V BV GEE McGEE |.? FLAT KOCK KfMKl.INGS s tho hval-.h ' f flat fin* ' Mwiac that wo f.?v* only 1 . I; s: til? hinjr the vni{ >ytd with r* miliar , . *. - . - -- * ' W aid , ? taein ,;t-t the ~ . ed. hoo-c\ lor.tr ha> ? > this. troy hie. mi-- j *ririii- v . . . -mith. *fh .en >. hool pi nihplt. fell ?i \vn r r "I'll- ft > 1} j'T h ? ?'.: i ? Rseeimster r: ,?t ? the- -* . last riday \vhen i. ,-v- . i. bannana peelini: and l" ke h< ; brclla and snruhj* her ankle. ? > ]. - * leesnian v?- v.;.! trap- are b inu. bait^dt for her :? slip down by the . ydiT Lt r b y>. :c - a fine fitter. is not v.- th iri- while t ; i- r tin % ranter* attain : r any P. W. \v;rtv.- i " v rtiment is afraid rl-k v. line r- I an: : :re i. . _ raise - pai \ for. me a t: iny , piihlii k xv* '! and th. u*r, . : j same. , art square say- \v< won't have n better times in the a. rill tt { .. is not allowed to he horned, and the an farmers quit trying to grow annythinyr } 1? except gassoleen. that i- all they need ! under the present condition-*, (very- I , * boddy seem- to have too much of ' everything except monney and conferdence. | The Laum I Does It B< I And Certain | It Cheapest x I IT'S SMART?TO SPE1 LY?And no woman ev more wisely than when sanitary laundry do the 1 SHE PROTECTS HE ;!; cause se doesn't do the 1 X work herself. | k SHE PROTECTS THE WHOLE FAMILY?I ;|: them clothes which are I X surroundings, returned t | free. | SHE INCREASES HER Because she has no woi X connection with the fami f k She gives the famil) | are proud to wear becai X fully clean and correctlv 4 " | | Murphy L | B. B. Corn well, ;1; "Where We Serve I PHONE 159 .J. ? ^ j?, ?* ?% >'t A A A A i*t i* !ji A PERSIMMON 1 CREEK NEWS . t R. \ A. V- yV- 11 <*v! h:< rt-irii. r , ; ntiiK here Sa'ur iay and . an day. 11 ! J ^ " waia Belj i . > . > ic--. : Oak IVirk t?H- pa t T?uj daughter, of Mr. and 1 A. J. Wlliare - !.. who ha- bteij - - :i;u h impr \ ed. - - et ua.e m-ied back ill ill' ! I -Mrs. (ia-kird II* irkk. tie day' -1 week. Mr- ' \\ '!iai> - on was tin*1 1 . inesdav iirlit. . a M Hay.* Stile w -e j " Mi. an . Mr iay. I'a , : > i William \? itc i j ? ik.?e'- Wednesday. M: f"earl?*y vi-'ed MS-( t. ^ M( nday. Mis. Vo'a Stiles was tke ^uost ??:' ! * K ... i - Monday nicht. rev. will waite was not prosscnt at h her last Sunday onner count ??t was called to the bedside of a -i k iend who didc* and wanted bin to eerh ;:is funneral as he man i d him id h> wife and they hat! been liftnl friends til he ketched somet.hintr 1 ie newmony or the side plurisey and --el o: at cedar lane-, services will 1 hell as us ;a! the fifth sunday. yores trulie, mike Clark rfd. . i iv .nondent. * 4 ??ir -St ly Does i1 I: ND MONEY WISE- | ' er spends money ? she has a modern, ? 1 Family washing. X i R HEALTH?Be- | lard, back-breaking | HEALTH OF THE f t because she gives } s landled in sanitary v { :o the home germ ? iv * i] -aundry |: Proprietor $ ? We Satisfy ' MURPHY, N. C. | ? I.C. T1 tains near Wehutty yarding popular | wood for Mr. L. M. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. Enos MasOp and family of Duckiown, visited Mrs. , Ma> n's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. T. D. * 'Hickev Sunday afternoon. Mr. Edward Collins has returned WES' I F^BL, OUR FJ WESTERN FARMER: "It i 1 I you farmers could help out in fu erokee Scout, Murphy, P Dodge Dealers' Sales Pile Up New Record ? 3 I>.:, it. April 17.?Ritail dthv ri. - of pa-sentror ?-ar- and truck* ? . itcd f"i the week en.lmi Mur.h i* c'iilinues the :i >?} ' lt*n ie:i. y that has marked thorn for th? ?a>t "two and a half months. T; week's analysis of sales acti i< - le by the office of A. vai De-Zee. g* n ral sales maiwgor o ... _ ! li.-isi a of ( rysler Motoi iato-> thai Dodge dealers' i ; i- d? !it-v* : io? * new vehices in " hd-da; n. anted '{o kl?60; of these : D lg< and Plynn ut as , ,i ? and I'S.'J were !><> -ye coin n oil oa?s and tracks. Ir,e week n.crea e ver the turnover of e; cent. Deliever.cs y Dodge dealtrs i ? first to?, weeks . ! 1035 were -14, r:M I lt. and Plymouth passt'ngi a and 7.5 Dodge c nim ii .i - a: a i.-?making a total e >2.741* lad -ales. This total, on eedin?- the record of the first te vto. 1334 by 22.SM* vehicl vd jiul: a a gain in. t'av- r ot the pre* ..u's busines- : 7(>.7 percent. 1 . sales volume of Dodge deaie" e\v ;i' ;d truck deliveries for th> vec k : ding March totaling 6,90' i'- . ' :osely paralleled by 3.