Page Six | NOBODY'S ! | BUSINESS; 5 BY GEE McCEE { ! the wedding bells which was t -> oil rung for miss jerral dean bramlitt enduring th-. first week in june may j never ring for her; her sweethartj a: i intended groom has gone from and his wh rear outs have never been lo.ated. n r. and mrs. bramlitt had air eddy gene to the expense of sending -at emboss.d invertations befoar he had went. they did not !? - no actual monr.ey, ar.d possible cleared a few dollars, th y got about 2SS worth i present for her including her ring, he mougnt have wandered ff with amuf-ia of th. brains, and has forgot who in the w rid he is. a big all-day singing will be pulled off next sunday at wilkins mill por.d and all singers are hereby invited to b . on hand with well-filled baskets of cooked vitals, yore corry spondent, mr. mike Clark, rfj, will have charge of the program and the portable org which has been b rried from the sal-? vation army will be played by miss judi lee Clark, hi- neece, and she will b accompanied with a mouth orga.. by bert Clark, her brother, come ev-1 j'hftrtMy and Jioar some good singing! and eat some good eating. a lawn party was hell by th. m on-' beams of r h btr in .tonnor ? sunbeams in the front yard of th ! pasture la * friday night and a g i time was had by all a nice acker < iii's was served with punch. the remains of perry tinker which 1 was expected to be shipped to flat ! rock for a funeral did not arrive, on ' the nn.ruing train tr in t xass a.- per ; the t.elligram to r-dsuni mi: ue. it i turned out that the corpse got bette shortly after the. wire was sent. : e is still alive, hi- ' _ : . da fall. evenybody was i!'-appointed and. hud to thiow away their iloweis andsaforth. m I m I The c -g which run v r by a reekk-s driver this morning in front, of the post off is was imported from cuby an i hail a In, peddierc e. the owner of him, bert rushton suing the truck for 25$ and pur.nitiv: damage.*. he paid 10$ extra f r hi p ddigree. t?.e dog was innocent of getting hart, and w.. tending to hi own bizness trying to ketch a cat . mi?s jer.nie veeve smith, our afficient scholl principle, Is egg rnizing a glee- club for flat rock, and plans to have at least 20 glees in it by ;all. she is now booking concert " fo. same at per night .-upper funmish u. your corry ndent, mr. v ike Clark, rfd, will play a big pat in this glee club, and has cor.rented t perform on the fiddle, mouth organ ar. 1 j kittle drum in 2 differ nt selections end will sing 2 -ones and whistle 4 tunes in anoth-r select: - a, *ie is ven y adept in glee clubs. t jmiss jen nie veeve is n w hunting up all kinds of tallcr.t for the jir.o, i end anyboddy seeing thus : n in! y-rq paper will knuiy comniu;i:c*..c i Kith her at with a view t / j lain g. th y must be able to play 2 or : 3 d:.:. rent kinds of instruments and ! should be good wlch the voice. her entertainer.- will j * - Hat lock hummers" and they will travvel by scholl bu? at clO pr head, ' and will vissit all big towns within a j radius of 25 miles from the home i b; - ... e u 11 be the leader in everything excepj) the groop c'r.ging and y 1 eorry spon-dent will have charge of that with his big deep alto voice. it h :'s brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. GLn Williamson. Saturday night. Mr. S. G. Br ines, of H:a vassee, X. C.. was a business visit.r t Mr. Tom | Picklesinier's Wednesday. Mrs. Lyda Thomas ?-i ar.u daughter Wilrna. returned * their home at Oak Park, X. C., Sunday : ft r a vi-it w i tov ^' CHEVROLET V HAVE BEEN RE AS MUCH AS . jl! Dickey ( rokee Scout, Murphy, Noi i M-. -T;hi? made a busi. -rip ;a M'Jrphy Saturday. ^ Mrs. Marv Morrow .n 1 , n were :he . - V Mr. and Mr,. Will Morrow an: Von ore. Terra., aver the week end. The ci in :r > >oc:i n are locking ^ to the rains which have fallen re.ant".y. Mrs. Mary Hanky an J children made a business try to Dr. G. M. Young's at Postell. X. C.. Saturday. The school at Sh. arer school house began Mondavi A.. .:-* 6, by Miss Vesta Rob rts, of T m. t'a. Mr. and Mrs. L -tor Danner and i four children, of I> -..k: wn. Tenn., were the guets of Mr. ; i Mrs. John Picklesimer Wednesday ght. Mr. Lee Horton ma :e a business trip to Ducktown. Tenn., one day last week. CIE TALS jj?b eyeo SOLD" rf ltjTW FO^ rices :duced prices. Large purchase pric? P** Chevrolet noi H obtainable 1 B merit?safe, w economy of a Laaaa^MMH^J dependability. | lower prices, I I measure, for CI Co Chevrolet th Carolina Fri hembree's BA] Where Satisfaction | Servin LADIES AND G1 "IIAI E YOl li HAIR CL E JUSi "subscribe to the sc HUSTLING FOR BUSINESS f. Camel when "low." Soon fatigue a Camels restore your flow of energy O.K.! Camel's costlier tobaccos wGel a llfl wii! WEST PS A SIX ^ The exceptional popularity which for many years has naturally had sales have enabled Chevrolet to inai s, which were recently lowered ever ,v offers you the lowest, priced si' big, comfortable car with Fisher Be catherproof, cable-controlled brakesvalve-in-head, six-cylinder engine?< In offering this car, and the Master n Chevrolet hopes to repay the inot consistently placing Chevrolet so 1 IEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, mpare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G. A A General Motors Value ROL Co. Murpl daV? August 17| Jgfl. ? ; i^I ^ 'i RBER shop^^^ Is Guaranteed K iNTLEMEN f<3 r LIKE } OU tt'AKT IT" 'OUT $ i .00 YEAR? HE SMOK^W^ a CAMEL ikes energy, so smoke a B ' nd irritability go...bccause ? /. Steady smoking? That's H., do not upset the nerves. Sy K a Camel !"1 " " IP. Lift price cf Standard M .'{ Muiitrr ct Flint, A/w...>vu. HH i:h burr.prrs, tptzr* ;i-r tu.-i BH i~li*t price is 913cdd:ti-> / w to rScngr without tt x.<.. H m I IMIM?I HI i T H Chevrolet has enjoyed H its effect on Chevrolet E ntain consistently low Q 1 further. As a result B t-evlinder automobile B >dy styling ami refine?the smoothness and and typical Chevrolet lodels. at subs!antially oring public in some high in public favor. MICHIGAN i. A. C. terms. AOVEfiTlSCMlWT ly, N. C