MARTIN'S CREEK ? K a:i Quiti* !f?v - v. Mart;'-.*- X1 < -reek mot m- i .\!a w- >.in lay. . Xin nir " : * A?- Mr.-. Olli A . : a ui - n. .Jark.. M ,r 1 1 11 i I ' 1 k , .,1 >? I'oeil .l-i I ! ! "'> i! . l.a - av i ? ii\\ ? , uiitj i Uunpii liH i ....... to I--- -t t'i- tl.'il li ' 11. a;? ' Hal ii'i ll . , . . I ' \ . " ' .Hill ll \tl Itllli ' : '.It S iplllli i . ' "I' Inli. ,!t. . i'I Mi- i > -i in- i -. . ! ! i).-K >\i . w-oiurrosalion remain standing It. licil: i; a XI II-lial< ill! i 1 1 >W XliD I'll'l \\M Mil.I Did; \ III! Ml X1* 1.1.1.I N I'.OOl'Ll XII liir.l. LAI IN THE RAINBO PRESENTS MURPHY ELEMEN' MONDAY, APRIL CAST OF CHAF Joan #... Peter, her b: other An Old Woman (later Irist The Fairy Queen Morpheus. Fairy of the \iglit Diana. Fairs of the Moonbeams Jack Frost Oceanus. Fairs of the Sea Vesta, Fairy of the Flame Niobe. Fairy-of the Rain Pan. Fairs of the Frees Trumpters. Attendants to the Queen SYN0PS1 Scene 1. The home of Joan and Pel* Scene 2. The place where fairies dw Scene 3. The same as Scene 1. CHORU 1. "Hail to the Fairy Queen" 6. * 2. "The Fairies of the Night" 7. 3. "When the Moon Shines" 8. 4. "Song of the Snow" 9. * 5. "From the Deep Sea" 10. GRADUATING MURPHY SCHOOL TUESDAY, APRIL Processional ?"Marche Militaire"?i "On The Road To Mandalay" Salutatory ? Ti io?"Military Poloniase"?Chopii introduction ot tspeaker Address. Supt. Swain County School: "Sylvia"?Olev Speaks ? Awards Citizenship Medal: School Board Music Memory: Junior Woman's CI A:t Appreciation: Woman's Club A Diplomas and Certificates Valedictory MARSHAL! CHIEF; EDWARD PIPF ANNE HILL DORA GRAHA ELLEN COOPF HH|H et; Marti;.. Ma tin Florence Smith, ith Coleman, -I; rklc Stalcup, Agnes u! .M ir Stall n. Mary Cha for v M . . J. I'hiir - were \Mi MINISTERS i CNGRK' \TION ] I, I y _ , n., miss c.Axrr u i:i \. i i'. inc.*;i\s hi \. v.. \. IK (I.I.I \s r.nxs ciiom until .it''. ' ]x iicdirtionl ill \. !!. tt. I!\l (KIM I | ' 1 ]' ,1 5 AXI.I'.V I'll at iW'S END I) HI WB TARY SCHOOL e t- n left l.?s: voek for Hart-! !?;. ' where re has a position | ; C . i ill nt S-.n . contract rs. j . I . ' .1? V i.' iU :uui ","ay i - : \\v:v bu duess visit >i> ; : > re> it- " Rein view ?oc- 1 The St;u. I! .ay : i?lire ctwv ' I. .t iu'! i.; 1 : at. :.*! . ? - va;. No. ?30. the , ?-n in o ro -.(1 near ! 'j !.. A i week re? the reduced I *:* c , t buy : I to a year k connection lotjY Y ay v. ai i ; war i .me , v . ? " ce t t-j J rn $2.25 per jg Mr. n\ ' Mi Anderson, of v tron, ()bio, * . : riends and y lat'v.- he - v l\. UNAKA NEWS j Mr. and Mrs; l. J. Rose, of iaka. visited friends at Ranger, acir.r e a: Andrews Sunday. y T? o Rev. Mr. Five Stiles, of Mur- .j. y, filled his ovular appointment the Beaverdam Baptist cvhurch turday and Sunday. X The Rev. J. 1*. Pecker spent th *:* ek-end at I'naka visiting friends. A large er vvd fr in Unaka motor X to Murphy Monday to hear Gover- X r Talmadp peak. ?|? Mrs. H. F. Posey of Unaka, was X rried to the Petrie Hospital Satur- J y for treatment and her many *|< ends are glad to hear she is on the X ad to recovery. y Mr. and Mrs*. J. \\\ Odom, of $ iaka, visited Mr. Odom's parents at X trt eta Sunday. 