flwtal \|rs. H. Bueck, Phone Tneastek prayer ytaigaret E. Songster /ways M "iv heart respond to fatvl'r let me grow too old to | Kakini 'on i ess of early April, slider of a newly budded tree. Iretet'let n.y senses dull to color ;he glowing purity of lilies ^jomr to bhss the world at ^ ?g5tertini?> Hjet me see the blessed resur lives in every singing blade of let me hear the whispered note is the soul of gentle winds tfiat let m. know the wind thrill of came, me spring, to fling a f let me know, anew, your bound less mercy, t is the symbol of the Eastertime. * Music 'dub Met st Wednesday be Junior Music study club nut Inesday afternoon for the regular imly meeting. The l esidont, t Frances Bell, I resident. Uter b' j-incss session the proat committee presented the followprogram: mt-rican C nr.posers?Edward Mae reil and Mary Porttr Fain. ianoSilo?'The Spinning Wheel' falter Can nirer. :reneh Com-osers?Ceeile Chamde?Mary Frances Bell. 'i no Solo "The Giant and the Effie Barbara Mclver. 'iano S 1 "Zingara"?Roberta rinser. titer the ] gram the hostesses, 'en Well?. Helen Hampton, Jane !. .Inline Johnson, Maurine Lov i' d Martine Moore served icioua refreshments. ?R ' rta Carringrr. Sec. Christian Endeavor et Tuesday Afternoon Mrs. S. II. Long entertained the rabers of the Junior High school retain Endeavor at her home on wday afternoon. During business was agrt ed to meet cnce a week i once a month to have a party te a month. Those invited wireHie Jackson, Sara Witherspoon, Hired Hill, Anna Jean Grant, Tothy I.ahn, Louise Leatherwood, ieen Leatherwood, Mary Willard per, l^ith Moore and Nanny Kate For a Good Easter Dinner without the I trouble and work of | preparing it yourself | come to the *|MURPHY CAFE | Meals repared to 11 suit your taste and a f wide variety of fresh X vegetables and tender meats to choose from. -4. Refresh Yourself i| VISIT OUR SODA % FOUNTAIN |i Leading brands of | beer ice cold at all v times. | Private Dining Room Murphy i cafe X Harold Hatchett, > Prop. L, Phone 91 12 | Murphy, N. C. I ^^^>X~xk-X-X-X-X*C~X?X* The C Au& it 9 8-J Miss lVirs. Axley and Miss .viauney Entertain A delightful pre-Easter bridge par v\ was given last Saturday evenin; ub tiie \? oman's club, Mrs. Henrj Axiey and Miss Est-lie Mauney beinj die iiostesse. . Classes ui flowers in yellow am white were artistically arranged ti vaiiy out a color scheme of green yellow and white. White candles ii silver holders added to the eflectivl netting. At the conclusion of progression tables were spread with yellow am gi-en covers and centered wit?i burn ing candles. A salad course, sandwiches decor ated cakes and cot fee made up th refreshments. frizes were awarded Mrs. Do: Witherspoon, Mrs. W. E. Studsti! ana Mr. K. C. Wright. Those invited were: Mr. and Mrs i. a. Late, Mr. and Mr-. K. 1 Aright, Mr. and Mrs. 11. liueck. Mi aim Mrs. 11. P. Cooper, Air. ami Air; ?>. E. Stud till, Air. and Airs. H. A .uattox, .Mr. and Airs, llarry L>,sho| -Mr. and Airs. Male Lee. Air. and All: t/on Withtrspoon, Dr. and Alls. II. i l arker. Airs. Tomniie Ceert.-enn -Miss Chadwick. . 1 Andr.us, Alis Mollis. Aliss llall, Alis. Ruby Court my, Alis.- Fannie H-tlicuck. Aliss Ail lit-. Leatiiei-U'ood, Aliss Katn Ilol Mauser, Aliss Elizabeth Cantt. Alil iai a McComb , Aliss Emily Sw n mis- Lois La' .am. A1 :) . r Alt eraeken, Aliss llettie Kate ALComb. Air.-. Dot Co. per. Airs. Fred John on. All-. -I. \\, Davidson, Aliss Alai thn Mayfkld, Mr. L. A. Lee, Mr. 0 W. Dcaton, Air. Albert Manner o Ua.vnesville, Air. Hinry Axley, Di K. E. Adams. Air. K. V. Deans, All K. I*. Williamson. * ? Music Contest Conducted In School Monday morning a i unmittec froi, ' Junior Woman s Club cvndtictc the music nunnery contest in t?i :i miliar gtades. This organizatio . as sponsored this contest during th, ; ?