| Swtal I; Mrs. H. Bueck, Phon< H|rs. Nettie Axley Hostess To Circe No. 2 Mr?. Nettie Axley was hostess to Circle No- ?f the Methodist Miss;Jrv Society at her home on Mon?v evening. following the scripture reading !v Mrs. H. G. Elkins and prayer by T. F. Higgins t.hc study of He Congo Mission" was conducted by Mrs. R. V. Wells. Different epics .cere presented by Mrs. P. H. J-reri. Mr-. R. c. Mattox. Mrs. Porter Axley. snd Mrs. H. G. Elkins, trith a summary of the whole by Mr . T. F. Higgins. r..eln - th soc:nl hour an ip> ^r" was served ly the hostess. T-..following members were prisfnt: y... J. H. McCall, Mrs. John A\ley, jfcwJ. ,T. Hastings Mrs. R. V. V, "lis. jjr?. porter Axl y. Mrs. T. F. lHaj'-s. Mrs. H O. Elkins, Mrs. R. C. Jhttox and -V>" T H. Sword with Vis Ge 1 ru :t ?- a visitor. . Circle No. 3 Met Monday Afternoon CireU No. 3 of the Methodist Missionary Society met at the home of tMrs. A. McD. Harsh aw on Monday afternoon with Mrs. Har-haw and Miss Ada HanV".aw as joint hostesses. Mis. E. B. Norvell had charg of the ses ion. After 'business session was over the hostesses assisted by Mrs. Ctlli: Hall and Mrs. W. P. Odom served strawberry short cake and coffee. Th<>- att >nding were: Mrs. E. B. Xorvill, Mrs. G. W. Ellis, Mrs. Rose Ketron, Mts* w. h. Griffiths. Mrs. H. Leake, Mrs. W. A. Savage, 'Mrs. W. P. Odom and nieces, Mrs. Callie Hall. Mrs. Ralph iHamby. Mrs. Bessii Trotter. Miss Mary B?.al and Miss Josephine Heighway. * Circle No. 4 Met Tuesday Afternoon Mrs. I\ C. Gentry and Mr-\ Luther Geatry were joint hostessts to Circle No. 4 of the Methodist Missionlry Society, at the home of Mrs. P. C. Gentry, Friday afternoon. The devotional service was conducted by Mrs. Hoyt Cox. The Cocgo Mi.-sion, in its various feature was discussed by Mrs. Marrare! Bell. Mrs. S. D. Akin, Mrs. Huene urant and Mrs. Vienna StewBin. Appropriate poems were Bread by Mrs. E. S. Milkr and Miss Elizabeth Gentry. B Strawberry short cake and iced B*ea were served at the close. As sisting the hostesses in serving were fees Elizabeth and Mildred GenB The following members and guests B*ere present: Mrs. S. D. Akin, Mrs. BT- W. Axley, Mrs. Margaret Bell, B-'irs. Dennis Barnett, Mrs. Hoyt Cox, Mrs. Iren Grant, Mrs. W. E. Howell Mrs. R. B. Ferguson, Mrs. E. S. MilB^r. Mr?. B. L. Padgett, Mrs. J. B. B&ieed, M Vienna Stewart. Mrs. E. BE- Thompson, Misses Bertha MayBr"M. Nannie West, Elizabeth and Mildred Gentry. B BLittle Miss Jean Dickey Has Lawn Party fl Little Miss J an Dickey enterBia'ned with a lawn party at the B^mo k\ Lav parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1^- S. Dickey on last Wednesday afternoon, from 2:30 til 4 o'clock. After many interesting games and contests the hostesses served ico :ream and cake. Those attending! B^re: -Tar amine Vestal, Billy I lHa^es> Betty Murphy Jayne Ricks, 1 Hi n an(l ^?'s Carringer, Mary j ? and Carolyn Bailey. Wanda I ke ^ar*ene Bowles, Hubert Mul-1 mm tv. ?uo kicks, Jack and Harry j I "lckey. | I * jMiss Elizabeth Gray I Miss Elizabeth GTay who was op-1 I on at the Mission Hospital i H^?r appendicitis sometime ago has H trfivc-ed sufficient to return to her; lam nCrc T?"s<lay. ber many friends " be Klad tar learn. ? I ^ -bases Marie Price and Tommie ''"'peer spent i1?e Thursday shopI 'n- i Ashevifle. The Chei I Attii Jin ; 98-J Miss H? ' Baptist Missionary : Society Met ' Juesday J The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist church h.lii it.