Vol. XLII.? No. 31. Murphy, N. C., Friday, March 6th, 1931. $1.50 YEAR? 5c COPY CHEROKEE POST NAMES OFFICERS! O? Wintiow Mclver Chosen Commander Of Legion Organization A Mass meeting of the ex-service men of Cherokee county and the town of Murphy was held in the county courthouse for the purpose of reorganizing *he lorral legion post. Joe Miller Elkins Post No. 96. Colonel Harry P. Cooper, twen tieth district commander, department of North Carolina, presided over the meeting and made a talk explaining what the legion stands for, and what it has been able to accomplish for th- ex-service men. F. O. Christopher, former post ad jutant, also made an address stress ing the importance of all men who were in the service during the World War being enrolled in the American Legion. Officer* Elected Colonel Cooper announced that the election of officers to run the local post for the ensuing year would i?e in order, wherefore the following 1 officers were elected: Post com-1 man<ler, Winslow Mclver, of Murphy post vice commander, Allan Hovin go i. post adjutant, Marion Simonds post crgeant-at-arniB, William Dock ery. of Marble; post finance officer,' Parot Odom; post historian, Mr. Far mer. or Marble, and post chaplain, K?'\. Howard P. Powell. Meetings of the post will hereafter be held every other Friday night. Officers of the Legion, led by Col. Harry P. Cooper, appeared before the County commissioners Monday, and received permission to use the court room for their bi-monthly meeting. Permission was alro grant ed to use the office of the Solicitor, temporarily, where an officer of the leu ion will be on duty every day. Martin's Creek Con solidated School Hai Successful Term The Martin's 'Greek Consolidated Schools closed a successful term in January. There were a number of .pupils who made a record of one hundred per cent, in attendance. The general average for the year was one hund red and sixteen. The following pupils in the sixth and seventh grades completed the supplementary reading course of 8 book? as prescribed by the county supervisor. Lowell Ballew, Ty Rumette, Wil mas Coleman, Pauline Dalrymple, Thelma Elkins, Hazel Hatchett, An nabel I Hatc'nett, Walter King, H. L. Martin, Earl Martin, Millie Morris, Oleta Martin, Paul Posey, Gladys Price, Hamilton Stalcup, Frank Stal cup, A. B. Stalcup, Parma Lee Stal cup, Hoyt Waldroup. The patrons and friends of the school lack only four dollars having paid for a piano witTiin the last year. The school children and parents have testified to their appreciation of their new building anr opportunities by their excellent records in attend ance, splendid work, and general support. We use this means of thanking them. Andrews School Board Elected Ir. the school board election held here Tuesday, Messrs. E. A. Wood, D- H. Tillitt, and H. C. Whitaker were elected to succeed Frank Bris tol, Geo. Hoblitzell, and W. C. Mor row. Other members of the board whose terms did not expire this year i are Roger Dewar and H. M. Whit aker. 1 Methodist Ministers To Hold Meeting At the Andrews Methodist church I next Monday there will be held a I meeting of the Methodist Ministers I and their wives from all the territory | west of and including Whittier. This ftreo comprises ten charges. The program will open at 10:30 and will consist of talks and address es by various ministers in attendance The Rev. C. M. Pickens, 'presiding elder of the Waynesville district, will ?e present and will speak. Ministers taking part in teh< discussions will be the Rev. E. O. Jones of Bryson CHy, ? the Rev. H. P. Powell of Murphy, and the Rev. R. W. Prevost of the An drews Baptist church. The Cherokee County Ministerial Association will meet with the Meth odist ministers in lieu of their regu lar meeting which was to have been il Monday Andrews. The ladies of the Methodist church ^11 serve lunch to the visitors. MK5. DICKEY IS URGED FOR POST ? o Recommended For Po*tal Office At Murphy By Special Committee At a meeting of the Republican Executive committee of Cherokee , county, held at the courthouse, de cision was reached to recommend , Mrs. Thelma Dickey for the position , of postmaster of Murphy, decision of the Executive committee was unani mous. Mrs. Dickey was appointed acrng j postmaster after the deatn of her husband. Postmaster A. li. Dirkey, la?t August. Action on the part of the execu tive committee was taken following receipt of a letter by Fred Dickey, chairman of the Republican execu tive commit/tee, from George M. i Pritchard, Congressman from the tenth North Carolina District, in which the congressman stated that the three eligible* for the Murphy postoffice are John Axley, Bascom R. Carroll, and Mrs. Dickey. The let ter requested Chairman Dickey to call together