590 head sur plur ; $75,360 valit; of surplus. Cherokee has a surplus amount of rye, producing 35,040 bushels at a value of $47,758. This is a surplus as the county docs not consume rye. This item is not counted in the tabu lation. Likewise, as consumption and production of mutton and lamb is a totnl of 302 animals each year, there is no surplus or deficienmy for this item. Again, although the farmers ? eceived $2,888 in 1929 for 11,550 nounds of tobacco, this^ is not tabu lated, as it is one of the "money" "rors. If the rye and tobacco crops wer counted as surplus items, such a total would reduce the conty's de iciency by $50,646. ! WITH THE CHURCHES '^4Qo not because iheu ought to but because they WANT TO CC ! METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH Howard P. Powell, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45. Mr K. V. Weaver. Superintendent. Worship at 11 o'clock and 7 o'clock- ' You will* find a warm welcome at all our services. H PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. P. Anderson, D. D., Pastor Sunday school at 10 A. M., .John H. Dillard, Superintendent. George W. Candler and Jack Hall, Sr.. teachers of Bible Classes. Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock. Eveingr Worship at -even o'clock. The pastor will preach at both ser vices. Hie < 'hri.-tia:. Ent week of nfehts. Mr. .John Picklesimer of Patrick, Rev. Ed. Cole of C-opperhill, Tenn.,' and Mr. I.aurcnce Hamby and neic-' ! , Miss Lee of Igy, Tenn., were the . dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Torn' I I'icklesimer and family Sunday. Rev. E. 1). Cole of Copperhill, Ten- j n. ssee, has been visiting friends in our section for the past few days. He attended services at Liberty church Sunday and also attended | Sunday school at Shearer school. ! house Sunday afternoon and made a ' very int resting talk on Sunday 1 I schools. We welcomed Rev. Cole in our midst as we have known him for! many years. ? o? Rev. J. \\ . Morgan of Madison- > j\ille, Tenn., Mr. W. B. Ledford and1 ; Miss Kller Pack were the gu.sts of Mr. and. Mrs. J. P. Bryant p.nd family Sunday. Mr. Wade Picklesimer of Duck town, Tenn., was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pickle simer on day last week. ? o ? Mrs. Perlie Croft and children of Farmer, Tenn., attended services at Liberty church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Raper and child ren of Oak Park, N. C.f were Patrick visitors Sunday. Mr. A. A. Williams made a busi- ' trip to Murphy Monday. in the church at 6 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all te services in this church. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH James LcRoy Steele, Pastor Announcements for the week are as follows: f Sunday: Bible school at 9:45. Xev organization, from Nursery to Adult Department, provides place for ev erybody. ] 1 :()() A. M. Morning worship. Sermon by the pastor. ? 6:1.1 P. M. Junior. Intermediate and Senior B. Y. P. U. 7:00 P. M. Evening worship. Ser mon by the pastor. Please note the change in hour. Wednesday, 7 :00 P. M. Bible Class. Ch??ir pi net ice. CULBERSON Guy Hyatt carricd Albert Watson to the Franklin hospital last week, where he underw nt an operation for appendicitis. It is reported he is doing nicely. Mrs. Allen Dean carried her son to the Angel Bros. Hospital to have him tr ated for inflamatory rheuma tism. ? o ? L. W. Shields motored to Murphy Sunday. o Mrs. V. C. Hughes of Murphy ivnd Edgar Hyatt of this place visited Maryville, Tenn., Sunday. ? o ? Mrs. B. R. Carroll and daughter, Dorothy, spent Saturday and Sun Iny here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Dickey. W. A. Nichols. M. N. Collins and W. M. Anderson wire business vis itors Saturday in Murphy. L. B. Collins and family moved to Murphy a few days ago. ? o ? We are sorry t learn of the serious illntss of Col. j. II. Dillard. We hope him a speedy recovery. CARD OF THANKS ? o ? We take this m thod of thankinff our friends for their kindness and help through the illness and death of our dear husband and father, T. B. Penland. Mrs. M. E. Penland, W. L. Penland and family, A. K. Penland and wife. Old Man Winter seems to have takon Webster's advice and not been vHting us for the past week. SPECIAL MEAT SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY, FEB. 5 and 6. We are offering the best of meats during this sale. Nothing charged or delivered at these prices Side Pork, lb 18c Pork Chops, lb 18c Pork Ham, lb 18c Pure Pork Sausage, lb 20c Beef Stew, lb 10c Good Steak, tb 18c Roast Beef, lb / .15c and 18c THE PAYNE STORE Just Over The River" Murphy, N. C.