I Friday Feb. 16, 1934 Locals and | Miss WiUard Chastain, who underwent an operation last week at the petrie Hospital for ruptured appendix, is reported to be improving, although her condition is still considered serious. I Mr. William Darnell has returned home from a visit with relatives and friends at Marietta, and Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owenby and Master Edgar Darnell Jr. left Tuesday for a visit with relatives and Friends at Marietta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hall and children of Asheville spent the week end frith Mrs. Hall's mother, Mrs. Mary Alst n and sister, Mrs. E. C. Mnllonee. Mr. William Burns, Young Hairis College student who was operated on recently for appendicitis, was dismissed from the Petrie Hospital Sunday. Mrs. E. P Fleming of Asheville spent several days the first of the week visiting relatives here. Miss Eula Gray of Hayesville spent the week end with Mrs. J. B. Gray and Mrs. Clo Moore. Mrs. Tom Mauney has returned home from a visit with relatives at Lakeland, Fla. Vernon King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce King of Topton, who underfen: an operation for appendicitis at the Petrie Hospital several weeks ago, was recovered sufficiently to be removed to his home Wednesday morning. Mrs. Mary Alston is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. G. Hall in Asheville. W t 0900900# PERMANENT >; WAVE SPECIALS. | |f Permanent Wave $t.S0 .j. ? Ringlet Wave $2.00 X X F.ugene Wave ...... $4.00 V Realistic Croquignole $5.00 y X f'nSer-w?ve Dried 25c | CANDLER'S BEAUTY 'sHOP Ij! { Phone 53J. Murphy, N. C. X Stomach Trouble Relieved Miss Haley Landers, Route No. 9, Greeneville, Tenn., Praises SEMINOLE SYSTEM REGULATOR SgJi JsiH BRr iv' H ^hk ? ^mb 9B .. -,M "For two jMtn I had been suffering from stomach disorders and poor digestion and after every meal belching would set In and pains aroand my heart would almost suffocate me. My life was a burden both to myself and family and 1 gradually got to weak I. was forced to remain in bed much of tha time. One day I mw an advertisement In the Pip-r olbiis about SEMINOLE SYSTEM REGULATOR and I decided to ?uy six bottle* and give It a thorough trial. After the first fetv doaea the belching stopped and digestion Improved. I ain now taking my third $5SH? >nd feel like a new being. SEMINOLE brought me relief after many other remedies that I tried had failed. apeak too liljrnly about SEMINOLE as It Is a wonderful medicine. 8oId By All Good Druggists. For Solo By * s. PARKER DRU GSTORE, Mitffcy, N. C. The Cherol I Personals 1: J . , > : c | Mrs. Frank Owenfcy left Tuesday ! for a visit with relatives at Marietta, a j Ga. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Garland Haney an- J nounce the birth of a daughter, .n \ Friday, February 9th. j Mrs. Floience Mclver returned to 1 I her home in Philadelphia, Pa., Sun- J j day after attending the funeral of .ier hu-band, Mr. Robert Mclver on last i Thursday. c | . 3 Mrs. W. T. Truett, ot Andrews, a j who has been taking treatment in t ] the Petrie hospital since Deselmber 1 120th, was dismissed frdm the hospi- p tal Tuesday mtich improved in health. 1 * t _ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Xeit Davidson and 2 son, John; Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Mc- 2 Iver left Wednesday for a business 2 trip to Knoxville, Tenn. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mclver returned to their home at Greensboro last Fi- 1 day after attending the funeral ol ( their nephew, Robert Mclver. i j Mr. H. Bueck left Monday for i Salisbury to visit his mother who is $ seriously ill. < Virginia Broyhill, 7 year old daugh- 2 ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Broyhill. ] of Robbinsville, had her tonsil* re- \ moved at the Petrie hospital on Feb- ( ruary 9th. 2 ? i Mr and .Mrs. Cliff Dickey of Copperhili, Tenn. were iruests Sunday afternoon of Mr. Dickey's parent--, , Mr. end Mrs. W. b. Dickey. c 1 Miss Katheriue Miller left Sunriav lot Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Higgins and { Mrs. Callie Hall v/ere business visitors in Atlanta, Ga. on Wednesday of this week. 1 Mrs. C. Nalley of Blue Ridge, Ga. I was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Carroll. ( WANTED: One Hunder cured Hams t*. reasonable prices. See Mr.s NV y tie Dickey. Mr. W. M. Randolph, of Cheoah, Graham County, underwent a minor ^ nose operation at the Petrie Hospital on Monday and was recovered sufficiently to mum to his Jiome on j Tuesday. ] The Woman's Club will meet on t next Wednesday afternoon, February 21st in the club roam. The subject tor the afternoon will be "Good j ! English" and Mrs. W. E. Studstill ( will be the leader. Mrs. T. A. Case, , | Mrs. R. S. Parker and Mrs. H. . Bueck will be hostesses } The Character Builders Sunday School class entertained with a Val| entine party on last Friday evening in ' the Men's Bible class room. The ! room was decorated with ferns and 1 valentines. After many interesting ] games and contests a delicious salad J course was served: Those piesent were: Mrs. H. P. Clark, teacher, Mr. . and Mrs. H. G. Elkins, Mr. and Mrs. l>. R. Carroll and daughter, Dorothy 1 Mrs. T. A. Case, Mrs. Wade Massey, 1 Mrs. Glenn Bates, Mrs. Ted Howell, Mrs. Frank Ellis, Mrs. E. C. Mallonee , Mis. Willard Axley, Misses Dot Heigh , way, Delia Meroney, Emily Sword, . Clara McCombs, Ella McCombs, Mary ' Akin, Hattie Palmer, Ruby Hall, Leila Posey, Loucine Wells, and Winfred Townson. j Thomas Woody, of Topton, under- j went a tonsil and adenoid operation . at the Petrie Hospital Wednesday morning. ??? Messrs. N. W. Abernathy and J. M. Lovingood of Marble were busi- ? ness visitors in town Wednesday. . Mrs. Susie de Martine had the misfortune to fall a few days ag-o, and e while she received only a lew oruisea .Vie is confined to her rocfm at the Regal hotel for several days, Where f she is always glad to see her friends. Mr. Thos. A. Upshaw, clerk of Cartersville, Ga., and Mrs. Upshaw are spending a vacation at the Regal I hotel. Don't Get Up Nights USE BUCHU AND GIN Mak. This 25c Teat It is as valuable to the bladder as castor oil to the bowels. Drives out impurities and excess acids which carse the irritation resulting: in getting up nights, burning, frequent deire, leg pains and backache. On account cf the alcohol use juniper oil from which gin is made. Ask for Bokets, the bladder laxative also containing buchu leaves, etc. After four dcys if not pleased your druggist will return ycur 25c. You are bound to deep better after this cleaning, i "BURETS guaranteed by R. S. Par-[ ker Drug Co." I kec Scout, Murphy, Nori The Hyatt Sunday school class was entertained with a Valentine patty >n last Friday evening at the home i Mrs. J. W. Axley. Mrs. Axley and flrj. S. D. Akin acted as joint hostsses. Games and contests were played ifter which a delicious salad course s seived. Those present were: Irs. G. W. Ellis, Mrs. Arthur Akin, Irs. G. W. Candler, Mrs. E. B. Morel, Mrs. W. A. Savage. Mrs. J. H. icCall, Mrs. R. C. Mattox, Mrs. N. Adams, Mrs. T. F. Higgins, Mrs. V. Wells, Mrs. P. H. Sword, Mrs. Nettie Axley, Mrs. Florence Moore. The Good Will Club met on Frilay afternoon, January 26th. with 'Irs. Jim Fianklin. Mrs. Franklin ind Mrs. Johnson as hostesses. Alter tusiness a salad course was served. Those ptesent were: Mr.