the executive commit tee and committee, besides Mrs. Dickey the recommended one of the three. The chairman, is composed of J. W. Shackleford, Milt Payne, Poly Collins, Fred Stiles, R. L. Keenuni, and N. W. Abernathy. THANK YOU, MR. EDITOR! We wish to commend the Chcro kee Scout in behalf of all concerned in our recent Bank of Murphy di lemma. With unabating energy and readi ness, the editor of the Scout did a noteworthy part in making the facts known to the people, and in helping oil all the wheels in order to get things going right again. Let us ever stand by our unbiased County organ ? it stands for the welfare of our people. An appreciative reader. Methodist Ladies To Have Church Market v The ladies of the Methodist church will have a "Church Market" for Easier, April 3rd and 4th. Come and buy your vegetables, chickens, eggs, jellies, jams, preserves and colored eggs for Easter, and delicious can dies. Everything that is found at a public market from potatoes to cream puffs. Come one and all, old and young. Buy at the "church mar ket" for your Easter dinner. MARTINS CREEK Mrs. Virgil McClure and children of Young Cane, Ga and Mrs. J. S. Chastain spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. John E. Keener. Mrs. Margaret Carringer enter tained the young set with a tacky party. Mr. Pearly Crisp who has been teaching school out near Robbins villPj t.he week end at hom#? with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Crisp. Mlrs. Ken Stalcup visited her sister Mrs. Herman King of Bellview Sun day. Mrs. King has been very ill, but is much improved at this writing Mr. Billie Hughes was the Sunday guest of Mr. A. R. Stalcup. Mr. and Mrs. Harse Stalcup and family spent 'Saturday night: with Mr. J. L. Chastain and family. Messrs. Will, Lee, and Georgo Chastain made a business trip ,t? Murphy Monday. ? o ? Mr. Bill Henson spent the week end at Bellview with friends. A number of young people attend ed the prayer meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Lon Stalcup'a Saturday night. Mr. George Chastain visited his bister, Mrs. Sheridan Martin of Ran ger, last week. Mr. Oscar West of Wehutty, and Miss Elza Martin were happily mar ried on February 16. Their many friends wish for them a long and hap py married life. ? o iMr. and Mi*. D. S. Russell and daughter, Mrs. Edna Tatham, of An drews, were visitors in town Mon day. o Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickey left Tuesday for a visit to friends and relatives at AsheviUe. Mir. George Love of Morganton, Ga., was a visitor in town Tuesday. -i 1 PENTZ- BROWN Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pentz of Har risbuig, Pa., wish to announce the manage of their daughter Miss Sara Josephine Pentz to Dr. Robert Hyatt b'rown of Andrews and Philadelphia, Pa., which was solemnized in the I V ir.-t Presbyterian church in Phila j delphia Thursday evening, March the fth. with Dr. Robert B. White per l forming t"he impressive ring cere 1 mony. Miss Pentz only attendant was her I sister. Miss Lou 11a Pentz who acted ; as Maid of Honor. i Dr. Charles Ferguson of Waynes- 1 ville was best man. M rs. Brown is the elder daughter J of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pentz of Har j risbuig, Pa., where Mr. Pentz is Diiector of the Credentials Bureau of the State of Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of Buckncll Univers ity, and did post-graduate work in J Drezel Institute. Dr. Brown is the only son of Mr. ar.d Mrs. C. A. Brown of Andrews, j and is a grand-son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hyatt of Murphy. He receiv- . ed his education in the Murphy High School, Davidson College University of North Carolina and Jefferson College where he is serving as an Interne. Dr. and Mrs. Brown left immedi ately after the ceremony for a brief trip and will be at home after Mar. 10th at U600 Chestnut St., Philadel phia. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Lovingood en tertained with a six o'clock dinner at their home on Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ballard of Andrews. ? o ? Mrs. W. Christopher of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting friends and relatives here. ? o? J Miss Woodfin Posey celebrated her birthday February 21st. Twelve guests were present, among them i was Miss Sara Ruth Posey of An- 1 drews. ? o ? | j The Character Builders of the | j Methodist Sunday .school will have a benefit dinner in the Assembly Hall of the Methodist church, Friday, March 13th. The proceeds to go to charity. Come and eat with them and help someone in need. Start serving at 5:00 P. M. ? o Miss Woodfin Posey spent the week end with her cousin, Mrss Sara Ruth Posey at Andrews. Mrs. E. J. Darnell of Atlanta. C?a. