. And" ajf Attractive IwFIV That's? ^ murphy _ The Leading if Vol IVL. No. 40 THE SCOU' $2,000 CITY FAr MAYOR GRAY, 2 COMMISSIONERS ARE UNOPPOSED Incumbent Board I o Bike Over Reins Of City For Another Term t X. i J. B. Gray and the incumb ii- :?. M yfi >1! ?I>>. 4B - ah Lovingood (II), 41?0; \Y. -1". 409; W. Ellis (R), 422; \\\ G. Owcnby l ?>w - II Olicai III, I 1 !-a-. ; fieiating. W. D. Towns >n I \v:. i charge of funeral arrange| 9 All*. Walker died Sunday morning I a 7 ;o o'clock from injuries he reI ft ;. ,1 while working on his farm. B I' mi near S-evierville, Tenn., he | h lived in Cherokee county for a I numb( r of years. He was one of I the 11tost, prosperous farmers of that 9 section. 1 Besides his wife he is survived by I two sons. Earnest, of Fontana, and 9 Oliver, of Peachtree, and four daughI ters, Airs. Bill Proctor, Mrs. Janie 'Hall and Mrs. W. Hall, all of Fonm tana, and Mrs. Minnie Barton, of I Murphy. I Mrs. McRAE, 79, I OF GRANDVIEW, I BURIED SUNDAY i Funeral sendees for 'Mts. Millie B McBae, 79, of the Grandview com| munity, were held at the Hanging d'?sr Baptist church Sunday aftcrB n?on at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. | t> Ui^ anc* Hev. Graham officiating Fevton G. Ivie was in charge of funeral arangements. Mrs. McRae died last Saturday jnomjnp, <) o'clock following a i lpngthy illness. She had been an unB ortqnate victim of paralysis for time. | She meved- to some 60 years aero and had been a ; I Member of the church for year?. ! She is survived hy tftree daueh- j ' ^ Misses Dollie and Hattie Mc- j B ^ae of GTandview. and Mrs. Sam j Palmer, of Marble, and three sons, I T> ^n' KoWbinsville, and Jim and 'Grandview. ? o I ,:,o Gaston county terracing: unit . as boon running from daylight to B ark during recent weeks in the at- j V terrace as much land as 1 i ?>sLI>le before planting begins. | ?t !f -ekly Seuipartr in JT estern .\orth ( MurpI fAND^W .00 IN PRIZ THERS RE MRS. WILLIAMS IS BURIED IN FAMILY CEMETERY HERE I* uner.il services for Mrs. Mamie 1>. Williams, formerly of Murphy. | who di.d SunduyE Bhevillc, were held in the Methodist church here Wcvine-.ay m ruing at 11 o clock with the II v. T. F. Hijrgins, pastor of the church, officiating. Peyton G. I vie was in charge ? the arrangements. Buria was in the Harshaw family cemetery r.ear 'Murphy. Mrs. Williams for manv v??,r? wn? a resident of this section having been horn iii Cherokee county. Sh was a faithful member ot the church and leave- a host of relatives and fri uids to bereave her passing:. II sides nor parents she is surviv i <1 by: her husband S. S. Williams, tarir. cred : administration field agon:; ur sisters. Miss If< \i n Har. shw. of Asheville, and Mis. J. A. Kieh.trdson, Mrs. J. II. Hall and -Miss Ada Ha:sha\v. all of Murphy, ar.d wo brothers. A. E. Ilarshaw, of Kichn < nd. Va.. and Henry M. Har>h:i\v. of St. Petersburg:, Fla. Pall bearers were: Toni Axlty, W. M. Fain, Tom Maunev, Paul Hyatt. H.rry P. Cooper and Sheri ian Hickey. The Charact r Builder Sunday school class acted as ii wer girls. "DIME"LETTERS MEETING DOOM IN THiS SECTION The >; nil of chain let* -rs that ;ii - vanning th. country has hit Muii-hv with all its mighty force, lut tin- buiwaid of the i conic h. ci. >.