Friday, Nov. 30, 1934. LOCAL & PERSONAL Mr. Harry Miller wh ha? been vis':;: ?r h r. Mr-. S. Miller t. r: v i Mor.d.ty Atlanta. M * * Mrs. >. M. Ci'U-. and iaugi.t r, - .':a!:c?' i". Andrews were \ town Monday. M>s Ruth Ho!- a;: t ; i - -peri ling: t wok-end in Salisbury. * - * R.?b 1 i has returned from a to r la:"-. - - at Clevtlund, X. C. * * Mrs. Eva Xell Laura; has returned fro Atlanta where she has been vM'ins: her sister Mrs. S. S. Christop u * * ? Mr-. R. S. Parker .-pent a day in A'1 : *a last week. * * * Mr. an 1 Mrs. H. M. Eskin are ent iir.inp guests fr in C- ktville, Tc n. * * ? * C. W. Bailey and children lef Thursday for Atlanta to spend t ii lays with Airs. Bailey's mother. * ? ? # Mr. Tom Mauney was in Bryson City on business. * * % Mr. and Mr*. R. T. Jennings spent Saturday in Atlanta. Miss Elizabeth Gantt has as her guest her mother, Mrs. T. H. Gantt. of Raleigh. ' ' * * i Messrs Edwin Cook and Id', is Ad. ns spent Sunday at Canton. Ga. .... Miss Anne Candler is spending Thank-giving with her parents, Mr. and Mr.-. (I. \\. Candier. Sh. was a.iompanied honn by Mis- Bevtrlv I-;. ,.r twu . Miss Dorothy Howard, Miss Ruth Padgett, and Mrs. Lucy Wakefield !M>' in Asheville Friday. ... * * * * Mrs. O. 1. Peevy left Friday for \iha"lanc*>>:a, Tcnn.. to join h.r bushand. On Saturday night they attended a banquet given the Forestiy Employees. * When trading in Asheville v te for one of th Murphy ladies who are competing in the popularity contest, Mrs. Fisher Ilubbel, Miss Billle Jacks n. Miss Ruth Padgett and Mrs. Tom Axley. *% | Michigan j BEANS ;; 4 Lbs. 25c i X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-XKK-X1 SALT J 100 Lb. Bag I $1.10 : .x-x-*-x~x~:~X"X"X"X~x~:~:":-> | LARD j 8 Lb. Carton ? SWIFT JEWEL ! 79c I CRANBERRIES BULK :: . PSTDDCD 1 Lil 1 1.1V Lb. 19c i I ^ ORANGLS ^ ;: 2 Dozen I ^ ^ Of ?????? The Ch duCAL & PERSONAL ? # * * Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Christojv. r and augrter. Frances, of Atlanta, are pending this week here with Mrs. i tephers parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mauney. * * ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wells, of Win-.Salt.-\c announces the birth of ... X" \ in" er l-*?. C t-orge Robert. * * * * M r. t . m:!- Hyatt of Brevard Col, re is spending the holidays here with his parents. ! " * " ' Mr. am: Mrs. Frowning returned f Satur lay fr m Atlanta. They are at *ht some of M>. Browning's parents, Mr. and Mr>. W. Christ.-pher. . . * . Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Candler attended t?e wedding of their neice. i Miss Mary Candler, of Sylva to John Smith, of Bamby, India. Th v left mmcdiately for their new home in I India. Mr. Smith is connected with the Standard Oil Co. * * - * * The Rev. .1. R. Wilbur, of Wehutty, X. C. will preach at the .home of Mr. B b Ray Sunday night. Dec. y at 7 o'clock. "Th. Origin of Sin" will be his subject. * * Mrs. J. R. Ray is quite ill at her h- me. Mr. and Mf J. B. Gray went to Franklin Monday. * * * * 11 Mrs. Frank Crow-ford, of Di^ck-1 town, Tenn. ha* been visiting her j mother, Mr*. Bessie Dewe se. * " I Mr. and Mrs. Gi* rge Phillips spent! Sunday in Andrews. