BRISBANE THIS WEEK. Russia's Now Plane I Superstition ;m?l Suieiile Cocktail Parties The death Adol;!; S. < . lis. alitor and owner of the New York Times, is j & riicr :in<1 otlu" friends tlx* qnes Arthur 11< ?n. ever 111 himind, "IIow tan I make of tlie Times h permanent ami i n-i i: utlon": Russia, according t< I l pi'ot planes and dirigibles and make 'JOPMl-fool parachute jumps, as our yojjp^ girl- , learn new dune* steps. This makes important Russia's a?t nouf\cement that slie is manutaetur log airplauos on a mass production I ? basis, using for air power "an ordi nary light automobile engine." Tlx planes, very cheap, usim: ordinary gasoline, will be supplied i<- toiler tive farms. Russia may be tlx* tir-i nation to d?- With llyitii: machinewhat this country did with autonie biles. American genius put this na 1 tion an wheels. If Uu-sian engi ! neering skill puts Russia on wing- ] it will make some other ? untr; *- < thoughtful. I i A young man i< found strangely 1 murdered, or committing suicide in * an unusual way banging from a low < mis legs wore fastened befit n 1 ' his hark with chains, chains were around his hands and nock, and n ' modal that ho hail won in an nth letic contest was lustcned with a . .iournntent of congress. Mr!'- |f^Sf v Armed nor denied the M I A dm lie has ' 'Ti bitterh | - -yap ^Jj attacked tor retain; ^ his cabinet post ^ s rlitiiinir as ha run ir , James A. of fio J rai:" naFarley tlonal committee and of the \.?u Y I mo. i : 1 : committee. i.. opite the <;< t of th i'resident against such double holding. Mr. Itooseveit w .ii's .Mr I arle> ?? remain head of the na?"oit: ' < 0111111 t ? ?? and to conduct bis raiiipai.': for re-election, so he wi!) give up his |m Long and |.\.Mi:> li lloruMi federal relief ^ administrator of Puerto Bico. was a I ;?*_:? I t-diiL? the "7 loot tides f the Bay ??f Fundy to supply power or Maine ami the rest of New Ln^land, Government engineers have rortod that the project is feasible from in engineering standpoint, but they iotibted there would be a market for he power to be developed. T*KKItIFIC tornadoes tore through *- several southern states, Mississippi md Louisiana being especially hard tit. The number of dead was uncertain, tut included at least 33, and more than ihO persons were injured. Gioster, a own of 1,200 in Mississippi, was prarically demolished, most of its resilences and stores and the lighting and ivater systems being destroyed. Record-breaking floods occurred in California. f the manufacturers of arms and armament, reported to ;the senate its measure designed to take R ]| the profits out of war Be and provide for the KPaPfc conscription of in: dustry in the event of ano*l,er armed contlict involving the j? United States. The a |tm decidedly drasIsMf Jft tie, giving to the 1'resident in war time Senator Nye ., . 3 powers tiiat are pracically dictatorial, permitting him not >nly to fix prices hut also to license ill industry and control raw mateials. It also has taxation features hat will arouse considerable opposiion. It would raise individual income axes to (? per cent in wartime, levy airtaxes up to 04 per cent on incomes^ u excess of $10,00(1. and seize profits >f corporations in excess of (i per cent eturn on invested capital. The Nye bill gives the President eery broad powers to fix prices of rommodities, to license industry, to enjoin profiteering and to prevent the hoarding of goods. It provides for he drafting of industrial leaders, who vould be permitted to remain with [heir companies, subject to military aw Meanwhile the house military affairs :ommittee reported the McSwain bill, j similar to the senate measure but without the tax features. This lack made the more radical members angry j but when they tried to amend the bill they were routed, 258 to 71. The Nye senate committee, after re porting its bill, continued its inquiry. It heard a rather sensational bit of evidence to the effect that Roger S. McGrath, an insurance company agent who was described as a friend of the President's son, James, had sought sue- | cessfully to obtain two naval building contracts for the Bath Iron Works up In Maine. cout, Murphy. N. C.. HAVE F \CE "AS YOU LIKE IT' Plastic Surccoii Can Make Tt to Order. When :t mail susfains injuries to ' his fa? ?-. the result an an itleilt i ??i? the road or :u his Joh. there is now no need lor liim 10 ho constantly ; reminded of his mi-'ortune. The , -k l: o' 1I10 j.' is: -nr.'fi'i) ofTers a! way of escape from il -t giiremetii. I on inor.'hs .go a two!\o year-old Hitek : gltain-hirc jrii-I received tor rilde facial injuries :ii an accident. t hut today she i- well ami liap^.v, for modern surgery ha- given her, liter ally, a new face. In aiioilior ease a young society girl, dragged un> ntiseiolls frotn tl ] I'lazing oar. was s.> srvcrel.v hurned ahout tl o fare that ! ? her nearest friends -ho w is unrecognizable. Aft or recuperation. sin was treated hy a plastic surgeon. Mo l?ognn hy making her ew oyelids. nostrils, and ears from gratis i iken from her legs Then lie removed a portion of her scalp anil fashioned a now pair of eyebrows; while to her hack lie went for a skin Hap t?? hn hi a new upper lip. Finally, he tilleu in the gaps in her face with graft- from her firms. Totlay this girl. .1 result of twenty-live separate grafts-, is considered;' -\ en hotter looking than before her I t accident. i 1 ltcsiih s offering a release from the soars of industry and accident, plus- | tic surgery is taking its place in the Ire.tfiii'ti; ot ?i i - When Pr. N i I ray I'lair. a loading practitioner, was confronted with a use ..f ?-mcer centered in a man's jaw ho hohlly re- I I moved the malignant tumor. His I I next stop was | . transplant flesh I in in- 111.hi > ciM-~i jura resrnre ills | features in their entirety. A plaster I of the i?:iticMt's face, inrnlelPd I Burnstui I,- - s HElLO, MR. BURNS' ^? , . WONDER IF VOU'D j'RlOHT AWAV',' Sharpen these eh? that's Plowshares for all i hear ? ME RIGHT AWAV well.^;' ~~ \ crouch lost mv crouch.' sav-f us another if vou hao mv Lj I customer; headaches and r i we won't IWDi6?STiON)vou'o \ : HAVE AMV \ V?^ f"? 66 flE0 ') ^fcttv soon.<) .. IK 3? OfW LMfeR. " ( THAT'S ALU Rl&HT... NO | TROUBLE AT ALL! I'LL HAVE I wr,g 'EM OUT FOR VOU IN jjrf \ ^ Ihalean hour; Jt " I V*| ^?y II ursday, April 18, 193i efore the original operation. w: mm I as a guide. No damage Is suffered l?y the pan f the IhkI.t whence the raw materia i?r such operations is taken. T1 hest, most prolific source of suppi ii a man. will \iehi a continual ha est, until he reaches his dotage. ar tuallv crews stronger with eat mnsference. The s?