Ste ittrt iWp ^5^"/ v l[ v^^r *v iv ^ j| "Hir** Th' l rn'l,KZ " '*Ul \rkipnt~r ,? ll . %,rr? \,,?/, Carolina. ( ot rrin g *1 ! .ir:_-r- >m>i PtUrmM!\ Ki. /i Trrriin-^ Jhi * f C?. V\ . Cover, Jt seat in the Legislature, Cn. - as won the di-tinction of. h;:- y unjrest member of that !m; the citixer. ot Andrews ?kee are proud, not only of j 4h :.vtion; but of th<* fact that th selected suh a man as "{: .i to represent them. M i" is ~nly 23 years old. j,- . tt age has become one of t" most prominent busi- I r., He comes from a family v .?minen?-e i?1 known through :ate. lie is a great grand sv Benjamin Brittain, who was th regiter of deeds for Ch? ro le t nty. He is also related to th niruished Zeb Vance on hi rr side. V Mr. Cover is growing in yr i nee as has his family before b.j H* occupies a seat on the b Aldermen of Andrews, is ?v r . . -treasurer of the- Andrews R lub, a director in th^ Citi- j r Vank A: Trust Co., and is identi fy w h the firm of F. 1*. Cover & S - ne of the pioneer man u fact i.r : concerns of Cherokee County ( L-.t. .} at >ndrews. Some false rumors have been in circulation as to the qualification of I z. member of the State House of Roi r? entatives, and pome people are claim -rig that young MV. Cover does nn . me up the age limit, but must i>e 25 years old. This report is erroneous. Here is the law with r t' rice to the Matter: Article II, SectionS. of the North C.wlina State Constitution, says: . Qualification for Rep'rsentfitive. f member of the Houe of Repre sentative shall be a qualified e'ector o* the State, and shall have resided in the County from which he is chosen f one year immediatelypreceeding t' election." OAK PARK Thanksgiving services at Mt. Car nnl church were not so well attend ed, but a nice time was had by all who :.t; ended. After services the preach ? r was surprised with "a pounding" (nut with clubs or fists) but rather with such things that are necessary for a livehood, meat, soda, sugar, soxs and numerous other useful gifts. Truly we lift our voices with the I's.tlmist, "O Give Thanks Unto God." Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Payne of Patrick were in our midst Thursday. Rev. J. D. Moses left for an extend ed visit with relatives and friends in Kentucky and Tennessee last Satur day. Rev. L. N. Madr of Liberty passed through our section last Wednesday < m route to Bearpaw. Some one who is possessed with profound ignorance or low morality made their way into Mt. Carmel church last Thursday and cut loose about fifteen of the notes on the church organ. We cannot conceive why anyone who is possessed with reasonable sense would venture to do such things and stoop so low as to deface or mar anything in the House of God. The place fov such low-life individuals is iji the lunatic asylum or on the county roads cracking rock -o make an ea?y pathway for those who are trying to carry the Gospel news to poor sinners who will accept Him who died for them. May God bless the doer of this low deed with such blessings as he may see fit to bestow 0n such an onc; "To be sure your sins will find you out." Any one who will apcrrehend the party or parties that committed this outrage ous a?*t will be favored with a very liberal reward, not less than $25.00. v. C. A. Voy'es will preach first Si n ay in Dec^.nbfr. Fveryb > -> f cordially inv.* - ? .^nd services at Mt. Carmel. M j.f>. Pic!'.;'-. r' ? r-' 3 * ir?t O"' i Oi;-,- .^jticn la*t?jr? The K1 ct?">n hard'v elect ? n fcOk in this see' I or O t'c <*o*w ? fy SoMe are pr oi* inf *.vder ut 0* b~ *: r times Nothing *an c1* rv r.r . *-rf mird. Some r* looking fcr r !."