MURPHY faculty for this year IS ANNOUNCED prof. - U. Williams, superinten dent of she Murphy schools, an_ nounced thi? week that the factulty for iht- Murphy school for the term 1IJ31-32 had beer, (completed. In connection with this announcement Mr. Williams stated that the Murphy school w:?uld open on Monday, Sep tember 7th, and that the high school would met. register and be classi fied on Friday, Sept. 4th. The list of teachers follows: Miss Clara McCombs, Route 1, Murphy. N. C. Miss Dair McCracken, Cullowhee. Miss B?*ssie Dean, Route 2, Ox ford. N. C. Miss Ertie Boyd Warren, Little ton. K. C. Miss Loycine Wells, Murphy. N.C. Miss Florence Dean, Route 2, Ox ford. X- C. Miss Emily Sword, Murphy, N. C. Miss Ad die Leatherwood, Murphy. Mrs. Elizabeth Conley. Andrews. Miss Frances M. McWThorter, Sum_ merville. Ga. Miss Kathryn McCall, 104 W. Hen derson St., Marion, N. C. Miss Gladys Polatty, Greenwood, S. C. Miss Ruby L. Courtney, Williston S. C. * Miss Iron'. M. Lynn, Route 2, Mor risville. N. C. Miss Annie B. Bailey, 933 N. High lands Ave. N. E.. Atlanta, Ga. Miss Marjraret Irby. Enfield, N. C. Mr. .! I). Warrick, Murphy, N. C. Mr. C. U. Williams, Murphy. N, C. Dees trick Skule Up To Date To Be Given By Wethodist Women The Methodist Woman's Mission ary Society will present the play, "Dcestrick Skule Brought Up To Date" at the school auditorium on Friday nipht, August 14th, at 7:30 P. M. Prof. John D. Dusenberry has an unquestionable desire ? feat is to keep hi* school up to date ? another is the desires of the neighborhood spinsters and widows to "win" the prof, for themselves ? Deacon Brown a member of the school board lends hi? support to Mr. Dusenberry ? as far as keeping the skule up to date is concerned. The play will include all local peo ple. mostly the grown ups. dressed as school kids again, and fighting the problems contained in the three "R's". There is "the old family tooth brush, and little Bennie ? a long time ago, etc. Also the profes sor wants to know what a local celc_ brity puts on his bald head to keep it from shining. Someone even wants to know why Mr. Hoover wears suspenders, etc., and Amos an' Andy, twins, are named from the famous comedians of radio fame. The Play is interspersed with songs, com positions and wisecracks. The cl roax is the exciting moment when the prof, announces . hs engagemet to ? who do you reckon ? Mrs E. C. Mallonce is directing the Pjay and the public can rest assur ed of something good, as the people of Murphy are well acquainted with Mrs. Mallcnee's work along this Jine. POSTELL Rev. C. F. Conley was a welcome visitor at Shoal Creek Church the 4th Sunday and Saturday nit? before and preached two excellent sermons to an attentive congregation. His sub ject for Sunday was, ''Follow me'\ ? m ' Our pastor at Shoal Creek Church announced last Sunday that he would start revival services the 3rd i Sunday in August. Everybody i8 cordially invited to come. Mr and Mrs. Quince Allen and family of Etowah, Tenn. were the guests of their parents last week, Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Payne. Mr. Lakes Quinn and Mr. Ralph pope of Suit, N. C. motored to Hia wassee river last Saturday to take a swim. Mr. Fred Hill "of" Blue Ridge, Ga. jjas the welcome guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hill last Satur day and Sunday. Rev. C. F. Conley and Rev. Carl i oud&rmilk w*?Te dinner guests of ft. ant Mrs. J. A. Allen last Sun toy. . I folks of PoateU are ?t - tending the revival meeting at P er kinson- Ducr o? . (Asheville Citizen) The marriage of Miss Lenna Tid well DuCros .ia'Jt'htcr of Dr. and Mrs. J. E 1, dwell, of Andrews, to Mr. James B. I'erkinson, of Ashe y.' ^ .cou^n ?f the bride, presided cloik in the Baptist Church at And rews With the pa>tor. the Rev. K W. t rcvost, officiating before a laree congregation. Rhododendron, Queen Anne's