I[ BKLLV1EW I . Williams and MisI.;, i -\iile. Co... hav. i bid after spendin* abut two 1^1. ( :.i this section. I jp. Sid Bt)'w? is home again, nf|tfr visiting > ratives at Unaka. ' xi,. V mar.'* Club is sponsoring j Paby's Day April 21? r.t will a baby clinic. Prizes f.;l Ik' s!i o every baby that is Jicoght. rko i: > > will be held in the (Viiii.'.;" Ming beginning at 9 (|- at '"-M about 3 o'clock. Rtniemti*: th Woman's prayer Wednesday. IKtr \jr. .1; ! - "f New York aav* 0 c0Rce Bellevi \v Old school Jto'icei * ?y night, April 12. There v - quite a large crowd . weaVaer was unfav\j;. ( Walk r is visiting r.lilhe? hi this week. M:-. Kinii e. raped uninjured trim ' k he was driving wieck^ ? Lake. H Ire . - - i cr.jcycd a :ng : ; ernoon at Mr. S. A. I MARTIN'SCREEK pa \[>> ' Mo: re, of Gast??ri*? is M . parents, Mr. and Mrs. M- ,\I M Boyd Cha?tiin and I.oucile. visit d Me. ? an Chastain Sunday afv t Ellington, of Blue |1 v H -pending a few days j? Chastain -pent -SaturI Mi-- Oleta Martin, g' Aid guv- a quilling H eh me of Mrs. Grant K a qrilt they had pieced H Creek health cluh is B at the old M irtin'M '1% ursday, April 2~. All I I IN MEM IRY OF HOMER LOVINV GOOD I Oi 14th Homer I a win9 4 ?i. ted this life. Horn r \vaI 2'! . devoted >nn and bro*?iI er. \ i! >mer was fatally injured I hi- w.i ?ken to the Petrie Hospital I ami on lived 4 hours. IWords fail d I to ex i hi:-, suffering, but we beI lieved he bore them well and was : i . tlr f. iriii.,1 to fh: will of God. llmier \vii> loved by all who knew him : d while it is hard to give him ur y< we know that God doeth all thinui well and while in the Home and 'hror.iih this life Homer will he greatly missed. Yet we feel sure that h sweetly resting. Asleep with Tes'>. Farewell dear Homer. God knew he t and while we mourn and ve'll wait the day coming until Jesu comes. We then can he reunited ther shore where part, ines nies no more. Funeral services were conducted at the Hangingdog churah with Rev. Thomas Truett. Peyton G. Iivie was in charue of funeral arrangements. We loved him so dear. We wanted him lu re. Hut God knew be t and he | took him to rest. GLADYS LOVINGOOD BIRCH NEWS T.he prayer program carried out bj the young people at Pleasant Grove last Wednesday evening was verj impressive. There is some verj promising leadership among oui ioiks. Next 'Wednesday about, "p. m. another program will be cartied out. Miss Gladys Campbell was leader of the program last Wednesday. Miss Pauline Beaver will be leader next Wednesday. You arc cordially invited to attend these Prayer services. A number of people from Persimmon Creek attended prayer services at Pleasant Grove Wednesday evening. Misses Gladys Campbell, Emma Styles, Pearl Mashburn and Mrs. frelma McClure were Wednesday afternoon callers of Ve preacher's wife. Messrs Bill Styles, Tom McClure, Geo. Hog ed and Howard Styles r,a'c business trips t6 town Friday. Met >r? Henrv and Zeb Gibson went Murphy Friday on business, strange vehicle came to the local mill the other day, propelled by about three or four young men. A knggy, an ancient vehicle with all its c,iginality, except one T-model Ford *heel attached on the left of the The CI hind axte. What we would like to know, i when is Henry Ford to place est a speeconuter on Vie farm animals? Mr. Geo. Stiles of Ranker was in hi ar mid&t Sunday. jjj, Mes.