rr at P Attractive Imjrly I That's? ^ MURPHY \ oT. IVL.?No. bi^ Senate Vc \0 PARALYSIS IN THIS AREA DOCTOR SAYS Mountain Area Considered Safe From Myster lous Malady. 'There are no cases of infantile r-is in this area and any epidci at might have hit the state, > popularly beli.ved, is greatly n tted," Dr. J. N. Hill, Cher kee v ..mty physician, said Wednesday. Recently the belief has be n pre. vaient that the disease has been s eading throughout the state of North Carolina but such rumors .yc been discredited by physicians t : oughout the Taiheel state. I>.. Hill expressly pointed out that t ri has not been a case of paialy> in Cherokee county in years and h added that "so far as I know, t: has not been a case west of A - i ville." Since little is known of the di~ ;:m. what was supposed to have in v:\ several cases of th. malady in .-torn North Carolina was found attending physicians to b s me. totally different, Dr. Hill -ta.i'd. ' I 1 ie has always been paralysis United States but less cases ted now than ever before. j$ Ti.ci? as b en evidence of some I c > m the eastern part of the state - 11 oi:;.y out the cool ,mountain area - .;.o practically fr e of the disease , he dtcteiea. MR JAMES BEARD, OLD SUIT RESIDENT DIES ON TUESDAY Funeral services for* Mr. James Beard, 93, of the Suit Community A.n held at the Deep Cr ek Bap. ti.-t church near Biyson City Wed -day morning at 11 o'clock with the Rev. J. Henry Hague, pastor of II h - church, and the Kev. rrea acnes, m Murphy, officiating. Interment was in the family cemetery. W. D. <1 own son had charge of funeral ar. rangements. Mr. B ard died Tuesday_morning at 7:30 o'clock from a sudden attack of illness. In spite of his age, he was in unusually good health. Born in Jackson county near Beaty, he moved here in his youth and was one Of Cherokee county's oldest citizens. In 1865 he was married to Miss F]i. heth Paris of Jacksop county. 'Ihi- was near the clase of the civil w a: d it was n t until abo.it a year aeo that Mrs. Beard died after 60 ., jts of married .iie. ' i:. Beard served as a juror at the first court ever held i.i Swain 1 'ty. As there was no court house there th-n, til. court met in 1" eld Springs Baptist church, 6 mites west of Biyson City. Ho w s son of Thomas and Mary B ar ', li neer settlers ot Western North ' n; ..ma. M.. Bern) was a itnmVr ' "h Baptist chuTch for 75 years. Surviving are one son, Grant, of Bry.-on City; three daughters, Mrs. Maty Wiggins, of Byson City; Mrs. Mattie Cline, of Ela, and Mrs. E. A. Keenum, of Suit, and a host of Krand childrtai great grandchildren and great great grandchilden. -Mr. Beard is the grandfather of ' ' if f>. Keenum, register of deeds '' Cherokee county. New Hotel Clerk A rousing note of local prosperity as s unded this week when Mrs. Bi k P 0iclcey' Proprietress of the ere ','10Dse announced that an in*e in business demanded the adN. " of Mr- N. E. Wright, of Star as night clerk to the popu ar hotel. R. D. Chandler will be retainas the day clerk P ir \ftt *//*? ift in if *>%!* rn \ nr/J Mi >tes $1,00C THA \ K )OI. Thank you. Contressman ZEBLLOS WEAVER' Tliank you. Senator JOSIAH BAILEY! Thank you. Senator ROB REYSOLOS! ! lie thank everyone of you gentlemen who has so generous ly given, in s[>ile of obstacles and I ether pressing duties, your very , best efforts for a cause that ice, I thi people of Cherokee county. jeel is most vitally important to ] us, and a cause that, had you not given your support would have proven disastrous for us. Merc words will not permit us to pour our gratitude upon you as we ieel we should But your interest, your determined tight to bring the T\'A into our front yard and into Xorth Carolina, even though it should fail now when it seems so close. will never be forgotten. Your invaluable assistance to us will ulnars be cherished and immortalized in our land. Gentlemen, we salute you? and thank you! o Orphanage Singers Make Big Hit Here ! A large crowd from Murphy and j vicinity attended the annual con. i ll rendered here by the Oxford j Orphanage singers Friday night at the sch-ol auditorium. Public accaliani again showed that | the little performers did thems Ives j proud in phasing the many that were th re to enjoy their acts. ,) Peachtree School Opens Aug. 5; teachers named The Peachtree community school will op- n on Monday August 5. R. Pipes, principal, announced Wednesday. The following teachers have