.H.! ? MURPHY ^ | Tkt Leadutf Vol. II1L-?No. 20. FVA HAILED AS PUBLIC BENEFIT IN HIGH C0UR1 ammings Piles Brief Ir Support of Validity of "Yardstick WASHINGTON, Ike. 13 -Hail the TV A power "yardstick" ex intent as of great public benefit government told the suprenn irt today the legislation shoul' upheld as a protector of the na n's resources against "monopoly and waste." This assertion was made in a hrie : ed preliminary t.o arguments nex hursday on the constitutionality o legislation. The case will tcs ' right of the government to ac ire transmission lines to convey Kt-plus electric power to municipal'! ics for sale in competition will ivate companies. The federal district court foi rthein Alabama held the legisla n invalid hut was reversed by th? in. coun 01 appeals at new ur a 11s. The latter ruled the govern ment could dispose of surplus powei reated at the war-time power an< trate plant as Muscle Shoals. Fourteen minority stockholders o" e Alabama Power company, th? ncern directly affected, starter o legislation. They objected to : ntract under which the company Id eom* of its tranmission lines U TV A. Upk?14i CoTrrnmcnt Rights "We maintain," Attorney Genera < ummings told the supreme couri n the brief, "that, under the com mere* and war powers and the prop rty: clause* of the constitution, th? ^ovfrmwnt may di^poee of any sur plus power created by Wilson dam snd that the conversion of th< *Hterpower into electric energy anc Ohe transmission of the energy tc market for sale are lawful means ol disposition. * * * "The Tennessee Valley Authortj < mbodiea the conclusion of congress that monopoly of the power at Wilson dam was to be avoided; that its -nefits were to be broadly distribut , . 1 - flint ft\r- tKi-s iiiirnn-t- it Wfl essential that authority to acquit* transmission lines to be given to s government agency." The government said the "watei power created by Wilson dam be longs to the United States" ami "i: held in trust for the people." As sorting the "yardstick" plan?to pro vide a measure of the cost of electric power?was constitutional, tht brief added: Matter Of Accounting "The so-called 'yardstick' is onlj a matter of accounting coupled wit! . wide-spread publication of the in i or mat ion obtained. The yardstick whatever its influence on rates, doe* not have the effect of law. "It is not expressed in terms ol i\v. It does not purport to be law t imposes no duty. !: prescribes m i.alty. Its funct ?-n is educational nd at most advisory." ! Replying to contentions of critic at the legislation invades stat* veringty, the government saic here is no purpose to legulaU alters reserved to the states by th< Continued on back page Must Have Auto Tags By January 1st, 1936 There will be no extension 01 N' rth Carolina automobile tags thi r and any one faiing to product idence to the effect that they hav< -ered their tags by the first of th< fi will be liable for arrest, .1. A inn, Jr., Cherokee county traffic ' t'icer, announced Wednesday, lags have been reduced about 2. cent in cost this year. Application may either he ma ' ough the patrolman, which wil >' time and expense, or thi< igl correspondence t ? Raleigh. o TO SPONSOR PICTURE ' ladies of the Methodist Mis v nary Society will sponsor the pic , . "Grand Exit", starring Edmum v- and Anne Sothern. which slmw the Henn theater here Monda' rnoon and night. The group i - charge of the sale of ticket lit m ; Weekly Naotpmper in Wetlern NorU Murpl Scout To Be Out On Tuesday Next Week In order that the Scout force j ^ may have Christmas day off. the j Scout will publish its special "Christmas Holiday Edition'" on ! Tuesday of next week. 1 In view of the tremendous task j that faces the publisher and hisstaff contributors, correspondents | and those wishing to carry adverj tisirg in this issue are requested to j note the change in date and prepare to have their copy in the of- j f'ce no. later than Monday morn- | ing. Murphy Merchants To j Give Valuable Prizes f In an effort to stimulate trade in | t Murhy* a number of local merchants j j- are giving away valuable merchant disc and cash prizes during the holi ays. 