murphy u _ The Leading ff Vol. 1VL.?No. 11. ~ LARGE INCREASE ' IN TRENCH SILOS! TO AID FARMERS t County Agent Is Respon- % sible For Bringing Econ- r omic Aid To Farmers. ! S Due laigcly to the diligent and d praiseworthy work of A. Q. Ketner, Ch r kee county agent, 820 tons of .-ilage are being stored in trench and ( upright silos in Cherokee county this p winter. This figure* represents an increase of ptactically 600 tons in the j( past year and is expected to save local s farmers hundreds of dollars in feed- t ing cattle over the winter months. P Since he took over the office, Ket- v har- stressed *ho urgent need of _ farmer's using tiench .silos to store the feed for their stock. With the increase of 15 large trench silos in the county this fall, Kttner believes Cherokee is leading all other counties in Western North Carolina along tms line. t The new trench silo of Dr. J. II. i; Crawford, of the Unaka section, which t was dug to ?hold 92 tons of silage, is a claimed by Ketener to be the second t laigest in the state. 3 La t year in this county there were v three upright silos and 10 trench silos, c rin- of the latter of which aie still p being used. ( New Silos e Farmers who have dug trench silos s under the strict surveillance of the f county agent are: T. D. Hickcy, Suit, b 'ail tons; J. A. Caldwell, Brass town, 25 tons; Red Hall, Murphy, 32 tons; 1: Ift. J. II. Crawford, Uunaka, 92 tons; 1 Tie John C. Campbell Folk school at 1 Bus-town, 50 tons; R. F. Roberta, f Murphy, 12 tons; W. H. Tabors, Mur- t pl y. 3 1-2 tons. '1 Dave Anderson, Murphy. 27 tons; t Waltt-i Anderson, Murphy, 11 tons Elbert Reed, Murphy, 14 tons; Lee J Shi i >. Murphy, 30 tons; H. A. Crisp, Murphy. 13 tins; Posey Crisp, Murphy, 12 tons; Bob King, Murphy. 14 tor-: and Roy Wells Murphy 9 tons. Th< upright silos and their capacity i the county belong to: the John (Continued on back page) PLANS ARE READY J FOR AUCTION SALE HERE WEDNESDAY Buyers from all over the south are exi?i ttd heie next week when one of \ the biggest livestock sales ever held n? this >ection will be thrown under c tin auctioneer's hammer Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock in the Southern taib ( It was announced that final arlangoments had been made to use the s Cherokee Lumbgr Company's scales < I for weighing: the cattle, sheep anil hogs to be rut on sale. 1 T e sale is being sponsored by Bob fatton and Bob Davis, of Franklin, ] ?nd J. E. Hall, game warden, and A. Q. Ketner, county agent, wil assist in arranging. There wil be a charge of 50 cents per head for cattle and aprcporiion- ^ ate price for sheep and hogs when 1 they go on sale. The owner will have t Permission to bid his stock back for r 'n additional cost of 25 cents providing the price is not suitable. a Much interest has been taken all a over this section in the sale and a large number of stock is expected J there for the event. Mr. L. C. Hill Said To Be Doing Nicely : i Lowry Hill, son4 of C. B. Hill, who c gent to the Pfetrie hospital aft"r c falling (jown the steps of his father's urniture store and injure! his chest t last week, was reported hy hosp?ta! j attendanta to be getfrhg on nicely. ^ Miss Elizabeth Posey Is R pnra>fa#1 ImnvAVAr] , ? - w f ^ The many friends of Miss Elir* , , Posey will be glad to hear that > is slightly improved after a very < *n?Us spell ef sickness during the ' P**t two weeks. ' I it Hip 'eekly Newspaper in Western North ( Murphy, T -REE CLINIC WILL 1 BE HELD AT PETRIE HOSPITAL, OCT. 22 Announcement \v;? made this \ve2l: hat a number of southern physicians vill attend a clinic at trie Petrie hos- ] ital here Oct. 22 to 27. Experts will be here to demonstrate onie new methods in treating many iiseased conditions and during that reek citizens of Cherokee, Clay, Graam, Macon and neighboring counties * n Georgia and Tennessee will be reated free of charge by these exertr. It is understood that t?hese are pain2ss and bloodless methods of treating uch ailments as varicose veins, bad ensils, ruptures, female troubles, d lies, and many other conditions