be n appointed for the coming year: Mr. - Pipes, 7th and 6A Miss Hazel Watkins, 5th and 6B; Miss Dales Sudoerth, 4th and 3A; Miss Minni. Fer. guson, 2nd and 3B; Miss Nellie Hendrix, 1A, and Miss Irene Grant, IB. o K** ot- ol-i r OW0 uupiioi v/iitio Torn Thumb Wedding iThe W. M. U. Society of First Baptist church will give a Tom Thumb wedding at the church Friday night at 7:30 p. m. A" free will offering will be taken it was said. The children having parts are: bride, Catherine Keeton; goom, Bobby rawford; preacher, dohrT Ax1 y; dame of honor, J^in Sneed, maid of honor, Mary Evelyn Career, and father, Fred Bates, Jr. JOHN ASPINWALL R< WALKS, TALt John Aspinwall?bitter known to the general public as John Roosevelt, youngest son of the President ?apparently found all the peace and quietude he has been sicking when he sp.nt two days here during the early part of the month. The identity has been discovered l y Mrs. C. W. Savag , of the Regal hotel, where the tall, fair-haired yonth spent the Fourth calmly adniidst the milling crowds hers during an all-day celebration, and four days later while the town was recuperating. It was Famed here several months ago that John was working with the TVA for several months and that he would probably be located here in connection with survns club, was appointed by acting pr-sicLnt W (_>. \V. Ellis at the club's second ' cnic meeting of the summer Tues j day night. Those appointed to attend distri-1 hution of thr booklets were: Chair-1 man. Mayor .T. B. Gray, W. M. Fain ami and E. C. Moore. ol Another committee ol Chairman $1J K. G. Elkins, Peyton G. Ivie and D. *?? V. Carringer reported that arrangements were being made for a regu- . ? lar m ting place of the club for the coming year. 511 The Lionesses in charge of the picnic were: Mrs. G. W. Ellis, and chairman; Mrs. H. G. Elkins, Mrs. n* Ptyton G. I vie and Mrs. Stewart H. vo Long. Those appointed t ? have cve j charge ot the next picnic meeting Vk? ui . -?jrs. it. w . Gray, chairman; v-?| Mrs. S- W. Mendenhall, Mrs. D. " V. Carringer and Mrs. K. W. Petrie. J o Asks Rooms For Rent To Be Filed So many requests have been EH pouring into Mayor J. B. Gray's ' * office for rooms, both furnished the and unfurnished, that he has ask- 1*U | ed ' he Scout to call to the at- the tention of all persons with rooms ^ ci houses to rent, to file their J?? Frop'rty in his office that he can " ; have adequate information for the endiess inquiries coming to I'e' him. 'kt Murp.hy, with the dam almost tai certain, is literally filled to cap- I SgC acify and all rental spac! has j prac ically been taken. lilt o iny Local Doctors Granted Licenses To Practice v Dr. Harry Miller, son of Mrs. E. mr: S. Milltr, and Dr. 1). B. Kndricks, * Jr., of the Petrie hospital staff, have l{aj en granted licenses to practice in N* rth Carolina by having their credentials endors d, Dr. Ben J. au Lawrence, of Raleigh, secretary of ne board of medical examiners of E., the State Medical society, announc- am d Tuesday. ,laL Dr. Miller recently finished his internship in Atlanta and Dr. Kendricks was connected with CCC camp 1 Topton as medical adviser before coming to Murphy, June 1. Little Billy Lloyd Billy, little son of Mr. and Mrs. i Reayan Lloyd, was accidentally bit- mo ten on the lip playinjr with a dop | jy last -Monday. Although the injury a.u was painful, it was not at all s r. ^-'n. ious. DOSEVELT EATS, :s WITH TOWNSFOLK at n j ing who Aspinwall was, were at- (w] tracted by his unusual height, w.ll aver siv feet, his unusually dark 0 ' complexion and his reserved mano r. He kept almost constant company IM. with another young TV A man who ' was more than a foot shorter than h was. John played ping-pong with the lical felks, ate at the same al i tabl., drank from the same foun- co tains, laughed anil talked with the F' townsfolk, and probably suppressed "? p. laugh at th. awe which would have been evident had they known his tc identity. * At the same tim he was here. m the local picture sh w, featured M scenes of his triumphs with the E. Harvard boatman. Neatly his signature stands out ra on the Regal hotel register?John pt Aspinwall, TV A Knoxville, a small gi l-ack hand, even stroke that has no pc earmarks of being a cognamen. And ail many still wonder why he chose it wi rathei than Smith. ially Rich Territory in This Slate >, 1935. 