LEGAL MATTERS 1 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND State of North Carolina, C nty of Cherokee. The Federal Land Bank of Columbia Plaintiff, J 5L B G. D. Rick- and w;ie. Mary M. Ricks; H. < . R:cks and wife. Kliza Ricks; B.'. DilJard Kick-; H. \V. Ricks; Lo retta Ricks: George and Florence Rick-. Leila Ricks et als. And the National Farm Loan As sociation. Defendants. Pursuant to a judgment entered in above entitled civil action on the 18 day ? f May. 1931. in the Superior Court 1 ' said county by the Clerk, 1 will or the 22nd day of June. 1931, at 1 2 o'clock M.. at the County Courthouse door in said county sell at public audi n to the highest bid der therefor the following described lands. -ituated in said county and state in Murphy Township, compris ing ->75 acres, more or less, and bounded and described a-- follows: All thai certain piece, parcel or' tract of land containing 375 acres ' m re o: less lyinir and being near the ' Slat-- Highway about three miles South fr ?m the Town of Murphy, in Murphy Township. County of Chero kee. State of North Carolina, having such shapes, courses and distances as .-.ill more fully appear iy reference to a pl:?t thereof, made by James K. Crisp. Surveyor. April 191S. and at tached to the abstract now on file, with the Federal Land Hank of Col umbia ; .-aid land being bounded on the north by the lands of A. McD. Harshaw, on th< east by the lands of B. M A'^e, J. H. Dockery, and on the - uth by the- lands of John Ashe and L. I*. Martin and on the west by the land- o- John Ingram and W. S. Hugt-v-. This being Tract No. 127. Grant 14 17. The urn - of sale are as follows: One third of the accpted bid to be paid into court in cash, and the bal ance on credit, i ayable in three equal annual installments, with in terest thereon from date of sale at i the rate of six pcrccntum per an num. The cash portion of the ac cepted bid shall be applied toward the payment of the cost- of this ac- ? tion, including the compensation of the commissioner, unpaid taxes as-' sessed upon the property, and as sessments, which may ht past due and unpaid, and judgment of the plaintiff, in the order stated; the j credit portion of the accepted bid duel j plaintiff >hall be evidenced by a bond' r note of the purchaser, puy.t? :?? I commissioner, secured by a i\r< ".'tjrace over the premises, and the j remaining balance of the credit p??r !'.:on of the accepted bid. if any. shall ? e evidenced by a bond or note of j the purchaser, payable to the com- j | miss oner and secured by a second mortgage over the premises; the said first mortgage over the premises, and, the bond or note secured thereby.' -hall be assigned by the commissioner; ; to the plaintiff, and the said see-; ?nd mortgage over the premises, and the bond or note secured thereby : shall be held by the commissioner j i -ubject to the further order of t h : - ? court; provided, however, that the (purchaser shall have the risrht to pay , :n cash the whole or any part of the ! credit portion of the accepted bid. The purchaser shall pay for the pre ! paration and recording of all papers I including the requisite revenue' stamps, provided, however that rev : enue stamps need not be placed on | the deed of conveyance to the plain- J [tiff should it become the purchaser.! ? r on the bond securing any balance I 1 due the plaintiff. All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the Cierk of said Superior Court and no bid will be accepted or reported un less its maker shall deposit with said rierk at the close of the bidding the sun. of two hundred and fifty and n<.-100 ? ($250.00) Dollars. a> a for feit and guaranty of compliance with ? is bid, the same to be credited on his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that said lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at l! o'clock P. M. of the same day un less said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or ac cepted will be promptly returned to the maker. This the 18th day of May. 1931. FRANK S. HILL, (42-4t-h) Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Notice is hereby given that under and bv virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by A. .1. Hass and wife. Mary E. liass, to L. E. Bay less a? Trustee, on the 19th day of Febru ary. 1930, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Cherokee county. North Carolina, February1 21. 