' . -? -- OUR COMIC SECTION D Events in the Lives of Little Men UiNNETH 60 To "THE: GROCERy V anP 6c t ten ftwpscf sugar/ RIGHT AW/AY - III HJLP THE SAIL UNTIL X0U & ET PACk tyh - ii i C-| AW6??, fAOTHtE 1T5 AW TUCN AT 2?T AH' THE BhStS ARE ICAPEP THE FEATHERHEADS 1 U The Table Turned WHBG I t JUST PKBW A HUNPREP BUCKS OUT TO PAY MY BILLS... EVERY CEWT _ I HAP IN f HE &ANtC... AND TOPAY Z2& r c W? t?rn N.w.pa^r Unloa Not bine Doing The door bell rang and dad an swered it. "Any old clothes to sell or give away?" asked the old man, who had pushed the button. "Do you think I want to Join one ot these nudists' colonies?" growled dad as he slammed the door shut. Old-Fashioned **You say she is old-fashioned ?** ??Yes," answered Miss Cayenne. "But have you seen her athletic cos tumes?" "I have. She's so old-fashioned that her clothes are positively clas sical." On a Large Scale Magistrate ? Whatever could you have been thinking of to steal all these sheep? Accused ? I don't know, your wor ship. I must have been wool gather ing. For a Rainy Day ??Another bill," sighed her husband, "and we decided we were going to put a bit by for a rainy day." ??Yes, darling, but don't you see the bill Is for my new raincoat?* m~n zs\ Canvasser ? This book of etiquette will tell you what to do when there seems to be too many knives, forks and spoons on the table. Householder ? No use to me. What I want Is one that will tell me what to do when there is too little food on the table. "Hu;e they a nice summer cottage ?M "Splendid. It actually has wooden partitions between the bedrooms In stead of curtains." Not the One He Knew Willis ? Have you uiet my beautifnl wife yet? Gillis ? No; 1 didn't know you were a bigamist. His Real Need UP TO DATE Time for a Squawk ?* You're a tine lawyer, you are,'* said the prisoner, contemptuously. "Why, all through the case you kept saying: ?Your honor, I object."* "I know I did," returned the lawyer. "You had the benefit of my best legal efforts." "Then when the judge sentenced me to ten years, why didn't you object to that?" ? Tatler. Testing Him Out Miss Sweetleigh ? Do you love me more than you ever loved anyone else? Mr. Huggemere ? M-m-m! Sure! Miss Sweetleigh ? But how do you know unless you've been loving lots of other girls?? Brooklyn Eagle. And Filled With Au Mrs. Stouter managed to step on the scales while two boys looked on. The scales were out of order and reg istered only 85 pounds. "Great balls of greased lightning, she's hollow," said Bob. Just True to Form Wahwali? ' That fellow strikes a dis cordant note In our party. Tootoot? He can't help it. He playa In a Jazz band. BABY "WENT TO ALMOST NOTHING" Then Eagle Brand saved the day! "We are sending you a picture of our daughter, Alice Ann," writes Mrs. Joel Buttgereit, 132 Arch St., Verona, Penn.,"to showyou what Eagle Brand has done for our baby when three other baby foods failed. "Our baby weighed 9 pounds at birth and went to almost nothing. Then we tried Eagle Brand, and with her first feeding, she seemed satisfied. She started to pick up right away and at eight months weighed 26 pounds and had 8 teeth. "Writing could never express our gratitude for what Eagle Brand has done for our baby." ? - ? ? If your baby is not thriving on his present food we suggest that you and your doctor consider Eagle Brand. Send for free booklet. The new and complete edition of "Baby's Welfare" contains practical feeding information and suggestions for supplementary foods ? orange juice, cereals, cod liver oil, etc. ? advised by doctors; ? O Every pictuie and letter -published by The Borden Company is voluntarily sent us by a grateful parent or other relative. FREE! Wonderful baby booklet!, Tmt Bono ex Comt urr. Dept. VN Jt, sift. Borden Building, MO Madison Avenue, New York. N.Y. y??\ FWueiad me ? flee ? the new and complete edition ol " Bebjr'a Welfare." Nam* - AAA-*.. . Cit*- ? State ^ firwa print nam * and address -plainly