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wofford. Miss Ruby Hendricks of Ball ground, Cia., spent the week end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. i\ C. Hyatt. ? o ? Mrs. T. S. Evans and daughter. Miss Jaunita, spent Monday and Tuesday in Asheville shopping. Mrs. W. B. Fisher of Andrews at tended the meeting of the County Board of Education here Monday. WOMANS AUXILIARY MEETS ? o The Womans Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Chuich met at the home of Mrs. Don Witherspoon in East Murphy. Tuesday afternoon. Our church year is nearing a close and a final report of the year's work was carefully filled out to send to the Secretary of the Presbyterial. Our work closes the year with splen did reports; a larger attendance, a greater spiritual alertness, together ith a much more satisfactory fi nancial report. This summary of the achievements of this department showed a decided improvement over last year's work. Plans were discussed for sending a delegation to the Presbyterial that meets in Waynesville next month. The devotional was conducted by our president, Mrs. C. W. Savage. After a brief utudy of the Survey the hostess, assisted by her daughters, Misses Margaret and Mary Wither spoon, served an attractive salad course. (Additional Local News on page 8) PWVWVVWVW99999?9W99W,WWWN! A TRIP TO PALESTINE ...... o r? ti ? n o ?? During our twelve days in Jerusa lem we had some very interesting experiences shopping. We were very much impressed with the "high pow ered salesmen" throughout the city. They would employ every imaginable attraction to get us into their places of business and then show us every courtesy and comfort to keep us as long as possible. In many of the stores they offered to serve hot or cold drinks for our refreshment. It was refreshing to see how courteous they could be even when no purchas es were made. They appeared just as cordial as if we had been big cus tomers. The bazaars of Jerusalem were very interesting to us. Although they were not to be compared with those of Constantinople, Damascus, and Cairo, they were those similar to the ones visited by our Lord dur ing his earthly ministiy. These ba zaars are small shops numbering into the hundreds along either side of the narrow streets. In many places the streets have the roof and are very dark. "It is not uninteresting to watch in the corn market the East ern method of measuing grain; it differs little from the custom of the Bibical days. 'Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, press-, ed down, and shaken together, and i running over.' The measure is still j shaken, pressed down, and caused to run over. Part of the vaulting of the covered street is twelfth century work. Medevial inscriptions, and the marks of medevial masons, may be seen on the walls, and from these we learn that certain shops, or their rents, belonged to institutions like St. Anne's Abbey and the Knights Templar." From these Bazaars one can pur chase a great variety of foods and other articles. We were advised against eating anything that was not sealed, which advice was well receiv ed and heeded after passing through these streets. The only reason, we were told, why the Palestinians were net all sick was because of the fact that constant exposure to such con ditions had built up immunization. Our party was well guraded against such exposure, but even then, many of us were poisoned slightly. We were able to find only one grocery store in all Jerusalem that looked to he clean and sanitary. The most popular shops for the tourists were those at which we could by souvenirs. Such shops were to be found in abundance in the more modern part of the city. Many of these shops had one man, or more standing on the outside to get the customers to come in. At first they would price their articles higher than they expected to sell them for, which is sometimes the case in America. During the transaction we could get them for our own price. In many cases we found that we were poor j bargainers at that. The writer pur I chased a robe at a shop near the j Jaffa Gate, which was first priced i at $7.00, American money, but was ! finally sold for $5.00 I^ater one of the natives ottered to get one like ! it for $2.00. At another shop two [ of us priced some bells which were $1.00 each. We made an offer to I take two for one dollar. The trade I was closed, but as we walked through i the streets his competitor offered to i sell us as many as we would buy for 25c each. Labor in Palestine is very cheap and therefore prices ar? low. i Most of the articles on sale are made j by boys and girls who work for ten and fiteen cents a week in many cases. Most everyone in Jerusalem is trying to sell something, and