\i? > ?.o(i the storm, add their nam to th. li>: and conveniently "forget" : o semi the dim. to th. top man. iT..e average person i ceives any. where fr. ni three to lour per day here which is a little bit low for the average ot the country. The method is simple and a press account said the other day that, it dates away back to 1890. Mr. John Q. Citizen receives a letter wii.i five names on it. By the simple exptdiant of sending the top name a dime quarter, dollar, or whatever the letter calls for, he is authorized to put his name at the bott mi of the 1 list and eliminate the fellow that gets the dime because by mathematical analysis t.he top man's name has appeared on 566,560 letters (count 'em) which, at a dime a i short, biings $5,665.60. Of course each person that receives a letter is asked not to break the chain and send out letters to five of his friends. Well, any man, no matter how brilliant he is, figures wasting a dime, five stamps and the time it takes to copy the letters will be well repaid bcause all his friends are as big a fool as he is. Anyway somebody might have got rich off the scheme but not anyone we know of . In fact Walt Mauney holds the lead right now because somebody got a letter the other day and Walt's name was next to the top. Personally none of the dimes we sent out have hit a jack pot as yet. Bean, Tomato Contracts Filled; Seek Okra Acr'ge All local canneTy tomato and bean contracts have been closed for the year, E. R. Thompson, cannery manager, announced Tuesday, but he would like to^ contract about five acres of okra, he said. More than 200 acres of each of the vegetables have been contracted for and seed and planting schedules arc being sent all farmers who signed up for the acreage. L. D. Staples, assistant TVAC field agent, who has been working in this vicinity for the past few d*.>s A round dance, under the auspices of the Murphy baseball team will be held Friday nipht. May 17, it was announced this week. Jimmy Cinciola's music from Gainesville, Ga.. will bo enpaeed for the eveninp. The dance will he held in the pymnasium and it is under the direction of Bud Adams. Many out. of-tvwn dancfrs are expected to be present. said that bean seed was "moving J fast", and this was fine weather for growing beans, -* Carolina. Covering, a Ijtrrr- and Pote iy, N. C. Thursday, May IALUSKA J< :es and a SELECTED [NEW FEDERAL BUILDING MAY BE BUILT HERE Three From Here Seek Quarter Million Appropriation In Near Future Work is lieinjr done novo r in* procurement of a federal bilaing, to I cost approximately a quart r f a I i million doll: i>. i the near future. Hany F. Cooper, 1 cal attorney, -aid Tu-day. The announcement cam f Tlow1 iny: the return of .Mr. < ?oj < . Mayor ; J. Ii. Gray and H. M. Whitakcr. Srom Washington w.here they con. ferred lecently with Sen. Bob Hey. | nobis and other officials in behalf of t in?? Kjlildirnr Set kin- tht funds . .. part of the eight billion t and oth(H@si ntials by the offirinis. besides prov: iing cju.n t.-rs . ' is w jjostol :';ce, the building .. m'd be use : for ti local TVA office, nliifo ffices. forestry h adquarters j and would possibly result in the moving of Supreme court from Bry; s?.n ('itj to Muiphy in the op": I of Mr. C ?]). r. THREE BILLS ARE HEARD RECENTLY BY LEGISLATORS A h use bill < 1 'LL">) to auth i and empower d pit ies sheriff to i pcriorni c rtain duties in Cherokee county, wa^ introduced May 2 ami j passed three readings :ti vie house. 1 To ; ill w -lid authorize any duly ] appointed and qualified deputy to j s.rve in the sheriff's stead in laying UU, IllWIIVM vau. On >ihe same F.y. Thursday, i : iday and S.;tuidi?>, Sepumber 25.28. w;^ of- | j ' iciall.v ct t nL- week by \V. 31. Fain ' ! as tn date o: the T-.:.th Annual j Cher k e canty fair a- ; lans were ! e:r:?; pushed abend in a; *ie . r'.ion I of the gig-antic event. Twen-'.v-fiv: hum::-* .! eerie- of the i fair catalog wil; d>tiibutcct in week v,i".iW !< : tiHlls. ?nd dollar's worth of premiums that will he awarded duriny t: i;.ir. The Gr a ? Kraus# Ato\\>. said '? : ' o 't .?n . h<-ve. will b' p esent igain this y< ar, Mr. Fj . inc< . FHA OFFICIAL IS HERE TO EXPLAIN HOME LOAN PLAN S< tt R i 1cker, - f Ash?yilU . fi<. 