that ril find prompt relief. F EiVlPK AMENT AL AUTO THWARTS PSEUDO-ROBBER * C When automobile motors go dead, ' ho bottom drops out,( the differental dies or the pistons go slap-bang, 1 hey get cussed out?usually. But not t Iways. Speaking of tempremental t ars, here's one for Ripley. Tuesday < Irs. J. W. Newman, wife of a TV A t worker heic, parked here car at the t urb in the middle of town and step-1 ?u airuss me street to talk to a > riend. Surprised was she when the l ar took out with a roar across the qua re and headed out No. 10, the \ aint visage >?f a man at the wheel t iaiely visible. t It didn't take the city police force? loth of them?-long to give chase. t hey found the ear parked at the city . imits. Upon investigation it was t ound that a wire had come Idose from j ho ignition and had stopped dead. > 'hi pseudo-robber had taken to the all timbers. .AHN'S CLOTHING STORE SOON TO BE AT NEW LOCATION Work n the building between C. B. Jill's store and Maiie's cafe, where 1 .:v.n*s department store will be loated in the near future, will soon be inished, and Mrs. Lahn expects to iccupy it by the first ot" next month. The upstairs will be built into an ipartment with all modern fixtures! hroughout the building. The eon-': traction is in the hands of a Waynes-1 "ille contractor. Before moving into the new lo- j ation, Mrs. I.ahn, is closing out her ntire stock if goods in the present tore at ridiculously low prices, in \ jrder to call this to the public's at- j ention, she .4ns launched a gigantic | campaign de-igned t give i xceptional values to act patron*. | Mr. f). M. Simonds w:ll continu - as nanagtr of the popular store. )r. E. L. Holt Back Attending Business Dr. K. L< Holt returned from t Yashington, P. C., this week where j ?e had been preparing for exanwnaions to join the United State armyt' nedical cotps. Dr. Holt's dentist office is open to | ill his patients and he has resumed |! ictive practice. Miss Ruby Bailey Attends Conference Miss Ruby Bailey has returned from Cewton where she has been attendng the Blue Ridge Atlantic confer nee of the Methodist Episcopal hurch. The Rev. D. D. Bailey and Miss Ruby Bailey were assigned to he Murphy circuit for the fourth rear. The members and friends of Tr.mptOn Memorial chumh will hold > i wood gathering and road working it the church on Saturday. Dinner vill be furnished by the ladie?. The Epworth League of Hampton Memorial is glad to welcome the nembers of the Murphy League to ?s program Sunday e^ning. We lope to have a full attendance of ioth Leagues and a good program. Wfef! *rirolina. Covering a fearer ami Po *1. C., Friday, October 1! JONS CLUB HAS 1 REGULAR MEET I HERE TUESDAY mportant Issues Are Discussed, Voted On At Busy Session Voting to present the Bey Scout! roop of Murphy with an American | lag, election of a new member and ixing a limit to the club membership j eatured a meeting of the Murphy dons here Tuesday night. The puet- | iig was held in the Lions den of the durphy Cafe, with about sixteen nembers present. R. F. Williamson, chaiiman of the lub's committee on boys and girls Iub work and uniiu privileged einiiren, repotted that the Scout troop vas without a llag, and thj Lions -ofo/l fortWdtW >ne by the next meeting two weeks f t'nce. Fred O. Scroggs, of Brasstown, a I Member of the present Board of bounty Commissioners and one of he county's leading farmers, was dectcd to membership and the secreary instruccd to notify him and exend an invitation to be present at Burt Savage said tin countiy side vas scanned. All highway-* and trucks ending from Murphy were watched ind reports of the attempted theivery ,vcie spread to neighboring towns, but o no avail Wednesday evening, he next meeting. A meeting of the board of direcor< was held following the club sts ion, and Dr. Edw. E. Adams, secrearv. brought several inipoitant niat,ers up for discussion, among which ivas the request of district Lion officials to poll the attitude of the lo;al club with reference t?