*ar and wii g.ve a medal t > tiii winner at conimen'-cinont. I he study conducted by Mrs. David son this y.ar has ben on "Optra' jnd . as been most interesting ant lie pupils hav * learned an appi cciat ion fcr this j car. .Marian Axley handed in i porfev paper and was declared winner Roberta Carringer had the next bes paper, making only ope error. Thesi gitls come from Mrs. Axley's Gtl grade. This giade also had Glorii Hani. Is and Mary Lee Roberts to wii honorable mention. Those receiving honorable mentioi from the 7th grade were Kate Padg ett. Jean Daniels and Hallie Ma Hi nr.'-.aw. # # ? Intermediate C. E. to Have Egg Hunt Thursday. The Intermediate Christian Ende; vorers wii have an Ea ter egg hun at the Manse on Thursday afternooi Madgalene Cooke and Miidre Hampton will be hostesses. A members are urged to attend. ? . MAN AVANTED for Rawleigh Rout of 800 families. Write today. Ran leigh, Dopt. NCD-150-SA, Richmon, Va. | PERMANENT I WAVES !Your appearance depends ' much upon how your hair is ' dressed and cared for. Our operators are artists. Satisfaction assured. Best ! t materials always used. CANDLER'S ? BEAUTY SHOP \ $ CANDLER'S STORE herokee Scout, Murphy, No KwHKK"XwKK"XKKmWmX,* : resented in fashion show Tuesday 5 evening wearing dresses they had made this year, i The display centered around a o! mu ical play "Cinderella in Fashion , J Land."' Those taking part were Vaul i Adams, Edna Hampton. Kate Robinb son and Louise Bryan. Others of the classes appeared in the following s groups. 1 1 Sport dresses, sun frocks, cottor I - afternoon dresses, school dresses and I I church drcsse . .! Miss Holshouser then named the e following girls as having done outstanding work: Willie Lovingood, n Edna Lovingood, Kate Robinson, H I-eona Ramsey, Alice Ram -ey, Rosaj Mae Fleminf i,j - . Tho Presbyterian Auxiliary of the | >. Prc.-byterian church met at the homo i, of Mrs. \Y. \Y. Hyde on last Tuesday! afternoon. In the absence < f the! _ pre idem. Mrs. J. X. Hill, the vice-! [_ pro ident, Mr . Stewart H. Lone 1 I- presided. Rev. Long led the de- I s \otior.al. After business a socioj |t 1 in wa- enjoyed, and at that time j . a. suprs cd shower was given I > Mr-.! C. \V. Savage th retiring presides. I i_ by members ??f the Auxiliary. Thei b???te.-R ,-ervwl a delicious salad i i course. f 1 Those present were: Mrs. C. \V.! A Savage Mr . M. \V. H II. Mrs. R. \V. .1 Gr. y. Mrs. J. B. Gray, Mrs. Don j Wiihersjioon, Mrs. H. M. Erskirv Mis. I{. S. Parker. Mrs. Mary AL on., M? \ Steele Foard. Rev. and M >. Stewart 11. Long. * * * ? Jane Moore Entertains u da: .'I ore entertained a group j 0 ? little folks at the I.omo of her par-1 - rnb 1 st "I u .-day afternoon with n| L? birth.iay party in honor of her ninth j L? liithday. After game- were enjoyed! eakv and cream were served. Many beautiful and useful gifts ' were received. 1 Those present were: Frances and Jayne Ricks, Katherine Howell, Fran-1 cos Vandiver, Frances Ratcliff, Mary t Helen and Carolyn Bailey, Martim . Moore, .lean Mauney, Paul Padgett, t Margaret and Louise Johnson, Vire ginia and Elizabeth Franklin, Mary i and Nellie Moore, Gharlene and Wani da Bowles, J an Dickey and Editli i Kimsey. 1 Junior Club To I ; Meet Fridav Etiquette for all Occasion-*' will bo the subject at the regular meeting of the Junior club Friday nigh! at 7 o'clock. Mrs. H. A. Mattox will be in charge of the program. A number of important business', matters will be discussed. All mem^ bers are urged to be present. Mrs. Warren Sneed and Miss Mary l' Xell Williamson will be hostess. ? . Petrie Hospital Auxiliary To Meet Monday The Petrie Hospital Auxiliary will i ' meet on Monday evening, April 22 at the Regal Hotel. All members are | urged to be present. * * * * X FOR SALE?Improved inspected and *j* thoroughly treated Porto Rica or .j. Nancy Hall potato plants ready to X ship now. Prepaid express 2000 or more $1.40 per 1000. Small lots pr-i>* paid p. post $1.50 per 1000. Leading X variety tomato plants same p.rice. 'j* Special price to dealers on large lots. I also have good productive 1 horse ? and a 2 horse farm for sale cheap, j* on and near paved road right near & consolidated high chool in nice coun?-1 X try village. Good business stand on the 1 horse place. See or write J. J. | X Seav, Tate, Ga. X * * ' X Miss Alline Richardson will arrive ? homo for the summer in about two .