U" " IMPROVED"^?5*? | UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Sunday i chool Lesson By REV. P. B. FITZWATBR. D. D.. Member of Faulty, Moody Bible Institute of ?'hica,if> ?. Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for April 21 THE FUTURE LIFE (EASTER LES SON) LESSON TEXT?Luke Z4:1-1Z. John 14:1-6. C.OLI'EN TEXT?1 ;un the resiurree Hon ana the lite; he that belie vet h In me. though he were dea larger and higher life after death. Those who in their lifetime are in vital relation to Jesus Christ, the eternal Life, shall never die. II. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Luke 24:1-12). The supreme test of Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It matters little what Jesus said and did while alive, if his body remained in the grave. If he did not eome forth in triumph from the tomb, then all his claims are false. rd must be betrayed and crueilied and i that on the third day he would rise. I 3. The women witnessing to the eleven (vv. 11-11). Their thrilling testlinoiiy concerning the empty tomb and the words of the angels appeared to the apostles as idle tales. 4. Peter investigating (v. 12). While the testimony of the women seemed as Idle tales. Peter was not of the temperament to lightly dismiss the matter. Therefore, he ran to the sepulchre. Upon close investigation he found the iinen clothes lying in such a way as to prove the reality of the resurrection. ' ill. Jesus Preparing a Place in Heaven for His Own (John 14:1-3). The ltoi>es of the disciples were utterly shattered when Jesus told them about the cross. lie consoled them by pointing to the reunion in the Father's house. This he did by 1. Asking i hem to trust in him even as God (v. 1). Faith in the God- j man, * Christ Jesus, will steady the j heart no matter how intense the grief, i 2. By informing them that he was I going to the Father's house to prepare i a home for them (v. 2). lie declared ! that in that house there were many abiding places. Heaven is an eternal dwelling place for God's children. 3. By assuring them that he would come again and escort them to heaven (v. 3). lie will come and call forth from the grave those who have died and transform living believers and take theui all together to be with him lorever in the heavenly home (I Thess. j 4:16. 17). IV. Jesus Christ Is the Way to the Heavenly Father (John 14:4-6). In answer to Thomas' interposed doubt Jesus asserted: 1. That he is the way (v. 6). Jesus Christ is more than a mere guide to God or a teacher. He Is the way itself, the very door of the sheepfold. the gateway to the tree of life. 2. The truth (v. 6). He Is not \ mici ci,? iutr icavucr, uui ine iruui incarnate. In his incarnation the spiritual and material worlds were united. Therefore, every line of truth, whether spiritual or material, converges In him. *1. The life (v. G). Christ is not merely the giver of life, but the very essence of life. Only those who receive Christ have life in the true sense The Cherokee Scout, 1 SOUTHERN STATES CHIROPRACTORS MEET IN ATLANTA Three-l)ay Session to Bring Notable Speakers. Recent startling advances in the art of healing, more humane methods of treating patients for whose ailments operations with the knife were once thought necessary, the elimination of surgical shock and ether-pneumonia are among the subjects to be presented at the All Southern States Chiropractic Convention to be held at the Piedmont Hotel, Atlanta, April 18. 19 and 20. Over 300 members cf the profession are expected to he ;n attendance. ' Dr. Francis J. Kolar The princ ipal speaker will be Dr. Francis J. Kolar. famous bloodless surgeon, head of the Kolar Clinic, of Wichita. Kansas, and discoverer of a method of anesthesia in which no drugs of any kind are used. Dr. Kolar lectures iu Atlanta at the invitation of Dr. L. J. C. Williamson, president of the Georgia Chiropractic Association, who says: MI consider Dr. Kolar one of the outstanding men of the age. His method of bloodless surgery, in which no instruments are used, is one of the greatest boons to humanity in the whole science of healing and his system of lightanesthesia is a discovery that must be classed as epoch-making." Dr. Kolar is also widely known as the discoverer of the 13th cranial nerve, which he found and traced while in Vienna, at the time he was engaged in research work which led to the discovery and perfection of his method of drugless anesthesia. By this method the sensation of pain is shut off or "short-circuited" in the dienceplialon, or mid-brain* never reaching the sensory part of the brain at all. Therefore, it is said, the pain-sensation does not register and, as far as the patient is concerned, it does