-js Alfred Green. Elmer Styles and Jess Rieh wire in this vicinity \ j Sunday. m Mr.*. Wiley Hall and son Herbert were Sunday dinner quests of Mrs. 0' C. A. Vayles. \*0 Mr. Willard Style? attended preach- %y services at Oak Grove church er Sunday. Hi was one of a large at- hi tendance at that service. 'u.. Jack Frost was an unwelcome! 0 visitor in our section Sunday morn-1 hi in}.-. No -erious damage. Mrs. A. C. Barton returned home h< Sunday after spending last week hi with \. v mother, Mrs. R. E. Hall o*" dii Kinsey. -a IFGAL MATTERS NOTICE To Depositors aiui other credit rs f ?1 the CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Andrew-, and Murphy, j . " v c I ] As required of nil banks o, ermine j ,, under ti e law- of this Stat- by the | V. \ - f the General Assembly i uly , i*Tied and kn wn as Hons Bill No. s.". > this bank accordingly hereby elves yo.i due notice of the effect of is leg! lation, according to the following statement specifieally set out the Act: "That on and after lulv 1. It'""' byvirtue of Chapter ...... PublicLaw; of 1^:55, the additional 01 i"uble liability heretofore imposed y Statute ir on thi stockholders of 'ni.s. in the event of the liquidate r. ' m h Bark-. doing: business under >0 laws of North Carolina will be 1 r.ir i" imposed." w. ! >. wr.i r Ca hier. NOTICE OF SALE OF RF.AL ESTATE 1 ml 1 - iiM-i iiy virtue of the po*vcr 1 sale eontaine 1 in a deed t. utel by SAM IL A MASONS and , JANE AMMONS. da ??d . ! \ 2nd. 19:52, .ml rt Deeds fur < kerokee County. N rth Carolina. in !?o 1 No. 90 at pajre 550, to secure an indebtc 11. ss V ; rein described. '1 tin undo*.igr.ed Trustee will at 12:00 c< o'ci'-ck noon, 011 FRIDAY. MAY ?>: 17th, 19:55, offer tor -ale to the j ^ highest bidder for cash, at the Court-1 ^ house door 1*11 Murphy Ch erotic J '' County. North Carolina, the f llow-,'t ing described real estate, to-wit: i SJ1 A certain trac t of land lying: in j H Cherokee County, lying: and being in w the Oak Wood Heights Addition to l* \"h* Town of Andrews in Cherokee sa County, North Carolina. Being Lot !1 No. 2 in Block G. G. 140 Get by 17:5 11 feet. This sale is made on account of 111 1 f --1^ _ A ?f tUn oi I (KMaulk III in*.' j i<* \ 11*~iil in mi- I debtedness secured by this died of ' al trust and this sale is made subjec ! to any and all taxes against said pro- [*' perty. Hi is the 15th day of April, 19,15. I s!l R. H. KING. ?? [ (4t-:i7-seo) Trustee, j ''' ?o i: i NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County?In The Superior Court. j I y aggie Donaldson, vs. _ Fred Donaldson. 1 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION 1 1 The above named defendant, Fred '' Donaldson. will take notice that an action as above entitled has been if'- 01 t ituted in the Superior Court of Cherokee County by Maggie Donaldson, plaintiff, for absoulte divorce on the ri ground of two years separation, and said defendant is notified to be and appear ibefore the Clerk of tn<- Superior Court of Cherokee County, at ths Court house in Murphy, N. C. on the 22nd day of April, 1935, or within thirty days thereafter and answer or demur to the compaint now on file in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed in the complaint. This Mar 'k 11th. 1935. J. W. DONLEY. Clerk of The Superior Court. (34-4t-dw) Cherokee County. o NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Wm. P. Payne and wife, Lillie A. Payne, dated Feb 'uary 17th, 1926, and recorded in : 'he Office of the Register of Deeds fo,- Cherokee County, North Caro lina, in Book No. 74 at page 591. the undersigned Trustee will, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on ; WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24TH, 1935. 