Active ! 1^ And /f jl id Attractive 1 j MURPHY ? _ fhf l^adint Vol. II1L -N0. 3. TOPTONMANIS ' KILLED BY HIT AND RUN DRIVER Russel Gregory, World War Veteran, Dies Immediately ?; j - sell Grefirory, 44-year-old World .eteran of iTor?on, was killed by operated by a hit-and-run tary Saturday morning. ; ' Cory's right leg and right arm .v broken, his ribs crushed and his i I fractured. He lived only a feu after being struck. .gory was walking alone the , , I. about a half mile west of Top. when he was hit by the speeding Harley, West of Topton, who - -pending the night at the horn; of ;i nds near the scene of the acci.-aid that early Saturday morn, he heard a car suddenly put on akt stop for about a minute, and r 11 -pped away. Immediately after * th car 1 ft he heard groans, and go "lit to the road he found Gregory, . rasped out that he had been s'.nirk by a car and then died. ( :nty coroner S. C Heighway ted the investigation and l3c*a! are seeking the missing cat. *' C. Gentry. Murphy night police- ^ a and She rid. 11 Heighway report. Jit tan Bitick sedan, bearing f: tags, ran through Murp'.\ w )i? t ii S uth at a high rate of speed hort while aft r the a.iiden*. ap d. >" 1 - i"vices f r the deceased Ml i at the R d Marble Chut eh ^ M i <?rning at 10 o'clock with in. Hill Lee officiating. Inter-j^1 in the church c metery. W. ,111 1 I ti was in charg. of funeral 1 its. igory served in France dur- L ar in Co. J), 120th i antrv - I Oil O t. 2. 1017 and tnok i" most of th:- a. tiv,- battle-'| the war, making an txcellent He was born in .Mac n . si) of Hill and th late Sa:a (In ?iy. suivived by his wife, a son. ' at her, .-ix brothers, Carl, G ?rge. in i Raleigh, Thurmond, and Sli-ri< ;. ail of Macon county, and three . Mrs. Oliver Cole . f Nanta- ( Mrs. Roya Mason, of Andrews, a i d Mrs. Pierson West. Woman Is Serously Injured in Wreck Here bl ti b Mrs. J. H. Taylor, 46, of Athens, $ Tenn., waa said by Petrie hospital 0 attendants Tuesday to be in a sericondition as the result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident four miles north of -hire at noon Monday. The car was driven by her bus- ^ band, the only other occupant. While rounding a curve on a wet highway. ^ he lost control of the car which ^ turned over several times. Mrs. Taylor's hips and abdomen sj were badly* crushed and her arm was severely lacerated, but local physi- J sians said the-re was a chance for ?-i?? v?% vinciic in ner conuitiun. -nr. Taylor was uninjured. Mr. Taylor" is a designer for the p] Athens Plow company and was going f; north on a business trip when the ac. cident happened. The couple was fj conveyed to the hospital by Mr. g Elliott and his son. n Both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are well, known and widely related through- fi ?ut Eastern Tennessee. f Col, Harry P. Cooper Visiting In Washington ti Col. Hsrry P. Cooper left Sunday or Washington where he will spend it about a month at Diagnostic Center, w 2650 Wisconsin avenue, N. W., rest- ir 'Pg and attending duties there. o] ^hile in Washington Mr. Cooper a< plans to make a number of contacts a ; regard to local matters of general 01 interest. Among his work "will be the- a] peeking of an approbation for :? etioral building and the possibility of gilding an airport somewhere in vhis ? vicinity. fi it if if ; IF'"fitly Mewapaprr in ITfstern I ~M .abor Day Program Nearing Completior Plans were nearir j completion this week for hr Labor Day celebration to he held here September 2, acocrding to Luke Ellis and E. C. Christopher who are in charge of the arrangements. After Sunday's game with Copyerhill, another match between these two teems, which will probably be rade for Labor Day morning, thrt V tens to take on more complications than the Italiat -Ethiopian war. Murphy will r.**obably meet Marble in the afternoon. There will be plenty of barbecue as two cows end thrc^ she?