-. Allen Lovinfood. Mrs. Hume Bowles, Mrs. iowaid Moody, Mrs. Noah Lovingood, 'Irs. R. D. Chandle.', Mrs. Clingman 'IcDonald, Mrs. Winslow Mclver, 'lis. Bill Brandon, Mrs. Cyrus White, Hr.\ Waiter Coleman, Misses Gillis 'lartin and Mary Akin. Mrs. Noah Lovingood and Mrs. H. Sowles were joint hostesses to the 5ood Will Club on last Friday afterloon at the home of Mrs. Lovingood. Vitcr business a delicious and amusng "Ragged Ann" salad course was it-rved by the hostesses assisted by Thariene and Wanda Bowles. Those >resent were: Mrs. Allen Lovingood, Irs. Howard M'oody, Mrs. Virgil fohnson, Mrs. Jim Franklin, Mrs. J. V. Bailey, Mrs. Homer Ricks, Mrs. py-us White, Mis. Paul Crawford, V s Mary Akin. Mrs. W'arren Sneed s a visitor. Mrs. Lilla Adams who has been isiting relatives here for several lays returned t>o Knoxville, Tenn. on Wednesday. Mrs. Jenkins of Young Harris, Ga s visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. P )dom. Mrs. Lilian Horton of Klue, Ga ? tho fftiesr thl* Wppk of Mr. and Mrs Thompson Terrell. Mr. J. B. Gray spent the first pari >f thi3 week in Raleigh on business. Mr. Don Witherspoon who has >een at Ralei??i on business has re^ L?OST: One Female White Cat. Re turn to Mrs. Nettie* Dickey. Re Ward. "The World Day of Prayer" wil le observed at the Methodist Churcl Friday afternoon, February lGth jeginning at 2:30 P. M. it was an flounced this week. x A George Washington Ball will b< leld in the Burns building on Thurs lay evening, February 22nd, begin ling at 0 o'clock. Tre Syncopaters in oichestra from Copperhill, wil furnish the mus*c. ANDREWS Miss Mildred Kooiman of Cantor ivho is attending school at Cullowhei ?vas the week end guest of Mr. ant Mrs. J. J. Stone. Messrs. D. H. Tillitt and C. E Hyde were in Waynesville on Fri lay and Saturday of the past week or professional business. Dr. H. T. Hunter of Cullowhee de ivered a lecture at t.he Andrew: Baptist church on last Sunday morn ng on the subject: "Jesus the greatest teacher of them all." The many friends of Mr. D. S, Russell will iearn with regret that he s seriously ill and has been taken tc he hospital in As.ieville. Reports 'rom him are that his condition is rery serious. .Miss Bobbie Anderscm, daugfektev f Mr. Harve Anderson, now of Gasonia but formerly of Andrews is visting relatives and friends here. Mr. Decatur Pullium who is now Employed at Yellow Hill, N. C. spent he week end with his parents, Mr. ind Mr3. M. E. Pullium. HATTIE PALMER Notary Public Scout Office DIZZINESS relieved by Black-Draught "I decided to take Thedford'e Black-Draught, u I bad been having bilious spells." writes Mr. Chsa XL ?S to vena, of Columbus, Ind. "Whoa Z ret bilious, I feel sleepy and tired end do not feel like doing roy work. I get dwfully dizzy. I know then that I had better take something. After I found how good Black-Draught Is, that Is what I have used. I guess It rids roe of the btl* for I feel better ? dont feel like 1 am dropping Off to sleep every time I sit down. That, te ma is a very bad feeling. Now you ?on pet Blaok-Draupht MS tho form t a BY SUP, for Cin?m th Carolina ! Mrs. Joel Tompkins of Bryson I j City was a visitor in Andrews on 1 i Tuc day cf this we:-k. Mayor C. E. Hyde was in Murphy on Tuesday of this week attending to | professional business. Rev. Pat Cclvilie on last Sunday I filled the pulpit at the Andrews > Baptist church on last Sunday night. Sir. Hardy Cclvard of Robbinsvillc { was a bu.