I Thursday, May 9, 193 filarial K Vlrs. H. Bueck, Phone iiinini'T'***'*"** *"**Tf MOTHER O- MINE! I; I v:4."" hanireil on the highest hill, Mother O" Mine, O Mother O* i Mine! I know whose love would follow | me still. Mother O' Mine, O Mother O' Mine! , If I \v?-!e !r>wned in the deepest \ sea. Mother O' Mine, O Mother O' Mine! I know whose t ars would come down to me. Moth" O' Mine, O Mother O Mine! If I w-re damned of body and soul. Ik' wiio?t prayers w uld make me wind.. Mother 0' Mine, O Mother O' Mine! Kipling. Hamby?Gentry. Cominj i a complete surprise ag< of Miss Edna Mae | Mr. Ralph Hamby on: last Satu day cveningt May 4%h. in BUirirille, (la., the ceremony being perform* 1 by Mr. Bob Lance. Thcoipple was accompanied to BlairsviU by Miss Grace West and Mr. Noah Hembiee. Miss Gentry is the daughter of .' 'r. Ki (It ; ry of Grand view, and a aeico of Mr. W. 1\ Odom. She is a - m ., 'it' Murphy High School >. ih rla-> of 1935. Mr. Hamby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hamby, of Hiawassee, X. ami i- mployed as clerk with the Murphy Supply Company. Mr. and Mrs. Hamby will make tr.eir home here. ? | Doris Mclver Has Birthday Party Mrs. Winslow 'Alclvtr entertained **tth a pai ty at her home on Monday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Doris' third birthday. After many ?ames and contests were played1 the jittlc folh- were invited into the dinroom where ice cream and c .ke *as served. T Ma,. 5. TKe Ck > ? *?? Auk f s 98-J Miss h Young Woman's Missionary To Meet Thursday The Young Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will m et at the home of Mrs. D. V. Car.; ringer's on Thursdy evening at 7:301 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. I * * * Woman's Club Will Meet Wednesday The Woman's club will meet in the club room in tho library next Wednesday. The program will be in cha ge oi tide educational department A number of out-of-town guests are expected to sp ak and sine it is the last meeting of the year all members arc urged to bo present. Hostesses will be: Mrs. C. W. Savrge, Miss Ruby Ri ster and Mrs. W. M. Hyde. * * ? Cl- araefcer Builders S. S. Ha.s Weiner Roast T e Character Builders Sundr.v Sc.h ol Class enteuained with a wei: er roust la-t Thursday vening at ivt C'.de Park. Ihose at.ended ^ e?e: Mrs. E. C. Mallonee. Mrs. phi ura do: , Mrs. Hume B'owUs, Mrs. Florence Mclver and daughter, Dor*-, Mi ;v T iia l'osey. Dot Hensley and Mary Akin. # * Mary King Mallonee Hostess To Bridge Miss Mary King Mallone wis hostess to a bridge party at her home on last Thursday evening. After several rounds of t*he game, th- hostess served ice cream and cake. Those present were: Miss Martha Mayfield, Miss Woodfin Posey. Mr. Sam Can*, Mr. Hadley Williamson and Mr. R. B. Wooten. * * * Martha Mayfield Has Bridge Party 'Miss Martha Mayfield entertained with two talbles of bridge at her home on last Tuesday tvening. Those present were: Misses Wood fin Posey, Mary King Mallonee, Frances Dixon, Messrs, B'uel Adams, R. B. Wooten, Hadley Williamson and Bill Darnell. 9 Mrs. V/. M. Axley Returns From Hospital Mrs. W. M. Axley who has been taking treatment at For Sanders Hospital in Knoxvilee for the past week was able to return to her home here on last Saturday, and is getting along nicely. 'Her many friends will he glad to learn. # * Senior B. Y. P. U. To Offer Program fThe Senior B. Y. P. U. invites all to attend the following program Sunday night: Scripture reading, 'His church, An Ally Of The Home," Miss Irene Ramsey; introduction. Miss Gladys Palmer; discussion, Misses Irene Barton, Robbie Williamson, Aretta Ramsey, Vaul Adams, Blanche Barton and Marinelle Williamson. ? * * M. L. Mauney Mr. M. L. Mauncy who was oper. ated on at the Angel Brothers Hospital at Franklin one day last week is getting along nicely, his many friends here will be glad to learn. * Miss Mildred Hill and Mr . Joe Miller Elkins returned Wednesday from Raleigh where they contested in the State Art contest Saturday. They spent the week-end on Carolina Beach near Wilmington with Mr. and Mrs. Bueck. * * * Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barton and children of Canton, sper.t the week end with Mrs. Barton's sister, Mrs. Thelma Dickey. ' * Mr. Frank Tavlof. of Topton was a visitor in town Monday. erokee Scout, Murphy, No numal j lattie Palmer, Phone 20 ?; 'M rs. Petrie Hostess To j Presbyterian Auxiliary Mrs. R. \V. Petrie was hostess to i th Presbyterian Auxiliary at her 1 home on Tuesday afternoon it beI ing the birthday anniversary of th j | Auxiliary. After devotional