fhurs., August 1, 1935. OAK PARK NEWS Messrs. Willard Horton and Erne?t Roborson attended a Foot Wash. jn; and Baptism at Prospect Church Sunday. 1 jl Frank Blackwell, of Wehutty wa. the Saturday night guest of Mr. Ernest Kaper. Mr-ses Vaul. Pearl, and Dele Kantby. -Meredith and Hazel Horton attended the tjuinn s Reunion at \ - Sunday. jlLillian Raper, Lucy Kell.-y , ar.J Addie Stiles were visitors at Vest- Sunday afternoon. Mr. ind Mrs. L. in Raper and chil. cren Meredith, Thelnia, Jess Willar.l a d Jack Iiempsey visited their daughter. Mrs. Edna Hatv.by at .Marietta. t-a.. o, i tlie week end. Ji; Kilpatrick ol' Patrick spent s al days here last week. Jl . and Mrs. Ralph Horton and son. Howard spent the week end i. it lends and relatives at Po-tell Jl Edgar Johnson of Verts was day night guest of Jlr. Era. .... Itsi. r M . nil Mrs. Yesslie Johns n of \ e-t were the Sunday dinner ts of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mashburn Sunday. Bo it. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank M 1111. July 23, a girl. l ittle Isadore Campbell was the eu t <>f her aunt Mrs. Clifton Rap er Thursday. BIRCH NEWS Mr. F.iliott of Ranger was guest Mr. Julius Forrister last Satur. da;.. Messrs li. H. Campbell and Cicero Calloway of Persimmon Creek were in our midst Saturday. Mr. II ward Stiles was dinnei guest of Mr. M. I. Ifcdl Saturday. Mr. Mark Fox of Ranger was in our midst Monday of last week. Me-dme-s Delma McClure and I. i Voyles were Letitia sh ppers Saturday. Mr. Flas Clonts of Persimmon Creek was Wednesday night guest ; Rev. Voyles. Revival services began at Pleasant (i 'Ye Sunday evening at 7:30. I-Aeryc ?i is cordially invited to att ml these services. Mrs. J. V. Carroll and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dotson. all of Belltown, Tenn. attended services at Pleasant Grove Sunday. Messrs. &eb Gibson, Carl Stiles arc A. Voyles were Sunday afternoon guests <>f Mr. M. 1. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mashburn an: children returned from Gastonia Sunday where they have been visiting Mrs. Mashburnvs parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Manuel Stiles. o I ETA I IV A A TTCDC I LLUAL tVin 1 1 I NORTH CAROLINA?Ch rokee I County. I in THE SUPERIOR COURT I GURNEY P. HOOD, Commission r I of Ranks of the State of North Car"I lina. un Relation ol the Bank of I Murphy, of Murphy, X. C? In 3.?. I half 1 Himself ami All Other Cred'.I tors of A. A. Fain, Deceased; I Plaintiff; I ?. MERONEY, Administrator of I fa Estate of A. A. Fain, Deceased; I FANNIE BUTT and husband, WILI UAH BUTT; 'H. A. FAIN ami wife. I J Ess IK FAIN; JOHN M. FAIN funI married); F A. FAIN* and wife, I EVELYN FAIN; MAURINE FAIN 1 BRYANT and husband I BRYANT; ELOUISE FAIN (unmar1 ritd); R. M. FAIN; A. McD. HARI SHAW and L. E. BAYLESS, Trus. I Defendants. i notice to creditors of i a. a. fain I All creditors of th. Eutate of A. I A. Fain, Deceased, WILL TAKE I NOTICE that the undersigned, J. ft. I Bonley, Clerk of the Superior Court I of Ch rokee County, has been apI Pointed by judgment in the bove enI "titled cause to receive proof of I t'oims and take and state an I account as to all claims against the I mid estate and to ascertain and deI rmine the priority thereof; I 'editors of said Estate WILL 1 FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that I pf are required bo exhibit tin ir I ' Aims to the undersigned on or beI t'le 2nd day of S ptember. I ' on pain of being forever II -arnd of the same; and I t,, " persons WILL FURTHER I *, NOTIOE that the undersign. I W'H. at his Office in th; CourtI ?1?e in Murphy, N. C., at 10:00 I ^ A. M. on the 3rd day of I ar ,lem^er? 1935, proceed to hear I " c ^ass upon all of said claims and The Ch determine th order >f their priority. if any. This the 22nd day of July. 1935. J. W. DONLEY. (51-4t-sgo) Clerk Superior Court County of Cherokee. ?In The Superior Court. THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF COLUMBIA; Plaintiff vs. L L. RICE and wife EVA RL E R. H. HELTON and wife ETTJ HELTON; L. C. HILL, Admi stra tor of C. B. HILL. Deceased; J. E KEENER; and M. B. DFRREBER'i & COMPANY, Its Successo s an. Assigns; Defendants NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND Pursuant to a jud.yne: t r.tere in above entitled action on the lTt! lay of June. 1935, ir. the Superi > Court of said County by the Clerk I will on the 5TH DAY OF AUGUST. 