*n arc beirg fa'tened up to put the boys appetities at ease. Col. Don Witherspoon has agreed to give a talk at the ball cark some time during the day Twenty-five cents gets the individual in for the day?ball gemes, speech, barbecue and all. IAPTIST REVIVAL IS DRAWING HUGE CROWDS AT NIGH1 Large crowds hav - b en attending ie revival services under the diiec on * t ie Rev. James A. I\*v. o sh \ ille, this week at the hirst Bap ft church of Murphy. The services, held very evening ill picbably last through, Septent ?r 1 Rev. Iv y here with sptcia essages after having conducted '< amber oi revivals throughout thi: .tion i . ce .tly. Having held ont Andrews at a late date, he wa ven heartyi -approval a:. I roc-in endation from the citizens f th? city. Everyone L cordially invited to at - d th - services every evening. iayden Hickey Mas Great Wheat Yiek Gleaning 55 bushels of wheat fr 1 v.> of ! nd or. his farm r a e Suit co inanity, Haydeit Hi k \ the o iuion o:' A. Q. K< tner, Cher tee county agent, has a record o: lis section. Hick. > raised the bum er cr >p oi nd that was planted i nsilag )rn last year. He turned the stub !e under nr.d added but veiy littl jrtilizer to it. With an average of 27 and a hal ushels to the acre, Hickey outstrip ie state average of less than 1 ushels to the acre and th- Unite tates average which does not ru ver 15 bushels to the acre. Mrs. A. W. Mclver Friends and relatives concernei ver the condition of Mis. A. W [elver were encouraged by report ite this week that she was holdin; er own. It was found necessar >i her to undergo another <>peratio t the Petrie hospital last week whici ie stood very well. .ARGEST LIST OF E: DISPLAY HERE iTihe laigest list of displays eve ut on the shelves of a local ount; lir is anticipated by the officals o le Tenth Annual Cherokee count lir when it opens here Wsdnesdaj eptember 25, and last four days an, ights. The dispays will be in competitioi >r more than one thousand dollars ii r.miums to be distributed in th arious classifications which includ inn and field crops, horticulture vestock, natural lesources, school? owers, home economics, industrial nd curios. Centering the att:ntion of exhih o-is is the general farm txhifci hich carries ten prizes totaling $92 i the opinion of A. Q. Ketiur, Cher kee county agent, who is taking ai Ktive part in promoting the annua ffair. This feature calls for 10i p more products raised or. the fain rid they will be judged one-third 01 nality one-third on variety an< ne-thSrd on appearanc?. Twenty ve dollars is the top prize. trukti \orth Carolina. Coverinz a Ixirztr and urphy, N. C. Thurs., Aug : Hiawassee Project Progi LOCAL POWER IS REENFORCED BY NEW LINE A uxiliary C onnection Made With Nantahala Power Company An auxiliary p wer line connectin? the South.:n States Powr company with the Xantahala Power ind Light company are being run in here and H. G. Elkins. manager of the loal company, said the w rk w uhl b completed by Friday. T'le transmit*e: will carry GOOO volt? comparing evenly with the pre. s nt voltage of the local company. rue to an unusually dry s ason in Cherok e county, the con action was beimr made to nroteel "Murnrv ?doet. it-ally in ease *h wate: - t so low 'hat tho Southern States Power comnanv could not operate This marks the first time in fi een years of operation that the 1" a! j i omp ny has h en so endange od. Klkins said. I was upon his recommendation that the oo tact wamnd". T" enreet: n is h ir- run fm > 'he Xantaha'a Lgh :r d !' . v. < vany lino- at Recal, four mil* s a' -?v here, to the Mil rally h ihv of poles that could b^l o dily j el "or * his . irp - - wort already sta--liip; r: . ee.-hating the up it.-ht ing < only eighteen n; s t. } iii i . the win - here. Both com a its have crows of ' . ion . 11 the inject. ? j o Mrs. Derreberry Is Buried Near ^arble Funeral s rvices for M . Mary 11 Ddrrebery, 68, f Muiphy, were L held at the family cem tery neat 1 Marble Saturday aftcrno n at 1 -.