Welcor And' m\ Attractive tm'FI j I That's? ^ murphy The I ' fuiin{ Vci. IVL No. 38. CHAIfANOOGANS WILL STOP HERE SATURDAY NOON Plans Made To Officially Greet Motorcade of 2 50 State Line. ii man 250 peapie c ns'.stinj of members of the Chattanooga Au toi..? i>ile club and their families an cxi> cted t arrive here in the f rn < : a motorcade Saturday noon en route to Ashevillc on one of t.;eir an ii.j good will trips. The Tennesseeans plan to hav> dir.:ifr at the Regal H tel and th< Dirk*.y IIcus? umd stop h?re lonj c t'iiph to offer a band concert b< t;.e Junior Elks club band, one o thi euding organizations of its kirn in the South. !Ta.\s have been made t ? have i v.?ik from Murphy official!] gicet them at Vie state line at 11:41 and they are expected to arrive her? ; hi* 12:30. T'nc.-e in dharge of arrangement a ? C. W. Savage, H. Bueck W. M Fa: George Ellis, T. A. Case, Mayo .1. b. Gray and Don Witherspoon. Director Here \\. A. Wiiiams, a director of th< club, passed through here severa timi last week making preparation! for the trip. He expressed his de light at having the opportunity o: finding suiih a "delightful town anc people to stop over with.'7 The trip is being made for the pur pve of having 35 miles of road be ween the Tenr-issee-ueorgia nni and Cleveland,-er nn., paved in th? near fjlure. ? * ral ?r?ps art mad* each year by the Chattanooga clut in The interest of having their surrounding highways and roads paved Included in the visiting motorcade will be a number of Eastern Tennesst t > leading citizens and brilliant figuies in different lines of business Much interest is being sh twu local ly over the appearance of the distinguished visitors and elaborate plans are being made all along the route to officially welcome the gToup ai they pass through eaoh town. Patrolmem to Escort Them North Carolina patrolmen will take ?vei the escort at the state lint where they will relieve Tennessee patrolmen. They will be offciallj welcomed in Asheville by the Wei -owe to Asheville club, an organization that heartily cooperated with Cherokee county folk when they went to Kn fxville to hear Dr. Morgan recently. Among the other plans being made in Asheville is that of having Bob Reynolds speak to them. The Chattanooga Times made the following statement relative to the trip: "It is hoped by the m >torcade to establish a new and better route ana to promote a better feeling of cooperation between Chattanooga, Asheville and other towns and to attempt to divert travel and business into Asheville and Chattanooga that ordinarily goes to Knoxville and Atlanta." The Tennessee and North Carolina state highway cummissions will be represented on the motorcade. Gov'rnor 'Hill McAlister, of Tennessee, v has signified that he may accompany the motorcade. Governor Ehringhaus. of North Carolina, said conflicting engagements will prevent his attending. but that several state officials will represent him here. The new highway being promoted between Asheville and Chattanooga will cut 30 miles off the usually travelled route by way of Knoxville, snd will route all the Eastern traffic through Murphy. o p:.._ . . . . ,i ^ mire nrcd Angus neei came were purchased at the East Tenn. 1 ntrlA Sale at Knoxville by a CherAhro Countv farmer last week. tie Chatta 1ft Hip j Weekly Newspaper in W f stern \orth Murphy, i\ J Rain Dampens Spirits j?And Clothes?Sunday The typical serenity and peacej fulness of Earter Sunday reigned ' I here although the skies were darkenec by clouds and rain fell j lightly at % me hours to dampen j ",c sr'ni*?and taster clothes? \ of the town folk. Services were well attended at the morninjj services at .1^ \!ethodj*t, Baptist and Presbyterian r churches, and the Methodist church was filled to capacity Sun> day night for the special Easter 1 services and singing. Likewise the school auditorium wa* filled to hear the Rev. W. A. Rollins, of Waynesville, presidp ire elder of the Methodist church 0 for this district, deliver the bacr ca'uareate sermon. f BAND TO GIVE 1 CONCERT HERE ON SATURDAY V D Th who arc interested in good E music should be pretty w' 11 satisfied wlun The Elks Junior Band of < Chatt-anooopa Tenn. offers their half, hour concert for the b. no fit of pe >c plo in this section Saturday aftern (on while their party, the Chattanooga Automobile club, is dinmj i here. j They are accompanying the club t on their good-wUl trip and will ren. der numbers in several of the towns f along the way. ] The organization is said to be one of the finest of its kind in this ?ecti ?n of the country. It is composed of 50 pieces. Arrangements have been made to hav. tl e.ii nlav near the itomobil v ?>?m entuilly Rich lrrr; .- ? m This Sta *5 "1 resent Town Board j Candidacy Announced The ratnet of tHe incumbent mayor and board of commissioners were officially announced as nooga JL\ rrnkfi Carolina. Covering a ! n"*~ nntl f'oi c.. ihurs., April 25, 19^ BASEBALL CLUB ' WILL GIVE SHOW ON FRIDAY NIGHT ITast Will Present Brilliant 16-Act Vaudeville In School House I Ariangements have hen made fo- \ grand e\ening oi cnte. tinnier tl with a cast of naily 5o pc ?i?U* taking j part in a big 16-act, two hour show \ i.i the school auditorium here Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock under the auspices of the -Murphy and Marble baseball teams. 