1935, AT 12 O'CLOCK M.. at the C unty Courthouse door ii said. County sell at public auction t the highest bidder th?Tefor the fol lowing described l.mds situated ii said County and St.te ir. Ko House Township. comp ising C. acres, more or less, and bounded an Iitcviwcj rt> lull"*V . All that certain lot. tract or pal eel of land containing 63 acr s, mot or less, located, lying and being i H t Hous.- Township, C unty c Cherokee, State of Xo-th Carotin* being bounded on the Xorth by land of Bowman Harris and Leander Bui ger; East by lands of I. P. Hawkiti a: . Leander Burg v; Soutii by land ?f I. P. Hawkins and Will Lawrence and West by lands of Will Lawrene and Bowman Harris; and havin such shapes, metes, courses, and ci. tance*; as will more fully appear 1 referenc to a plat thereof made b O. Ci. Anderson, Surveyor, March ( 1925, which plat is on file with Th Federal Lank Bank of Columbia. This and is described in a dee from Clementine Y )ung and othei to I. L. Rice dated April 6, 192.' and rcordtd April 27, 1925, in Boo S8 page 195 and in a deed from S. Lawrence and wife and othe's t f. L. Rice, eated November 22. 192 ard record'd February 6, 1925, i the Registry of Cherokee County, t all f which reference is hereb made. The terms of sale a"e as follows On -half (1-2) of the accepted bi to be paid into Court in cash, an the balance on credit, payable i two (2) equal annual installment: with interest thereon from date c sale at the rate of six per centui (6'; ) I> r annum. All bids will be received sub jet to rejecti ?n or confirmation by th Clerk of said Superior Court and n bid will be accepted or reported ur less its mak r shall dep>sit with sai Clerk at the close of the biddin the sum of TWO HUNDRED . FIFTY ($250.00) DOLLARS, as forfeit and guaranty of compliant w ith his bid, the same to be creditc on his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that a>:\ lands will be resold at the saw r.laMP th.. 2 o'clock P. M. of the same date ui iess sai{ the estate of Dr. J. B. Sma t, ae- 1 .eased, late of Cherokee c >unty. ; North Carolina, this is to notify all ersons having claims against the j : estate of said cl ceased to exhibit ( 1 them to the undersigned at Marble. N". C. on or befor the loth day o: July. 1936, r this notice will be pleaded in bar of their vcovory. i All p.rsons indebted to said estate} . will please make immediat- pay- * rnent. This C:h day of July. 1935. \ B. H. MIXTZ, ^ Administrator of J. B. Smart. r o NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'rat the undersigned. Commissioner n if Banks 9/ the State of North Car. 0 :: .. on relation of the Cherokee-! ; - Bank, will at twelve o'clock npon. j ti : Monday, the 19th day of August, >t 1935, at the Courthouse door in j 1 Murphy, N. C., .ft' r for sal at pubd .ic auction to the highest bidder for .ash the f Rowing described real r_ copertv, to-wit: A part of Tract No. 1 in District n I and part >f lot No. 8 in the Town 1 .. crr.ivvivr. n Valley River Avenue on the West j |s i.ie of an alley or lane, and runn-1 ing back with said alley or lan i IS N rth 45 West 259 feet to a stake;' Is thence South 49 V- West 20 feet to .. a stak ; thence South 38 East 240 I .'eet to a stake n Valley River AveiP nue; then with said Avenue North : <:> East 73 fret to the beginning v containing 30 100 acres, more or y less. j B .ing the lands more fully clese cribed in a deed from M. \V. B li ..nd wile to Gurney P. Ilood, Comirissioner -f Banks, dated the 15th day of September, 1934, and regist^ ? reil in the Office of the Register | y' of Deals of Cherokee county in booh * lu7 at page 235. This is the lot ' and dwelling formerly and for a ? number of years occupied#by M. W. k Bell, and adjoins the property of II Mis. C. A. Brown and others. ( All jrersous linterested AvilL be y shown tne prop rty by S. G. Owens. Assistant Liquidating Agent, and s: should communicate with him at d Murphy, N. C. d All bids subject t j confirmation ' n or rejection by the Court, s. This the 22nd day of July, 1935. f GURNEY P. HOOD, n Commissioner of Banks, Ex. R-. 