American Legion Notes Bursts arc Dud> of In terest to Buddies and Comrades \ \\ M.IVKfC. Muri?li? . N <\ - O - \ M sIMOMK Vdjut .nit Murph?. N ( I'r'.imMf i.i <'ui?.iiiutl'>n of ihf \mrrl Niiw v. ha* do you say, soldiers? VV'c are 'a fety at I> >orn and threw th<* Himienburg' litt hack across tihe Rhine. Thi^ new will sometime- but "burst. " and -ometimes it will :e on- j ly "dud ". Nevertheless, it will be. ; we hope. ??f inter st to every soldier who saw ? i vice at home or abroad. ; And. say you Bucks, Dojjrabbers I and 1^ hshsl hirers! Snap out <>f it j and help us t?> make thi column worth while. All of you can eontrib- ! ute your bit by sending in ail the news of yourself and your comrades j From tinu? Co time you can triv your impressions of "great life" then and m^^^Siylninu tjust so it's about service men and1 wrun they do. 1 want or like. Fall in. Right face! Forward, march! The followi/iu: letter was sent to ? every x-service man in the county this week ? that is. every man whose .am?' and addres* was available. The ma'ling li. t ??f the local Legion post is not complete, and if you did not eceive a copy of this U*wfc:r it was >eiause the officers did not have /our name and add re s. Send your ? hum* and address to either Com ::.;.!id?-r Mclver of Adjutant Simonds. 1?. this without further urging. There will be much information sent tiie ex-service men of the county r i unless your name and address p; tars on the mailing list you will r? ceive this information. You arc not obligating yourself in any way. V- u don't even have to join 1 ?? Legion ? although if you should desire to take this -tep. the local Legion post would be mighty glad to welcome >'<)U as a member. The letter follow March 10, 1931. Dear Comrade: , All World War Veterans are ur ? en Jy l equcsted to be present at a Mas- Meeting to be held in the court hoifse at Murphy. Saturday night, .liar ch 14th, at ??:??'? i\ M. Mi. Wal ter Coleman, radio dealer of Mur phy, lias generously agreed to install a radio set in the court house -o that every veteran in Cherokee coun ty will have an >pp>-it initv t through Station *VBT, Charlotte, N. C. Imm ediately following the Depart ment Commander's address. Col. l)on Withersnoon will addres- our local ; meeting. Col. Withcrspoon will have a message that will be of interest to every veteran of the World War. TIm* purpose of this meeting is t?? .-ecu re members to the American Legion. If you are no* a member al ready. come prepared to join now. if possible. If you do no' wish to join at this time, do not let that keep you away from the meeting but come and enjoy the program that has been arranged for you. Don't forget the time: Promptly at 0:30 P. M., Sat urday, March 14th. A. W. Mclver, Post Commander! Attest : A. M. Simonds, Post Adjutant. ? o ? The fifty per cent, bonus loan pass ed recently by Congress is already benefitting Cherokee county vete- , ran-. A number of checks have be n received and cashed by the local bankx, just how much or who is hard The Cherokee Scout Official Or^an of Murphy and Cher okee County, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY . C. W. Bailey Editor-Owner' Entered in the Post Office *t Mur phy. North Carolina, a* second class | matter under Act of March 3, 1897.. Subscription Rates in County (One Year $1.50 Kight months $1.00 Six months 75c Rate* Outside Cherokee County One Year $2.00 ? Six months $1.00 Payable Strictly in Advance Legal advertisements, want ads. J read-ng notices, obituaries, cards of ! thank-, etc., 5c line each insertion, I payable in advance. Display rates I furnished on request. All communications must he sign j ed by the writer, otherui