'JTie Cherokee furniture company will give away $150 worth of furni-j tore the evening before Christmas. : 1 lh..^ Wishiaa 1 ?1 I - > ?. ?u Ut < Hj;iunr 1V1 Hit" j r . rizes are merely asked to go by the i _ ;tore and fill out a questionaire. , They do not have to buy anything , to win. Mr. W. R. Piiikerton owner of j r i'irkerton's store and the Ardmour j j Beauty shoppe will give away either a $125.00 hVigidaire or a battery I f radio set to some atron of his store i ?i shoppe as well as a $35 bicycle to ^ some child on that date. k Carringer's Department store will . .jive away cash prizes totaling $10 ^ >n the same day. C urrently the managers of \V. B. Dickey and Sons are giving away j merchandise to their patrons and Mr. ^ J. W. Lovingood is offering a vanity dresser during the holidays. ? o s Mrs. Staten Improved Following Auto Wreck ! Mrs. L. R. Staton, Murphy, N. C. j has sufficiently improved to return > home from the hospital, her mans [ friends will be interested to know Dr. and Mrs. Staton, Mrs. Ruth Car j ringer and her two children, were en- j route to Knoxville, lenn., hnday folI lowing Thanksgiving, and were i struck by another car. near Maryville Tenn., practically demolishing th? i Staton's car and painfully injuring Mrs. Staton. Other members of thw { party received minor cuts and bruises Mrs. Staton was given first aid at the Maryville Hospital and returned tv - Petrie Hospital for further treat * ment, where Or. Staton is a member of the staff. MURPHY TERMED SL OTHER LARGER T (The following letter was rei reived from -Mr. E. B. Norvell. Murhy attorney and former mayor oi tb.?- town. Mr. N * \ ell : r.ng up several points that should be ?>i | great interest to all citizens of this section?the editor). j|| KB B December D?, 1935. >| |\? the Editor of the Scout: . I am wondering why t is we do not see. in your paper, more about - j the physical appearance and con i ditions of Murphy and, the attraei | tions that should interest, and the accomodations that can be given, not only its citizens but, the citizens of the county and all people who poss through the same. By comparison, the Town of Murphy is equal to and, in many respects * superior to other towns of five times its population. When I i came to Murphy, very nearly s forty.seven years ago, there were only three brick store "houses in the town, namely the C. B. Hill store, the W. B. Dickey Sons store on Tennessee Street, and the Mayfield Building on Valley River Avenue. We had no sidewalks. > The streets were not any better than the ordinary country road. The courthouse, a small brick structure, was in the center of the i ; souare. Now we have a number i of brick structures on both sides ; Tennessee Street. Valley Rivt i i Avenue, Peaehtree and Hiawassee [ Streets, as well as brick residences hi uirhout the town. We have j t.? date sidewalk,- with hat : s sir fa ce streets, which said streets leading from four directions into s( Murphy, are one hundred fee* wide, in- idim the s d tmkt\ h Carolina. Covering a lAtrpr- and iy, N. C. Thurs., Dec. 11 EDWIN BRV SON MYSTERIOUSLY DIES OF BURNS Sylva Boy, Bread I ruck Driver, Was Well Known In Murphy Varied sto. < >. fat hed togethr '. spelle i nothing but a horrible death tor Ed Bryson, "1" Sylva. who. as a oread truck driver between Asheville an i Murphy, had many close friends ; here. j The boy was burned to death, under suspicious circumstances, late Fiiiay night about 7 miles south of Bryson City. According to his dying statement and lb. Charles Candler's statements, it b believed that Bryson stopped to : help several men. who were parked I on the highway at night, and who beckoned to him for aid, to fix their i lights. In his last statement Bryson said he walked around the car to look at tne tag <a \ jrgVnia license plate) an-! | he remembered nothing else. Coming out of a dazed condition he I got in his truck, drove it up the road an ran into a sharp bridge. In the wreck gasoline spilled on his clothes. He lighted a match to look at his truck and his clothes caught on fire. He tore them off and hailed an up. bound bus which carried him to Bryson City. From there he was taken to the