1 1 sent .ti- - -h Foiy.a Her.-. iPg adar. .- nation was i. Tuesday kir'it t o:.: : i ntr with Mayo J. i-. Gray arid wit usin< - I< iders ori : !: - ' : _ i.. . .- i p:o tieukuiv interested ::: :-;r. use M'jr..y til :?\VL- : Hi.-* .-.ay X-. le. -Worth C;:. .! . A Main Sts < beau t t t i Ho 11! * .--dt: i ... i l ieia:> n " fer?- I a- a suey est ion 'h project of '..hiding: a model home .lie-where *-};:> cuiimu .ity. 1* was announced that pr babl.v u?r. tit- I-ERA a canvas- ' the . in - n the highway would be r. -:i the near future wit., sue. .; .e>. i- - i the iteautiiication pro ject : that a plac-. would n deAii.ted ' th st ci;rir.'_ of con. j tracts in the near future. The FHA pr' 01 yC'J, 11 mo to vf wl. If you av ... n?r to (Continued on tuck pay) udt pages TODAY $1.50 YEAR 5c COPY TER [ IS SIO N S FORD VTMANY OTHER PRIZED OFFERED HERE Diamond Ring, Living Room Suite Other Prizes In Whirlwind Campaign lor *m p.st year the pres nt pubiishc . : S. oiit ami the Juualuska 1 U! :? . a* ' : nr.?- been jrivin^ the p ; h ??f Chorohe county and adjacent t j newspaper that is worthy of ti: citizens and bllsii:e-> c " < 1' . - section a d i- ik y gre:>ijr thai th< ; must have th? as-taiae . th? very " ? -t people in < herokce an. suri"iinding counties. To attract ihis- type of person natdr.'.y ; Wfi l'uliy 1 -cognized the plan must Le the most liberal conceivable. S< th- plan t oing used offers an e; portunity f? c some thrifty j vn n to w . r.,. of ur lour valuable prizes b in- ofi'eietl als? 10 i-i j? cent c ash commission if you fail to win a prize. T . ,s ?u . person win \vi lies to take part in securing sjl .-ori|;tiof.s will be paici 10 percvir.. Tin Scout undJ Journal lias se n to :t that no one can lose, in t?iis the greatest offer ever made bv a newspaper in C hc; County. Everyone is we lcome. Details ??f thest prizes aid cash in to i-e awar. < d will be fi'-.md ; the lzst section of this paper. How To Take PartJtij!. 9 To be? i ?ie a candidate in this listi ibatio;; very easy matt r. T< win e\ ? the largest of the grand awards > just a> easy if y u w.U < .!. ; ? i;. : ? a:self during your spate ni ments. In th;> ssu appears an entry blank ot Nomination Blank ', which : roperiy filled out and mailed or brought t' cured y obtaining subscripts <.n to the Scut and Journal. Vot?u - te issued in large numbers for t.ah subscription payment, accord-.-j to the length of the subscri; ' ..ml when it is turned in. Full : ....ition as to how to start will 1 r? * < in tht back section of this isv* tqual Opp.ortunitieji It makes no difference \vh? rt a candidate lives, so far as his or h* i chances are toward winninj the largest prize are concerned. The Scout and Journal has seen that, ties contest is different. The publisher of tht- Scout and Journal has pnsonally seen to it that no cue < an lose, by your efforts alone mines your winnings. Very Iillle .? required of you to win. You have the time, plenty * i it an hour a day spent among -your friends and neighbors for the vVont and Journal is sufficient to \v?o the largest prize in the list. You hav? the time, 1 rally your spare time a few minutes at nov-n, a few minute* in the evening, in worth more t? y i these next few weeks than any who;, time emp'oym nt you ran imapn'. Yet, it is but a side issue?A spar* time proposition. It is run : proposition, nothing more. ?b<-. no sentiment about r. To e . orably is desirable. There is no way you c. r. ! every candidate i> oaid a c: mission if you do not win a . Nothing "r it straight our. ' < . an