I \ j Atft,ve And |V jl Attractive IW w That's? MURPHY \ o!. 1VL. No. 50. Senate Gi mrsTdTakin dies in macon county tue! S ..dden Heart Attac r roves Fatal To One r Murphy's Leaders S. D. Akin, 62, one ot Mi most beloved citizens and o -tern North Carolina's mi supporters, fell dead of attack at Franklin Tuesd ? about 9 o'clock. He h be n known to suffer fi m ailment and his death c.r omrlete shock to nis :'r:ep /es of this section. < body was returned to Mur; : .ton G. Ivie and late Wedn< evening funeral services h beer announced pending the . vlativ s ot this section. Akin in the c mrany of ier Llerrong, of H.awasscee, we anklin early Tuesday mor i nd business and at 8 o'clo of! to ?ee s^me friends. \ o k Mr. Berrontr returned nnrl \l iL'''- w t I ^ heart and asked to I into a nearby drug sto I j as?j g of Mr. Akin 1 >os m-pter^in the Lie l a m I fine and noble and ex I e meaning of n straight fc [ - nali:y t a < mmunity. I Murrhy. he ha 1 lived he I He v.* is a i - ect I of the Methodist churc I phy sch 1 and [ uic lodge. At the time of 1 I th he was connu-ted with t 1 ei okee Hardware company i s I tary and treasurer. I I | cal life f the county. I I I lvelled 1 the .\J. K =er sh 1 mpany making inmim rarle t 1 and acquaintances w'.'o fold I o .. . I 1 1 Mj. Akin was the snn of M . Akin, one of Murphy and Cht I ?e ounty's first m rchaa*-. } I i her was the farmer Alice M I ellen. Ilis parents died when young. B II.sides his wife Mr. Akin is s\ "d by one son, H..rvey; t'ir I lghters, Misses Mary,'-Mildred a I a, all of Murphy; two siste I ^ -s Hettie Kate Akin, of Lumbt H . and Mrs. John Axley, of Mi and one bi tber, Mr. A th R , of Murphy. I Local Couple Off To I Convention In Mexic H dr. and Mrs. Dsle Lee 1 ft he R Mor.day afternoon to join Mr. a R d II. Bueck at Cullowhee whe R the party will journey to Mexi S i ity to attend the Lions Int rnatic a' ''vention on July 23. 1 ue ninteenth annual conventic 8 tho first held outside of an Engli src-?king country, is expected R draw morp tv?o- ' uuu memoers a their friends. B Outstanding of the receptions i corded the local party will be tV. B ^ ".OSeP^us Daniels, ambassador Mi'- Bueck is president on t B Murphy club while Mr. Lee is a B vector. I To Visit Flordia Coas M king a trip to the coast B .' ' iiia this week where "they u 1 ""hile in two weeks of fishii H wi'"minK ar.d boating are: Mrs. ' "I'istopher, and daughter, Frt H -cs, Mrs. Eva Nell I-auric, Mrs. I F. Mauncy, Miss Mary : Wills hooper and Dick Mauncy. Other latives and friends will join the p Marshall; I.ittle Girls5 L st, ,r" .....vy: S nad nw of th Messa, Gre '{ ?'iy; forgive Us Our Treasp s<??-. nd Il.n'islas; Blue J^a.iaolds. Mil!..- : rs> Vhlte Bird Flying, Aldrich; W:AN Go!,!. Non-U; Wild Hoise ,r" - y;. Only Yesterday, Allen; A?i11 ventur s jf T m Sawyer. Twa: *7e.ret Garden, Burnett; Snv : y ames; L-st On Venus, Burroughs: J.-diye Mr. Chip?. Hilton; ThiiiK 31 a Naturalists's Guest, Ditm. rs ' and Scotch Twins, Perkins. j Former County Doctor re Fatally Burned June 29 CO tn~ '.Void has been received here to 'he regr t of many friends of the >n, raising: <f Dr. J. C. H Hand, ace 6">. ish ? former resident of Cherok e coun. to ty, on June 29, at Grave, Okla. nd While building a fire. Dr Holla- : "s beli ved to have mistaken a can of \c- gasoline for a can of k r sene. lat Death was instantly, to He leaves many relatives and friends in this county. Dr. Holland he had practiced medicine in the Perdi inimon Creek eorwmimifv */>-? t?"? ve-r.s alter finishing medical college. t . . 