THE OLD URGE All persons over sixty should ho i rivileced to take life easy?If thi'y ?i,it to. Most of them don't. A Law Every Mother Should Know and Observe Verer Give Your Child An I nknotrn Remedy teilhout Asking Your Doctor First \i cording to I 1 any doctor you fc A?* r^ I afe way is \ er to give vour child a remedy you don't know all about, without asking him first. When it comes to "milk of oesia." that vou know everywhere, for over 60 years, doctors have said "PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia for your child." ; Crv-_^i/?OTvc cav >/?//./>< when I iu buy. And, for your own I ire of mind, see that your kl gets this; the finest men know. I fit ^/tu *W ficuU ^ You can cissist others by refusing * to accept a substitute for the genuine Phillips' Milk of Mag- rvSiP^arl >ia. Do this in the [1 interest of yourself ^^5;^ lr,w |HB h : your cnrafcn j]11 I' ; i Mic in general. I Phillips' , /fi/i1 of /1/atjf tteyieL. J Many Are ? A man can go to college and still si I a self-made man. Shivering with Chills Burning with Fever Sure Relief for Malaria! Don't try homemade treatments or n tangled remedies! Take that good old Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Soon you v .1! be yourself again, for Grove's Tastelc Chill Tonic not only relieves the - mptoms of Malaria, but destroys the 'ion itself. The tasteless quinine in Grove's TasteChill Tonic kills the Malarial infection in the blood while the iron it contains builds up the blood to overcome the of ts of the disease and fortify against further attack. The 'wofold effect is absolutely necessary to the overcoming of M.ilaria. Besides being a dependable remedy for Malaria, Grove's Tasteless Chill y T?>r.ic is also an excellent tonic of general Pleasant to take and absolutely harmless. Safe to give children. Get a hi *le today at any drug store. Now 'wo i-?50c and $1. The $1 size contains 2]: times as much as the 50c size and give- you 25% more for your money. Wordless Poem V picture is a poem that Is with- ( out words. Laxative combination folks know is trustworthy The confidence thousands of parents have in /.?>d, old reliable, powdered Thedford's lib I k-Draught has prompted them to get the new Syrup of Black-Draught for their cl '-.iren. The grown folks stick to the powdered Black-Draught; the youngsters Pjohably will prefer it when they outgrow t-.-ir childish love of sweets. . . Mrs. C. \V. Adams, of Murray. Ky., writes: "I have used Thed ford's Black-Draught (powder) about thirteen jrears, taking it* for biliousness. Rluck-Draught acts well and 1 am a.ways pleased with the results. I wanted J Rood, reliable laxative for my children. J found Syrup of Black-Draught to '? just that." black-draught p\0 you suffer burning, scanty or j-S too frequent urination; backache, headache. di**inf>?* lo? of #n?rav. leg pains, swellings end puffiness under the eyes? Are you tired, nervous?feel ell unstrung end don't know what is wrong? Then give some thought to your kidneys. Be sure they function properly for functional kidney disorder permits excess waste to stay in the blood, and to poison and upset the whole system. Use Doen*s Pills. Doen's are for the ' kidneys only. They are recommended the world over. You can get the genuine, time-tested Doen's at any drug store. MttMUMUHUi The Cherokee Scout, Mi ~ ~J IMPROYF.D"*^^ UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL Sunday i chool Lesson By REV. P. I* FITZWATER t> D? Member of Faculty. Mo" !\ li, ? InMltu'e of i hicai;o. ? Western Newspaper I nlon. Lesson for November 24 THE MESSSAGE OF HAGGAI AND ZECHARtAH LESSON TEXT?Haggal 1:2-8: 2:8. 9; Zechariah 4:6-50. GOLDEN TEXT?I was clad when they said unto me. Let us go into the house of the Lord. Psalm 122:1PR1MAKY TOPIC?A New llouse for God JUNIOR TOPIC?Build;: s a House of Worship. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC?Why We Build Churches. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC?Building Adequate Churches. After the returned captives had settled down in the towns surrounding Jerusalem, the people were called together for the purpose of establishing , iue worship of the ??rtl God. This movement was led by Joshua the pri?-st and Zerubb.'bel the governor. In view of Hie fact that the clearing away of I the debris of the old cite and temv.le I and the erection of the new temple would take a long time, an altar was erected where sacrifices might be offered at once to (Sod. I. The Laying of the Foundation of the New Temple (Kzra 3:8-13). This was an auspicious occasion and was celebrated with Impressive cere- j monies. 1. The priests In their official apparel (v. 10). These garments symbolized their cr.r.ceeration to the Lord's service. 2. The priests with trumpets (r. 10) i rumpets were used in calling the pe<v pie together. 3. The Levites with cymbals (v. 10). This was according to the arrangements ruade by David (I Chron. 15). 4. They sang together by course (v. 11). This means that they sang to one another responsively. 