*30' iseti-vj. hide sales made during* tb a le peri.id. ' he week < ov red by at< * i!e cry report, the factor d:fly nut: u*. ??; 1.300 j. - *" ; -N Hli trucks ?r <1 passed i i t mi?-'-: >n le kding t K. 3-mi do :h Dodge. RANGER NEWS Juit .1 feu attended the pieachin* ci at Hanger Sunday. 1 lie liapt.st Sandy school ? -elect d i;:e;r ofiici s and teach: 1 >. SLjton. hiii?r services evi ry 2nd aii Ith Sunday. Sundav scho- l every Sun Bay. Kvery l?c?d.% come and bring & an line with you. Mr. (I. R. Fox made a busincs Dip to -Murphy Saturday. Rev. Sheron spent Saturday nigh with S. S. Akin. Mis-es Kdna F x and Myrtle Dock ?ry of Murphy were visitors in thi: -*ection Sunday. Mr. h. M. Ifryant was in town Sat iirday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stiles, of Gas < nia. are spending the week witl relative . M ssrs Rill London >?.! Davidson were Vie Sunday guests o Misses Fay Akin and Xannybetl Bryant. John Robert Martin f Martin' reek was the Sunday guest of Mi l Uedley Fox. Mrs. Emma Hampton spent one dai ast week with her daughter, Mrs lyrtle Eyans. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Fox and fainilj vere the Sunday afternoon visitors ?f J. S. Akin and family. Mrs. M. H. Fox made a business rip to Arthur Graham Thursday.. Everybody is expecting to do quit* i bit of farming this week as the ain has abated. Mrs. Jess WinJet spent the evenng Friday wi'.h Mrs. J. S. Akin. POSTELL Farmers are making good use ol hese bright sunny days and many s eed is being buried. Mrs. Nona Ledford visited home oiks at 'Wehutty over the week end, A goodly number of our citizen: ,*ero in Murphy Monday to hear Gov. Talmadge, of Georgia. His discourse ras very timely. Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Hamby was i Ducktown Monday on business. M;. and Mrs. Willie Taylor and on, oi uucKtown, were callers at )r. Young's office Sunday. Miss Delsie Pearl Hamby attended ervices at the Adventist C.hurch at his place last Saturday. SUIT Mr?. Hazel Ledford. of Akron, )hio, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ida 'ope. Mr. Harry Moore, of Athens, Tenn. pent Saturday niffht with Mrs. Viola 'urtis and family. Several of the people of this community went to Murphy Monday to car Gov. Eucene Talmadjre speak. Messrs. Clinton Hubert and Lenell [etnum are working in the Moun this year. 90,000.000 acres of c erosion and lOO.OOO.OCO more ar shortage of moisture and raging d ! ,t than last year at this time." OUR FARMER: "We had fine crops. We* have plenty good start this year. We -re goin ai d better cultivation. More of us 1 i-acn year, we lino' i* pays bettct yields, clover and tjrasj follow 11 OUR FARMERS have more people of equal number in the I within their incorre. We predict OUR FARMERS can grow this s> OUR FARMER is prepared, he has a BREAK. He will use h Leading Basi< B :j: Brands Kno: of Kno: Basic Kno: $ Pulverized Pulv Fertilizer Basil S , 'j* PACKED ONLY IN GRE .?, * ? - ?. -? ? *|* There is scientific evidence as \ *|* which prove that when' we PU1 | fertilizer the "added values'* i v ,j, THIRD to its worth. * * ? ? ? i I Knoxville F SEE OUR Dl | Dickey 1 ... and such y ? \ J ^ A ^ gnnmm v 300 .,.B in Ohio for several months. ,s in this section visiting friends j| s planning on spendny ,um J with Mr. Koy l'i kit - TERN | MER I LRMERI aras fortunate for the country that ft* rnishing corn, hay and c r pro. thai you ?i?l he called upon again K ?ur land have suffered from wind K c susceptible. With a distressing E iust storms, it is more discouraging rc fortunate last yrar in thai we of moisture to give our < rops a g to use better seed, more f vliiizer ; use BASIC TEN-O-FOUR . corn than any other fertilizer heavy ? use.'* economic sense than aii\ .-roup ot Jnitcd States. They hav? lived a satisfactory price for ?-\ rything eason. He is SMART. He kno\vs when is chance. : Ten-O-Four x Triple "A" J x Potato Grower X X Vecretalllp erized 5-7-5 | c Magnesia Phosphate* EN BORDERED BAGS ? well as abundant farm tests A LVERIZE and make BASIC our tJ* create, add at least ONE- \ I ertilizer Co. CTnmi 0 I K1DU 1 UK Feed Co. 1 a nice room some of your friends are ly pleasant visit to Atlanta. J. "And we had such a nice nt of your next trip by stayentiy located hotel, so popu>rs to Atlantarooms. with every comfort steps from the shopping and /erything As You Like It." ban those of any of Atlanta s jp ^^