* weeks. She taught four years at X Green Creek, school in Polk county' ? and has been elected for another ? year. rth Carolina FOR RENT?4 room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Lights; ar.t? bath, also office. Mrs. Nettie I Dickey. ' * ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aua rs will leave Thursday ior Knoxville, Tenn., where they plan t- spend the week end. a * * Mr. and ail's. J iin A. Hall will visit in Athens Tenn., for s vera! days. ? # ? Miss Gladys Chadwick of Andrew spent t.he week-end with Mrs. T. A. Case. . ? . FOR RENT?Furnished four.rooir. taoin. Ideal location for summer ' vacationists. Nine miles out of town, one-half mile from paved highway. . Swimming pool, good springs. See | Harold Hatchett at the Murphy cafe. * # * Mr. J. 13. Gray left Monday for a 1 business trip to Phildclphia. * * * * i LOST?A bill book in Murphy j Monday containing $92 in cash and j some personal papers. Finder kind- 1 ly get in touch with J. T. L. Hartness at Mineral Bluff, Ga. 4 * ? a Mrs. Cora Chandler of Memphis, Tenn. is visiting her sister, Mrs. John W Davidson and friends of Murphy. N\ C. * * * * | Miss Mattie Fox of Murphy, X. C | is attending school in beauty culture j und v Mr. Turner at Copperhill. Tenn. ? * T OST?Small worn leather hill rold in Murphy, Monday, containing 512.00 or $13.00. Reward. G. Scout Office. * * * * y Carl Fvans and daughter, iiillie Jean of Ranger spent one day la.-:, week with Mrs. John Davidon of Murphy. St # * I Miss Grace Parker and her r omnia: e. Miss Anne Lincoln, o" Springliei.l. Mass. will arriv Thursday t j . i v. 1 the Faster holidays with Dr. j and Mrs. U. S. Parker. -i * * * Mi*. Bill Pet l ie. student at Charlosj ton. S. C. will arriw Saturday to ( -pond the Faster holidays with hiparents. M . !.. I.. M ?- on left la t Sin I r for Lexington K. V. who re he shinned t loads of cattle and one load o. shee]>. He will be gone until about Iff19 Mi-. Winifnd Town.on spent the past week-cntl in Andn w- as t.'.e. guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Jack Pierey. * * * * Planche Grant liad charge of the league program Sunday night. The subject was "Palm Sunday" It was very interesting. .... Mrs. Tom Mauney has ri turned from a two weeks stay in Hayesville. "?ifj | "Happy ! Easter* I There is no method ol $ quite so effectively as No matter wliat your choice m X the colorful and dainty array X ordcis. Our prices are very n } extensive. Stop in and let us { fine flowers. ! THE GAINES\ I v !| Phone 214 LOCAL REPF If MRS. PEV Thurs. April 18, 1935 I Mrs. J. B. Gray. Mrs. Dixie Pal! mer, Mrs. Harlan Eiskine, Mrs. George Phillips an 1 Mrs. L. E. Bayless \v;re in Chattnnao?"a Friday. * ? Mrs. 15. W. Whitfield returned Friday frc in a months stay with relatives in Selma. Ala. j Murphy | 1 Theatre ! 1 | *t ( Under New Management) .j. k ;j: Friday & Saturday X X APRIL 19 & 20 ? *;* Romance ... at three miles a * * minute . . . with the daredevil V $ : tar of "MURDER IN THE X y CLOUDS" ll I I "RED HOT TIRES" I !? Y With LYLE TALBOT?Mary V T X t ASTCR X X . .{. i; Comedy ? News ? 1X J Morday & Tuesday '.j: APRIL 22 & 23 X || "DEVIL DOGS OF | :!: THE AIR" | * With JAMES CAGNEY, PAT ? * C'BRIEN, MARGARET LIND- X : SEY and FRANK McHUGH. X X A Here i the picture you have y beep, -wailing for. Four brilli- y ant stars to thrill you in a film \ o. the ikies that you will never v X forget. y * C cr.iedy ? News % Weel. ?i nurs. v APRIL 24 & 25 X J. . *;* Glamorous Vienna ... Y x , . X laughtei ... wine .. . song . . in a. story that will haunt you > I' forever.. Y RAf'CN NAVARRO And EVELYN LA YE * >' ?IN? * | "THE NIGHT IS f fYOUNG" | v X X With a cast of 4S7 including X Charles Butterworth, Una Mer- X V X X hel and Edward Everett Hor ,j. Y ton. X Comedy ? News $ . . I saying Happy Easter { with beautiful flowers. ay be for Easter giving, we have I here to meet the most exacting >* easonable. Our selection most { show you our Easter display of -j/ILLE FLORIST I $ 8 N. Green St. ? IESENTATIVE f rON G. IVIE I