the i I meeting was turned owr to Mrs. Long who presented a Japanese I Pageant with the following girls j takng parts; Misses Mary King i Mallonee, Ann Hill, Elizabeth Gray, j Kate Gray, Mary Frances Bell. Mar. J ian Axley, Ester Ruth Warner, I Dorothy Bryant, of Hayesville and } Lydia Hinkle, of Hickory. During ' the s rial hour the hostess served ice tea and wafers. Those present were: Mrs. M. \V. Bell, Mrs. Steel Foard, Mrs. C. \V. Savage, M??. Dixie Palmer, Mrs. John H. Dillard, Mrs. R. S. Parker, Mrs. Don Wither spoon, Mrs. S. H. Long, Mrs. J. B. Gray. Mrs. H. M. Erskine, Mrs. J. \. Hill. The folowing guests from Andrews were Mrs. J. J. Stone. Mrs. W. W. Ashe, Mrs. L. B. Nichols and ! Mrs. Eskridge. # ? ? | Mv ?T?_*>_ ? ..... ??.*. x>. uray were v i" :< at IHayesville on Wednesday j of this week. i * * * j Mr. and Mrs. II ?.I. Erskiac left Wet,: esday for a few days visit to iii ) us and relative.: at Chattanoo^ *. * * * .Mrs. G. W. Candler, Mr. an M??. j Dal r Lte were visitors at Ccpperhlr 1 n Tuesday evening. ? o Mr. B. B. Palmer, of Marble was a basin ss visitor in town Monday. * * * Mrs Will Taylor of Robbinsvilk was a visitor in town Monday. * # ? Mrs. Garrison Mar.eval and son David, after spending several week: witi. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J >hi AxUy have returned to their horn* in Lenoir, N. C. ? Mr. Pierce Fleming and son Pierce, Jr., and mother, Mrs. G. M Fleming of Asheville arrived Tues day for a stay of several days witl relatives and friends here. ? * * m The many friends of Mrs. W. W Ilyde will regret to hear of her ill ness. * * ? ? Master John Ellis, of Andrews i visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. am Mrs. G. W. Ellis this week. * * * IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS yo, can make good money with a Raw leigh Route. We help you get start ed. No capital or experience need ed. Steady work for right man Write Rawleigh's, Box NCE-150-2 Richmond, Va. * * * Mrs. Robeit Wells and small son o.i ? i in .? Hicmii-oaiun, arc visiting -Virs R. V. Wells and family. * * * Miss Betty Bailey who has Inei visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J i\V. Bailey for the past several week will leave Sunday for Philadelphia Pa.,, where she has accepted a posit ion with the School of NuTsin Penna. Hospital. > # Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Carringer an> son, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mai tin spent last Sunday at Santeetlal Dam. # ? Messrs. Zack, Grady and Harr; Carringer and J. N. Hill spent las week fishing: at Snowbird. # Mr. Ralph Scott spent the wee end at Bryson Cty. .... CASH PAID FOR SOFT COVi I POPLAR VERNEER BLOCKS A THE VENEER PLANT I N OL1 MURPHY. .... Mrs. Fisher Huhhell left last Fri day for a visit with relatives am friends at Decatur, Ga. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper am daughter, Sara Frances of Auburn Ga., spent til week end with rela tives here. ? Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bailey am daughter, Doris and Miss Bctt; Bailey spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. John Burgess, of Macon rth Carolina Mother's Day Services To Be Held At Presbyterian Church A special Mother's Day sermon on "Alary, the mother of Jesus" is planned for this coming Sunday by I the pastor. On this occasion it is | hop d that as far as possible all ' mothers in the congregation will be present with their children and husbands. A mother's influence counts I for much and in no place does it | count for more than in the House of I God. Following the change in the I other churches, the hour of the even| ing service is now set at 7:30 P. M". Th subject of the evening's discourse is "A Sermon on Rocks". The public is cordially invited to attend both services and a cordial wel-I come awaits all. I * * * Mr. C. W. Bailey who is working at Waynesville spent the week end here with his family. ? Airs. J. H. Phaup and san, Johnny, | left Sunday for a visit with Mr and 1 Mrs. Porter Meroncy at Marshall. I Rev. T. F. Higgin-. Mrs. G. W. Ellie, Mrs. S. D. Akin. Mrs. H. G. F.lkins and Miss Martha Nell Wells left Tuesday morning for Waynes ville to attend th District Meet" g of the Methodist Missionary Society that was held Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. * * * 'Miss Ida Gilbert of Smyrna, Ga.. is stopping at the Dickey House for a few days. NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES Repair Work on All Makes SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Murphy, N. C. * * * ? i Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Savage left Wednesday m ?rning* for a few days visit to Atlanta. ? * + * *. Mrs. S. M. Benton, daughter. Virginia and son, Bofcby of Cornelia, f Ga. spent several days las-. week s with Mrs. Benton's parents Mr. and 1 Mrs. W. A. Savage a: the Regal ? Hotel. .... Dr. and Mrs. B. W. W.