the | rest of them want to be your guide. ' One of the most amusing experi j ences of the whole trip happened in Jerusalem. The writer with a friend went shopping one morning on one of the lower streets of the city. We had no particular thing in mind for which we were looking. In America, we wTould say we were "window shopping:". After walking for some time and creating more and moie interest, we passed a place where coffins and caskets were on display. Just for our information we stopped to get the prices to compare with prices in America. It so happened, as was often the case, the man could not speak English, and we could not speak Arabic. Seeing the embarras sing situation, we tried to excuse ourselves as courteously as possible. However, this did not satisfy the casket dealer. He brought in a num I ber of boys from the street who could speak a little English, but not enough to understand our object of inquiry. Well, one of the hardest things we had to do during our stay in Jerusalem was to get out of that section of the city without buying a casket. (To be continued) MURPHY CITIZENS PLEASED OVER BANK REOPENING The people of Murphy were much pleased over the reopening of the Bank of Murphy Monday morr.tng at 9 o'clock. They feel it will stimulate business to a considerable extent. The officers are: J. W. Lovingood president : T. N. Bates, vice presi dent; E. C. Moore, vice president; L. E. Bay less, cashier; and Walter W. Hyde, assistant cashier. The direct ors are: J. W. Lovingood, E. C. Moore. L. E. Bavless, Noah Lovin good, M. W. Bell. \V. \V. Hyde. H. E. Dickey, P3. P. Hawkins, J. E. Coburn, T. N. Hates, and R. L. Anderson. M. W. Bell is attorney. ANDREWS LOCALS Messrs. W. R. Ellerson, Lige Low and J. B. Gray of Hayesville, N. C., and Mr. Frank S. Hill of Murphy, stopped over in Andrews on Tuesday of this week on their way to Brys-on City, X. C. Mrs. E. F. Troutman who has been ill at her home in Andrews for seve ral days was taken to Norburn hos pital in Asheville on Monday of this week. Mrs. Troutman had an oper ation several weeks ago and had re turned to her home where it was thoucht she would bo all right. She has had a bad heart for several years ! and this began to give her trouble. Messrs. \V. I). Whitaker, Clyde H. I Jarrett and John A. Tatham were I business visitors in Asheville on Tucs I day of this week. ? ? o? Mr. IV H. Tillitit was in Bryson City on Tuesday of this week attend in*: a hearing before Hon. F. W. Thomas, Referee in Bankruptcy in connection with Clay County Lumber Company. Mr. 1). S. Russell was in Muiphy on M^ndry and Tuesday of this v>e*fc attending the meeting of the County road commission. Dr. S. C. Heighway, County cor oner, was in Andrews the latter part of last week on official business. Mr. Woody Hampton was in Ashe ville on Monday of this week where he went to carry the Rev. E. Fa Troutman's car. Mr. Troutman hav ing gone in the ambulance with his wife. Mr. W. T. Latham who formerly was located in Andrews and was with the Andrews Manufacturing Com pany, was a business visitor in An drews the latter part of last week. Mrs. A. B. Chandler and daughter, Sarah Ruth, who have been ill are now able to be up and out. Mr. R. C. Moore of Topton, N. C., was a business visitor in Andrews on last Saturday. I>r. L. B. Newman who has been located in Andrews practicing medi cine for several years left on Friday of the past week for Hampton Roads Va., where he will be located at the soldiers home as on of the twelve physicians there. Mir. Henry Bellamy has uccepted a position with the Junaluska Ter race Hotel. Mrs. R. W. Prevost, wife of the Baptist pastor, is ill at the Bapftist parsonage with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Parham and sons, Troy Jr., and Billie, returned to Andrews on last Sunday after hav ing been away on a trip to Florida for several days where they were visiting Mrs. Parham's brother. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Xkin returned home Tuesday from a visit to their son, Harvey, at Pensacola, Fla. The many friends cf Miss Kath leeen Axley will regret t- hear that she has the flu. AGED NEGRO MAN DIES FEBRUARY 27 Edgar Abernathy, col&Ted, died at his home in Murphy, February 27. at the age of fifty-six years. He wat born at Murphy August 24th\, 1875, and worked for Mrs. Nettie Dickcy for several years, also for Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Savage at the Regal Ho tel, and for Mr?. Rose Patten at the Henry House. He leaves beside? his son of Ohio, his mother, Rose Aber nathy of Kentucky and ore sister of Statesville. Funeral services were conducthed by Rev. A. M. Wiley at the Texana Baptist church, February noit

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