-- renular monthly meeting Tuesday after- ^ noon from 3 to 4 o'clock. Among j e the important items of business attended t:> were plans for a large ] c. legation of local ladies to attend I ^ th. Western North Carolina associ-! j ational W. AI. S. meeting Friday,! . May 31, which meets at Valley i . River Baptist church. It was de j t cidtd that a card shower be given I r. s.viral friends. Looking forward to the r=vival cottage prayer services are planned to be held in the ? h >mes of Mrs. R. D. Lovingood, Mrs. Paul Hyatt, and Mrs. Ruth Carringer during next week. i Th.- program consisted of a talk' t by Mrs. X. B. Adams, a solo by Jean Dickey, a talk by Mrs. Bessie De- . weese, a solo by J?an Dickey, a talk by Mrs. W. H. Murray and a solo by J. an Dickey. The program was built j atound three of our most beloved 1 acred songs, "Where He Leads Me 1 I will Follow", "Wonderful Words of Life" and "Jesus Lotos Me". Those present were: Mrs. Neil -y Davidson, Mrs. Bessie Deweese, Mrs. < Emily Davidson, Mrs. Sheridan Dickey, Mrs. T. P. Calhoun. Mrs. W. H. Murray, Mrs. L. E. Bayless, Mrs. 1 Paul Hyatt, Mrs. Jack Roberts, Mrs. i Ruth Carringer, Mrs. Mulk y. Mrs. y Laura Adams, Mrs. Darnell, Mrs. R. 1 D. Lovingood, Mrs. W. C. Kinney, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Bryan, Mrs. H. W. Baucom, Jr., and Miss Jean ' Dickey. s * * * y \Y/?; D ^ rv * 1 i ** cinci ixuasc cjnjoyed By Several On Last < Wednesday \ Mi*, and Mrs. W. H. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Cyru < White, Mrs. Noah Lovingood and Miss Ora Dockery enjoyed a < weiner roast at the reservoir near Fain Mountain on last Wednesday evening. j * * * \ M rs. A. W. Lovingood | * Mrs. Alien Lovingood who <has t been quite ill at her home for the past week is improving her many friends will be glad to learn. * s Petrie Hospital Auxiliary Met Monday The Petrie Hospital Auxiliary met at the R gal Hotel on Monday even- ^ ing. After business the society decided to give a bens fit bridge some time in June. Those present were: Mrs. Dale Lee, Mrs. H. P. Clark, n Mrs. C. W. Savage, Mrs. W. A. Sav- v age. Mrs. S. H. Long, Mrs. John H. ' Dillard and Mrs. Rob Foard. * * Mr. Stanley Olmstead of New York, arrived Tuesday for a \ ' with his mother, Mrs. Betty Olm- 1 ... r*:~i tt... i 1 ?.cu Mt nit L/itncy xiuicx. * * * Miss Grace Parker who has been attending Salem College, Winston- s Salem has returned home to spend 1 f?be summer with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Parker. * * * v 'Mrs. Lynn Rouser and children of 1 Terre Haute, Ind. are the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Elkin.-. * <= * v M s. Hayner Rogers spent last J i wee!: n?l with her parents, Mr. and Mr;. B. P. Grant, at Andr ws. * m ! rp Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Grant and j daughter, Mary, of Andrews were 0 ! Saturday guests of their daughter. Mrs. Hayner Rogers. * * * v The many friends of Mrs. Willa'd ^ Axl y will be glad to learn of her el continued improvement in health. * * * Mrs. Mercer Fain and litte daugh- ^ ter, Mary Porter are visiting rela- ^ tives in Knoxville this week. ^ * LOST?V ellow (ro)d Hulova w?itt I watrh Monday n.'ght proba >?y near v Cooke Pjiyin Tent show. Finder please get in touch with Mrs. Staton i at Murphy. t( r\ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rutt, of Blairs- T. ! iKc, Ga.. were visitor? in town Sun! day afternoon. rokee Scout, Murphy, N. C suntal ) Y i ittie Palmer, Phone 20 X C Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Mulkey and J hildr.n, Mrs. Clingman McDonald. I ( on and daughter, Robert Benton! nd Maty Louis- -pent Sunday with! Irs. Mulkey* mother. M-s. L >uisn | \ icDonald, of Grandview. - Master Bobby Barclay, of Copper- . kill, T-nn. is visiting his grandpar- > nts, Dr. ana Mrs. -J. W. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Riggs, and 1 ] laughter, Frankie Sue, Mr. George tiggs and Mrs. Martha Melton, of tthens, Tenn.. were guests Sunday >f Mrs. Melton's .