5. Mingled weeping and singing (vv. 12, 13). Some of the older men who had seen the ma^pilleent temple of Solomon wept when they saw how far short the present foundation came or the former temple. Others were glad because of the favor of Clod which had brought them hack. II. The Building of the Temple Hindered (Kara 4). The leading adversaries were the Samaritans, a mongrel people, the offspring of the poor Jews who were left in Palestine and the foreign people i who were sent Into Palestine after the Jews were taken captive. The three l>erils which delayed the building of ! the temple for about fourteen'years j reveal the persistent methods which : the enemies of Clod use to hinder the building program of (Sod's people In every age. 1. An unintelligent pessimism (8: ! 12). Ilecause things were not as prom- i ising as they should be. some were 1 not disposed to go forward with a constructive program and even bin- i dered those who possessed a hopeful ! outlook. Under the circumstances, a glorious beginning had been made which had promise of great tilings in the future. I tr^.1.11. I A *> *4. ... ./ *.VI.ip.VU..Ot v-,.., ( The adversaries said, "Let us build j with you: for we seek your <?od.'* This is Satan's most common and ef- ' fectlve method. The help of the tin- j regenerate in forwarding the Lord's ! work should not be accepted by the ' Lord's people. 3. Open opposition by the world 1 (4:4-24). When refused a part In the ! work, open opposition was resorted to. III. Assurance of the Completion of the Second Temple (Zech. 4:0-10). By means of the golden candlestick | is represented the restoration of the 1 Jewish nation and the fulfillment of ; its divine purpose. It was to be a light In the world. There were : insuperable difficulties In the way of j accomplishing their restoration, represtarted by the great mountain, but assurance was given that Cod by his Holy Spirit could easily accomplish j their restoration. The mountain would ; he displaced by a plain. The two olive trees represent Zerubbabel and j Joshua. The Holy Spirit was to ac oompllsh this work through them. IV. The Temple Finished (Ezra ?: : i^Liro Through the ministry of the proph- j ets, Ilaggai and Zecliariah (Ezra 5:1;! Hag. 1. 2), the people were encour- i aged to resume thf wirk of the build Ing of the tenv e ' ' . the temple was finished, t. y solemnly dedicated it to God (lv/ra 6:16-22). V. The Blessedness of Dwelling in God's House (Hs. 84:1-4). 1. The longing of the soul for God's house (vv. 1. 2). 2. The sparrow and swallow find protection in the sacred precincts oi God's house (v. 3). 3. At home in God's house (v. 4) Those who have a heart for God flm their chief delight lu dwelling In hh house. lrphy, N. C., Thursday, Novemb "Calumet sure gives you y< Big New 10/ SAYS MRS. W. W. HICKBY. OF CHIC; "THERE'S a lot of good baking in that 10c can of w; Calumet," observes Mrs. than a dime any day! ' ry "Of course, with my big family 1 get the full-pound can?and it's only 25c now. As long as I bake. Calumet Grandfather Rommel, who was a baker for 40 years, says: "Calumet takes J job nowadays." $ k LOOK AT THE HEW CALUMET CAM! 'feS? A simple twist. . . and the Fasy-Opening Top lifts off. Ao delay, no spilling, no p^ T^ A Ktt'S (19 jfflnrir ' ' 'YSAV. WHAT RlGri^^ nf GEE, OAD...COME ONY? HE ^ EWJOV LIFE ^ y OUT AND SHOOT J V WHEN VOU FEEl^ .;..... .... ' -^? ^ JiM.WRE MAKING YI J*W WSA I (EU- HER \ LIFE MISERABLE (] W HAD MV /^AE'S WCKVj FOR All OF US M HEADACHES U 40U DON'T< WlTH OOUR CROSS I M? WOlGESTlONll START ftCT.MG IT, il VOU'O 66 (S AS MEAN to vour old pad has I sweu. to 6o jsm been a mew mam ell i bumtimg wltaj^y slfjce he caan&ednh er 21, 1935 >ur money's worth, with that f make* Calumet so dependable? Why Is it different ther baking powders? Calumet combines two distinct ng actions. A quick action for the mixing bowl?set free id. A slower action for the oven?set free by heat. This 1 Calumet prices are VeV! Calumet is now selling at the ist prices in its history.. .The regular e of the Full-Pound Can is now 25c! And ask to see the new 10c can lot of good baking for a dime?with .imet, the Double-Acting Baking 'der. A product of General Foods. '3 CRM IVOUR COAX! LOOK AT f SPOIL HIS FWJ ! -C I *Kltl SHOES ! GET ItfTo I WHV NOr 6lV? HIM J" the j\agwo lftomg^/| I'LL BET WNTKW6 VOUVg)fl'LL JOS^NoT wr0n6 i J GOT COFFEE-NE^tS! - WE SOU I ^ KN0Wc,'l PERHAPS WR6 ONE OF UPON THAT L poSTUM jd THOSE WHO SAOUUWTT -To SHOW* I ALWAVS DRINK COFFEE! WHS ( SOU HOW I DRIVES ME* DC^j^U CHANGE TOj WRONG "\A/HY WM coffee Ifjy J VV bad for you, Dad? V yj\ )> y^m ... I thought it was S^; jyi bad just for us kids!" "Oh, no! Many grown-ups, too, find W f / that the caffein in coffee upsets their nerves, causes indigestion or keeps them awake nights!" tr ? xi yuLx <uc uuuicicu uy utauatiics, or mui^csuon, or can't sleep soundly ... try Postum for 30 days. It contains no caffein. It is simply whole wheat and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. It's easy to make ... costs less than half a cent a cup. It's delicious, too ... and may prove a real help. A product of General Foods. FREE! Let us send you your first week's supply I of Postum free! Simply mail coupon. General Foooa, Dattle Creek, Mich. w n u. n-ss Please send me, without cost or obligation, a week's supply of Postum. Name. S t rect ? ? City .State Fill in completely?print name and address. (This offer espires July 1, 1936) * -v

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