? on the bushes o?hrrs are leokinar ror it in the most obscnre place--. But a? for the writ er. I'll ju*t keen br.ek'rcr away *t ?a*safras sprouts and expect to dig my living out o' the ground. Ten Cents a Month for These "Residences" Ill iii? i i ? ? i I: i ? ?? I rltniis.) ii<| ?iii.-ii .?>???! ?? tn- i U? I I:i uil.tirj; viwti*' j?l:i? ? ? ??? ?? ?:? ti?l it !? -( i ? i. n ?li:trU?? ? r? uiHt t?? fi'Hl at ten coiiJs .1 Tills if< nil loubt?'?tly 1 1 if mi: . '?i ; ?.i i ? = ? Mm* utiriil, .ii?l ;"nrsl?? ' in ivunt ? I?:is :!j"r;in_,i"t * I ?:? 1 tin* ront ?an Ik* pui'l ?Tt :i*v n^nUnionis - 1 ??(?? I ? tt _ ??\i*r ??? .1. \? PITTS, PATTON AND COOPER ARE I HONOR GUESTS A number of Murphy's business ? ind j/rofessional men entertained ! with a delightlul banquet at the " Maples Tuesday evening to honor, Oscar I*. Pitta, of Hickory, State .Supervisor of jroads; State Senator elect Robert A. Put ton, of Franklin, 1 1 who were visitors in town, and as a special courtesy to Harry P. Cooper, \ Murphy's own son, who left Wednes- j day for Washington to take up his duties as Washington representative ' for United .States Senator Robert R. ; Reynolds. L. O. Rector, of Hickory, i shared in the honors. shortly lor Washington to take up i his duties as Washington Represen- ; tative for Robert R. Reynolds. L. O. Rector, of Hickory, shared the hon- ' I or?-. j The lower floor of the Maples was j | thrown ensuite and effectively decor- j a ted with evergreens and cut flowers. ; In the dining room a color motif of | given and red was carried out. The ' banquet table, which had covers for | twenty-four, was attractively arrang ed in keeping with the approaching! holiday season. Dr. J. N. Hill was toastmaster, and l each guest entheustically responded ! with sparkling wit and humor. I Enjoying the delightful occasion . | were: Messrs. Oscar Pitts, Robert A. 1'ation, Harry P. Cooper, L. O. : : Rector, J. N. Hill, P. A. Mauney. ; Grady Hampton, E. O. Smith, J. B. i Gray. L. L. .Mason, A. W. Mclv^r, C. 15. Hill, Fred O. Scroggs, W. Dickey, E. C. Mallonee, C. I. Calhoun Walter Mauney, L. V. Houston, W. I T. Cooper, A. L. MaVtin and .j^h Dock ery. Mr. nn^ Mrs. Rufis Carter spent lay i;i' with Mr. and Mr:. Will ' ? : 5 ? 'i' g seems to be the I ! f- o it* .?* ntw of *ate. T weed ? Roberto Mrs. Effi? Roberts o f Tomotla and V- I' fwct'ci of Bra??town were mar id last Saturday, November 26 b . 6'airsville, Ga. The many friends of this young couple wish for them a long and happy life. Goes To Washington s Col. Harry 1*. t'ooper. who has been i named by Senator Robert R. Rey- 1 no)&: as his \\ nshington Vepresenta- 1 tive, left Murphy this* week for the I capital city to assume his new duties, j _ PATRICK | (Last week's letter) Mr. T. J. Shearer 01 Copperhill. i Tenn., was a business visitor at Pat- i rick one day la,, t week. i The Rev. E. 1). Cole of Copperhill. ! Tenn.. was a Patrick visitor la??t I week. Mr. and Mrs. John Crain are the \ proud parents of a baby girl born, i November 1 5. ! Mr. John Picklesimcr and son-in law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. leeknoeker and their two children of Apper.-on. Tenn., visited relatives in this section a few daya ago. the formers sister. Mrs. Lyda Crain re turned home with them to spend some time. Mrs. Crain is 83 years old. Mrs. Bert Adams Who has been ill for some time is better at this writing. M?. Homer Kilpatrick and mother Mrs. Emiline Kilpatrick were the dinner guests of the latters daughter Mrs. Bertha Martin Sunday. Mr. George Hambv and two grand daughters Edith and Namoi Hamby were Patrick visitors Monday. Mr. Karo Baine of Hiawassee, N. C., was a shopped ft Patrick Mon Mv. John Picklc- ~*er was an Oak Park visitor Sunday. Mrs. ^.dith Reid an lildren were tho pnp t? of Mrs. /.'