The Leading Weekly Newspaper in ir??rn Xorth Carolina, Corf ring a largr and Potentially Rich Terrim* in Thi * Stale Vol. XLIII.? No. 32. Murphey, N. C., Friday, March 11, 1932 $1.00 YEAR? 5c COPY CLYDE HALL IS 1 BADLY HURT IN TRUCK WRF.CK Cherokee County Man Reported Dy- j ing; Seek Whereabonts Of Wife And Children W. M. C. Hall, district agent of the I K. N A. C. Motor Express, says a | Charlotte Newspaper of March Oth. j i*i reported dyinjf it the Richmond Surgical hospital at Richmond, Va., and friends there are trying desper ately to locate his wife and other relatives in Cherokee County and Atlanta, Ga. Young Hall relieved a drunken driver Saturday nipht and took charge of a heavily loaded truck with a larpe trailer. About 3 o'clock Sunday morning during the terrific storm i-e ran off the road 10 miles south of j Richmond and was pinned beneath j the truck as it rolled down an em- j hankment. He was cut about the chest and lost a great quanitv of blood be- I fore he was found Sunday moraine: ; nt 7 o'clock and carried to Richmond. did not r^eain consciousness un til Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Paul M. Hallen, a fellow emnloye of the motor express company Tues day night reported to The Charlotte Observer that the company has been unaMe to locate Mr. Hall's wife, whose address was listed with the company b?s bernr 575 .Tones avenue. Atlanta. The Hall's have four small I ch:Mren. Seeks Helo In Locating Relative^ Mr. Hallen wrot? The Scout a let i ter in an effort to locate Mr. Hall's j relatives as follows: Charlotte. N. C. 3-9-32 The Cbp.rokee Scout, Murphy, N, C. Please help us find this mans I r< onle. We have been unable to i find any of them so far. When Mr. lail was amnloyed by this company hi registered his address aa 575 Jones ( Avtnus? A&anta, Ga. And was born and reared in Mur- | r?hv X. C., Ch *rnkeo County, and | gives his grandmothers name as Mrs. E. M. .McClure. Birch, N. C.. and j we have boon unable to eet in touch f with any of his people. It was stated I that he married Miss Esther May Led- I ford on July 2, 1022 and her address was Murphy. N. C. Rt 2, Box 80A and wo find that has parents are both dead and died when he was asmall baby. He was the son of Mr. Ruffus and Ida Hall of Birch, N. C.. and was raised by Mrs. E. M. McClure and J H. McClure of Birch. N. C. So we appreciate anything that you can do towards finding any of Mr. Hall's people. Vonr. v- rv tmlv PAUL M. HALLEN 801 West 3r 1 St.. Charlotte, N. C. P. S. ? If any information, please moved to another hospital, or in case of death. Celebrates 2nd Birthday February 29th little Miss Mau fine I.*>vingood celebrated her sec ond birthday anniversary. Although her cake had eight candles on it, she has had only two birthdays, being on the 29th of February, which only comes once every four years. Mau ri ne received several nice gifts and those enjoying with her her birthday dinner were Gwendolyn Ramsey, ;*oyd, Eloise and Kenneth Davis, -li. and Mrs. Dock Ramsev, her grand parents; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, of Grandview, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Lovingood. Republican Convention A county convention of the Repub lican Partv of Cherokee County is hereby called to meet in the eourt house at Murphv, on Saturday, the 2nd day of April, 1932, at 1:30 P. M- for the purpose of selecting del- | egates to the State Convention and the various district conventions, elec ting a county chairman, and trans acting any and all business that may \r; rly ccme before the convention, j This the 9th dav ot March, 1932. FRED DICKEY, (32-3t-) County Chairman Woman's Club To Meet Monday, March 14th "Thp Woman's Club will hold their regular mesting at the club rooms on Monri-y, March 14th, at 2:30 o'clock i"1 tfco p ording to an rovipjer nts jy >fficers this ? interesting orofcram has : aiTingel, and all ?remfcers aic f;Wsted to be present, and remember I the clu.nge in the date. LEGAL MATTERS ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE^ Having qualified as adnunistra- i trix of the estate of O. P. MeClure, j deceased, late of Cherokee County, j North C.arolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the j estate of said deceased to exhibit . them to the undersigned at her res- ] dence, Birch, N. C. on or before the 22nd day of January, 1933 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of j their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment. , This the 22nd day of January, 19^2 DELMA McCLURE., administra trix of the estate of O. P. MeClure, 1 (26-6t-pd) Dec'd ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Jeter Ramsey, deceas ed, late of Cherokee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his residence, Grape Creek. Murphy, N. C.. Route Number 3, on or before the 5th day of February. 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 5th day of February, 1932. E. E. STILES Administrator of the estate of (28-6t-pd) Jeter Ramsey, dec'd. NOTICE OF SALE On Tue.sday Marcn 2flth, 1932, at twelve o'clock noon at the court hiiufe door in the Town of Murphy, Chero kee County, North Carolina, 1 will sell at publie outcry to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed lands and premises lying: and being Murphy Township, Cherokee County, N. C.: The W . E. Ferguson farm on I eachtree Creek, Murphy Township, bounded on the North by the lands of C. M Wofford; on the East by the lands of C. M. Wofford and J. S. Mc Combs; on the South by the lands of Hester Ferguson ami on the West by the lands of Hester Ferguson, said lands being particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the East and West line of No. 19, 27 poles West of a stake corner and runs N. 3" E. crossing Peachtree Creek at 74 poles, whole distance 101 poles to a maple on the bank of a Mnull branch; up the branch as it meanders 34 poles to a maple on a branch; thence N. 36* W. passing a bunch of small white oaks and cross ing Peachtree road 110 poles to a Spanish oak near the top of the ridge j on the line of No. 19 and Nr.. 20; thence a Northeast course with the meanders of the top of the rilge 100 poles to a black oak; thence a North east course with the top of a flat ridge a marked line to a black jack on the point of the ridge; thence S. 82" E. 22 poles to a large spanish oak on the West side of the road, an original corner of No. 20; thence N. 22* W. with the road 20 poles to a small black oak; thence N.2.V W.with tha road, 52 poles to a small black . on the top of the ridge on the side of ( the road ; thence N. 23? E. 55 poles to a small black oak on the line of said No. 20; thence West 103 poles to a black oak on the Northwest cor- , ner of said tract; thence South 218 ! poles to a hickory, the beginning corner of No. 20; thence South 186 poles to a stake on Peachtree Creek, the S. W. corner of No. 19; thence . with the line of same, 89 poles to the BEGINNING corner, containing One '> Hundred and fifty (150) acres, more ; or less. Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon me by mortgage deed executed by W. E. Ferguson and wife, S. M. Fenruson, dated Jaunary 3rd, 1916, and recorded in Rook No. 7-64 page 578, Record of .Mortgages and Deeds of Trust of Cherokee County, to which reference is made for all the terms and conditions of the same. This Februarv 23rd, 1932. LEE FERGUSON. < 3 1-4 1-) Mortgagee UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. In the Matter of j George W. Candler, trading as Can dler's Department Store, Bank i o~t. By virtue of an order entered in the .ibovc n. alter, on .