The Leading Weekly Newspaper in Western .'ortA Can, Una. Covering a Ur p- and Potentially Rich Territory in This State Vol. XLII.? No. 47. Murphey, N. C., Friday, June 24, 1932 $1.00 YEAR -5c COPY uons meet at GREENSBORO JUNE23 AND 24 W M. Fain, Pre?id?nt of Murphy Club, Member of Convention Committee Greensboro, June 18. ? Inspection of the official program for the 10th annual convention of the 31st dis trict Lioi, International, embracing all Lion- club? in North Carolina, j jcheduled for Thursday, June 23, and FYiday, June 24th. ill Greensboro, j disclose- that three officers of the international organization are to be -resent. They are Ben A. Ruffin, of Richmond. Va., past internation al president; Roderick Beddow, of Birmingham, Ala., second interna tional vice-jfresident ; and Lyle Orms b*e. of Charlotte, international com missioner. Registration will begin at 9 o'clock Thursday morning: at King Cotton Hotel, designated a> convention head quarters. The convention will open at 1:30 Thursday afternoon. Addr< sm s of welcome will be de livered by K H. B'rown, president of the Greensboro Lions club, and I'harles M. Ketchum, secretary -man ager of the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce. The *respoif>e will be made by Judge G. 11. Hastings, of Winston -Salem, past international di rector. New clubs will then be in troduced, and the final activity of the opening session will be a memo lial service for deceased Lions. At the Thursday afternoon session report.- of club secretaries will be cubmittcd. as will those of the dis trict governor and the district sec retarv-*u,*-.uTer. Committee ap points will also be made. Activities Friday morning will be pin at ^ o'clock with simultaneous b|:eakfatf?t with Mr. and Mrs. D Stiles. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Timpeon and Mr- and Mrs. Ralph E. Dockery and kittle daughter, Doris Ellen, were supper guests of Mrs James Timp a?n Sunday nijjfct. Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1 err ejl.. 12L 1 ? Mary K. Douglass of Wisconsin presenting t !??? Hag t an unu-ual opportunity of- ' ft'rcd to Graham and adjoining coun ties to hear one of the most popular preachers of the South states the Re\. Mr. Woody and extends an in vitation to everybody far and near to attend and hear Dr. Brown. ?Western North Carolina has fur nished the world three great minis- j ters 01 the gospel. Dr. Geo. W. Tructt. Dr .F. C. McConnell and Dr. F. F. Brown. Soon after finishing college D'r. Brown was called to the pastorate of the First Baptist church of Knox ville, Tennessee and has served the same church for more than ten years. His sermons a're broadcast each Sunday and this section is fami liar with his sermons received over the radio. At the meeting of the Southern j Baptist Convention last month Dr. Brown was elected to the presidency of the Southern Baptist Association. | WOLF CREEK j I Our farmers are having a hard i time fighting weeds and raising mon 1 ey to pay their taxes but a're havinp no trouble about making up their minds whether they will vot3 for a j candidate who has or v/iil cause them to have to pay more taxes next year, j by their over-desire to get into of fice. There was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Garren las: Thursday morn ing a girl. Prof. George Crawford is ^till car rying on hi? Jec?ii-*s a*, the tent. 7i; I spite of storms and rain most of the i time, the tent seats ire practically | all taken. He speaks each night at I 7 :30 o'clock. ! With almost a solid week's rain, a j run-off primary and many of our citizens having to go 12 miles to the polling ground, I fear the weeds will get a start in otfr crops that will cause us to feel the result this time next year. The health talk and demonstration of simple treatments given at the tent Sunday morning by Prof. Craw ford and Nurse S. F. Hance were well received by a latge crowd. j A candidate T*h? wiD force a run The Public Library I he people of Murphy have rea son to he ffroud of the publie library. The building is a credit to the town. The selection of reading matter is 3uod, though not extensive. The pa tronage is encouraging. The libra i ian, Miss Josephine Heighwa/v. is fficient, up-to-date and obliging. | !**e\v if any families in the town are I lot on the list of borrowers, as well ' as many from the surrounding coun j try districts. A crying need of this free institu | tion i> a source of income. Books I must be replaced when worn out, new books obtained occasionally, coal is needed during the winter months, now and then a broom gives out and .mce in awhile repcfrs must be made The trustees serve without pay. Only the librarian is paid a small 5alary, less than she deserves. It is hoped that every family in Murphy will join the Library Asso ciation and pay $1.00 a year into a fund that will be used, principally in purchasing books, and for other pur poses, of the Murphy Public Library. I This would furnish a small income, but it will help this enterprise. If you have not already become a mem ber, will you not do so by giving you'r name to Miss Josephine Heigh way, handing her $1.00 and renew ing your assistance by June 1st of next year? Why not visit your library wheth er or not you join the association Below are the names of those who have already subscribed fo'r 1932. >1. \V. Bell, Mrs J. H. Dillard, Xcil Davidson, E. B. Xorvell, C. B. Hill. D. Carringer. Mrs. Eva Griffiths T. N Kates, Frank Bristol, I>r. S. C. Heigh way, H. P. Cooper, C. U. Wil liams, R. C. Mattox. Virgil Johnson, Ed. Moore, G. W Candler, D. With ei spoon, Miss Sara Cook, W. H. Murray, Mrs. Carolyn Bryson, W. M. Axley, A. C. Huber, V