0 of District Convention ri,! Of BTU To Meet Soon 1 The Western North Carolina R. inL T. U. convention will meet at the ir<j Hayesville B -.ptist church Sunday, i re- 28, according to Corenri Truftt, ar secretary and treasurer, of the uni- | on. l|t Sfi it -rkf> "vftt jpaper in If *>\iern \urth ( Murpl ven Bill Pr j TOTAL ECLIPSE OF OL' MAN MOON IS VIEWED LOCALLY 1 S It s somc ten years a^o, a= nr. b e remembered, when the - or! >: this c-untry stop: ed their jr. I : h:ties about II o'clock ir i::- : :::nfc t squint at a str'ng j ~ - through pi ces 'jf busted bottlehat had been smoked t ? watch it I undetgo a total ci;.p=e while hen? we.vt to roost and came r ack in the 11 tern( t- 1 y an ther ejrz. Monday nigh: it was different. a "he melow mo??r, 1 n^ a g/.ma ir_r. r.antimate object that has done |j nu h to guid the destinies : 1 v .i and inebriates, coulon't :ake a jr." lushed furious!v or we it in* Tie . . * I total eoi^se as scientists are r." e call it. . I! *a- a ectacle thai lew who I wt?I it will t\t-r se again, f y. ientists further say it only happen* :.e in 50 years and usually clt i :ci motions all over the world ten.: ! r b it f its true b auty. Riding as high as usual, but with. II r unnatural light leering from nf alu.es, a out 9:15 th earth si -.vly c.ep: through its axis with the Jt su and for pe.id cf nearly fou 1* hours aatrologista c,? ked thei: tel -c pes le'.ellir.r in the th.il! .' t are celestial hen.menom an! -r< rc | . r - :! yt-H!'.- 'I ' wo:!i?'s worst ; li s to their l"-:en<: a " ? break the 1.1 or. >. v i 11 i ; s f " * < . . I " tion. 30 Books Are Added To Murphy Library h. j. rhi ty new books have fceen *:s* io ' o the shelv s of the M i ? r" ;i" . : iyg to Mi--; .1 - hi: . a . ! -v.] li Marian, Th:y. t,e The f b k* make t! neele library ose tf th m st W -le?y N h Ca !' *will h 'i ' rem r.'i .-!y H ni kPe it v? >puiar with th-- local os: Enchanted G. un<i, Bailey; '* j "sty: Biide, 11:3!; Riius. K 51" !! m ol; I'lyiiiar Ga . -t. Halib :.t ,i:: II ^ j 7 .Tie 71 me Burrs, Alexanrit 1j rican S ene, Hill; A - 1 The M , M,.?: ; Code Of T ^ I Wt-t, Grey; Pish , A1 eri un Family, Ba! !wi ; T\\ * ' _'ht- Up, Rim-hart; Green Light. Douglas. ? I :t Pe Grey; Gderis St. n g< erpto .arolina, Covering a Ixxr^ and Pot* by, N. C. Thursday, July oviding Mil LOCALCANNERY" MAKING RECORD WITH OPERATION Nearly 30,00 Cans Berries. 200 Cases Beans Put L'p ???? Nearly 30,000 c:.n? of berries and j r 200 cases oi beans were tar- J ' ai the M on main Valley A.-- I iaied C operative canery at 1 j Tan Cash Berry Checks At Cannery On Friday All merchants or individuals j b< I V.'u ben v vhecks were adv's- i i ' Wedn ? day by K. R. Th? nv?. i j r annery m: ager. thai they 1 !(' hf .ashed a: the c..rnery . t 4 o'c! uk Friday a>er-<>< :i. j : hy last week, according to E. I V: nipson, manager. I h ur.it f the Land ()' The Sky * aal a.-- ciation, market:: ir r'aas -i the corporati were pu.-htd s:e .ward as 1310 hampers of were shipped to green vegei.le mark ts during the past week, .o tiucfc loads of 400 hampers r? "ed ut t Cine natti T resit y night. W. i.e the vegetable# as a while i^rt g Od prices, Thorn; -on sab . etiigee i eaus w le ?tiil be-in; pickI . t > I .te hurting their ouaii* *. I O. eiating late into the r ight '-very night last week, manager sa d 68 per--:ns *.v joinery's payroll, i.e repoited tomat ?-> as } > ,]-.{ _ g?? d ...nd said that they .should " ready for <a::ni?g. II ivies h: t thiough a other v. -. k t, re a . !v i. 1 cJ.inan Announces Cams With Jasper Simultaneous with ths ve-elec* ; II : ry H'.hrn i.i :?