1 s'll to the highest bidder for cash nt ! the Courthouse door in Murphy, N. _ leiokee Scout, Murphy the following described r a ate, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING 01 * North Pier of the lo\ver Valley cer Bridge opposite of William P yr.e's store, corner of tract No n District No. 5 and run- with th< t of tract No. 1 North 40 degree; minutes East 2020 fe?t to a stakt ner <>f tracts Nos. 1 and 3; thenc rth 20 degrees and 30 minute st 3245 feet t<> a Black Pine corn of tract No. 3 and 2; thence witl * line of tract No. 2 North grev 24 minutes West fee a hig'.i Locust stake in the fence ;ncc South 29 degrees West 151?t to a reek on the north bank o * Hanging Dog Road; thence witl ? meanders of said road in an Eas ecti n feet to a small Sy mor and ai inch pipe near a roc ?shcr and railroad tr-.stle; thenc a South direction by a Beech Ire a -take on the bank of the Hi. issee Riverj thenc up the Hii asset River with its meanders et to the mouth of Valley Rivo^j i ce;,ap J|-2 saidijj? alley River wi; ; meanders to the beginning, co: lining 150 acres, mart or less. EXCEPTING ami RENERVIN e right allowed Carol in? Tcnr.esst \v??r C< mpuny ref re ee to whit ?cd is hereby given and- also a Viniat ly one acre oei uj ied ai arr.rd l y R. I.. Gurley. SF.COXD TRACT: On T wn I. KG IXXING on a -take' Smthw ' : said lot; then Xorth 77 . ' 70 fc t to a slake; thence Xor Ea : 2061.. feet to a stake; \xr , 77.!_- \Vi st 70 feet to a sta ih. Hitchcock line; then S nth lt< t s West 2081 7 feet to the h . being resident 1 t o' Wilka . !' y r e. i sale is made n account of d init n ayn.em of the indebte re ' by said deed of trust. Th\- -ah is made subject to and as-es-ments against I < late row due or to be.- : .10. This the 22nd day of March, 193 L. E. RAYLESt-M-t-seo) Trust ? o LRTH ( AUOL1N N. CHEROKEE COl'XTY. NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS. C.i in.* T ic 2?Vh day of March, 192S, excel 1 to the undersigned trustee a d f tru-r on certain lands lying orvell's Addition to Texana, ne [urphy. North Carolina, to -ecu 10 indebtedness therein mention! being for the purchase money f iid lands due and payable to .Ma . Xorvell. cestique trustant; ai here as, default has been made le payment of the balance due < till indebtedness, and whereas, t iid Mary H. Norveli has request) 10 undersigned tru.-tee to adverti e land and property describ i said deed of trust and make so f same for the satisfaction of t mount due said Mary H. Norveli, NOW THEREFORE, the und? gneri trustee, will oil Monday t 2nd day of April, 1935, offer f lie and sell the hereinafter de-cri 1 land at public outcry, at the cou :>use door, in Murphy, at 11 o'clot . M., Central Time, to satisfy t! idebtedness due said Mary H. Nc dl, which said land is described dlows: It being in Norveli Addition exana, northwest of and near Mu ly, BEGINNING on the Northw. >rner of Lot No. 10, as shown lat of Norveli Addition to Texa ti file in the office of the Regist f Do ds for Cherokee County coords of Plats, at page 26, a UK 1 fi Poet OOO fa Travel The Scenic Route aloi SM ASHI READ DOWN 8:00 11:00 1:15 3:00 6:30 9:15 12:10 2:30 4:05 7:45 9:55 12:50 3:00 8:35 10:35 3:30 9:25 12:00 E. T. 5:00 E. T. 11:30 C. T. 4:30 C. T. 11:40 4:40 12:40 5:40 2:05 7:05 2:55 7:55 NOTE?Underlined figures c *?Designates Rest Stop. , North Carolina T 1 to the N. E. corner of Lot No. 10; : then S. 0 decrees 30 minite W. 100 i feet to a 20 foot alley; thence 3. 