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Prevost. of' Andrews were visitors lure la-t Thursday. * * # Mr. K. C. M<* v and son. Ray, attended the Dodge Brothers Annual Regie nal meeting in Atlanta last F? day. * > * Mrs. Frank Brist: 1 and son. Edwin, of Andi-\vs w re visitors in town fiusday afternoon. * ? * Miss Tillit Rotla, o: Wayiv- sville, -pent the week-end at the Regal Hotel, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knight. * ? * 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larving from Chattano? an, spent the we k-end with Mrs. Carving's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I veil Payne. ******* **** : ! SUPER SUDS Y Y 2 Packages Y 1 15c ? x x I RIO-FRESH GRO ! GOLD DOLLAR | CITY CLUB-COF | PERFECTION CC x ? 112 LBS. 50< ! i ! 12 LBS I 'ISURPI x I I\OAH LOVINGOOE erokee Scout, Murphy, Nc TOCAL & PERSONAL * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Higgins and children and Leet Ida Beshears, all of Era: klin were tide guests f Mrs. Esther Freas Sunday. Ministerial Conference WiH Meet December 3 The ir.:r.:.-Leria! Tc'cncc will I?: . 'Id on M. day, Dc r.iher '?. 1034, : ? the First Baptist ci i.rch of Murphy. j The f H wing program will be ren:dored: P votionaj led by?Rev. J. L*. Underwood. ,4The Greatest need uf our Church-j j -sr'?Rev. Provost, i S.rnior.?Rev. J. H. Carper. All ministers are urged to attend. MARTINS CREEK j Miss Geneva Chastain, who is j teaching at Beach Creek, spent the : week end with home folks, i Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crisp, of Robbinsville, spent the week and with i Mrs. CrispV parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. j W. Chastain. Misses Beulah Stalcup and Oleta | Martin spept Saturday night with ; Miss Myrtle Chastain. The Mprt:r.*s Creek Health club I met Thursday at tfte home of Mrs. Mark Stalcup. .Miss Kidder gave some I helpful lessons on, "First Aid." Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Chastain and little daughter. Martha Jean, were up Wednesday night, the guests vf Mr. and Mrs. Lon Staling sermon Sunday at the Martin's Rev. Moses Holbrook from Bethlehem, Ga., preached a very interestCreek B'aptist church. ili-.-. Elizabeth Chastain spent the week end with her sister. Mrs. Delia Conley, at Ivy Log, Ga. Miss Carrie Kidder, of t.he Folk ch? 1. Mrs. ! B. Martin and daugh-1 ter, Mrs. R. W. Chapman, visited1 Mi>. Martin's daughter, ?fiv. O. T. WV.-t. ?>i Wehutty, Monday. Mr. Polio Ikdden was the dinr.rl - nest at Mr. Paul Martin's Sunday. I MARBLE I W. L. McGahey, B aufort agent, is wokring to stamp out the small uitbreaks of hog cholera and swine plague which hit that section latel , Edgar Auton, Caldwell county 4-H I club member, made 77.8 bushels of corn on one acre this year. He had a j | profit of $37.80 after dedusting expenses amounting to $30.25. xkk~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~:X * ? Monarch | PAN CAKE I I FLOUR | Package I 10c I COFFEE UND PURE COFFEF GENUINE BOURBOI FEE WITH A KICK 1FFFF WITH PFPEE ' a. Jk l-iLi IT XX 11 JL Lil VI L FLOUR WHITE ROSE : 24 LBS. 99c ROLLER KING 64c 24 LBS. ^YSUPPI >, Mgr. !V. >rth Carolina " ANDREWS LOCAL * * Miss Leila Hamilton motored to Murphy Monday afternoon. Mr. Glenn Hamilton, of Aquone, visited his parents here last week end. Mr. W. T. Thaeker, of Marbl , ban i moved his residence to Andrews. Mr. Devitt and Mr. William Cook j ntcftored to Atlanta last week-end. 31 r. Ed 'Whitaker of Murphy was a visitor in Andrews Friday night. Mr. Hob Dunlap of Whittier, was a visitor in Andrews last week-end. Mr. Fred Montonv has returned to Andrews after spending several weeks in Franklin. Captain and Mr-. Frank Swan motored to Murphy Saturday afternoon. A sign of something or other is th fact that traffic through Andrews is increasing daily and if the increasing traffic increases its speed