1 he production will b. given by the Carolina Amusement club of Marble, an t xcellent organization of talent1 amatuers that have been practic ag i v many weeks under the able I direction of James Stout. The proceeds of the show will be divided among the baseball teams of the two town in an effort to raise : art of the necessary funds for , maintenance of the clubs this year. Good clean fun including whirlwind dances, rollicking comedy skits and giori >\is music is in store to thrill everyone that attends the evening program. The Vaudeville Varieties has been , arranged as f dlows: Carolina Jug band, James Stout. Ralph Day and the Hen ley brothers; Charleston \ ^ Regal Hotel. MRS. WILSON. OF MARBLE. BURIED ON WEDNESDAY Funeral services for Mrs. Raleigh Wilson, age 43 of Marble, were held [ at tht Mt. Zion Baptist church near Marble Wednesday at 3 o'clock with j the Rev. Algie West officiating. W. k D. Townson wa.> n charge of funeral . arrangements. Mrs. Wilson had hec.i it k for some time. She has b:en :\ member of the , Baptist church for ?5 yeais. ? besides her husband, she i* su?, vived by five children. Frank, Ralph, . Marvin. Ray and Evelyn; one sifter. Mrs. Tat Burg, of Rom:, Ga., and six I brothers, Henry and George Barton, L j >f Murphy. Ed Barton, of the Peachtree community; Jack Barton, of Marble. Rfn Barton, of Andrews, and Frank Barton, of Mineral Bluff, Ga. Scout To Present 11 Articles On Health Beginning with the next issue the Scout will present 11 timely articles on the value of mouth health writ trn ny weii-known authorities from all over North Carolina, and released by tfie division of oral hygiene of tve North Carolina State BoaTd of Health. These timely articles, one mf which will be presented eadh week should prove interesting to every one who is interested in their health. The first article will be on, "Improved Mouth Health Reflects Monetary Saving To School Budget" by Leroiy Matrin, executive secretary. 1 state school commission. Watch for 1 it! Mrjt. W-'la^d Axley | Mfc. Willard Axley was conveyed to the Fiirt Sanders Hosoital in | Knoxville. Tenn., Tuesday where she will be confined for some time for reatment. She has been extremely < ill for the past week and the people ' of this section arc anxiously awaiting news of her marked improvement. i "Clean-Ui dance?Opal Martin; Indian sketch? ] Charles Kin jr. Homer Raxter and \ Karl Ray; dummy dance?Sidney ] Odell; L *?se Nuts?Eva Odell, James ] Stout and Billie Smith; Buck dancing ?Leander Hyatt; Music ? Hensley t brothers; Old Faithful ? Jimran Stout and Opal Martin; Dr. Cut Up 1 ?Victor West and Earnest Tram ham; Hiawaian music?Murpuy boy*. The ?econd part of the pro*:*, 1 is constituted -?f the folohving* Tan dance ? Opal Martin; comedy "Violets" ? Sidney Odell; Special , music?Andrews boys; Tap dance? Leander Hyatt; Cowboys Heaven? Southern ranchers. The show is guaranteed to please , every me. It is net an "intellectual" J show but a number of genuine farce acts absolutely free of filth and vulgarity a.id the children will delight in ,, its clean fun a- much as the grown ups. The Vaudeville Variety? ha< been v produced through the ingenuity of f, James Stout wh i has personally . vouched for a high type of show. ABSENCE VOTING t BILL INTRODUCED { IN HOUSE TUESDAY f A house bill (11118), "to limit and * reguiate absentee voting in Cherokee county" was introduced and sent to the committee on elections and election laws April 18. The bill would limit voting by c thos:- absent from the county to fed- n eral and state employees ,including c school teachers. It w -uld apply on- 4 ly to voting for county, and local. c propositions and officers, including j members of the House off Representatives. t? The bill would abolish official o; markers, allowng help by a member ei of the immediate family or. on re- ei quest, by the registrar or judge. It also calls for the form otf absentee f, certificate to be used, requiring that w names of absentee voters be posted for public inspection, and requiring p that an entry be made on the poll a book designating each persoti voting absentee. Jons Meetine Postponed h] Due to the commencement fxer- m *ises being held at the high school B ruesday night, the regular meeting A f the Lions club was postponed until al Text Tuesday. n< p" Week candidates for the coming ci*.y electrons to be Held on May 7, ac- i cording fo a reprrt filed in the ! * town clerk's office April 19. The present board consists of Mayor J. B. Gray and commissioners W. G. Owenby, L. U. May- 1 field, G. W. Ellis, Porter Axley, [ Noah Lwineood and W. M. Fan. No other candidates have been I announced on Murphy's citizens ticket. The registration books will close Saturday and the following Saturday (May 4) ha5 been designated as challenge. r, I \PPEARANCE OF TOWN AIDED BY CLEAN-UP MOVE Practically everyone in Murphy was busy this week joining in thi work of cleaning up the town during what wa- designated as "clean-up week" by the Woman's club at their reeling hert last Wednesday. Much trash and weeds have been removed fr nm vacant lots and a great deal improvement in the beauty of the town has been noted. With all the modern building that has been done locally Murphy should look its best Saturday when the motorcade arrives here fr -m Chattanooga and help lend a favorable impression on all the towns* visitors. The ladies are urging every one ;o help in the beautification move. Uiss CONLEY. 