78 Jegrets E. 100 feet with said all y to the S. E. corner of Lot No. 28; thence S. 73 degrees E. 100 feet tc > th S. E. corner of Lot No. 20; th< nc? ^ S. 80 (1 gree- E. 108 feet to the 3. E. ? corner of Lot No. 80; th ?nce S. "0 > degrees E. 110 feet to the S. E. corng er of lot No. 81; thence South 75 degrees E. 110 feet to the S. E. ^ corner of Lot No. 32; thence E. 100 j feet to the S. E. corner of Lot No. 33; t thence South 10 degrees E. 180 feet . to corner of a 10 foot street; then N. ^ 05 degrees E. 40 feet to the N. W. f corner of Lot No. 26; thence S. 10 k I degrees W. 100 feet t a stake in line t j of said 40 foot street; then S. 36 de grees \Y. ioo feet, S. E. corner or" k 1 said 40 foot street; thence N. 61 tiee I Rrees E. 220 feet to the X. E. cornel] If It Is Electrii : a We H | EVERY MODERN VEMENCE FOR | FOUND AT THE I POWER COMPA i i i cu wiil be surprise c 'eclvical appliances And the maintainan 1 X will save you money X cf-c'atv appliances, t c 1 electricilv will sai on : cf dmdeerv and woi it- X , , oil wise be enjoying tire in X tar if What more can you d, X . " . , or cutting expenses in ti ? the same time enjoy in $ of modern electrical on he * * so & Not only is electricit "i'1 X able to the home and lo he ? pactly attractive in a f or I We cordially invite v pliances today. hko i ir- | You will be amazed a as ? to if SOUTHERNS! na { cr { Phone 1 in ? nd 'j' BUS SCHEDULE tg the Border of The Grrat Smoky M< OKY MOUNTAIN STA( Schedule Between iVlLLE?BRYSON CITY?MURPHYSchedule Effective. September 22, 1 I.v. Asheville, N. C. Ar. Lv. Wayneaville, N. C. Iv. Lv. Svlva, N. C. Lv. Lv. Bryson City, N. C. Lv. Lv. Andrews. N. C. T.e At. Murphy, N. C. Lv, Lv. Murphy, N. C. Ar, Lv. Copperhill, Tenn. Lv, Lv. Cleveland, Tenn. Lv. Ar. Chattanooga, Tenn. Lv. lenote P M. Time. Others A. M. Til of Lot No. If; thence N. 4 degrees 30 minutes East 537 feet to the N. K. corner ??f Lot No. 34: thence with the North line of the Norvell property and Dick Greenwood line about 1100 feet to the corner of Church Street and Perry Street where Church Street interacts Perry Street; thence S. 0 ) Trustee. In The Y cat Line < lave It ELECTRICAL CON- | THE HOME CAN BE | SOUTHERN STATES | lNY building. I I l1 at the ow cost ol the we have on display. > ce col;s in the icng run ? over old-fashioned, out ? \nd too the convenience A ,5, e vou manv Ion :r hours !; " .t, ry when you can other- ? ' fresh spring months. X x isk for than a method cf ie homo or the comfort and leisure | y handy but it is adaptoffice, and it is com- ? ppearance and style. $ -ou in to inspect our ap- y I it the low cost. X i ATES POWER CO. | : Murphy, N. C. ;j; lunUim National Park. l| READ UP 9:50 1:50 5:20 9:20 1:50 8:40 12:45 4:10 8:10 12:45 8:00 19-in - -- ______?i .00 iz:JLU 7:15 11:30 11:30 10:00E. T. E. T. 10:00 8:30C. T. C. T.8:30 8:20 8:20 ne.