-iness visitor in Andrews on ! Tuesday of this week. Mr. M. W. Bell, attorney of Murj phy was in Andrews on Monday cf j this week attending to professional | business. Mr. Fisher Black who is employed in Andrews by Nantahal Power and Light company spent the week end wif.'i his parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. L'lack of Bryson City. Miss Lucile V/atkins of Knoxville. Tenn. is spending some time in Andrews visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wat-tins. Mr. Clyde H. Jarrett has opened an office in the Merchants and Manufactures Bank Building for the practice of law and to do a general insurance and bond business. The Senior B. Y. P. U. of Andrews | Baptist chunch gave a social at the church on Tuesday night of this week. Tiie ?many friends of Mr. W. R. ' Conley, Deputy Sheriff, will {learn with pleasure that his condition the first of this week was somewhat improved. Food Distributors To Name Authority At Asheville 20TH By authority of the National Food and Grocery Distributors' Code Authority and punroant to 1?ie Code of fair competition for the food and grocery Trade, a meeting of representatives of all Wholesale and retail food and grocery establishments covered by the code will be held at the Battery Park Hotel, Asheville, N. C., at 8 P. M. Tuesday February 20, . 1934. This meeting is being called for * feffi| 4 QUE V^|Hl ONE and ON' H I ^TJ for one way THREE CEN' tickets good mmH\ ROUN1 I WCEHTj tCENTS' I VV J?l\. J J 'TWO CENT traveled for *TWO and or> for each mil B7TJW3 ? n< 'Cw4 tm Sl?mi?? ? ConforUblc, Ecom Ctanh fiw?mr TrUU Rrpmmuikrt Tlck?< A|taM fcr (?| inlormaliofi. nu? L. JIMMW, fi?.H?r TraCc I VaktaUM, D. C. SOU 1MI RAILWAY I?! . Page Five the purpose of electing a Local Food and Grocery Distributors* Authority to be charged with the administration of the code in this area. It is important that every mail and wholesale establishment be represented at this meeting, said A. R. Turnbull, Chairman. NRA Compliance Card. Presbyterian Church Rev. Stewart H. Long, Pastor Sunday Schcol 10:00 A. M. J. B. Gray, Superintendent. Regular Ihird Sunday Seivices Sermon by pastor. '"The Just Shall Live by Faith." There will be no evening service a.-? the pastor will fill his tegular appointment at Hayesville. The Bible study will be continued on the following Sunday evening. At this time the la^-t 39 chapter- or Genesis will be taken up and it is requested that this portion be read between now and then | if pos ible. Visitors will find a cor| dial welcome at all services of this ' church. WANTED We will pay jash for 500 bushels Dry Black Walnuts in the hulls. We also want Walnut Kernels, Poultry, Eggs and Corn. W. M. FAIN GRO. CO. 101 Depot Street Phone 101 MURPHY, N. C. lf~ BRAND 7\\ \L?KWWE?V\A.S\\ \\ Are e^peooUy monutoc.toT?e \o \\ \\ oiO nolurfl relievirvd coi\*t%- \\ I 11 oat ?or\ thi?r?hu fion??.?A ' j \ \\ tyOemol certom \\ \ \\ due to const;pot?orv \\ I \\ soct> ?y ku good mu&gw!. \\ I \\ ^ \\ 1/OSRinIONS On* or two p,llS o? 7 j y bttfhmm R*pmct TRIP FARES S PER MILE for each mile Round Trip Tickets, with IS-day limit 0 SURCHARGE ? IE-HALF CENTS PER MILE le traveled for Round Trip s, with 30-day limit. D SURCHARGE ? I mi Parlor Con. I'int'.fi WW ileal. Safe J&K Ip-s r rvrrrSYSTEM