*i. ; I will on Wednesday. March ;Jrd, at 10 o'clock, A.?g| ' ' i Standard Time, sell at public . j. y for cash at the store liou.-e of George . \ Candler in Murphy, N. C., all the stock of merchandise, fixtures, open accounts and fcills receivable of the : 1 George W. Candicr, bankrupt, j *tock of merchandise, fixtures ' anj <?' a?;d bills receivable ""7 be offer "tely and then ' ,1c. Pit- '-o-t *?? ~n' jf piuck ? tiro: ? and balr.nce o c Said sale sub?* -mauon i>y the court. The ri gut is reserved 10 i ANDREWS MAN DIED MARCH 2ND The funeral of Jap M. Tatham, j G9, who died suddenly at his home near Andrews Wednesday morning, March 2nd, was held from Valley | River Baptist church Thursday aft ernoon, the RfiV. Walter J. Miller, pastor of the Andrews Methodist {Church officiating. Assiting the j Rev. Mr. Miller were the Rev. J. R. [Church, pastor of the First Metho ,dist Church of King* Mountain and I warm personal friend of the dcccas- I |ed, The Rev. R. W. Prevost, pastor J jof the Andrews Baptist church, and i ? Ihe Rev. E. F. Troutman, pastor of I the Andrews Lutheran Church. Mu sic was rendered by the combined I choirs of the Valley River and An drews churches. The pallbearers were G. W. Cov jer .Jr., F. A. Fain, Sam Cover. Bruce 1 Bristol, Jess Porter, Tucker White, j Bon Grant, and Will Luther. Hon orary pallbearers were John Walk er, Fred Parker, Poly Piercy, Sam Parker, Je.-s Bradley. John Whitak cr, Zala Adams, William Dale, Mack .Cooper, H. M. Whitaker, Zed. Whit aker, D. S. Russell, J. R. Leach, Will Sandlin, Doctor Webb, Wade Pul , Hum, R. F. Piercy, P. L. Robinsor. Agnew Reagi.n, and Pearl Reagan. A delegation representing the Wes tt rn North Carolina Fox Hunters Association from Murphy were pres ent and escorted the body from the church to the grave. The members I of the organization composing the escort were George Mauney, G rover Mauney Wm. P. Payne, John Cole, F. A. Fain, P. A. Mauney, Jasper Warren, and Bud Patton (colored). Mr. Tatham was a charter member of the association and was well known among Western North Carolina sports men. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Klla Moore Tatham; nine children, Mi?s \ Millie Tatham. of Andrews; Mrs. j Laura Piercy, Andrews; Mrs. Mary i J. Powers, Andrews; Mrs. Fannie j Bradley, Andrews; Mrs. Nannie Sum- ; iur, Sylvia; four sons, Bon, John, Purd and Chae Tatham. all of An drews. Also surviving him are two broth ers. John A. Tatham, of Andrews, and J. P. Tatham, of Robbinsville; four sisters, Mrs. Bruce King, Topton Mrs. G. W. West, Rhodo; Mrs. Jer ona Hampton, Robbinsville, and Mrs. Rilla Piercy, Los Angeles, Calif; 27 grand children ?riu 8 great grand ! children. Republican Meeting Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Republicans of Cherokee County at the court house in Murphy, on Saturday, March 19th, 1932, at 2 o'clock P. M. This is an important meeting and all Re publicans are urged to attend the meeting. This the 9th day of March, 1932. FRED DICKEY, (32-2t) County Chairman. reject any or all bids. Any person wishing to inspect stock ^ of merchandise, fixtures and ac counts will be shown same any time by me. This March 8, 1932. E. B. NORVELL, ((32-2t-ebn) Trustee. o BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAY OR AND BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF THE TOWN OF MURPHY: That the regular election of a Mayor and Hoard of Six Commission ers of the Town of Murphy, North Carolina, be, and the same is hereby ordered to be held on Tuesday the 3rd day of May, 1932, in the Chero kee County Court House, in the Town of Murpihy, Nc^rth "Carolina, in the manner and during the hours as prescribed by the Australian Bal lot Law. For the purpose of holding said election, Hayes Leatherwooi, is hereby appointed Registrar of said election and ordered to keep the Reg istration Books open at the Court House, in the Town of Murphy, on each Saturday beginning April 2nd. 1 to April - 23rd, 1932, inclusive, for j the purpose oi Registering all per sons entitled to vote, and who are not registered and did not vote in the i last Municipal election; and that J April 30th, 1932, is designated as j challenge day. It is further ordered that Henry II" tt and W. C. \dams be appoint ed Judges of said election. B.