> n:a:> j ager of the local tesiu was the ' * incenv.'. t a erne with trie .'- jei r.:ne hwe Sv . aft ' noon. Hi;k'ra;i i. e-: i ar;' ? !av"e crowd turn * I ti?e tussle with the g :< ! . ja.i.is h<- will run the t am t suit the patr ns j i> ho las a! ay- <l ne. m-etirg r?*.?nday -tight I . -i-tophev \va> * .1 >ei-r.. . I treasurer i the club. Jo..n liocseveic With TY.A ?Hearts Flutter V."4'. -* !es makh . ' an il P 2 -:.t Ro It's son is VOJ ...frh the TV V "w' hin a br" 'lav's v:<le of I'.v fer.i,o -og.-r.- fh'.t'or^ ! T- >iay evenin" h i a 'mi ?f .ere b from Oh^o hale college stopped h.re. O * *rr!y I itar. with ligh* curly hair and a tar eecl < mpi >' on t at !r.:ked like it might "'ve from rowing a boat was >i otted ar.cl or?y through his > "i i ?i ?d sty was he al> to withstand t ie Sales r>f cosmetics have been demit ely on the upswing the past few ch.ys, merchants report. Kut official word says John is at 4 he Norris dam and th local sals are warned r t to be too friendly with anybody lor a while just because he ! ks like a president's son ought to. Orphanage Singers To Perform Friday Night The singing class of the Oxford ,. . o ? >?> i win : - 4he M irphy s ho >1 audit irrcm Friday ni.'hr, it ha> beer, announftd. The usual large crowd that greets the l:"!e singers and actors is expected to turn ut f r their performance. t HW ntially Rich xn This State 18, 1935 SI Uion For L LiENuUNCES WILD i CHASE, GUNFIRE 1 AS "ALL A FAKE" : :< - reaching here to the ef-i* that a party of four local 4*kidAT.ei-** and their :ct.ro*' blazed V N . (a *i I * - :e S i -lay nigh: ' j I'-ve iinallj r?ped by Swa u *: { - 4 . . lodg-d in the Asheville ail wit h ti v. andcd y buckshot i , ..ted a- being "all a k " by Ezra Price, ore of the ' >u':nals involved, hei "Wtdnes- 1 lay. 1 marting under the public re- < .sings as a kidnaper" and a 1 "s- atcher" Price toid -his whole i t : v and clear:?: up the events of1 he W st Asheville abduction which j ' ed to a fantastic wild autom ?b ? .c!e through the mountains with j ' i: - spitting fire on all side- and in all t wns. i hi : :tv consiting of Price, Waldo S . Hurley W > a d Tytu> L<>u w ::t to Asheville Sunday t g t f > w fe. wh", it was said, left . it him wilfully. Believing Mrs. Scroggs* relatives 1 l ? e Iter them, th group head ?i ; * 'j- >*vi the mountains a. a very j rapid rate. Officers gave chase, but lo:-t out ' in A- ill* . and in Car."?>:?. ;r in Sylva. But at th ln>t < i; >t. B y c < n t'itv,, the f re department was railed out and the ,;d bl<? ked to nu the chase of the "racketeers."* j The wh I t w turned out to watch j i. night riders h.ast their way thioughor try to. And they did. 1H L aunted by tear ga< o .inthe j drive/ i the ar - .-1 thr ugh the . sir. ke ? ;* d.wn through X.r. . * hair. . : v. !v : th Swain orfi- ! - i uiaiiy succeedded, afu? v ' l!r_ \\ est and I. gan, i:i sh.- c. . -- ii! v- ''u". ii aTn una r ;ne ve* 5 '5jg * ? a Th? y w e ;t:I tak-v r Ku" \- <.-v;lle :.tl were releas <1 "Sur . we : * 1 plenty of sho ting," I ev . ;:m?"i. " lev. H Cue road | - f,ist as we co 1. They malce I I'kc? i mach: guns and | j v !_ v n the 4 .et is we j J . ] had a double barrelled Mtgon | ! v t!.e hack seat.*' NR. PALMER, OF MALTBY, PASSES SUNDAY MOPNINC ' . al services : r Mr. TT Pa! | . <: Maltby. were M e* h ve M .r.day afterno n at 1 *h -:cv Rev. W. H. Ban com, Jr.. dating. Interment was in the T m* :!a ehur.-h "raveyrvd. \Y. D '!