I. Butt. J. A. Richardson, George Mauney, W. M. Fain. o Colonial Powder Horn? A powder horn was part of tlic equipment which a Colonial irtilitia man was required to have at hand for service at a momeut s warning. Requirement was continued by act of congress May 8, The require ment was not repealed until 1820, and the use of the powder horn was con tinued until during the Mexiean war in 1S4T. off primary in times like this, must have a judgment like a Justice of the Peace who Jhad : issued vrfarramts against some parties and said that he knew they were sruilty or he wouldn't have issued the warrants, although he hadn't heard testimony in the case. Blah! but I suppose it could be woVs*. Sunday Train On L. & N. Stops June 26 The Sunday train of the I,. & N. Kaihoad company, operating; between Murphy and Blue Ridge, will he dis continued next Sunday. June 2Gth, according to announcement by local I officials of the railroad company this week. The North Carolina Corporation recently granted the railroad com- , pany to discontinue this frain on j ! Sunday, and the company puts the permit into effect Sunday. Miss Whitaker Taken By Death Near Andrews Miss Margaret Cora Whitaker, OS. j deid at her home near Andrews early I Tuesday morning:. The funeral services were con ducted Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Valley River Baptist church with the pastor, the Rev. H. C. Whitaker, officiating, agisted by | the Rev. Algie West, of Marble and ' other ministers. j Miss Whitaker was a daughter of j the late Mr. and Mrs. James M. I Whitaker, .III. Surviving: are one brother, J. P. Whitaker, and four j sisters, Mrs. Iowa Garren, Mrs. B. A. Rickett, Miss Mary Whitaker and ? Miss Elizabeth Whitaker all of An j drews. FUNERAL SERVICE HELD FOR MRS. McTAGGERT Funeral service for Mrs. Bettie I McTaggert, of Peachtree was held at 10:00 o'clock Tuesday morning at the Ptachtree Baptist church with the Rev. Floyd Pipes in charge. The ? following children survive: Mrs. H. ( H. II u skins, of Clay County; Mrs. i Dixie Robinson, of Peachtree; M'rs. ; Kelley Aubury, of Cleveland, Tenn.; j Mrs. Bertha Robinson, of Gastonia ! and Shuford MeTaggert, of Benton, j Tenn. i Pension Board To Meet July 5th The Cherokee County Board of Pensions will meet on Tuesday, July 5th, instead of Monday the 4th, which is national holiday, R. B. Ferguson, chafrman, announced this week The board is composed of R. B. Ferguson, chairman; Miss Marvir Walker and Ed Waldroup. About Our??lvca Never what yo? don't know ap? set what yow rto knew. BOB REYNOLDS T 0 SPEAK AT MURPHY JULY I County Organization Formed For For Atheville Man In Senate Race Run-Over An enthusiastic meeting of sup porters of Roheit R. Reynold-*, can didate for the United States Senate, was held in Murphy Wednesday morning at which Wythe M. Peyton, western manager, was present, and an organization ??f a Reynolds Club for Cherokee county formed. It was announced at the meeting -hat Mr. Reynolds will speak in Mur phy on Friday night, July 1st. at 7:15 Central Time, at the court house. Mr. Reynolds will leave Asheville with a motor tour com posed of about twenty-five cars fly ing Reynolds banners and led by a .ruck with a brass band and the State police patrol, stopping enroute for short talks at Canton, Waynes villc, Hazelwood. Sylva. Dillsboro, HVyson City and Andrews. He will arrive in Murphy in time to speak that night. Before the speaking, the band is expected to give a concert in the public square at Murphy. Ha'rry P. Cooper, who has been appointed campaiirn manager lor Mr. Reynolds in Cherokee county, pre dicted that the court house will not hold the people who will come to Murphy t?? hear "Our Bob," as Mr. Reynolds is known in western North Carolina, and that this will be one of the greatest political rallies ever held In this part of the state. Num erous people from the surrounding counties who det-i're to hear Mr. Roynolds have already sent word i hat a large crowd from those coun ties will be present. "All indications in Cherokee county art that Mr. Reynolds will receive the largest vote ever accord ed a candidate fo'r public office in the county," Mr. Cooper paid. The Reynolds organization in the county follows: Harry P. Cooper, chairman; C. B. Hill, vice-chairman; J. S. Russell, vice-chairman. Executive committee, Harry P. j Cooper, chairman, C. B. Hill, I). S. Russell, MYs. A. II. Chandler, II. H. Enloe, Joshua Johnson, Frank S. Hill, i T. B. Gray, M. L. Mauney, Dr. J. N. ! Hill, K. B. Norvell, T. P. Rogers. Finance Committee: E. B. Norvell, j Chairman: Dr. J. N. Hill, Walter Mauney, Morris Moore, Joshua John son, M. L. Mauney. T. J. King, D. S. Russell, John Earwood, H. X. Piercy, and W. T. Forsyth. Precinct Committee: Joshua John son. T. J. King, Morris Moore, J. R. Leach, Walter Mauney. Bruce Bat tle, Z. D. Morrow, W. H. McGuire, I W. B. Moore. Transportation committee; C. B. Hill, chairman; Walter Mauney, Hayes Leatherwood, T. J. King, W. B. Conley, J. A. Earwood. G. E. Lail, H. X. Piercy and G. Wayne Walker. EHRINGHAUS TO IN COUNTY SAT. It is understood that J. C. B*. Ehringhaus, candidate for Govern or in the second prima'ry, and lead ing candidate in the first primary by nearly 50,000 votes, will be in Mur phy Saturday morning, and will probably speak to the voters while here if time permits, as to his posi tion on matters of interest to the public relative to the governor's race. 'Mr. Ehringhaus has made no def inite speaking engagement here, but his supporters in the county are go ing to make an effort to have him make a short address. The time is not known, but will probably be in the morning. Valaabic Block The monetary gold in the w?ri