- it further oruained, that all candidates for the office of Mayor and Board of Commissioners nur.t have their nr.mes certified to the un 'ler-.i^nH H rk not later than six r'Hocif Wednesday evening, April iii ord2r to appear on reg Hot. ' f* meeting of the ?M?yor * of Commissioners on the ?larch, 1932. H. A FATV j2-4t Oork T *>' Archaeologist Visits Murphy This Week Warren K. Moorehead, head of ar- ' chaeology of Phillips Academy, An- j dover, Mass., an authority on the j American Indians; Burnham S. Col- ' burn, of Asheville and Biltmore, own- | er of the largest mineral collection { in th State, and his brother, W. B. j Colburn, of Detroit, Mich, were i guests of the Regal Hotel Tuesday night of this week. They were enroute 10 Asheville from a trip to Cartersville, Ga., where they went to see the Ktowah mound, one of the largest and most famous Indian mounds in the South. They also visited a mound near Dillard, Ga., where Mr. W. B. Colburn has been doing some work. Mr. and Mrs. Moorehead are mak ing a three months tour of the South looking at museums. This is the first time Mr. Moorehead has been thru these mountains and he said he en joyed the beautiful scenery and in vigorating, wholesome air. lie thought Murphy a mighty nice little town, and said that he saw his first snow this winter on Tuesday. Mr. Moorehead is a boyhood friend of Dr. S. C. Heighway, and he and ; th? Messrs. Colburn ealled on Dr. Heighway and inspected his collec tion of Indian relics before leaving Murphy. They returned to Asheville Wednesday, where Mr. and Mrs. j Moorehead are guests of Mr. and ' Mis. Burnham S. Colburn. They ex pect to leave tKe latter part of the week for a trip through Virginia. Baptist Choir To Give Sacred Concert Mar. 13 The choir of the Baptist Church 1 will give a sacre.d conccrt at the { church Sunday evening, March 13th, ! at 7 o'clock. The following program will be rendered: Congregational hymn ? Come We I That Lov<> the Lord. Prayer ? Kev. H. F. Higgins. Chorus ? Reapers Arc Needed. j Male Quartette ? selected ? Messrs. j Ricks, Hawkins, Franks and Calhoun. : Solo ? My Task ? Asheford ? Mrs. Ralph Moody. Chorus ? Wonderful Love. Solo ? One Sweetly Solemn Thought ? Ambrose ? Rev. C. K. Turner. Reading ? This Day Thou Shalt Be With Me In Paradise ? Mrs. Ben Gar 1 1 ell. \ Child ?>f the King ? Woman's choir. Double Quartette ? Holy Is the Lord ? Offenba^k ? Mrs. Ralph Moo dy, Mrs. Neil Davidson, Mrs. Bessie DeWeese, Miss Pauline Martin, and Messrs. William Owenby, Carl bobbs, Allen Lovingood and C. K Turner. Chorus ? selected ? Male choir. Solo ? Sundown ? Asheford ? Miss Pauline Martin. Quartette ? 'Twill Not B'e Long- ? Martin ? Airs. Ralph Moody, Miss Mennke Payne, Messrs. William Owenby and A. W. Lovingood. Male Quartette ? The Hallelujah Roll, Hartford ? Messrs. Calhoun, Burnette, Franks, and Price. Solo ? Living For Jesus ? Lowden ? Mr. William Owenby. Offering ? The offering yill be us ed by the Woman's Business Club for the church building fund. Chorus ? The King Most High. Benediction. Peachtree Wins Two Games From Marble The lineup for Peachtree: Millsaps. A. F 0 Fer.^son, F 2 Mjllsaps, C 5 Davis, G 2 Barnett, G 1 Waldroup, sub F 8 Robinson, sub F 5 Head, sub G 1 Total 24 The Marble lin/K up: Coggins, F 12 Lovingood, F 4 Palmer. C 1 i Trull, G 0 lone: , G 1 West, sub G 0 Bryson, sub F 0 Total 18 Refree: Ferguson. Midget Boys Line up for Peachtree: Robinson, F 5 Young, F 0 1 ?c 0 4 4 0 Millsaps, G Total * i?e up: . 