* wr-on v.. - 5i charge <f funeral ! I aria: gemenis. Mr. Palm r d:ed .Sundry morning j after a w ek*s illness. A leading citizen of his communiv. his funeral was attended by' many of his life-long friends. He : a- torn ir. Cherokee county and 1 lived in this section all his lif . Surviving are his wife; f ?ur sons, ? : j and Doc, of Louisville, Ky? j anu v\ liiarci and J. C'., of Tomotla, ' 1 ano four 'aughters, Mrs. Jess RovInn.!, f Louisville, Ka., Mrs. Oscrv B- amlett, f Burkhart, Ohio, and : Mi ses Less: and Berth:. Palmer, both of Maltby. "Mother Hubbard" Ball., Game Scheduled Here | > A "Mother Hubbard" baseball game between th men of the Metb- ' odist church and the TV A forces, is expected draw a large crowd to ?bc local ball park Friday afternoon, July 10. to see tb two teams tangle "n combat. Both teams will be dressed in feminine apn^reil naturally offering in array of color and articles of "emi ine lature that should b at-j :rarttive. 1 .50 YEAR?5c COPY .ocal Dam :INAL ACTION IS EXPECTED AT ANY TIME diawassee Dam Would ormally Introduce TVA [~o North Carolina The fate f the Hiawassee dam v ay i t e h nds <>f th senate. : thev approve of t is must he connived with y the house committee ind the h-?use. While th situation hoeame m^re tense v, ?rd was received here Toesia.v that te senate appropriations mrnit e venorted out the see >nd kfich-ney whk-h contains the appropriation of $1,000,000 for imnediate of the Hiawassee dam. The TV A has estimated that this . ill he sufficient to move the :na hinery now used on the X -iris Dam o the r.ew Hiawassee d :m sit?- nea -" owlet's Tend in this county and io any v the onstv. cti-n \\"rk uuthe n xt session of congress when further appropriation is expeetetl o he made. The senate is expect d to pass the ipi ? f. iatior: '11 as \\ c me from its torn mitt ee. The h'use failed to make pr >vidons for th< Hiawassee Dam and he senate committee amended the ill only after ha i work y Seu.tw Bailey, Senator It ynolds and Representative Weaver. The constru -ti -n f the Hiawassee I'am will f rmail.v an 1 offici illy intr u t TV A ' X'ov: . (' rolina and i- exnecte * : <? ? rove highly henefh-h;' to -hi- . ?-? ;?? -f [he Stat, ,\ ; 'm r :;t - t ' H HOCt'' ' ivith v:\ri< > 'ase> of the TV A were i-fte. tirn - dm iiif? the we in c>n ? ' n with the local ?ys wh . h a:c -till jroinir lorwar !. \Y .. * the final outcome :.f the *ei.at "s a I the h<-u? acti n i the bill exp* ted at any rnonr?r.t. :.u late a- g ne c? a " y a- K. 1. Norvill .ml Mr. Ii i->y } . (' ev. w nt t Wash. n r. :i e appropriations com! : t approve the Hia 1st: ion. predicted it i . . k e int lose t uch ..ie optimistic v the .tcome. making every effort ws : :'n dam to its a. 1 as accurately as ! . I": . : eil't of authent n regarding- the final On e -ppropriation, the ill ; it ;t and extra edition LAST RiTES FOR MRS. LUNSFORD HELD AT MARBLE Funeral s rvices for Mrs. L. C. Lunsford, 3S. of Marble, were bob! at the church there Monday r.fterrn ou with the Rev. Allen Lovingood officiating. Interment was in t hurckyard cemetery. W. T). Townson was in charge of funeral arrangements. She had been sick only a short time of a heart dis ase. Born and reared in Tennessee. Mrs. Lunsford had long been a rejected citizen of th community i. which she had spent a greater part of her life. Besides her husband she is survived by three children. o Mr. LeRoy Rogers Mr. Lerov Rogers, an engineer connected with the TV A fores ir. < Murphy, was reported Wednesday as being in a very favorable condition after an appendicitis operation last w ek. his wife reported. She said he would be convewH 1 < motime the first part of the c-om.ine week. . . | . i i -t

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