I MURPHY FOLK I BUSY MOVING AND BUILDING I carpvi: i- a. id ?i x. k lay| ers were still busy at v ik th:> w ek I ? n ton- r. c-i ti ? , ur ol the city's budding-. .. c ... .. " wall* of -f i key Chevrolet company V. t'iu u; lUili . . - .. :.-t 'ing uie :<> : placed t n tile i.o.; ?.f the buduing that wiii iu \e twice it- 01igiua! t. i. ,?inph t:on. The interior and the front are being redecorated. 1" raniework for the marquee to be bu.it in front of the new tnater was being placed this week and additional construction on t?.e interior was being done. P. -J. Henn. the owner, announces that it will be completed in the near future. The last touches were being given to the interior of E. C. -Moore's new garage this week, and workmen were busy painting and making slight repairs on thi Adams building. Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Cooper this week moved to their new apartment i'i Mr *. Grace Coopers* home. Harold 'Hatchett will move to the Cooper's former apartment in t.u Adams building, and Air. and Mrs. J. D. Blagg will move to the Hatchett resilience. Mr. and Mr-. Hugh Adams have moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moi dy. PETRIE HOSPITAL NEWS firadv H ir-( !. ,\r 'i to-?. N'. C..J entered th*? h' ' aire, -uffering u pn u'.vonui. was -iifft 1 ntly reeovei i to return thi> h a f w day- aco. I \*V,\ riemmn of Air. and Mi M. N. Pavkor. A xirews, N. C. Route 1, ha- sufficiently recovered to return to his horn.. Mrs. M. K. Puilium. Andrew-, successfully underwent an eye operation a few days ago has recovered suffiiertly to return home. Mrs. Frankit Fan*. Robbinsvil'e, X. ' Route 1. is receiving treatment, and will be able to return to her home within a short time. Mrs. \V. T. Raper, Cnlber?on, entered f r ir-iatmcnt and opjintion t.hc 5th. and has be n able to return home. Pearl Burns, aye 0. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ca ter Pvrns, Br.i-s'own. successful1./ undcrw nz an operation for tonsils and aderi ds, a few clay - ago, and is getting alon ni xiy Mr. James Payne. Brasstown. was admitted several days afro, suffering from gunshot wounds and bruises, has returned to hi - home. Mr. Paul Plott. Brasstown. N. C., entered the hospital for a tonsillectomy, several days ago, and is getting along nicely. Homer Ledford, Murphy, wa- admitted a few days aero, suffering from injuries received in an auto accident, and has returned home. Mrs. H. T. Rose, of Unaka. wa? operated Friday, and is resting more comfortably. Tommie Jean Conley, age 15 mo;, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Conley of Blairsville, Ga.. was admitted a few days afro for treatment, and is improving-. Mrs. J. C. Reynolds, Hayesville, N. C. was admitted Monday for an eye operation and is resting comfortably. Rev. W. G. McFarland, Andrews, N. C., was admitted a few days ago for treatment and is resting comfortably. C. W. Cape, Robbinsville, was op- i erated Monday, and is doing nicely. Wanda Lee Buchanan, age 1 yr.. dauehter, of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ba;hanan. Rohbinsville, N. C.. was ^^MMad Monday night, seriously ill, ^lightly Jr. age son es ^^HBflfl^Hj^^^Kdmitted to the for a The Ch _ Mrs. Ivie Is Handling Nice Easter Flowers A!' v. r vvi-h > purchase love!..' , flowers for Easter may obtain any ' : : . > !v. calling Mr--. Peyt n G. Ivie at tie Ivie Furnit.ie 1 c mSr.;. . M I*, c Is the local representative. :* .* :K- Ga:nc-\i! florists. ot Gair! '? viilv. Ga.. and sh, announces that .-he car. give unu ually quick service to those wh wi h Easter flowers but they should p ace their orders as . - as possible. o Warns Fishermen To Have License Jonhn .x. Hall, county game war. ] Ion. has announced that fishing license are now on sale and all fisheri map must purchase them before | they set too arti-tic with t?neir angling. "Everyone should remember that by buying license and observing the rules of the sport, the fisherman is only protecting himself in the long run. A heavy penalty is in tsore for all those who disobey the rules'*, .he sail. j o Mrs. Thelnia Dickey. Mi s Grace i West. Miss Biliit .Jackson and Mrs. \ | .vi y Wake:;eld wer in Atlanta i Monday. fSTOF gj I Am D: IW. B. Dicke. If ycu want the smarte The best tailored shirt hosiery and lingerie, tl" both Women, Misses < ing !h:s EASTER S.A j A SALE THAT WILL ES PROBLEM AT DREAMED OF PAY i. j "j?^ Men's Suits Men's Shoes Men's Shirts IWOMEN^AN^MIS Crepe Dresses? Seersucker? Eyelet BatistesCotton Lace? Prints? Sheers? Suits and Coats?Woolens? 1 SEE^URT^WLINE MB gandies, Dotted Swiss H prices. Be sure to see I GROCERIE FREI LARD?8 Lb. Cartoi HH LARD' 4 Lb. Carton LARD 8 Lb. Paii B LARD 6 Lb. SNOW B SUGAR 10 Lbs. B SUGAR 25c Lbs I Fancy Blue Rose RI( 9 3 Lbs. PINTO BEAI E FRESH GROUND C M 1 Lb. MAXWELL H H 1 Lb. Soda Crackers Eg 1 LB. VANILLA W HHj *11*| !*!>% 1*1 ,*?' I*! 1*1 !