3>1 art Work nly Concurrenc House Confen In Way Of ORD OF SENATE APP1 BELIEVED TO INS FUNDS RECEP With senatorial passage Tuesdty of ended as to inc.ude funds for the Hia\ I C. 1- * ?*# ? tecs >i?ntis in me way J.OOC.OOC TV A project and Cherokee c the local dam appeared imin'nt. Wire? received by Mayor J. B. Gray rgressman Weaver following th" upper funds for Hiawrssee dam p.assed Sena Mr. Norvell frorr Senator Bcilty read: OCC.OOO for Hiawassee dam project". The bill must row go to a cmTrf.ncf ! the senate, before final passage. W asure certtin following Tuesday's acti< c on the part of both house conferees nt construction on the si'e below Fc uld be held up for farther discussion c JNERAL SERVICES -OR MRS. FOX, 83, HELD ON TUESDAY , ??? ; WO Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah i dab th Foster F x, ape 83, ot Hamper community, w re held at wi. 1 Shady Grove Baptist church ' esday afternoon at 1 o'clock with '"t R v. W. H. Graham and the K v. t-hi T. Truett -ficiating W. D. j vv' wnson was in charge of funcr:;l anpements. ^ Mrs. F x died Su::day. Born on i ! I). 3, 1 *~?2, a| ?der the direction of Dade Lee. suj Anyone wishing to send these j their acquaintances as an in- m0 tation to move to this county -pu ay obtain them by contacting ayor J. B. Gray, W. M. Fain or fai . C. Moore. -jry The pamphlet contains inforation regarding the various tases of Cherokee county in reirds to its population, soil, op>rtunities, scenery, vacation posbilities and is nicey illustrated 1th interesting views. o - vis rt JL V ^ TODAY .50 YEAR?5c COPY On Dam e Of Two *es Stands Construction ROVAL WHICH IS ;URE LOCAL /ED HERE the house d-ficiency bill ?? vassee dam ciily th? concurrence of imirediate construction of the ourty citizens r'joiced as victory and Col. Edmund B. No^vell from house's action reed: '"bill ptfovidte today.'* Ano her wir? received "*defficiency bill passed including of four, two frnrrv linlti tin- Krvu?e fith acceptance rtf '.he f e ?n. only in the case of a negative will passage be defeated. In that twler's bend 12 iriles from here in the locsl project. Th Tva program forces' complet tory in Confers last week coupled th the expected reinstatement of .000,000 for w tk on the Hiawas dam means the beginning of rk on the local project immediateThe Million dollar appropriation II be use j *o move th machinery m Noris ? n here for eonstructt, and in even of passage ol 4 amendmc the other 11 million II Ik- apprt sted later. Herculean />rts by residents of erokee co.. 4y s.u-td the lo I ject when the deficiency bill sed by th - ^.cuse last month nested to ma. | an appropiiation for s Murphy dam after the Federal ernment had spent thousands of lars on surveys and thu* prelimi'.\ work :;i this locality in the past, months. It was explained that the iwassee dam "was not mcessary TVA d vol pnient at this time and cvas post poned for a year which s inter; r ted by manv l ie.il re?i its as meaning that construction uld be abandoned here altogether* \ ma.-s meeting was held htve and nediately hundieds of wires and pphon-. ca'ls were sent irom here ring support of officials in the pitol City. Col. X rvll and Har1'. Cooper went to Washington to k a nniedy for the situation. The project is expected to give ploynunt to nearly 3,000 men I will being an estimated federal irr >ll ot $4,000,000 to this viciniLivir.p quarters are already at iremium and a considerable buildboom is expected to take care of ; iminer.t human inflow. o minent Geologist fe Visitor Here Tuesday Or. W. F. Prouty, consulting geoist, of the TVA, arrived here tsday morning with B. C. Moneyker, from Knoxville, and after a rt stay proceeded on to Chapel 1 where h* will continue his ies as head of the geology de. tmer.t of the University of North polina during the summer months, ffe was accompanied from here the return trip by Charles Hunand Phil Mattox, two TVA geoists, and Moneymal#er said he ..i^ : ' ' uiu siuuy Hunt'iai deposit* enite. For the rast several months. Dr. >uty, an expert in many g ologiformations, has been doing- eontin jr work in the Norris basin. Having been in Knoxville for re than a week before his return esday with the eminent geologist . Moneymaker was acting in the jacity of cheif geologist for the A for several days. Mr. Jess Long and Mr. Charles -V. of T)ftnv r.o cv*o?i .. T "ptiii .uv.unj nine with Mr. Loner's brother, v. Stewart H. Loner, nd Mrs. Loner. Mr. K. V. Weaver was a business itor in Andrews Tuesday. . - . .