much more Andrews will need a speed ocp. ) It seems that the repairs made on the highway at the point where it 'cri ses t.he Southern Railway a few miles below town were only temper, ary as the holes in the road seem to be a bit deeper now than before. Republicans will take over the reins of the County government next Monday morning. Only one Democrat, | Chas. Frazier, will go int4BR^C V Frusier riveted constable of j Valley town Township. i .ur. Jtiarry Ward was a visitor in Murphy Sunday. | Miss Hazel Watkins, of Peachtree, visited Miss Aileen Battles last weekend. Mr. Shabe Turner, in company with several friends from Dahlonega, motored to Atlanta last Sunday. Miss Virginia Howard, of Atlanta, was a visitor in Andrews last weekend. Mr. Bert Dills visited in Murphy I Sunday. Mr. Boyd Tatham was in Murphy .Sunday night. j Mr. Miles Abernathy and Mr. Carl | Ledford visited friends in Murphy j Sunday evening. Mr. Bill Cover made a business trip j to .Murphy Monday. Miss Mary Alice Bristol and Miss i Dorothy Montony motored to MurI phy Sunday afternoon, j Mr. J. C. Duncan and Miss Pansy I Kzell motored to Knoxville Sunday. I Mr. John Archer made a business trip to Bryson City Tuesday. Miss Liza Brady left for Bryson City Sunday to accept a portion there. For the past seven years I Miss Brady was a familiar figure at the Bradley Hotel and the residents and guests deeply regret her leaving. Arm & Hammer ? SODA I 6 Packages 25c | V i i, I LB. 19c I v| SANTOS LB. 19c | LB. 25c | ^ ^ X, ,U AjTE LB. 25c | X Ftgjg 48 LB.,. $1.951 1 $1.25 | .Y CO. i % hsrpKy North Carolina | I Page 1 SAND PERSON? I * * * * I Mr. D. H. Tiimt an i Mr. Clyfc I Jarrett made a business trip to Mta- 3 , phy Monday. jff Mr. Kimsey Clay, f Jacksonville, 9 Tla.. who is y? iting friends and re! 1 : latives here^ was in Murphj i ?new- I rag ol(i a Kiuaintances I j Mr. R. T. Hcaton was a business 1 ivisitor in Murphy Monday. 9 Miss Mary Kafocrine Holland, a 1 freshman of Brenau College, at I Gainsville, Ga., is expected to arrive I Saturday, December the 8th, with tow of her classmates, Mis* Margaret Chase and Miss Mary Kapin, fellow freshmen. i Mr. Henry George. Mr. J. T Os. 1 borne, Mr. Chares Morgan, and Mr. Marvin Pulluim, hiked to Walker's field, Sunday. Mr. Robert Heaton, Miss .lune Almond, Miss Frances S^derquist, Mr. Bill Soderquht, Miss Margaret .'Mine Caldwell and Mr. Herbert Plommons visited 'Mr. Billy Patton. a tudent of of Andrews High school, who is recovering form a tonsil operation at Petrio hospital, Sunday. ?At The? MURPHY THEATER Fridav ?? I ^ Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 TIM McCOY, In? "HOLD THE PRESS" A fast-moving: picture that is crammed full of action. A picture that will hold your interest from begin, ningr to end. Also Comedy Monday & Tuesday December 3 and 4 Will Rogers, In? "HANDY ANDY" He's* busted loose again!'s no stopping him, nor the laugh ; cither, when he starte stepping a? you never dreamed he would. Ab^lutcly the funniest comedy of his career. Also the latent new* reel -with Lowell Thomas Wednesday & Thursday December 5 and 6 An extra good feature and Comedy. Also we are point* to pive away free A REAL LIVE BABY! ABSOLUTELY FREE ! ! ! Don't Miss This Phillips TOMATO OR VEGETABLE SOUP I 5 Cans i 25c \ RAISINS | 5 Packages 25 c j 3 Tall Cans Pet or Carnation ~ QGAREITES^j Standard Brands 2 for \ 25c 1 POST | T0AST1ES | 2 Packages 15c OCTAGON :| SOAP 10 Bar* J 25c | -m-x-s-v. :;:. .. i.... ' -

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