*cret of siicces ul graftings ?M?nsists In rephintit lie material at a pressure consistei iith that which normally encitvh he face. Otherwise. with air pre ure on the chest lower than on tl ace. the perfect lit may l?e lackin <*oli?leiiiti'Ml. i: seemed, to a lifeloi nil of poker face despair, the nen -out rolling his facial uitisi les liavii en shattered. another man was s ice 11\ a plastic surgeon's skill epiauting a nerve from his thigh ? l:e site ??f the ohl one in liis far t began to fum-tioii after thirty da> iml now In- is able again to iau; rtth the liest. Tlu?ri; is practically no form mm|\ juggling too intricate f??r the vperts Willi cMpiisite precision, tl ilastic surgeon takes a r?l? ami r noiilds ii into a jaw-hone, waltzes'* ofT a roll of skin of tl liiskness of tissue from liis patient aek. or borrows a curtilage fro i lee to rebuild a nose. Uis latest triumph is to lograft iiigornail, taking the middle third QUICK RELIEF from Heartburn ? by chewing one or more Milnesia Wafers lend for one week's liberal supply?FRI ELECT PRODUCTS. Inc.. 4402 23 itreet, Lone Island City. New York BMBgBBgl It its over a J? ( what" does^c 'f-???> } he carte how ) well-guess ( haro vol) < rn_ have To i work.. as long take 'EM i as he cam oo SOMEWHERE } the heavv ^ i, 6ts?- ' \ / aw-tell him | voyr rrouel? a one more b? coffee-ner > peep cur of / i hao if., eur i him amo he'll ' coffee ano swi 1 be in business 10 ano au & himself i ' sjws wvs6lf ac PS ^'"swrfched^ stum he's been f?,4,njk ' e beginning f aare monev vin 1 y<>u suspcct 1 Po*tuxn for 30 c : simply whole v ~y lr~?sweetened. it'* J a ccnt a cup* * VB mail the coup me" W't**01 5 is a good one. ami plaiting It .H fh* nailless finger. where it soon grow* ts to full size. Mount Inn*, tho old nail it regains its shape. ??' Through tho first practical treatise 'y ??n plastic surgery appeared so lone '' ago as 1.VJ7. written hy Tagliacozy ?'l modern applications of tlie science h owe their origin T?? the World war. s ; < m behalf of the thousands vvlio were 1-1 . . - ? - j *?im?t hi me moe. many ??t i! ?? nation I" greatest >urge??ns set to work to ln-a! t*s their soars. At the Hospital tor J v ' ? ial Injuries ar Shleiip. famed for th?? ??' i pioneering work of Sir 1 kirold Hi - j lies. I'.MMNi nioii liavo been given nev ig | !;o ??s. London Tit-Hits. DOK'T HEGLECT ; YOUR KICKEYS! :li TP your kidneys are not working X right and you suffer backache, Mt dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination, swollen feet and ankles: feel lame, stiff, "all tired out" . . . use Doom's Pills. e Thousands rely upon loan's, or Tliey are praised the country over. |H. Get Doom's Pills today. For sale by |-s all druggists. SOAK'S PILLS n of [CLASSIFIES APS] S|HTinl Price*: Mantli- T.aiiu'.*. Gn I: Wash in r Machin*--. "an Scah-rs. ' okf la-torts. Write K. ('. Muilltlin. Mlavlllr. (,u. :e rd six f.lANT I?.\ III.I AS *1. Satan. Kdi.-=Mnrriiw an?I ihr--. in .:.-, I'net |-aid <>tln ]!tuc< flnwtr 'I'm stock. St-liini; ?oe. ATWATKIt HA VI I.I A I'A KM. At outer. ??. i Modern Srlcnre lln? I>?*veh>pe?l >? |?crma! n %n t relief forcrinuiv >us(bl?'?Mlint; j moui h and |>jorrh?-a. \\ rito today for inforuiat >r? I of our iuoni-y-ba<-k guarantee treatment. Tin* J l'ert by C.'o., I*. O. It?>i SOH, MllivuiikH-.W Is. J I O I lew Lcat j - ? <-? QK S f' H? S 0we 0f ^ I'M TlRED OF i| 816-HEARTED 8EIN6 IMPOSEDjV^ ^ V/6S' I HURT M?! (VNjg'r UAMA ] | qoif 1 ^"-L'm Wlf:? ) AROUMD , TCHED I 1 T?? HERE IF N 500N ^uc" ^!fc' HE'sswrfcmwe ("i knew coffee was bad for I children, but didn't suppose it could hurt me! ^ "Many adults, too, find that the caffein in coffee upsets their nerves, causes indigestion or prevents sound sleep!" that coffee disagrees with you ... try lays. Postum contains no caffein. It is yheat and bran, roasted and slightly easy to make, and costs less than half *ostum is delicious and may prove a duct of General Foods. first week's supply of Postum? I Battle Creek, Mich. w. N. u.??-! ? I at obligation. a week'i supply of Postum. 1 State ? I Slataiy?-print name and addretm J er expire* December 31, 1935 j