> assessing :he clubs throughout the -tate for ur.iforms for delegates to wear to national conventions. Aftti- eonsideralbk't' discussion, -the director voted that the clubs should not be Assessed. The diicct'-ir? \ ;e?l to limit the lub meniber.-?:ip to thirty-seven, with the provision ths.t tne peicent of this amber., could i selected from outlet tin limits of the town. The club now ha> a membership of twentyseven. ccistant Vx III A -A & A ?. Police On Vacation Dewey Johnson, acting as chief and Bu t Savage are filling the capacity of ctip police this week until the return of Fied Johnson and N'eil Sneed, who are off on well-deserved vacations. A quiet week i.- reported by the substitute p dice except for an ocassional drunk who is so unfortunate as. to wander near the ever watchful eye of the law. ieighteen pages i ? of news and ads| in this issue | .C % This week the Scout brings you**. 18 pages of timely news, interestI'ing feature articles and advertise-^4 intents for thrifty buyers. !*! It is believed that a weekly pa-**) per this large is an innovation to.*. &CYierokee county and serves to*i) J [show that the publisher is going*,4 ahead to give this section of North!*! XCarolina the outstanding weekly^* paper. | The Scout has as its primary**) X interest the serving of Murphy? and Cherokee county. In its pages!*! !!the merchants have found a? ^ profitable medium of advertising.*!' ..Patronize them and build up yourX Xpaper and your community. *!; *!* Eighteen pages this week for less!*! Xthan two cents. And you get as*?; j*mu(ih or more every week the*J Sof a postage stamp. X Xytar through for less than the cost*!; > Such progress can mean only!*! Aone thing?more news for the*:; Vreader, more circulation for thej Xadvertiser. 1 . rentiall? Kich Teri tor* in This 5 2, 1934 I JOSH JOHNSON IS NAMED COUNTY ELECTION HEAD; Josh Johnscfti this week was ap-1 ; ointed to serve a-- chairman "of the Cheiokee county board of elections] by R. C. Maxwell, executive secrt-j r ary of the state board of elections. I f Raleigh. Johnson's appointment follows the resignation of L. C. Hill who .haheld the office f?r the past two years. The other members on the board ire S. H. Parker, of Marble, and R. B. Morrow, of Violet. Johnson was hairman of the board two years ago. He said he had no definite plans at the present time but expected to call a meeting of the board at a close date to consider further duties. GOOD SAMARITAN CLUB TREASURER READY FOR MONEY K. V. Weaver, secretary of the Cherokee County Good Samaritan association, has announced that the treasury is now leady to receive the subscriptions offered in a recent canvass. -More than $200 has been subscribed to the association and $25 was retorted already in the treasury, he raid. The money will go to alleviate | the indigent sick and distressed by ptoviiiing ample hospilization to t?he Iwoithy and needy. Mr. Weaver announced that in the I m ar lut\irc committees would be I nanu d and formed all over the county to investigate cases worthy of attention. "Any < no who has pledged money for this cause should send it to me at once and 1 wil return them a receipt," he said. Those who have already contributed are: Shields, $5; Abe Hembree. $5; Peyton G. Ivie, $5; Johnny J Carper, $2.50; Keb Phillips, $1; I Clyde Glda-on, $1; Marion Sinionds-. 50 cent.-; Zack Ramsey, $5.00. POLITICS GETTING HOT IN CHEROKEE; LEAVITT TO SPEAK As ?he political race h rsos round into the home stretch for the fall final-, activities are heating up all over the county. P. th ILmcrat and Republican candidates are taking t the stump and herding voters into corners, restaurant and drug stores for a little conversation. I). M. Reese, chairman of the Cher okee county Republican committee, said Wednesday that meetings were beink .held over the county to line up the G. O. P. campaign although 110 definite schedule could be given out at this time. He said that Halsey It. Leavitt. candidate for Congress from the 11th congiessional district would speak in this vicinity (probably Murphy) next Friday. The exact time and place has not been set. He added that Clyde H. Jarret, of