hospital at Sylva where he died Saturday morning at 3 o'clock. He is survived by his wife, three brothers, and three sisters, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard L. Bryson, of Beta. He was known to have $47 of the company's money which was either stolen or burned in his pocket before the tragedy. Fourteen dollars of his own money was found in a belt around his waist. It is believed by some that two escaped prisoners, who robbed a bank in New Tazewell, T?nn.; who killed a sheriff, and who are now hiding in the mountains in the Swain county section, may have had a hand in the affair. attending meeting (' unty agents A. Q. Ketner and R, B. Wooten and Miss Pauline Lentz, 1 !? a! demonstration agent, are spending this week in Raleigh at a meetin-j . of the county agents and those inter i e: ted in extension work. IrLKIUK I U MANY OWNS BY ATTORNE\ } have all of our wo'.! lightcxi with "White Way" lights for some distance on each street leading from the center of town; we have ut r? da:e hotels, and cafes, wholesale establishments, garage- and filling s at ions, an up to date hi at re. also an up t -. date watei and sewerage system, and the no-rant lie es'aha.-hntents would do credit t-> any tow v. of five i times the population of Murphy, and, above ail things we have one ol the most beautiful and complete courthouses in the state, and, ai>?> have a Public Library, two fine brick as well as two other fine Churches, and. an up to date hospital. I believe if more was said about the physical appearance and conditions of Murphy, and the aceomo .a:ion it can give, a great many f 4 ur citizens. as wen most' wn. pass :irougii, would take cognizance of the attractions that Murphy afford-, an?l instead of peoi le going to Atlanta, Asheville. Ki > xville. and Chattanooga, to do theii -hopping, they would come to Murphy an i. save the costs of trips to other places. i feel certain that those who wish to do their Christmas Mopping tan find all they wish in the mercantile ' tat shments in Murphy. I would like to see in your paper, in m future. more about the attractions which Murphy affords. Not too much . red?t can 'e given tl se ho. in the past and present, . ive done much to bring a' -m *iic ent conditions. p ?>m Potentially Rich Teen lor* in This )y 1935. ~j Glad Christma Enthusiastic* By Citizen Saturday Due To Be Shortest Day Of 1935 Busy Christinas shoppers will ! have to "step on it" Saturday to get in a full day's work?for it is Ithe shortest day of the year. Although the difference in the ' length of tHe days is almost negliI gible, we are headed hack for "the six months of daylight." The sun rises at 6:30 and sets at 4:19, acI cording to the old almanac nailed i on the wall. CHEROKEE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ADDS 2 MEMBERS J Dr. B. W. Whitfield, local physician, and Dr. R. Leon Staten, Petrie ' hospital surgeon, were elected into j membership of the Cherokee County i Medical association at a meetings of "he jrroup n the office of Dr. N. B. Adams, president of the club. Wed-j ' nesday. The society also voted to practice I in connection with Good Samaritan I society patients at two . thirdc the usual fee provided some officer of the Good Samaritan club requested th?* work to be done beforehand. A reelection of all officers of the preceding year were held and the following remained in office: I)r. N. H. Adams, president; Dr. B. G. Webb, vice-president; Dr. E. E. Adams, secretary. Dr. K. W. Petrie was appointed as representative to the State society with Dr. J. N. Hill, being appointed alternate. A motion was passed to have a oommittee composed of Chairman Dr. Petrie, Dr. Hill and Dr. Whitfield to secure an out of town speaker for the next meeting, the date and place of which will be announced later by the committee. The comj mittee was instructed to consider in. Iviting members of the medical profession from surrounding counties. JO JO S LETTER TO SANTA SHOWS FAITH IN SCOUT This year hundreds of kiddies from all sections of Cherokee, county are getting in touch with I Santa Claus?telling him what they i wain inrougn me pages ??r tne r ' SCOUT. We arc glad to ii?