-clock with the Rev. H. \V. Baucom Jr., officiating. W. D. Townson was in charge of func al arranges!.nits. ^ Mrs. Derrebery died Friday o1 dropsy after ivm than six months o! <l illness. n She was bom in White county, Ga hut moved to Cherokee county at an early age and was the oldest member of the First Baptist church of Murphy. d There are no suivivors, her bus. r. hand having died some years ago. ? o?? rr HEALTH CLUB TO MEET y The Peachtree Health Club will n meet at the Peacht.ce School House h Friday at 2:30 o'clock P. M., Mrs. W. A. Boyd announced Tuesday. CHIBITS EVER ON EXPECTED FOR FAIR r The complete list of premiums is y contained in the annual fair book f which was recently published and a y copy may be secured free from eith\ er th? county agtnt at his office in ,i the couit house or directly from the Scout office, n The Greater Krause shows, featurn ing a huge midway of freaks, dane ces, cowboy side shows, minstrels e and what not, will supply the fun for the occasion. All together the officals feel that |, they have lined up the largest and most complete list of events for a successful fair ever held this side of t Asheville and they are in anticipation of thousands of visitors from Cheiokee and adjoining- counties in 1 wo other states as well as North I Carolina. 5 Although final plans have not ! reached completion, new features are i b;ing worked up continually by the 1 director and gene.a 1 interest through. out this territory is manifesting it^ self. t*rn Potentially Rich Tern tor-r m 7*Ai\s . ust 22, 1S35 i ; Dam Loo No. One am Of Co Hickman To Pit Team Against Coggins' Best Big things arc in s'orc for local lovers of baseball Sunday afternoon wben Hickrran's Hickory Hotshots bump up against Tom Coggins' Ail-Stars?the pick ot Western Nortb Carolina, Eastern Tennessee and Nortb C-"?orgia?at . tbe local park. Hickman goes Haywire wh?n j anyone mentions '.He fact that | there is a team that can beat his, and it is understood that Tom is out to see the local baseball mas- ; ter go plenty haywire on that af* j ternoon. In view of the tense animosity that has been built up by local combinations so far this yar ,the fans have more to look forward to Sunday than a' any time in the past several ycers as no one knows whe will play with who. It s bound to be a good game and draw a large crowd to the local p?ark. OLD RESIDENT OF UNAKA IS BURIED TUESDAY MORNING FitntM- 1 service.- for A'r. I. M j i. ;u. ii. m me unhKa coniI meni'v. were he'd at the fa;vi!' I e v. terv n?y? his home Tuesda> I niii at 10 >* lock with the 11 M IT Uei 1 and the Rev. Pi Dalton officialiv . The ?ervh-e"/( .induct <1 by 1 Unaka Mas ! .I.e ?f whir-!'- Mr. G rcM Wji " iiiber f< 1 many year- and assisted \ the Murphy lodge. W. I). Towns.m . i in charge of :'un ral arrangements. M Garrett died early M nday morning aftei an extendt%! illness. Born in Towns County, (la., he ha I dived in Ch rokee county for 42 f rs and was one of the leading ?it7.en of this section. He was a mem' I her and elder of ih. Bethel Prcsb\ * orian church for many years. He also belonged t- the I. O. O. F. Grandsons acting as pallbearers "or Mr. Garrett were: Otis, Clyde. Charles, Gr.dger, Foley, Gurley ami i Alton Garrett and Randall Evans. [His granddaughters acted as flower : girls. i Surviving arc his wife, five sons, Emory, Claude, Fink, Roosevelt and Vester, all of Cherokee county; three dauehters, Mrs. Steve Evans, Mrs. S. Dockery and Mrs. Jack Roberts; 55 grandchildren and 52 great grandchildren. Meeting At Brasstown Creamery September 7 The annual Poultry and Creamery , day will be observed at the Moun- j tain \ alley Cooperative at Brass- | town September 7, according tx> Sam Mendenahall Mr John A. Arey, head of the i Dairy Division; Mr. Parrish, poultry, specialist; Mr. Altman, distrct agn' for Western North Carolina, and Mr. ' Scfcoffner. who is in charge of th" TV A demonstration farms in this district, will