not exist. In performing his operations Dr. Kolar uses nothing but his hands and a common stethoscope. Among other prominent speakers will be Dr. W. C. Schulze, president of the National College of Chi- j ropractic of Chicago, Dr. James R. 1 Drain, president of the Texas Chiropractic College at San Antonio, Dr. Helen G. Handle, etc. Besides the business sessions j there has been planned a series of j social functions for those attend- ' ing, including a banquet, dance and sightseeing trip over Atlanta and a visit to Stone Mountain. this is YOUR NEWSPAPER WE The Publishers Endeavor to Furnish JL 1/CJ( in Local News National Affairs Interesting and Instructive Features durphy, N. C.. Thursday, MANY USES FOR |w CROCHET SCARF 3U By GRANDMOTHER CLARK cr is Hero Is very i.ractical scarf that ;l Is easy to make and costs so little. c' It's made with the large filet stitch. * Is very lacy and can be used as a w decorative cover on many articles In tl the home. When using a number f. w steel crochet h r cotton, the scarf will measure about u 12 by 34 inches when finished. Buffet s Mnn ON 1 GIVES YOU M SAFETY-LONG iALLOONN ^ 18? /\ \ Oth? Sis** / Jjk Proportionally L*w A_^Trir7$t?r A GROUND GRIP | % . Super traction ti ' When writing for any information < close a stamped addressed envelope s ir reply. 1 ENDER TRIBUTE TO "APPLESEED JOHNNY'S" LABOR He was a gentle lunatic. "Johnny ppleseed.** < ?r perhaps he was a lint. His first appearance in his try. where lie is now secure of his iche in the saga of American piofering, is in the year 1SO0 when lie \ seen drifting. ?luwn ihe Ouw iu at ( range craft with a queer cargo: vo canoes laslied together bearing i load of rotten apples from the ider presses of Pennsylvania. His rrand Is to plant apple seeds in the ilderness that orchards may he j here awaiting the white settlers , hen they arrive. This was his er- I and for 40 years. Like a good lanv other beneficent cranks he Is apposed to have been born in P.os- \ E RU1 HE R [ORE TRACTIO ER WEAR-AT H FlRESTONl \ features enable u I higher shoulder noil-skid tread. ??| The cords it ' i/I JJ ^jlTlll^ longer flexing lif? rc ;i The two exl plies under the tri between tread am heavy non-skid tr \ body. no] Equip today J economical ti ' uninterrupted sei schedules and g beyond anything , t experienced. to Call on the F ?J or Service Dealer now and start reducing your / operating /' ) costs today. V1 * ? Listen to \ ^ the Voice oj Firestone I ' ** ?featuring Richard I Crooks, G la dys Qm Swarthout, or Kelson I Eddy?every Monday | rtight over N. B. C.? ] WEAF Network . A Five Star Program IS FOR TRUCKS I E S T O N E FIRESTONE BF *VY DUTY BLOCKS and HE SPARK DUTY LIN PLUGS V For Quick ^ j Wk Starts and W Longer P Mileage. Jo* Better Bn Control. ton. and perhaps the wine of revolution mixed with his Mood, for his birth year Is given as 1775. Of holy books he had two: the Bible and ECuimanuel Swedent>org, which he read aloud to border families by the light of cabin tires: he ate no meat tilled no living creatures?not eveft renomous reptiles- befriended animals, went unharmed, though all but naked, in a savage wilderness that teemed with wild beasts and Indians, ?nd these last venerated him as a powerful "niedieine." In 1S12 he spread the alarm of an impending Indian attack and saved hundred* of settlers from massaere. But more than saint, he was artist, and his art-form was the apple. It was h passionate convetion with him that the tree should he raised from the seed, and he chose his orchard sites for fertility and picturesqueness with the fastidious taste of poet and painter, fenced the enclosure, and returned each year to tend his trees. Ohio people still remember hltn with affection for his were the first fruits of their wilderness. Boston Globe. Task for Scholar A great l?reek scholar. when visiting a woman's college in the United States, was asked whether he would d?? the iiis.ittitior. the compliment of translating their college motto into Greek, lie courteously agreed and then asked what the motto was. It was placed before hi in and he read the words: "Pep without purpose is pimp.'* BB3ER OAD! N - GREATER IGHER SPEEDS E patented construction s to give you a tire with s?wider and deeper a the liody are Gumgreater strength and tra Gum-Dipped cord pad give a firmer union I l>odv which holds this ead securely to the tire with these safe and ires! You will get rvice, maintain faster ;et safety protection you have heretofore 'irestone Service Store ALLOON otfcw sis** Picw 'J9W&^uAr BP Fir?$tone HIGH SPIED TYPE Greatest tire ever SHK^Bg built for all-around l^HHa service. ; AND BUSES tAKE FIRESTONE AVY FAN JdijJ I N G BELTS/^^^ FIRESTO NE RADIATOR W HOSE