-ister, Mrs. Sallie itansberry at the home of Mr. and drs. Neil Davidson. e 9 Mr. Wade Reece, of Andrews was i visitor in town Monday. ... I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnston, of | pScviiie, Tenn., were the week- 1 nd guest , of Mr. Johnston** I :cr, Mrs. Hush Adams and Mr. Adams. ? * Mr. and Mrs. Garland Reichley and small son left Saturday for a visit to relatives and friend? at Sue City. Mr. and 'Mrs. \V. C. Kenney and sons, and Mr. Noah H mbr e motored to Gainesville, Ga., Sunday. * # ? Mr. and Mrs. Orion J. Peevy, Mr. md Mrs. Kin# and small sons and Mr. Bill Combs, of Blue Ridge, Ga., .vere vistors in town Sunday after10011. ? * Miss Ada Harshaw r. turned home ast Thursday from a visit to her uster, Miss Helen Harshaw of Asherillc. Miss Madge Stalcup left last Friiay aft?r:i.)on lor Holly Spt'lgs, Miss., to ?i-it Mr. and Mrs. J. R>y Stalcup. ? Magdalene Cooke and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. A. Cooke, Reuben and &oy Cooke attended Decoration Da> it Hemp, Ga., Sunday. * Mr. F. C. Hal and children, of Vsheville were visitors of Mr. and vlrs. E. C. Mallonee Sunday. They veie accompanied home by Mrs. F. Hall who has been visiting her siser, Mrs. E. C. 'Mallonee. * * ? Mrs. C. VV. Bailey, and children, iary Helen, Carolyn and Brewster pent the week end with Mr. Bailey t Waynesville. * Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Clarke, and laughter, Miss Marian of Copperhill, 'enn., were visitors here Sunday. . ? Miss Cecil Mattox who is taking a lisincss course at Hraughon's Busi;ess College is spending this week rith htr parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. iattox. ? * ? Miss Mary Weaver who graduated 10m Ashevile Normal on last Monlay evening arrived home Tuesday o spend the summer with her parn:s, Mr. and Mr.-. K. V. Weaver. m O * AT.. 1 >? * " wr. ana .urs. .j. uray ana small ' on, Jimmy of Hayesville, were visi-1 ors in town Sunday. * * * Miss Woodfin Pos y who has been isiting relatives at Raleigh returned onie Sunday afternoon. 'Mrs. Mary Alston who has be?r. isiting h r daughter, Mrs. F. C. rail of Ashtville returned home unday. Mr. Paul Patrick, of Know: le, onr.., was a business visitor here ver th? week end. * * Dr. Pierce MeKinsey, of Evansille, Ind., visited Mr. and Mrs. [enry Axley during the past weekad. Mr. Tom Lawrence, of Birmingam, Ala., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. ,lma L. Posey at the Maples this reek. * Mrs. Braska Farmer, of Grandiew was a visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. Jones and little daugh;r, of Concord. Tenn., are visiting Trs. Jones* sister. Mrs. Thelma ickty for several days this week. * Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Her.dricks, of j ? Thurs. Ball Ground. Ga., spent Monday 3! with Mrs. Hendricks* parents, Mr. Si ir.i Mrs. C. M. Wofford. Fl * * Mr. Bruct Fisher of Andrews was i visitor in town Tuesday. w * * * th Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Dickey and hildten. Jack. Harry :nd iit'l > Mis? fean Dickey motor d to Marble Sun ws lay aftern >on. * * Miss Ethel Cag \ of Murphy Rt. 2 G: yas a visitor in town on Tuesday. da * * * I Mrs. Blake Bryson and Miss Adel Fohnson, of Young Harris, Ga., w re Ti chopping in town last Wednesday. * * Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hemphill motored to Blue Ridge, Ga.. Sunday. 'Ui IMiss Pauline Hamby of Blairsville Hi Ga.. was a visit v in town last Thurs w?? T. PERMANENT WAVES M F^r months and months after w' you've obtained your permanent j her**, you'll be pleased with its soft natural wave. w TAKE NO CHANCE WITH IJ YOtlR HA!?. Everlasting 'Ringlet Pertranent* given in only 2 hours. Only best L ma'erial used. Prices reasonable. ^ CANDLER'S BEAUTY SHOP. ? Candler's Stere. Murphy, N. C. ^ * * * c Mia Sara Ruth Posey of Asheville 1 was a visitor in town Sunday afternoon. * * A MAN WANTED for RawleigH Route. 