be present. Other rep- , resentativts for the Tennessee Valley i authority will also be present, it was j said. Eveiyone is urged to plan to spend the day either bring lunch or buy it from a lunch stand sponsored by the Brasstown Woman's club. Mr. and .nr.. Stalcup Are Visiting In County Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Stalcup and , baby, of Holly Spring?, Miss., former | Cherokee countyians ,were back here | this week on a visit to friends and relatives. Mr. Stalcup is connected with the U. S. Forestry service there. The well-known couple left here in March 1934. iff pa^s TODAY ^tate ______________ >1.50 YEAR 5c COPY ims As In TVA'sj nstruction CONFIRMATION OF PASSAGE OF BILL RECEIVED Bill To Bolster Powers Of Authority Is Approved Monday Loorrinp a- proj it No. 1. paran'ou'-t to ! (1 co t 1 in the upper Tonne.v O , e, t. ... . . . ... v, ?i iv-, him construction t.n the H;aw;b>c dam is ex* e< ted to begin s? ?: while the TVA. it"?- r ir am finally officially sanctioned C" ngrcss is studying i*s first mov s. Checking u; t make < rt in that no mistake had been made in announcing the e nfere s' a(5'r? enulnt that the Hiaw ssc. dam had be n included in the TVA program, Chaiiman of th TVA <;ud. Arthur h. Morgan, was -k i t<? v?ri:y the fact. In his absence \V. L. Sturdivant. director ot" information for the TV A, said "The bill which included funds for the TVA was sign d by the President and our staff is r. -tu<l; this legislation > > that TVA may carry ut direct! 1 gu Following closely on the heels of the < on: e:s' decision to include Hiawassee ''unds in the TVA pro 4: a.-, ami it- sir sequent - '.m b; the Pre id.nt. i use : d rate conferees Monday lA'A power . whi 1 g;' " ' thi Authority the 1 iiht sell -\i.jdu | w , permits loans to state- or municipalities for unit;; es . s ^ distri button ysteins, ut p --'.bits owrij 1 purchase of ji' ivate p wer plants for resale to n/imici alitbTh *roccduio 1": this bill i- >w the sane as the sec nd d fieien bill, amely; acce, tan.c of the house, acceptance the - nate, and a< eptance by the . President. t I he second deficiency bill as signal by Pre-hi 1 Koosevel* Monday. ! August 12, which i: . lulled the local I appropriation, is so amended by I Senator McKellar, of Tenmssce, as t ? make construction of the lliawaa. see dan: practically mandatory. The nn.endm nt calls for immediate construction 011 the Hiawassee, and the I Fowler Ben site,_1>5 mil - below here j has been offically eh sen as the | pac for construction, j As xpress-d 111 Stuvdivant's wire, the TVA ir. r.ow planning its first I steps, and up to" Wednesday evening .no instructions had been received at the local TVA offi. . However the fi st of 12 millions for constrm?ti*i? u: ha.-; been appropriated and this an ount it i.- s id. will be us-d in mov1 ing the cumbersome Xo.ris machinery here. 9 |H| ? n Just when this will take pla e can not. yet be sti.rated, as first acessible roads must b built into the^ite and the machinery asseml led for transport The Norris machinery, incidentalk. plaved an immortunt role in bringing the con ernes' decision about. It was repeatedly pointed out by Dr. Morgan in Washington that the Xorris machinery could not be used on any other dam under TV A consideration and if not used on the Hiawassee project it would have to be scrapped. Th ;t fact coupled with the TVA's initial engineering oxpen ditures here and engineer's reenv mendatior.s that th local site was ideal for Tennessee valley flood control, was impressivC enough to formulate the final dec^ on. As to how long it will take the TV A staff to give its directions, is not known. But it is believed that I the hiring of h lp. ninety per cent of which will come from Cherokee and at^rtoundirsz counties, will begin i wit ine next lew weeks. The reI mov.l of lilt- Xorris equipment may i be a matter of nearly a year.

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