Andrews, would also be present. *5 When asked his opinion of t.hc Republican backing at this time. Recce , said it "looked pretty good". ; Due to the illnes of C. B. Hill. De mo era tic leader, no definite arrangc. ments for an organized campaign ha? I yet been set up. : "Red" Hall's Little Boy Reported Well Again ; "Red" Hall's little 29-mont?h-old ^ boy, J. B., Jr., is able to play again I after having been laid up some time with a broken thigh which he receiv! ed while playing at his home a week ' ago with his little 6-year-old sister. ' o Little John Axley, Jr. Injures Head In Fall Little John Axley was slowly im; proving this week from what is fear ; ed was a fractured rkull received in a fall while playing. At the Petri* ? hospital Wednesday the wound was , x-:ayed. .v Ift pages TODAY tntr El.00 YEAR?5c COPY PRIZE WINNERS ARE BEING PAID ALL PREMIUMS Plans Started Ey Association For Even Bigger Fair Next Year. '1 he ( hcrokoe County Fair association gave $155(5.15 a an official f;*tr. ? to b r>a:<! out f r premiums, salaries and miscelaneous items, a re1< ' showed Monday night. This figure, the members pointed ut? proved that the 1934 fair was successful and represents an expense liot tar above the average for a community this large. Promises were made that the Tenth annual fair, definitely set for the first week in October, 1935, would citmax any exposition ever held m this county. It is expected that prcIminary work on next year's fail will start in either January or Fcbruaiy to insure t?he claim. Checks for th< 1934 picmium awards will he given out at the < ffice of the cunty agent on the court house building on Saturdays October 13-20?27, A. Q. Ketner announced. rtwaius we re un >iuciauy complied as follows in their respective classificatons and po tions. The Scout i not responsible for any err 's in the list as the official figures upon which the cheeks will hi based could not be learned at pi ess tine. Baby Show Boy under one year: Mrs. Vesta Hensiey, Marble, first; Mis. Willa Mae Dockery, Murphy, Route second. Boy 1 to 2 years: Mrs. Wade Reece, Andrews; Bill Brandon. Murphy. Boy 2 years to 6 years: Mrs. Noah Alintz, Murphy; Mrs. 11. K. Daniels, i.Murphy. Girl under 1 year,; Mrs. MoI /.ell Williams, Andrews; Mrs. Fred Bnndle, Muiphy. Girl 1 to 2 years: Mrs. Violet Stanley, Murphy; Mrs. Berthat Howard. Murphy, Rt. 2. Girl 2 t ?? year-: M -. Hayes I.eatht rwood Murphy: Mrs. Porter Axley. Department A. County Exhibit. Fudge : R. R. Real, ('. S. Evans and I. W Dockery Genera! Farm Exhibit: .1 H. Ellis, Murphy, R? ute Best ten lars com (Continued on back page) 2 MEN ARE SOUGHT AFTER ROBBERY OF SWEETGUM STORE Two men who were reported to have robbed Harper's store at Swtct?um, were being sought by ! cal police Wednesday evening. It was said that upon investigation Henry Rose, deputy sheriff, had learned that the boys had headed toward Muiphy and swung his search in this direction. He was being assist, d liv K V. Woavcr Kurt Savage, local policeman, had 1 report that V.ey were seen sitting in a i\: l.:i;ul ca *?: Factorytown. Police weie sent ?: wn there but no Lracc could bet un 1 of them Wednesiay night. 2 TVA Men Leave Here For Pickwick ] .r. W. Williams ami W. II. Rush, ; two boys that have bet n connected j with the TVA surveys here for tho ' past four months, left this week for Alabama where they will take up ! duty On the Pickwick dam. NOAtTLoVINGOOD PROMOTING HUGE SALE THIS WEEK Mr. Noah Lovingoc d. manager of the Murphy Supply company, in following the modern trend of giving the best of quality merchandise at ( unusuallly low prices to the people I of this section, through the Scout this I week is offering bargains never be- > ! fore heard of. The Murphy Supply Company has been enjoying a brisk tiade this fall and in order to get new customers to line up with many old ones the exceptional values are being offered. Turn to page five of this issue of ' the Scout where thrifty buyers will find untold values in all classes of merchandise.

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