garden flowers decorated the altar, which also bore on either side two candelabra with seven tall tapering candles in each. Clematis entwined the altar rail and palms and iern> formed the massive tall back ground. Miss Margaret Smathers, of Ashe ville. cousin of the bride, presidtd at the piano and played a twenty min ute preliminary program while the assemblage was being seated. Her numbers were "I Love Thee" bv Grieg, and excerpts from "The Per sian Garden," Liza Lehmann's mu sical setting ?f the "Rubaiyat" of ar Khayyam. and 'Pappillons DA !Tm- yuS1hutV. Sh<> als? accompan ied Miss Helen Hannigan. of Miami, Intt" * 2 "Becaute." by D'Hart m! ?? - . DeK"v<:Jn 5 "O. Promise nf *1? -jP!'OC n* the approach Of the bridal party which was an nounced by the usual march from Lohengrin - Liszt's "Liehestraum ," was played softly during the ceremo ny . The only attendant was Mrs. J. W. S. Davis who acted as matron of nonor. She wore a hei?-e net gown o ver peach faile with French flowers posed at the neck line. A full skirt was attached to the empire model. >Mth this she had on a picture hat in peach horsehair braid trimmed in ,ue salin r?bbon and a shoulder corsape of Ophelia roses and fernery. Dr. J. W. S. Davis was the best man. The bride was attired in u shell pink dress gownovcr French blue crepe in interpretation of a Chanel Romance Model, with tiers of lace forming the entire Princess design. A blue horse braid picture hat with pink and blue satin ribbon trimmings, blue shoes, blue lace mittens and all accessories in blue completed the bri dal costume, she carried briarcliff roses and blue delphinium. Following the churcn a reception was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Davis, where Mrs. Harold Hair and Mrs. Roy B. Stapp, of Winter Park. Fla., welcomed the guests at the door. Dr. and Mrs. Davis, Dr. and Mr*: Tidwpll. the bride and groom. Miss Smathers and Miss Flannigin composed the receiving line. The bride'r mother wore a printed chiffop gown in soft shades of yellow, tan, and white, with large picture hat to match. Miss Smathers was in beige georgette with green accessories; and Miss Flannigan was attired in Alice blue eyelet embroidered red batiste with matching picture hat. Mrs. C. B. Orr directed to the din ing room, where Mrs. J. R. Porter presided. A filet lace cloth covered the table, which was centered with a three tier cake topped with a minia ture bride and groom in full bridal array. Four pink candles in silver holders furthered the decoration. As sisting in serving were Miss Mary B. Walker, Misses Edith and Sarah Margaret Orr, and Miss Josephine B'radley. Over onehundred guests at tended the reception. The bride's register was presided over by Mrs. Wilbur turner. Later in the evening the bride donned a skipper blue crepe ensem ble with beige accessories and a blue imported straw hat and the young couple left by motor for Asheville, where they took the train for a two weeks' honeymoon in the North. Up on their return Mr. and Mrs. Perkin son will reside in the monroe apart ments on Chestnut street, Asheville. TTie bride was educated at Mere dith college at Raleigh and is a young lady with refined attainments. Mr. Perkinson who is the son of Mrs. G S Perkinson and the late Mr. Per kinson, of Spencer, was educated at ?Wake Forest College and Harvard University He is now in the legal de partment of the Southern Railway with headquarters in Asheville: Friendship and report eomp good preaching. The farmers on the creek are all reporting a fine crop of corn np to this time. BRASSTOWN We are having plenty of rain in this section now. Mr. B. Sparks is not improved any at tliis writing. His condition is considered very serious. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Coker were LEWIS FULLER FATALLY STABBED BY BLACKWELL Lewis Fuller, 23 years old. is dead and Tom Blackwell, 18