1, Cherokee Bank, t (51-4t- g&c) e o o ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE i_ Having qualified as administra a trix of the estate of Wir.fred Barnes, jr deceased, late of Cher kee County, ' I I II : j NO! "I I The Gener interest on tax s thereto, only up before Septemb ? applj" but penaJl ? ly request all pe this act. Suits 1 be brought befc f Y addition, but no | After that date :j: possible to do s< t | sons will have a nenalties and in 1 IX IA > |y ' I I NEURITIS NKLIKVK PAIN IN MINUTES To raltrra the torturiar psdn of NoorttlB. RhnmAUun, Nvuralyia or Lumbo*o In minutes, cot the Doctor's Prescription NTJRJTO. Absolutely safe. No opiates, no narcotics*. Does the work Qoiekl? ? set roller* roor pain in nine minutes or aaoaor back at Dru**tBtB. Dost Nfe. M Use NUBITO today. ' Something Has Been Don About the Weather by the Southern Railway System Air-conditioned Pullman Cars and Southern Dining Cars are now in service Travri ib Cool. Quiet. Delightful Comfort free from Dust Smoke and Cinders ... A miracle development oi temperature control for the convenience of the traveling public rsons who owe taxes to ta! :o foreclose taxes will nec >re that date, and this wil suits will be started unti actions will be instituted a o. I am giving this notice n opportunity to save th< terest. RESPECTFULLY, D. Wither COUNTY ATTC . orth Carolina. ihi? is to notify all ' ersjns having? claims agairst the date of said deceased to exhibit hem to the undersigned at Wehutty. . C. '>r or before the 31-t day of uly. 1136. or this notice will be leaded in bar of their recovery. AH ' ers >ns indebted to said estate will lease make immediate p-yment. This the 31st day of Juy, 1933. mrs. ethel graham. \dmir.istratrix of Winfred Barne? 52-6t-pd) o ;tatf of north Carolina. -Beaverdam T w -hip, Cherokee County. Co. 8650 W F. CRICKHAN Contains 85 acres more or less. 15. L. Padgett. Entry Taker ' lerokee County. Take notice that the undersigr-v U. F. Crickhan f Buncomht* c >ur. y. North Carolina, enters r. i lay-i bim to the following described ":ece or parcel of land in Beaver iam Township. Cherokee C.?u*| State of North Carolina the same < irg vacant and unappropriated land, and subject to entry, viz: Beginning on a Stooping Holly free on the North Bar k ??:" Hiawa-seRiver, beginning corner t" Entry V 8646, and runs wth line of -aid No. North 76 50* East parner at 1S03 ft., 1S32 ft. to a stake (sourwood); then.-e Sout'11 3 0* East Passing North corner of Entry No. 8646 at 0 feet, and continuing with it- line 2475 feet to a stake and pointers S. E. corner of Entry No. 8645. m! corner of Preemption No. 274. G?ant No. 3516; thence with line f Pre. emption No. 274. South 76 30 Mos' 1190 feet to a point in center of Hiawassee River. N. \V. Corner of Preemption No. 274; therce foil' w ing the center of Hiawassee Rivet a: 11 nieanaers -?? > ? reel t corn r of Entry No. 8040; therce with lin? .>f it to the beginning, containing 8" acres, more r less. (Signed? \\\ F. CRICKH\\\ Entered 1st day of October, ltOM. P. I.. Padgett Entry Taker. ? GAS, x | OIL, | ? All Accessories for % Your Car f Drive in and let us ser |j ?vic.e your car with those $ ? Good Gulf Products ? |"SERV1CE WITH A ? | SMILE" | SMURPHY SERVICEx J STATION ? X A. J. Elembree. Prop. ;!; ? y :-x? ICE TO > IX PAYEI al Assembly has abated a ale certificates for the year ion condition that the taxe er 1st. After that day the i ties and interest must be ai ? 2 Cents per Mile ?IS Day Limit tVz Cents per Mile?$ Months Limit tickets honored la sleeping and perlor ears on payment of proper charges tot space occupied oo surcharge OneWay Coach Fares I'/zc Pet Mile Lv. Ashcvillc 6:40 p, m. Ar. Cincinnati 8:10 a. m. Ar. Ch.cago 2:15 p. m. Lv. Ashcvillc 5:00 p. m. Ar. Washington 6:50 a. m. Ar. New York 12:59 a. m. For Far s, sleeping Car reservations and other travel information call or write: R. H. DEBUTTS, Assistant General Pass. Agent. V s Y \LL li a- x 11 per.a.t-^- and 1932 and prio.ss be paid on cr re'ease does rat Jaed. I earnest- ? Y ke advantage cf * essarily have to | 11 mean costs in i 1 A i 1 it is*;. v s fast as it is ;; i so that all per- % smselves costs, 'k spoon RNEY. | i t ' CB'nn nflfl nonr>nn