*l *??*! !*??* !*??*? ?*? *??*! I*?t* * I W. B. I Bv" 1 1 'HBBMna; I ii erokee Scout, Murphy, N. Advises Farmers To Get Crop Loans Now / . Q. Ko.h . kt c un'.y ; t ? ; v advised a!! farmers * * f; -. .-*iv . ? are planning to get; nop loan.- to btain the blanks as; v a- ;? i'?V a.- it ah -.it I'M li-.y- r the loan to - through and' : .-t afur 1 more days it will b^t > late o plant ui st cr ps. A hug-, lumber of iarrters in; ' r-'kee c ivty are reported to be! taking advantage of the crop loans. I Box Supper Will Be Held At Martins Creek There wil be a box -upper at the Martin's Creek Methodist church Saturday night. April 20. Proceeds will be used to help build the new church at Maggie's Chapel and to j ay the pastor. Everybody is invited to come and bring boys. o Texana Commencement Will Be Held Sunday The Texana baccalaureate sermon will be preached Easter Sunday at 3 i\ M. The school closing nights will be *.v 25th and 26th of April. The Texana Young People*? club helped to pay the expenses of building a stage for the school. The teachtrs wish to thank them for their kindness. The club will meet at Mi?? Mnble Wiley's home next Tuesday night. > LOO! irecting All y & Sons Dept ;st style : in \Vomen's and T s, the d easiest neckwear, le latest styles in sheer anc md chil .en, then \ isit cu LE. . SOLVE YOUR EASTE1 DOLLARS LESS TH ING Here I Men's Dress Sox Cheney Silk Ties Men's Work Shoes Men's Work Shirts SES?READYTO^WEA Heme Spun? White Coats? Underwear? Slips? Gowns? Panties? Brassiers? Hats? White Crepe? ASHSORDENS & BELtV ?Waffle Cloth?Eyelet E these newest patterns. / IS! GROC F nFI 1VFPV V, _ UUA Ul\ A X ii Shortening $1.02 % 52c $1.08 k DRIFT 95c ? 47c | $1.18 ? JE, Lb 5c MS 25c I lOFFEE?2 Lbs. for 29c | OUSE COFFEE .... 31c | 10c | AFERS 19c | [\. 1 A Dickey & c. Easter Sunday Program i o Be Held at Hampton There will be a -uarise service on K; te morning at 5:30 at Hampt : Men:; rial M. E. hurch. The pro. : i :i{ follow.-: Hymn?"Coir-. T ;?u Almighty Ki,~m Scripture?Mat*. e\v 2> : 1-10?Inez Bailey. f 'on-ive R ruling--?Congregation l ayer?Mr. J. H. Hampt n. T a ter Meditation?Ruby Bailey. Solo?Mrs. H. Hampton. What It Means t ? Follow .Testis? Mr. F. T. Hampton. Hymn?"Must Jesus Bear the Cro> Alone.' The service will be held just outside the church building:, and all are invited to attend. The service is sponsored by the Epworth League and remember that the hour is 5:30 A. M. Signed RUBY PAILEY. o Mr. Walter Mauney Mr. Walter Mauney was able to attend hi duties at the .Mauney Drug company Wednesday after having been confined to his bed for nearly a week with illness. o During March, the curb market at Lenoir sold $754.22 worth < f surplus products for the farmer patron-. K BIT ! Traffic Tc . Store C Vlen's Suits. the finest //& 1 crepes for /V r store dur- ' vjc R CLOTH- - *1 AN YOU ? is just a few of the barg Overalls Odd Coats Men's and Boys Dress Pants F elts?Straws? Hosiery? > Service Wt. Chiffon Lisles? Anklets? Shoes? White and Black Oxfords iatiste. Every bolt new Uso our jur notion count* ERIES! G 'or All Large O PINK SALMON?Tall MACARONI?4 Boxes 5 Cans PORK & BEAN 3 Lbs. GREEN BEANS TOMATOES?Lb 24 Lb. BAG OF FLOUI SUPERSUDS?3 Boxes Assorted CHOCOLAT1 GOOD MIXED CAND ; All Popular Brands Cig c rv bons Dep ^ ? 1 Thurs. April 18, 1935 Date of Debate Is Changed to April 25 T" date of *he debate that was s hedu'e.i to be held at the Suit - ho?d Monday night April 22 ha h"o:\ changed to Thnr day nig. April 2-V .' e Rev. \V. H. Graham announced. In explaining th change in thedate Mr. Graham snid the speakers di: not \vi . to conflict with the commencement exercises being held on that date. The topic for discussion is: ' R._ , solved: That heredity has done more in shaping the lives and cnaracter of the human family than enviroment." The Rev. \V. H. Graham and the Rev. Fred Stiles will speak affirmatively while the Rev. Tncmas Truett and side of the question. o \V. S. Patterson of Stony Point. | Alexnder County, has some pine woods where 5,00 trees stand to the j acre. He plans to thin part of this i acreage to 500 trees per acre. The trees are about 40 years old. In spite of wet weather, 380 acres of eroded land in Franklin County has been terraced at a cost of $1.48 an acre. Two thousand, four hundred and thirty-four farmers in Pitt County received $400,000 in parity checks jut Big e: candy .. ib. iOc I Y?Lb 10c I arettes?2 for .... 25c 85 i Store I 10c s ? o*}_ H ! la-t week. In XasTi County, over $300,000 was distributed. KM p J K n ^ wi. H / ,/z -4 "e ;~x'"/ j I ~ ~^==~ Bw ains we have to offer, ffi Wash Pants White Big a ..j r?i i fsa rtnu V^UiUICU JBOjU Men and Boys ra Caps and Hats H Neckwear? jW Organdies? M Piquets? Hj Children's Sheer H Crepe Dresses? H Print Dresses H Underwear? ? Anklets? :kevs, Piquets, Or?and at the lowest Hb er Sflj .ROCERIES! I rders Can 10c B IS 24c I