.r - Coleman Sunday afternoon. The Rpv. L. X. M*?rr ot Tr. l?;tOwn Tenn., will preach at S*t?*ar r S :iool House Sunday aftet*~ -on Vover^ber 27, everybody attend 0 ? ? Fumoui Gem The Cnlllnan diamonu in the scepter of the British kin? weighs 516H I carets. Cherokee Students At Cullowhee Organize . Th(- Cherokee Coftnty Students of ; Western Carolina Teachers College < met and organized a county club for ' promoting friendship among the stud- ! cnts of that coulfty. The officers and members are as follows: President, Noah Hembree; Vice President, Edna Paiton; Sec- Treas., Huzel Hyde; Reporter, Joe Dytr; Members, Violet Spivy, Bessie Pal mer. Annie Lou Keoniun. Glen Corii- j well, Howard Martin, Alwayne Burn- i ett, Mrs. Mai'cella Smith. Edith j Shields, Edith Mull, Evelyn Shields, { Hadley Williamson, Perlon LovingooJ , Margaret Witherspoon. Mrs. Myrtle ! Mi.oVc, Willie Lou Wells, Merle J Davis. ANDREWS Mr. W. G. Rodger* o! Canton, N\ C. spent lust Sunday night in Andrew * with his mother, Mrs. Anna L. Rodgtrs and his sister, Mrs. D. H. Tillitt. Mr. . L. B. Nichols and little : on, Lee. -Jr. and Miss Gladys Chadiviels ?pent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Nicholr' parents, Mr. and Mrs.U, B. Chandler, at Vila Rica, Ga. Mr.-. I). II. Tillitt spent last Fri day and .Saturday in Asheville. Mis-* Ruth Starr spent Thanksgiv ing' with her parents at their home in Georgia. Misse.j Ada Mae Pruett an uLilia Owen spent last Friday. Saturday md Sunday in Asheville. Mrs. J. C. Cline, Formerly Miss Pearl Zeigler of Rot-man. N. C, is spending: somtimc in Andrews visit ing her old friends. Miss Evelyn Alexander spent Thanksgiving with her parents in Commerce, Ga. Mr. N. B. Phillips, Jr., spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Rev. and Mr.-. N. B. Phillips, Sr., in East Flat Rocks, N. C. Messrs L. C. Ward and L. L. Millar were business visitors in Ashe viUe on lajt Saturday. Mr. G. B. Hoblitzell left Andrews on Wednesday of this week on a busi ness trip to Newport, Tenn. Rev. H. C. Caviness is conducting : i a revival meeting at the Presbyter:nn ' church. Mrs. Z. B. Conley spent several ! day-J this pa week v..h in r r>rrents I n Clinton, X. C. Mis* Hazel Hyde, who is atten~inf <*h?ol at Cu.iowhee. N. C. sf?nt the week end with, her parents, Mr. and i Mrs. \V. A. Hyde. First Chlorine Chlorine was discovered in 1774. by Carl Wllhelm Schcele. a SweHsh s : m list. when he poured concentrated !?v drochlorlc acid upon manganese diox ide. OR. W. A. GRAHAM TAKEN BY DEATH 'iunecr PhysiciAn Dir* At Hayr-?villc After Long Mines* Dr. \V. Graham. pr.u "..coy: ihvsician in Hay wo ?d c?s ila'.u !?.?????, ?Irs. Wiavei Andt*r>un of Haye-ville. iftei a Ions* illness. I ? i . Graham ??? .1 :*u Fine. 'reek >ection ? Haywood county hortly after coning to that section iv :i Fayettevill move than 50 ears ago. During the past three >?:ns ho h;i l? living with his laughter here. Ih* wa a ura?iu it- of Vanderbilt intvel shy and was well kn nra in Western Nc*c. ber 5, at 7 o'clock, as ?t i. t'u? '.hit .^r elect ing officers for the year 1j33. All members are urged to be present. E. O. i' - LdiER Secretary. Cabbage Ancestry The ancestral line of the cabbage I is traced back to the cliff cabbage of Kurope and Asia.