0 Real opportunity for right man. t We help you get started. Write a Rawleigh Co., Dept. NCE-150-0, Richmond, Va. # s The- World Friend Club of the 3 Methodist church will give a .Tap- ^ a nest- tea on the lawn of the Parsonage. Fiiday evening at 7:30 P. M. The public is cordially invit-d to attend. c * * Miss Martha Nell Wells has r turned home from a visit to Miss t Julina Neill Hix. of Cleveland. N. C. t * Mr. J. O. Hensley left Monday fo J Cramenton. N. C.. wh r he has ac cepted a position with the Crami ton Mills. * Mrs. U. S. Cobb, of Blairsville, Ga.. was a visitor in town on last Friday. (Miss Loucine 'Wells has returned home from a visit to friends at Rir mond, Va. Miss Julina Neill Hix. of Cleveland, N. C., is the attractive guest this week of Miss Martha Nell Wells. * * Messrs. Frank and Edwin Hensley are visiting relatives at Rossville, Ga., tnis week. * * Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gray and daughters. Kate and Mrs. Cloe NAME TH NEW THE A chance to win fre show house which will soon may be yours foi a suggestion for the n? theater. It is simple. All; this. Write one name less and mail it to the < fice. Everyone who m will be sent a FREE T1 ter and one of the per* chosen name will be MONTHS PASS TO 1 The tickets will be month after the name date it can be used will MAIL YOUR SUG THE CHEROKEE , May 30, 1935. [oore and Miss Rowena Mills spent jndav wth Mrs. Gray's mother at ats. ? Miss Frances Cover, of Andrews us a visitor in t >wn or Monday of is wetfc. x ? * Mrs. D. S. Ow.nby of Culberson is shopping in town last Friday * * * Mrs. J. A. Brackett. of Blair-ville. i. wa> a visitor i- *. wn on MonV ?_f tl*S = want- - Mi-, and r?Ir~. J. B. Gtay spent lesday in Ashiville. Mrs. F. O. Christopher ana Mrs. ?il Sliced and d-ugliter, Jar 2 I.ft >t Wednesday for a visit to rela' s at Macon, G?t. * * # Master R >> Alston, of Fari.er, nn., is visiting his aunt and uncle, r. and Mis. E. C. Malior.ee this tek. * * * Airs. Ha iley Dickey spent tilt etk tnd with Mrs. .John Brittain at lack Mountain. Miss; s Elizabeth and Nannie aura Gentry who have been atending the As'nevilk Normal school f Ashtvill- returned to their home ere last Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth ientry graduated from the Normal his year. .... Mrs. T. \Y. Hampton. Mr. and Irs. B. M. Taylor and son, Walter, f Knoxville, Tenn., were guests of heir daughter and sister Mr*. Howrd Moody Sunday. Mrs. John McGuire, of Peachtree pint the week end wito her sisters, Jisses Carrie, Lydia, and Bessie lallonee. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Sam McQuir . of Vtanta, Ga.. ar visiting relatives ?n Peach tree this week. ...? Miss Mary Wilki Petrie has reurned honu' for the summer. Miss 'etrie is Home Economics teaeher n the Lincolnton High School. GOOD NEWS TO CANCER i SUFFERERS W. M. FARLEY, OF MURPHY, N. C., HAS PERFECTED AN EASY, QUICK WAY OF All cancer* in their farljr stage* ' yield readily to the treatment 1 SCORES of people hare heen cured with it already. All Examinations Free All Work Guaranteed PRICE $5.00 TO $25.00 WWT mm . ? ? ? w. IV1. h AKLtY "At The Dickey Hotel" Murphy, N. CAROLINA | E I ATER! se tickets to the new open up in Murphy 1 r simply writing us ime of the new pou have to do is of five letters or Cherokee Scout ofails a suggestion !CKET to the theatons who sends the awarded A SIX ni ir? / ** inc. anuw. ! mailed within one is chosen and the [ be marked on it. iGESTION TO SCOUT NOW

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