-.itfi M who ? have been stopping at the Regal for . sometime have moved into Mrs. Mc Call's apartment. 1 * Mr. and Mrs. Quay Ketner and small son, and Mrs. Jessie Dixon spent th week-end with .relatives and friends at Wayr.esville and Asheville. ? * * * Mrs. R. V. Wells and Mrs. Johr 1 Axlev spent Thursday and Friuaj shopping in Atlanta. * * Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Forsyth o u Andrews wer visit or* t v Sun day afternoon. Mrs. T. S. Evans was a business !" visitor in Andrews on last Friday. ? * * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. ,T. Burns ?.*h/ have been spending the wint r ir > Lakeland, Fla., returned .-.onte las Frday to spend th summer. .Mr. and Mrs. Granville Ratcliff 1 of Copperhill, Tenn., announce the birth of a son, May 4th. * . ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Porter Meroney an< ^ children and Mrs. White and daugh ter, of Marshall, X. C., were visitor here Sunday. d ? - Sunday, May 12, Namec h Nat'cnal Hospital Da^ v Sunday. May 12, has been officially designated as National Hospital Day and that date has been set aside b; hospitals all over the country to in . vite inspection on the part of th< public. On that date the hospitals wil E hrdd "o-en house." The dfu- i= se Y aside not to solicit fund- or aid o D any kind but to make the public mr?re familiar with v hospitals nn< more conscious of the par11 they play in safeguarding the health o ^ the community. Dr. R. W. Petrie. of the loca hospital, invites inspeftion on tha j date. | ERI E TAYLOR Piano Tunning and v \ Repairs Telephone 56 I YC :R BUSINESS SOLICITED * P. O. Box 67?Ducktown, Tenn. | MILDRED HILL AND JOE MILLER EI.KINS GIVEN ART PRIZES The .Murphy school, represented by Joe Miller Elkins and Mildred Hill, was awarded a frarn-d picture by Miss Bass Cam ron. of Raleigh, and three Ibooks on art. as third prize in the tenth annual art appreciation contest held in Durham Saturday under the auspice3 of th? State Department of Public Instruction and the State Federation of w >men's club. The two contestants also won individual prizes in the cont st, i* was said. Joe Miller is the son or Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Elkir.s and Mildred is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. X. Hill, Dunham won first prize and Murphy did very well considering they w re competing against the largest and finest teams in the state. Baptists To Observe Mothers Day Sunday "Faiv. f our Mothers", a story and song service will e given by the pastor and choir o: the Baptist church Sunday ev ning at 7*30 o'clock. Ti e public :< cordially invited 4f> he present. A free will offer1 will be tken t -upplom nt t'.o hymnals in the crurch. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks to the good people f Murphy. N. C. and Copperhill. Tenn.. who wa< so kind and h lniul during the .vhort illness, death ar.d burial of our Deni little son Franklin L). Mints who died in Murphy Sunday morning 1 A. M. Your kindness will be re;vom: eted througmt " ir lives. May Heavens Richest B1 -si'irs Rest with you ail, we beg to remain your friends. MR. AND MRS. \Y. J. MINTZ, AND FAMILY t t ? Murphy | Theatre i EVERY PATRON AN ? V HONORED GUEST ? | Friday & Saturday t y MAY 10 AND 11 y | "WINGS IN THE - | DARK" M X ":* X WitK MYRNA LOY. CARY Y % GRANT. POSCOE KARNS, * f & HOBART CAVANAUGH AND * ^ DEAN JAGGER. * A Hell-C.t in the air! A 5 hor.ev on the ground! She'd yi fly any old crate under a *;* bridge for 25 bucks . . . bail > X out at 5,000 feet to give the *:* , > r..LL.. L. - *1?:n : t | *!* she had a swell season. The i X Crammed-wilh-acticn story of V j a girl show shot the work for v the man she loved. A Comedy and News 1 | Monday & Tuesday % 5 & MAY 13 and 14 ? | "4 HOURS TO | I 1 A 111 KILL" k ' \k k ;x With RICHARD SARTHKL- X ; ? .MESS AND ALL ST.'.I CAST , ' X X ^ j The story of Tcr.y ;vltAko, the A man who hateu tile. ijtraijht > .* from the shoulde- drama that I .j- pulls no punches. *? '1 Comedy and News t r | ? S Wed. and Thurs, ? X X ?|.|. MAY IS at:d 16 { j!? Spencer Tracy, In * ' j | "IT'S A SMALL | | WORLD" *j* America's favorite mala f'ar V *j* in a role that p.s'kcs his pcr sonalily gleam mere than ever. *:* | News and Comedy %