41 XI.. " ..I., ucui^e v>rawiord, of Duck- j Bvn. Tenn.. Dr. J. H. Crawford, o: X bbinsville, X. C., and Mrs. Lee J* awfortl, of Andrew.-. X. C., were i a b quests o.' Mr. and Mrs. Jewel *:* hnson Sunday. i Mr. Sidney Rryson, of Belview, N. X , and Mr. Glenn Walker, of Tenn. ? ent the week-end with friends and !? latives at Unaka. X Mrs. Allen Bryson vi>ited her parts, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis Sun- ?| LIBERTY I The Sunday School at Liberty is ill improving:. The people are getrig interested and are showing a eat improvement. The people of this section are very ad to see the beautiful sun shine ice more. They are getting ready ' plant their crops. Old Man Depression is gone in this ction. People are cutting pine wood -and several sawmills are going on ith their >-awing. The Big wind storm whicvh passed | irough this section few days past did Try CARDUI For Functional Monthly Paint Women from tire "teen age to the thange of life have found Cardul jenuinely helpful for the relief of functional monthly pains due to lack >f Just the right strength from the food they eat. Mrs. Crit Haynes, of Sssex, Mo., writes: "I used Cardul then a girl for cramps and found It very leneflctal. I have recenUy taken Cardul luring the change of life. I was very ncr'ous, had head and back pains and was In v generally run-down condition. Cardul tas helped me greatly." Thousands of women testify Cardul beneIted them. If It does not benefit YOU, onsult a physician. phy, N. C. VIOLET NEWS Mis. Lester Taylor had a hirlhdiiy l;on 1 last Friday A; ri! 12. in honor >t or twins. \Vayru- and I ' e. They lvov* 10 years Id. There were sew people : ar.ii everyone en " ye I heir-solve . _ eat liiBaf- A f*w buildinys 11U n' at Hi.iwa --( .< ay. I - pre ( hod a very aSter. stirs* - - "P. . v } ?pl \ . ' it very "ch. t' n. v. i\ r . i> x n :: "5f. A. I t |>eople are jrott v ry intent s'ed in Lioina. :.? ! Mrs. 1 ;or Led ford vi-itM and Mrs. K. \V. Shear <:i lay. }!> . and Mi > Er.?a Payne. other. Mrs. Beaver. M . Samuel Uo-t of. Ma?" ca*u d:>\ nigrht v. th h:< i> th- . K . o Moss. > Gwendoline and Kuiy, H Mis AI in Tavloy > Mr ,.-M Air-, flrf: r.l V ar.i "iule daughter. Jaur ! ' \vi;h the lai'er's sist . ' 1. I' v w.ut\ ?! . 'iir . , ' ?' ' " * ii1 *'y urine: Sm ry ' n ' iivs *hy Gel Up Nigl a causes waking up^requ -canty flow, burning' ; . . :uhe. Vak. this 2-V test. (N I, buc 1 u leaves, etc., in little alieii Muk.'ts. the ' 1 . : . In four day- i:' not lea i: o. ' - will return \ oui 2.~> .. PARKER'S DRUG STORE hie ?: the > hi T;,.: -. Murphy, N. C. s wanted to sell idee Razor Blades. -$10.00 per 1000. No checks or stamp ; , i .using, L. I. N. Y. p Depends Your LIZER 1 : V : Best Results j u Use Y ,OC MARK j ISTERED j l p Brands j .nd Vicinity by? ? FAIN IRY^CO. 1 Reliable" 101 Depot St. I *? / mMns IINII 'IVIB aai** w?ui ubuq llle Traveled JSTS?Retnrn Ihrfi IS Day* (He Traveled *rs?lUtomi Ltafa t MeaAf s tile Traveled 'arlor Can on pa^M ?f e occupied. No sarcharsa i A "'f>"-ohile at home and S, . n iijt I an Service Safely of Train Travel ilwaj System