*t the lettei because it helps make the children happy. Here's a typical letter from Jo Jo. young daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Howard Moody: Hear Santa Clans: "I am a good little girl and am ! ?-ight yt-ais old and have been sick. 1 want a bottlctot doll, an electric train and a Make;. Mouse Movii projector and a dollar and huildin: blocks large and some canity and nuts. Love, Jo Jo Moody. i Hundreds of letters like these i cni>u> tV??i4 fKt. .-hililrun h*?v?- fnith i:i Santa Clans ami they have faith in your county paper. The ('hero, kee Scout, to forward these letteralong. The South has served overyomin this section faithfully for nearly 50 year- It has rendered a j ''ill service to the public. And now. more than every before, with largest -ascription list j in It- history and the largestv-'lume of reading material ami l a ivei isements it fea- ever known. ; it beai .it that faith and good nil! that is placed :i it. i American Legion To Give Flour o Need} M<of th. Toe Vliter F.:k T>i >-t of the .V ' an I evion dceic " . ?? ...... Ju.-r day night t ' of fio'il 1 C- * 1 r, th < territory. ... " H ?-t man presu: jit TODAY Stale &1.50 YEAK -be COP* s Season illy Awaited is Of Cherokee [SANTA'S ANNUAL VISIT TO THRILL MANY CHILDREN Murphv Monies, Stores Are Decorated For Gala Or casion Th?* spirit' of Christmas with its cheer and gaiety has decended upon Murphy an: is in ev der.ee in the bust! n?r an<i hurry of shopper; and thi shrill shrieks of pi ensure irom little children uho are awailinjr the arrival of Santa Claus. With the annual visit less than one ' ivt'i-K away, nt. rfiCK reig;.- as * :iidis uted rulev c?f the land. Murphy and Cherokee county folk an* last getting m readiness for the hoSi(ia\ ni' holidays. Stores ha^ en -laying open unusually late every ni^ht this week ami will remain open un ii late hours to meet the d?t?and of late Christmas purchasers. | JjSrhe volume <>f Christmas b.-yuig reported by local merchants ind aits i.nat .Santa will distribute h.s its with a lavish hand in this area Joy stocks are rapidly becoming iieplc*d, and there hat been a wide ?hmim id this Christmas for useful and v,?. nwhile gifts for every meivho tit ?e family,, j Hie streets of JHurphy, gaily attired and with colorful lights aglow evenings are offering scene** of cheery activity such as comes t ui. nee a year. From the tiny tot to the gray-haired veterans of many Chrifftmasts?all are are plying *-!.?way in enthusiasm to view The i,.. y shop windows that have been attentively and appealing decorated, t l'raetically all the Murphy j chants have cooperated with the ?? j cal Woman's club in having l-;e Christmas trees decorated in lu i t ? . | their stores, and these toe ; ;? d>. 1 ' ing the admiration ? ( n ? crowds. Stores, completely ... I> I tifully stocked, are holding t k ' tention of many per.-?'i- v v i i there to look and to buy Wreaths and uet rand ; trees brighten the resi .? nt ; ! s? ' -i and leave n. 4-< ^ a- ' ? 1 j coming oceasion. ru I ut* >:quarc is orient!'. o?v? for Hit- Ur t : ii: :n . <? tine evoigi- ens ith tb< ; pure* i crossings are drawn . \ < ; . 1 who visit the tnwu ;i' : t College students a.*"'' ictu-i : . daily from the rani; ..i d hail r spend the vara* ?? ? 1 r?? home firos'Of. ami tear rets who . : instructiitL' ?-ther 1 ing in each day. A J! the local arc ; . in.tr special program* for the .* ,, family, w.tii ; :? m;-<:n land Christina- ."--ay- w >.... i ? . , I out the -ignit'lcan; ikeine Yule tide t-asen. The greatest delight in i m.! tions for Chi isinjas s to I * h i . the impatient anticipation with v..' ? ; each child looks forward ;o that *. t when Santa Claus. . u.ii< < w>: \ bundles, out gay and ' ?; ! will pay his annual - . - a- ' . little boy? and uirls. This contagious ?-nt..?.- | kiddies i-? spread ng ir.?. tr.? h* j of their tide-- and be ? l- < .? and more < ' ;<k*nt t'Vc.ywhrt Routine 'ares ?.t tin* .... . be dispelled for the i which will reach is \ Abac. Ik1.. 2r*th, the "'i/thd;.- ' Christ. Roads In Cherokee Co. In Good Sh ".r he f'tr y. they ...

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