tThurs., August 1, 193 BO UNO SPRINGS la-: Sat unlay ai'tn- a *::: l S r;it: < . :::i been visit:-- ;t iau.: * 1 . Hazd H tpe ki.* al~ visit i ?'T:ht relatives am' f ;nds in Spi ii gi iel i an 1 said sh j.iiy is pending a days with h grand parents, Mr. a i Mrs. D. ."i Davis. \ i !> ilinir S _r- S . went to Ow! Cre?k !u--r S v at ternoon and tior.e Some g ?? : sing ing. Mr. I seph A her athy was v r; sick for a lew days las. week a: sonu tetter at this writing. B to Mr. a. Mr-. !J r:?k (J:t < Jtily 22. a little baby W : S _ p ::.d-. M>s. Ka ::c^* K* ha t a.:?l eh:!, rer -per.t the week end wit : . la . a S ! - ee \v.s-- ** . e> l :>'> s. i . a : - s . day af tern- 11. Mi. p. D. Fain, Miss Hannah ni^^^ii'2ta^SwBWBO^gsw?eawin3 Su or y : .i s -- "i te ' a .1 "it :i:e. Mrs. Anna I. u Gaddis ar.d child rcn i-l ' eiT-nn., \.Mted h*: parents la Ve: s * was th< guest : h r friends Miss Rutl Mi:ri.y last Sunday rftern on. M.. Ray Davis visited friends a Murphy throng the week end. Mr. A: r,Ma Amies is visit:.:, friends a d relatives at Andrews foi s\ few days. Mrs. Jessie Davis w. s the gues of Mr-. Kate Mtindy last Sunday a: ternoon. Mr. and Mis. Clarence \rm. visited and friends on Ow (ate : th'uigh the week end. M.. John Mundy. Mr. Horn Ode!!. Ms. i'hil in. All returne< t th'-ir work .t B.u Sn-wbird altt: s: e dir.c a few davs with honn folks. - f ....ri .. i i-.. iauj . : ::.-law, Mis. Bertha Gar iviati\t-s and friends a' Mai-Me, thi '"Mi T.'i week end. Mi. and Mis. W la.n Hn ?>; S. i :r: :: vi-:I d ' heir uiu l? and aur ' iast Sunday, Mr ...nd MrsBaxter Davi*. Mr. !. A. Shields was a vi the hp'.v.e Mi. n I Mis. Georgt .i hi ; Sunday. Mi. .1. M. J. raathy vishod hi* 1'a'Jit . Mr. S. I-'. Abernathy last Saturday. Mfiita Amies d Mrs. Zoi" Aber at hy w re the guest of Mrs, 'Jhielm a (ia idi- last Saturday after Tl< i.; . i . \V. T. Ha>> ?f Springfield, 0. si ent 1 -s*. Friday night with hi.* ather. Mr. A. J. Hass. Mrs. 1 wey Garrett visited hei sister. Miss Verdille Shields last Thursday. Mr. AV. .J. Mintz made a business trip to Georgia the first of tb( week. "surf The revival meeting began a Friend-hip chu?vh Sun lay night July 30. The .-ervices ar being conducted by the past- r. Rev. Fred Stiles, an. MfX-bb visited Mr. Horvc Berroiig and daughter at Athens, Tenr.., Sunday. Mr. Edgar Taylor believes in having plenty of good cold water. He has just finished digging a well in his yard, and has now got 6'-> feet of good cold water. Mr. Harve McNabb and children Howard and Kathryn, are visiting relatives through this section this week. Rev. E. A. Beaver who has beei olding revival with the Hiawassei Baptist church returned to his horm on Thursday of last week. Miss Cora McNabb made a busi res? trip to Cleveland, Tenn., .las Tuesday. Mr. Creed Stiles who has been i Gastonia for the past two weeks r? turned to his homae Saturday aftei noon. Messrs. Virgil Allen and D. 1 McNabb, made a business trip t Murphy Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Graham, c Letitia, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A