87. OF UNION COUNTY DIED LAST WEEK Funeral services f<u* Miss Bettie yOnley, age 81, of Ivy Log. Ga.. vere held last Wednesday morning it- 10 o'clock at the Ivy Log Baptist hurch with the Rev. John C.rein and he Rev. Columbus Martin officiatng. W. D. Townson was in charge >f funeral arrangements. Miss Conley died Tuesday April 10 it 10 A. M. )?f a general breakdown ifter an illness of s- me years. She was the daughter of the late samnel and Darcus Conley. pioneers if Uunion county. Ga., and one of he leading families of that section.! She is survived by one sister. Miss} 'arah Conley, of Ivv Leg. Ga.. and j hrie brothers. Rev. Lynn Conley. of j vy Log. Ga.. and J. D. and J. B. i 'onley, of Texas. w I INTRODUCED rO DIVIDE COUNTY INTO 3 DISTRICTS A senate bill "to district Cherokee ounty for the purp ..f the nun iation and election of members 'f ounty commissioners'' iSinatc bill 92) was introduced and sent to the ommittee on elections laws April 6. The bill would divide the county in> three districts from each of which ne commissioner would be nominatd and elected by the qualified votrs in the district. J The three districts would he as jiiuwt: i vaueyiuwn; ?. lomoiia recinct; Murphy nnrrth and soutft ards; Brasstown Peachtree and urnt Meeting: house precincts; 3? 11 other precincts. Marble Town Election Two tickets for the town of Mare were announced a? fellows: F r iavor. W. B. Mulkey; for aldermen. . B. Palmer. C. C. Barton and R. T.. nderson: for mayor. A. F. Lail; for 'dermen. T. H. Pavi \ James Ben?tt and Roy Foster. - Do Yoi c Club! lit pages TODAY te _____? il.OU YEAR?5c COPY GRADUATION EXERCISES ENDED HERE ~ ifty Seniors Get Diplomas As Swain Head Add resses Class 1 illy sen; :n the Murphy hijrh >?. ho? . wore jr.ven their diplomas whil t . F. Carroll, surer .^Undent of t:.e Swain county schools, delivered the commencement address to 400 pe pie who crowded the scho >1 auditorium Tuts.iav nicht. With the characteristic^ sadness of graduation pi evading in the atmo-riere. the seniors, capped and gowned proud of the records tht y had made, marched, one l?y one, across the platform to receive their diplomas from Dr. J. N. Hll, Murphy physician. Mr. Carroll's address began with an attack on present school condition in th? state of North Carolina. He declared the affairs of the nation were s? "out of gear" tV at there was a wonderful chance 11 "turn on 1 the switch'* and finally gave a numj her of practical suggestions to the | graduates. "There are three reasons why I am glad :?? he here tonight." began Mr. Carroll. "The first is my increasing interest in graduating classes. The second is for my high personal regard 'if Mr. Bueck. and the third is because of my interest in the trwn of Murphy, not only for its scenic beauty and other outs*.ending qualities, but because I am interest ed in helping to carry on the work of Archibald Dubois Murphy, whom the town was named after. His li'c has had much to do even with present educational work. Want Better Education. "You people of this section are 100 percent for better education. Yo-u showed that when you voted for the special sales tax. But 1 hope you are dissatisfied with tht school system in North Carolina. Of course, 1 do not want to indict those who are- responsible. "In 1933 legislation was enacted for ecnemy and not for educational rea >ns. At :hat time North Carolina leveled down its educational system for the- first time since they began levelng it up in 1868. You don't have a lot of things you used (Continued on back page) 2 PARTIES OF TV A MEN EXPECTED TO ARRIVE HERE SOON Two partite <if throe men each, employed by the TVA as engineers, are expected to arrive here some time this week to work on the local dam sites, J. D. Blacg, unit chief in charge of the TVA work in this section, announced Tuesday. I.ately, he raid, the bays have been working on the proposed 0}?;cM?r.uga site oil Tonttocoor _ ? ?w j i v tr i near Chattanooga, Tenn. A. E. Reynolds, who was transferred to another section in Alabama for TV A work, returned here pernamently Friday. o Southern Schedule Is Changed To 8 O'Cloch Another change has been ra?de in the -schedule of the morning Southern train between here and Ashevillf. it was announced Wednesday The train which formerly dcrartfd at 8:15 will leave Murphy :.t 8 o'clock in the m *rning- bef'nnirp Sunday. All mail p ing- up or. thai train must be deposited in the mail bo* in front of the post office befew 0:30 in the morninpr. Mrs. Thelma THckey ~ ^mistress, announced. ar Part

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