1930, in Book No. 90, page 349 of Deeds of Trust default having' bee " made in the payment of the > debt there: y secured, and the holder, ?f -aid ?!? ; t bevingr demanded that the unersi^ned trustee exercise said; P'-.ver of Mil- and offer for sale the! property thereby conveyed as pro- j vided in said deed of trust. Thetef e. the ur. iersigned trus tee will, on the 6th day of July, : 1931. a: 1 ? ? clock A. M.. offer for al?_ and seli at public auction tot the highest bidder for cash, at the court h<use d> r in Murphy, Cherokee! O trjty. North Carolina, the follow- i ing described land: In M rphy Township, adjoining i the lands cf A. -J. Davis, J. \V. Pal rrer and oth? rs, < n the waters of Har.gingd - Creek. F;rst T rat known a.^ Turkey Flats; Beginning ??n a locust. A. J. Hass' fi-T.-.T. a: . running with A. J. Da vis' line N* ^ E. poles to a white oak: then S. "?0 E. 21 poles to a lo c :.-t; then 8. F. 8 poles to a sour wo.-d; then with the ridge S. ?"> ?"> F. ;?.x poles " ?* stone; then S. 4:? K. 18 poles t i black oak; then S. 80 K. '2\ poles to a black oak; then S. 4 F. p-des : a black gum; then 8. F. 2* { oles to a large black oak: then 8. 41 E. I4 poles to a smai. hickoty on the top of the tv." intain; -hen with the top S. 40 W. i poles a black oak near the Turkey Gap: then S. ?r>2 W. 32 poler then S. 32 W. IS poles; then 8. 57 W. 20 poles: '.hen 8. 77 W. 32 poles to r. black ak n top of a high i" i > : tre or kr.o . and crner of A. J. Ha- - " survey: th?n down a divide ar.d with A. J. Hass' line a north ea-'t course 27.r> poles to the begin r.:n_r. containing 117 acres, more or 1 less. S# ? >nd Tract: Beginning on a! small hickory, a c- rner of I*. B. Fair 1 land No. 2274. on the top of a moun tain between Owl Creek and Hang- j ingd? .r Cre< k. and runs N. 40 W. to a comer of No. 2274: thence S. 38 \V. with the line <?? No. 2274 to the; t p ? the ridge between P. B. Fair and A. J. Has-; then up said ridge! with the Has. lino to the main topi of the mountain to a black oak. a [ corner of A. -F. Hass' line; then with j the meanders of said mountain back 1 to the beginning. containing 13 I acr. v, m- re or less; EXCEPTING al ? Jt 13 acres from the operation of this deed heretofore conveyed to' Wal er Davis by said A. J. Hass and wife, to which reference is hereby made. This the ."th day of June. 1931. F. K. BAY LESS, t44-4t-a) Trustee. ' Larger than all other cars C? y at the pries ' Vx First Payment at Murphy $235 also the fastest, liveliest and most powerful WiIlys six Coach The new Willys Six has a longer wheelbase, in creased overall length and a tread of 58% inches widest of all low-priced cars . . . Interiors are spa- ..... Balance in 12 easy monthl* cious and comfortable, with plenty of head room, leg pmymrmii. htllmmt trittt f. ?. i. T.Ud., OH . room and elhow room ... In performance, the Willys Willyi Six . H9S to $850 Six is the master of all cars in its price class. It excels Wiiiyi Ei<ht $995 to $1295 Willy. Knight $1095 to $1395 in speed, pick up and hill climbing ... You must drive wniy? h-Tob Ch.i... $395 the new Willys Six in order to realize the amazing WiUyi lvTo? Cbsaua $595 [ormance capabili ties brough t to the low-priced field. WILLYS E.C MOORE DEALER Cte ? b CEMUtNM ANDREWS LOCALS' Mr? W. F. Turner and two child- ( ren. Dorothy and Jean, returned to i their home in Andrews on last Satur- j a h after having spent some time j visiting Mr?. Turner's parent? in Phil , adelphia. Mr. Turner went over to Asheville on l-'-st Friday and met her > and the two chlidren and brought j jthem back in his car. Messrs. D. S. Russell and D, H. j Tiliit were business visitors in Mur phy on Tuesday of this week. j Mr. Ralph Moody was in Andrews J Forgotten Envelope Is Fatal to Bank Holdup S icramonto. ? As a rlespprate mean* j r>* "sqijMT^nir" himself with the world i SMrli-y I! S'-hukT. former Woodland t.oli'-e .livl^e nnd state employee, turned hank r? ?!?t?or He held up a teller in the Japanese i Su*m:!"Jho r.nnk of California hero In currency and escaped ? TiioTnert:ir:U . \ forgotten envelope , important in hi? well-laid plan, tori to arrest less than two hours after i the rnhl.ery. Driving !-? the hank in a taxienh. i Schiller walked fn the cajre of J. Kaw amura. toller. and presented the enve lope jo ?!?<:,, i. i suspicion. As Kawa mura '??? ' -< up. S'huior pointed a pis tol at * !