13 Truil, F . . i, r - ?? rough, F r 1 Brvsoii, C . We t, G .... Jerkin*, G .. ? 36 ITEMS ON LIONS CHF.ROKEE BANQUET MENU Thirty-six different items of food, raised in Cherokee county, were on the menu at the ;\nnual Cherokee county banquet of the Murphy Lions club at the Regal Hotel here Tues day night. fhe items, which appeared O". menu in one form or another, Aery as follows: chicken, pork, beef, egga, milk, crcam, butter, wheat, rye, corn, Irish pota toes, sweet potatoes, hom iny, beans, cabbage, onions, tomatoes cucumbers, parsley, candy roaster, per?, sorghum, honey, sassafras, poacher , pears, cheiries, apples, straw berries, huckleberries, blackberries, peanuts, pecans, black walnuts, an<l hickory nuts. Governor O. -Max Gardner, spon sor of the Live-atHome program in this State, would have been pleased with such a menu had he been pres ent, it was pointed "out by speakers. It showed, in graphic manner, the resources of Cherokee county and what this section is capable of pro ducing. The dinner was attended by 40 or more Lions and invited guests. The speakers were Bruce Webb, promo tion manager of The Ashevills Citi zen and The Asheville Times, Who explained in detail the Western North Carolina 5-10 year organized farm program ; Hugh Mitchell, of States ville. Lions district governor, who spoke on the work of the organiza tion; l-.?n W'itherspoon,, Murphy law yer, who welcomed the guests; and Miss Marguerite Butler, assistant di rector of the John C. Campbell Folk school at Brasstown. who said that the school is conducting a six year farm program of its own. W. M. Fain, president of the Mur phy Lions club, presided. Letters were read from .L L. Brown secretary of the Ashevillc Lions club; J. E. S. Thorpe, of Bryson City, president of the Nantahala Power and Light company; and K. B. Jef fres: . chairman of the State High way commission, who had been in vited to attend the banquet, express ing their regret at being unable to attend. The program of the evening fol io \s s . 1. Guests assembled in dining room. 2. Remained standing and sang one verse of "America." 3. Invocation by Rev. Thomas F. Higgins. Guests seated. 4. Dinner. 5. Address of welcome by Lion WitJherspoon, introduced by Lion Fain. <5. Response by District Govern or Hugh G. Mitchell, of Statesville, introduced by Lion Fain. 7. Vocal solo by Mrs. Imogene Bates, accompanied hy Miss Kather ine McCall on the piano. 8. Introduction of Mr. B'ruce Webb, Director of Promotion of the? Asheville Citizen-Times, by Wm. P. Payne. 9. Piano solo by Miss Catherine McCall. 10. Vocal solo and two readings by Miss Dorothy Lahn, nine-year-old radio star who has been heard over the Atlanta and Baltimore stations. 11. Introduction of guests, invita tion to speak to anyone wishing to do so. 12. Short business session. Junior Woman's Club Elects Officers Mrs Porter Axley an<l Mrs. Wal ter Mauney were hostesses to the Junior Woman's Club last Thursday evening at the hor..e of .Mrs. Porter Axley. The meeting was opened with three rousing cheers for their new chair man, Mrs. Tom Mauney. Officers were elected for the com ing year. Mrs. Walter Mauney was elected president; Miss Delia Meron ey, vice president; Mrs. Porter Ax ley, secretary; and Mrs. Wade Mass ley, treasurer. | Aft: i- the business session, a so Ieial hour was enjoyed. A delicious salad course was served. Those present were Mis-os Delia iMsroney, Sally Baker, Polly Davis, ! Kathleen Axley, Mr'. Glenn B-.ite^, Mrs. Gairison Maneval. Mrs. Porter 'Meroney, Mrs. Tom Mauney. Mrs. Wade Ma =ey, Mrs. Walter Mauney, and 'Ii*; . Porter Axley. i o I NOTICE Now tb?t it i* gardening time the ordinance requiring nth ?r ic wl- ?. v c*. .1 .y en ~ov.'r d. Pj . ? r ,0^9. I S. W. LOVINCOOD Mayor.

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