Payne Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dickey an son. Billy, visited Mrs. Dickey Mothe, Mrs. W. L. McNabb, Sunda; & - 5. The Cherokee Scout, I ^ J! ll l Of goccf cigarette, neec/s Jja/ati And that's why the to Chcsterfieid are carefuiiy one against the other . . much of one ? not too another. We take the right an the right kinds of four tobacco ? bright, burlt land and Turkish. It is this balancing of t that makes Chesterfields and makes them taste i ? i >35, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. FOLK SCHOOL iS3 Ilr&sst wn over the A, n, the visit..' - t. th- , .,M- ;Mr? . C. Campbell Folk School were "tauRiiter, Bfflj ' Mr. an.I Mrs. D. C. Churchii: of the Sunday guest* of Ml II' u. i.::i Weaver, in B rea. Ken- |Ir- """ m A* M .11 ky. K. fourteen tear- thev M,s- A" ' Hughe: a. i.e?l in . weaving cel. ' I"'"1 Saturday niffl ( l - : nv ne .... !:... i cut.-. Mr. anil Mi. a "a ok. Wiiji them wore irr-i Mi', aii'l Mrs. Bo t\\ dauirhtc.s. and un-ir son, Mr. daughter. I.ou -ille \ ( 'lie* H. Chuichid .. . wi I . M . au nts. Sunda; .M . and Mrs. E. .M. Bailey, wi 5. W. Chtastain. i havt returned to Kentucky < ; a Mifland Mrs. Wi y??:*is leuv from their work as mis -ho Sun , former's grand parents, Mr. and X Mrs. W. N. Crisp. Mrs. Nona Holland of Maryville. X , Tenn. is visiting her mother, Mrs. \ Elizabeth Ghastain. *j* 0 Mr. and Mrs. Pearly Crisp and X children Jackie and Betty Kate of 'f Graham county are visiting their X I* parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore y and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Crisp. X (I Mr. and Mrs. Luther Martin were X 's the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. v jr. Elisha Hidden. jS nounts of Chesterfield ... t/ic ciga Chesterfield ... the cigart inner and -on | BIRCH IN relatives on ! week-end. , , Mrs. Delma McClt ighn h:cks ami R:lly m Mon,Iay , Ruth we, -.he c. \. V..vies. /* , ' a"' ' Mr. 0>c?r M.-isnhuvr Gastonia Thursday a an-lBchiM f0r that point Mondt n with her par- Mrs. Howard Stiles h; AIar;1 night guest f?f Mrs. ( > I i?.s ai i no y large crowd attt the -..v-,,. at n. sa,t y. Mr. and Mrs. ;1.., r:. ,m ... Mis. Loiivlla Carre g Hughes were . of Mr. and Mrs. Pene Hedden Sunda Miss Pauline Stale jhes a" <1 Oh ta Ga. visited her pare ;uests of Miss Lon Stalcup. NOT TO TAXI order of the County Comm ich 1934 taxes have not bet August 1, 1935. Where a person owes tax ! estate, the law requires tha perty to satisfy taxes. In order to prevent prope id additional cost, we urge S4 taxes to see me at once, s >t. This July 17, 1935. L.L.IV ' ; M^MBBBBMR Hg k SBSm ^B|: J|Bv 'SkT 4 ? t % y ^^^gWWKr .>.. ? rct/c /fiat 's MILDER I ttc that TASTES BETTER I IEWS i some time with her sister, Mr;. I Maria Mashburn. | ne and son. Mr. B. P. Campbell mail* a bus:- I lijrht with Mr* ncss trip to Murphy Tuesday. ( i. tiavned from fjjw AJUajlnA Powdflr* i ml left atraiu Recommended to hold | ? was Saturd \ FALSE TEETH 1 . A. \ oyle>. jf you havo soro gums or your plat# W P T !" drops?if you oro self conscious or nor- N 1 vous and your plate will not "stay put" K Cii'.'Ve sSu