*" "<i flp-nati'livl th" thousand i ! dollar* Schuler ran out of the hank to the taxic; :u ! disappeared. Sobu'or \v?'?'.t t?? tlie state capltol. i whore I i' ? a complete chance of i f-1"thin_'. 1? wa?s then lie discovered that he ' t?l forgotten the envelope on which v - written his name. Sum mnnipc t ! i ? ? enh dri\er. ho tol<| him t?> return the hank. retrieve the en vo j j lope and meet him on a downtown . street corner. When .-?*hnler appeared at the desiir | nated corner, police selwd him. He t^opfes^ed imnici'irtf ?|y. they said, do- ! c! a ring that ho planned the rohherv ' In o -der to moot had checks he had 1 written. Men i her a prominent Woodland family, s huler I? the father of two i i children. Comrrercial A'r Lines in China Being Increased Shanghai < Vnmienial :t visit ion in ? "1 1 i N !?? ituio 1 ? ? expand despite the crash of :i Shanghai to ll inkow airp'ane ? : 't a :??** ?.f five* lives. I I lie i>i ry of ? on^tnunieations of tli<> ??Mi!r.i! ^??\'-'?M!i-nt at Nanking I ^ issued ord?r- to speed prepara ? >. for jiianttii! of the Nankins 1 10 Iviping :>:r anil and passenger The alrpbWe from Nanking to ivip S *4. fallow fi oki Tientsin t?> I'u ko\v railway. In marly two y.ars <>f operation durinJ :!eu ri' miles over t he Shair.;::a! to Hankow route there has heen only o:ie crash. ? uli. hds are lookii.:; forward to in nn^uration tins year of an airline be tween Nanking and I.erlin. Prelimi nary negotiations have heen complet ed and plans for its operation are be ing speeded. i 'ommereial planes are operated by the China National Aviation corpora tion. whieh is owned jointly hv the national government and the Curtlss Wright interests. o WOMANLESS WEDDING The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Chun a will present the Womhnless Wedding'' on the evening of June 30th, at the high school auditorium. The complete cast will be announced later. ?.n last Saturday attending siona] fosmeecL 1 liuiu> J- B. ' 1 ? ; 1 y an.i f J \Tf -rncys of Murphy stoppe* in Andrew.- on 1 ueaday of tS on their way hoi:;. - r ? . r- R0^ where they had i.i en aitindirg Miss Lucile Mathf-Mr. has rei home from Uavent . ? c,l!e? she attended school during '? year. Miss Margaret 3oone of Wi ten. l>. C. is spendinc meti? her parents. Mr 1 Mrs. Boone. Mr. W. G. Cover, Jr. spec, ?tun it-' \(n Knoxvitl. . Tennos.-^ later part of the pa ' week a arranRements for a motorcade Blairsville, Murphy. Andre*;, binsville ?i"> on *? binsville and on to' KnoxJi]*' Mr. K. A. Dewar was a ;j visitor in Ashe vi lie jfoJ th s week. "?* Mr. und Mrs. Rhymer of ij Ga.. were visitors i,; An-irew. J r riday. Miss Jane Cover, who ^ from Fassifern Coll?.ue. hi ed home. Miss Alice Grant, who <?J past school year at State ci for Women, Greensboro X 1 returned home and wii'l '..,.1 summer in Andrews. ^fr?. R. A. Dewar is Home tj/me in Wasliii&toii. u where she is visiting her daa| Miss Alice Dewar. Mr. A. F>. Chandler, who iofl eral months has be< n in Modi a timber operation, returned tol drews on Monday of this week! will remain hero for s<mie time.f Mr. James Knight was in m ville on Tuesday of this weckl business in connection with h; | ployment with the Suite High** Mr. W. G. Cover Jr. was vi;? in Asheville the latter part of] past week. Mr. IV. IT. Mintz of Marble i business visitor in Andrews or J day of this week. LAKE CARROI Notice To The Publi Lake Carroll is now open for fj ?ng. Charges per day for one f $1.00. Bag limit 10 Bass 9 i and up. 20 Brim any size, camps. No fishing license requi| HERBERT & CURT |(ILLS R ATS and mice that's RAT-SNAP, old reliable rodent destroyer. C in cakes no mixing with i food. Your money back if >t 'j 35c si -e - 1 cake - - cnoujfc J Pantry , Kitchen or Cellar. 65c size - 2 cake. - <?' House, coops, Or small building $1.25 size - 5 cakrs - enw?P all farm and out - building* * buildings, or factory builJmi*. Sold and guaranteed t>7 1 R. S. Parker, Druggist, Murphy, | SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ! SPECIAL EXCURSIONS LIMIT : 5 Days. SATURDAY. JUNl~20th, 1931: to all TEXAS POINTS at rate of one fare plus twenty-five cents (25c) for round trip* final limit returning July 12th. ASK TICKET AGENTS FRIDAY, JUNE 19th, 1931 RATES from Asheville to: WASHINGTON RICHMOND NORFOLK OLD POINT COMFORT VIRGINIA BEACH $13.50 $11.50 $12.50 $12.50 $13.00 J. H. WOOD Division Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C.

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