Gathering Russian Grain to Dump on Markets Scenes and Persons in 'die Current News 1 ? Thomas A. Edison untying the ribbon across the new $f>u0,000 bridge ovei the Caloosuhatchie river ut Fori aiyers. Fla., named for him, on his eighty-fourth birthday. 2 ? Building of the Smithsonian institution in Washington which will be razed to make way for a new street. ? Governor Kmmerson of Illinois, the Ja'panese ambassador and Maj. G. L. Swift, representing the President, at the rededicntlon of Lincoln's tomb in Springfield. 111. LJg 1 ^ Glviug an idea of how Kussia is engaged in gathering nil lite wheat raised throughout the vast domain in ortlei to dump it on the world's markets at a iow price, this photograph of one of the stations in Asiatic Uus??S shows peasants bringing in their grain. Scrapping the World's Shortest Railroad Wlrnl was sold to be Hie shortest railroad tn the world, running (ur one and one-hull miles between the dorks an.i warehouses on Govern, .rs Island, has been condemned by .he United Slates arm, an, I torn up. limit daring the ?ar to transport stores and machinery on the sland. the railway, with the official name. Governors Island ra.l.oad, gradually decreased in usefulness. Here Is the airplane ot a new type, designed by Albert A. Marrill and successfully tested at the Glenn Curtiss airport on Long Island. Apparently if "innof dive stall or spin, and the pilot. cutting off the power se\ernl hundred feet in the air and taking his hands from the controls, landed it gent'y and slowly. This Seems to Make Flying Quite Safe WORTH RECORDING America has more than 5,000 place nanus of French origin. American students who go abroad to study music spend $7,500,000 there "annually. One of the host methods of feeding wild birds in winter is to serve corn on the cob. Le;?ers. like tuberculosis patients, are required to follow a program of fresh air. rest and suitable food. The city of Paris has about 350 public drinking fountains which were given years ago by an English philan thropist. The fiber of t lie young cotton plant is round, but takes on a spiral form when the plant matures and the fil?er walls collapse. Two pull man cars designed for transportation of sick and invalided persons have been built for use on a northern railroad. How to Escape ? Avoid so far as possible the places where flu germs are most likely to be spread; over crowded cars and public meeting places; overheated, stuffy rooms. Be careful of close contact with others and beware of all coughers and sneezers; breathe through the nose, get fresh air, but avoid drafts or chilling. Get lots of rest. Eat plenty of citrus fruits. Keep the bowels open. Take extra precau tion to keep in good physical condition, so your system will have high resistance against germs. Above all, avoid catching colds. They lower your resistance to the flu germ. Ward them off. At the first sign of any cold, take Bayer Aspirin and remain in doors If possible until your cold is gone. If you have a sore throat, dissolve some Bayer Aspirin tablets in water and gargle; this will elieve the soreness and reduce the inflammation. If you have any reason to suspect even a touch of flu, call your doctor at once. Dor "Mother*" Lion Cubs A small softer ?log at the National Zoological park in Washington, |>. <\, has taken on tlie task ??r iimt ticrint! t liroe wee Hon etihs. The euhs tirst appeared to have been horn t?? a life of starvation heeause I lie mother lioness ignored them atxl stalked i ahout lu r ? :i^f. Tile tli?u adopted the trio of ml is quite willingly, nnd t\atclu-< iivcr t Ih iii wiili tlie greatest maternal solicitude. "I'or-riv? und fnrtret** is l??m motto. Too many of us, how ever, are apt to forget ta forgive. A?t in TliaieS Deal Promptly tcilh Kidney Irregularities ? IF bothered m it li bladder irri tulioiis, t ? ?i up at night and constant liaekaeke. don't take elianee*! Help your kid neys at (lie (ir^t ni^n of disor der. Use Doati* s Pills . Successful for more tlian 50 years. Endorsed the world over. Sold by dealers every* where. 50,000 Users Publicly Endorse Doan's: MRS. T. C. COOK. 3228 DARWIN DRIVE. LOS ANGELF.S. CALIF., ?ays:'4 1 had dull, dr;iKginz pains in the small of my back ond sometimrs shnrp eiins. too. Headaches ond dizziness were u'.most a daily occurrence. The ast work tired me so that I could hardly get about. Doan's Pills, however, relieved mc of all these symptoms and 1 felt better in every way after using Doan's." Doan's Pills 3 Threat or Promise? Hick ? 1 won't leave you for n min ute ni'fer we're married. Doris ? Wliy. . 011 suspicious t ti 1 1 _r ! Just as Good ?'Dors your wife knmv the traffic rules?" "No, I. ut then, she's good looking." Castoria made especially for CHILDREN 1-iHILDREN usually hate to take medicine but every child loves the taste of Castoria. And mothers like its action ? so gentle, yet so prompt and effective. Castoria is a never-failing comfort to children and mothers alike be cause it was formulated expressly for children ? to correct their littie ills and upsets. The beauty of it is you can give Castoria to children of all ages with equally sure results. When baby's cry warns of colic, a few drops of Castoria has him soothed ; and free from pain, he is asleep again in a jiffy. In an older child when coated tongue or bad breath tell of con stipation, a more liberal dose is usually all that is needed to cleanse and regulate the bowels. Your doctor will tell you Castoria Reserves a place in the family medicine cabinet until your children art grevm. He knows it is safe for baby; effective for a, child in his teens. Look for the signature of Chas. xi. r letcher, printed on the wrapper?